Hey guys,
I just wanted to post a quick update on what's going on with me, and my lack of presence lately. Things have just kind of snowballed on me with what happened to my dog (he's doing a LOT better, by the way. He's almost completely healed, and getting back to his old self), holiday drama, and about a hundred other things that I'd rather just put out of my mind for now.
On top of that, I've been sick this week, which has really drained me, but I'm sitting here with a big bowl of chicken noodle soup as I type this, and I'm starting to feel a bit better.
I'm sorry if I worried anyone. :-)
I'm still waiting on approval from the college, but they're cutting it kind of close so I'll probably call next week and find out what the deal is.
As far as Robin goes, I need to get the next entry finished, as much for myself as anything. I'm dealing with a lot psychologically right now, and I think some of it has built up because I haven't been able to write much lately. I've said all along that writing Robin has been my therapy, and I think letting myself get lax about it has contributed to my present state of mind-fizzle.
I feel like I just want to crawl into a hole and hide, but I'm not sad, which usually accompanies those feelings. I just feel empty, confused, and lost. Par for the course I guess :-P
Anyway, I'm not going to say "I should have something ready soon" because every time I do, something in the real world comes up :-P So I'll just say I'm going to go over what I have written, and see if my muse wants to come out and play after I post this.
Don't get well soon, get well EFFICIENTLY.
Most things turn out better when they are not rushed. =)
missed you
your presence has been missed, but do what you have to to take care of youself first. if that means more writting you wont hear any complaints out here. take care. (hope the little furry one is feelin better)
I was concerned about you
Zoe I really was concerned about you hun I'm sorry your sick hun. You really need to see someone about your depreshion hun. I do care about you. I'm so sorry about things that are going on. With the college it takes a while I know espicaly a university.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Love Samantha Renee Heart
I've missed your stories,
I've missed your stories, but you do need to take time out for yourself as I am finding out.
I hope you feel better soon.