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A Curious Awakening Part II: New Location
I stood angrily facing them. "What the hell have you done to me?" I
said in my new feminine voice, which still contained an element of
shock. "We're really sorry" said Sue, "oh, well that makes it alright!"
I shouted, "Have you both been telling me a pile of lies?" I considered
swearing but at this point I just wanted answers. "Alright, we're
really sorry, and I'll explain" said Emma, she handed me a gown and I
slipped it on. I sat back down in the chair awaiting her words, it
suddenly occurred to me how foolishly I had walked into this, kind of
like a dream when you don't think rationally before doing something.
"Right" she went on "what we said was true, we do have to find a man
and perform this ritual to stay alive, we have to do this annually,
taking a mans sperm is proof of it, but here's were it gets tricky,
Sorceresses don't get pregnant, at least not for the past 500 years
thanks to a curse, and the only way to bring a new sorceress into the
world was to be the daughter of a sorceress, so as you can imagine
since the curse of not being able to become impregnated came about it
became difficult. So the Sorceress' guild made an addition to the
annual ritual so that if the man participated with more than one Girl,
he would become a girl himself and also be infused with the power of a
Sorceress himself, it's the only way to keep the guild alive".
I sat wide-eyed in total disbelief as I absorbed this huge chunk of
information, this was happening WAY to fast, I had to speak "so...what
now?" Sue answered "we will take you to Spain to meet Danielle the
leader of the guild where hopefully you will join us". I shot to my
HELP YOU? NOT A CHANCE IN HELL." Before I could continue Emma blew some
dust in my face. I lost consciousness for the third time that day.
I looked around, there was a gap in my memory, I was in a white tiled
room with no exits. I looked round to see 9 other men standing in line
with me, all naked, why was I here? What was the last thing I remember?
I don't know. Suddenly all 9 men walk up to urinals in front of them, I
follow suit not really sure why, then all at the same time they begin
urinating into them, again I follow suit and reach down for my penis
only to find it's not there, my bladder is full and I desperately try
to position myself so I can use it. A sudden hit of realization comes
in and I realise I'm a girl, was I always a girl?. One of the men
notices my difficulty and speaks, "hey Keith why aren't you peeing?"
another turns to me "hey Keith, where's your penis?" Suddenly all 9 men
are standing around me asking me interrogating questions "hey Keith,
why have you got breasts?", "hey Keith why is your hair so long?" Their
voices began echoing inside my head, I put my hands on my ears and
scream for them to stop, unexpectedly they do. One of them speaks "hey,
Keith screams like a girl, he must be a girl", something inside me
clicks "I'M A GUY!" I scream, "Then where's your penis?" one replies,
unconsciously I reach between my legs in a desperate attempt to find
it. "You ARE a girl" one of them say's, there's a flash and suddenly
I'm wearing a pink dress, I desperately try to pull it of but to no
avail, they all start laughing at me, some shouting "who's a pretty
girl?" I feel a tugging at my shoulder and a whisper "Kate...Kate...?".
I jerked forward awake with a deep gasp. I looked around quickly with a
hard thumping in my chest, it looked as though I was in a plane, I was
seated as a passenger "Kate..." I jumped with a shock, Emma was seated
next to me. "Are you alright? You looked as though you were having a
nightmare" A dream? I thought 'how much do I remember?' the images came
hard and fast, of Sue and Emma tying me up, turning me into a girl, and
lastly of Emma blowing dust into my face. "We're on a plane" she said
reassuringly "we're going to Spain to meet with the guild just as I
said, are you okay? Do you remember?". I was dressed, Emma and Sue must
have done it, I was still a girl, "no way" I said "I'm not going
anywhere with you, you bitch, look at what you did to me, heck I only
agreed to this screwed up ritual because I felt sorry for you both, and
maybe a little guilty if I said no because you'd both die". "Again I'm
really sorry" I was sick of hearing that, "here," she said handing me a
book "I hope you'll understand better when you read this". She mopped
the sweat from my forehead and I read, it basically said what she'd
told me as well as listing some of the logic behind turning guy's into
girls and how it would work. I thought again of my dream, and how glad
I was to be out of that pink dress, I didn't know what my next move
was, I was going to have to sit back and wait. Emma said that Sue had
already gone ahead to pass word of our arrival.
Half an hour later we arrived, the heat was overwhelming, Emma handed
me a pair of sunglasses and a hat. From the airport we caught a bus
which took us through a series of streets, I'd go into more detail of
the journey but there was really nothing to tell, we both sat in
silence, I because I was angry, and Emma because she feared my anger.
Soon we came to a large mansion where Emma and I got off, I thought the
building typical of a Sorceress' mansion's appearance, Emma lead me
inside. We walked through the garden and a pair of large wooden doors,
we came to a large hall full of women and girls, the décor again seemed
typical of a Sorceress' mansion, with purple/crimson wallpaper and an
array of portraits depicting stern looking mistresses and the
occasional gentleman. At the centre of all the females stood an
attractive young girl about my age, she had blonde hair similar to mine
and a small yet perfect frame. She approached me and extended her hand
to mine "Hi, I'm Danielle, the leader in this house".
Her smile seemed...the only way to describe it was...pure, as corny as that may sound. I peddled off my usual questions such as 'why me?' and 'why was I lied to?', but unlike Emma and Sue she didn't avoid my questions, she answered them, straightforward. She told me what the girls had said about the ritual being essential, and then how I was so important because I had great 'potential' as a sorceress, although were they got that from I had no idea, we talked for some time, with the other girls nodding along and doing all to make me feel welcome with their smiles and waves, had I still been a guy I would have been flattered, but knowing it wasn't a relationship they were after gave me a cold feeling. Then Danielle spoke again "Kate...we do want you at this
house, we welcome it, please, join us and let me teach you all you want
to know, including spells and more on why we brought you here". I stood
there, totally trapped by her beautiful eyes, I could barely move, I
breathed faster, but this wasn't a spell, it was... something else. At
that moment in time all I wanted was to say 'yes' and follow this
fascinating girl to wherever she lead me, but then I remembered, I
remembered how I had been captured against my will, and then agreed to
a deal I was not told everything about, how I had been turned into a
girl and then been subjected to the most humiliating experience in my
life in the form of a dream, then I was taken to Spain, unconscious,
could I believe them now? No. "NO!" I screamed and ran out of the
One and a half hours later and I was at a Spanish bar with a collection
of empty bottles to my left. It was 11.00pm, I had been here since I
fled the mansion, not knowing where I was headed I found myself fleeing
here, as I pushed my way through the crowd I had found a wallet with a
considerable amount of money in it on the floor. I had considered
handing it in but what would I say when the police asked me for my
details? Name: Keith, Gender: Male, Height: about 6 foot...none of
those where true anymore, and I knew they would ask my details because
I clearly wasn't Spanish. Instead I saw the money as a source to obtain
alcohol, which I would use to drown my sorrows, as clichéd as that may
sound. So there I was, sat at the bar running events through my mind
for the 345,000,000th time today, I kept asking myself why I didn't
respond better when I was in the mansion, I just...ran. Why? To be
honest I think I was still a little stunned by Danielle, there was
something about her, but what, when I saw her I felt, strange. By now I
had taken a truckload of varied drinks, I was amazed I was still
conscious, as I wasn't a big drinker even on social occasions. So my
speech was slurred and I could only stand with great difficulty, as for
my mind, it was barely occupying my body. There was a collection of
dancers behind me, all in a drunk state but unlike me, they were
unashamed of themselves, I was stunned to hear a familiar voice from
the crowd, I dare not turn round for fear of falling of the stool so I
waited for them to get closer, it was Emma. "I've been looking
everywhere for you" she said, "oh, that's nice, to be honest so have
I". By now I was not my usual self so even I didn't know what I might
say next, it was far from pre-meditated. "I've been worried about you"
she went on "aww, that's nice". She folded her arms and looked at me
concernedly "You're drunk" "No I'm not I'm Keith...or am I Kate? I
forget sometimes...hang on let me check..." I looked down my top "ooh,
look...boobies...guess I'm Kate after all". Emma didn't change her
position, still with that concerned look "Kate...this isn't an answer"
"yes it is...just...not a very good one". I continued to speak " you
know, I can't believe that when you changed me you gave me a pair of
'D' cup breasts, do you have any idea how big these things are...I
haven't seen my feet all day. I like your breasts though Emma, they're
lovely and firm", I reached out and squeezed her right breast, perhaps
a little too hard, a man in the background whistled in delight. Looking
back I'm surprised she didn't slap me and march off, but she didn't,
instead she just lowered my hand and put hers on my shoulder "Kate,
please come back with me, you won't find any answers or help here". I
nodded "okay, but just give me a second, I have to...y'know...powder my
nose", Emma nodded and I made my way to the toilets, using props to
help me stand.
I stumbled into the toilets and made my way across, all I could think
about was Emma and Danielle, Danielle I have already explained and Emma
because I felt guilty about how I was being with her, guilty? Why? It
was her that did this to me, it was partially guilt that had made me
agree to that stupid ritual in the first place, (ritual...damn I was
sick of hearing that word). I noticed I wasn't peeing, I looked down to
see myself standing at a urinal searching my panties for my penis, it
was just like my dream. Since being a girl I had found my emotions a
lot higher, and my intake of drink only fuelled this, I pressed my head
hard against the wall and felt the tears run down my cheeks. My mind
was a mess. I heard a voice behind me and spun round (almost falling
over) to see a man standing there "hey, a chick in the guys toilets" he
said non-intelligently. I wiped my tears "I'm sorry, I'll be
leaving..." he grabbed me hard by the wrist "you know when a chick
walks into the men's facilities it isn't relief she's after, it's a
good shag". I made my way to the door, a little intimidated by his size
"look sir I'm really sorry, I just went through the wrong door,
I'm...REALLY not interested in sexual intercourse". He threw me to the
floor, I hit my head hard on the tiled floor, I was badly concussed
"come know that when a girl says no...she really means yes" he
said and got down on his knees in front of me. I tried to push him off,
it only hit me now just how much strength I'd lost since the
transformation, if I were still a guy I could have hit him squarely in
the nose and broke it, of course if I were still a guy, I wouldn't be
on the floor about to be raped by an over-sized heterosexual man. He
pushed away my arm's, the blow to the head had left me too groggy to
fight back so I lay there desperately trying to raise my limbs, my
vision was blurred too, I felt something wet run down the back of my
neck, I thought it must be blood from the blow. The man grabbed my
breasts and squeezed them, that hurt, a lot. I was only just getting
used to how sensitive they were, he lifted up my shirt and took of my
bra the cold air touched my breasts, as a result my nipples hardened.
He laughed "hard nipples eh? You really do want this don't you?" he
couldn't be further from the truth, he belched in my face, he'd
definitely had a skinful, the smell almost made me vomit. He unzipped
his trousers and unleashed his erect penis, I've seen women in films
being raped, but the terrified fear on the face of the actresses
doesn't even come close to interpreting the fear inside you, 'why
hasn't anyone walked in?' I thought 'someone please help me.' I would
have said it aloud but my brain couldn't make sense of anything.
The man buried his head in my bare breasts...then...nothing. He was still, I felt his whole weight on me, eventually I gained enough control of my limbs to lift his head, he was out-cold, asleep, he must have drunk WAY more than his regular intake. I couldn't lift him so I squeezed out from under him, I adjusted my clothes. There were tears rolling down my cheeks but I was too numb to cry properly, my head was messed up and my thoughts blurred, it suddenly occurred to me, did I black out? DID he rape me? I put my hand up my skirt, I still had my panties on. I staggered out of the room back into the bar a woman noticed the oozing blood in my hair and screamed, my vision began to distort, a crowd had gathered round me as I felt my consciousness slip away, I collapsed into the arms of Emma.
I woke up, I was in a bed, remembering recent events I sat up with
short outburst of something inaudible, two pairs of hands seized me
calmingly, it was Emma and Sue. They were quick to calm me, assuring me
of the situation they also said that they'd used a couple of spells,
one to heal my head and the other to get rid of my hangover. "Oh, we
healed the wound but theirs still blood in your hair, so you may want
to shower, oh and Danielle asked to see you when your done". "Am I in
trouble?" I asked "no" replied Sue with a smile "we figured the stress
would take it's toll" (think so?) "Are you okay then?" asked Emma. I
nodded "we'll leave you to it then" they said with a smile and left the
room. I stood up, this would be my first time undressing as a girl, it
was true I was naked when I first changed briefly but I never got
chance to...explore things, and I don't mean that in a perverted way. I
slipped of my shirt and skirt, I still felt exposed when wearing a
skirt. Next I unhooked my bra, my 'D' cup breasts bounced free, feeling
their presence was odd enough but to see them...finally I took off my
panties and looked at them, I couldn't believe how small they were, but
I guess they don't need to be big when there's nothing...there. I
stepped into the shower, the water revitalized me almost instantly, I
began to wash the dried blood from my long blonde hair it felt strange
and difficult to handle-hey it may sound pathetic but you try growing
this much hair overnight. I began to wash the rest of my body, I
started with my face, then my shoulders, then I came to my breasts...I
stared at them for a moment before running my hands all over them
eventually coming to my nipples. I twiddled them with my index finger
and thumb until they became erect, I was stunned by how sensitive they
were, I gave my breasts a gentle squeeze before continuing down my
body. I ran my hands down my stomach and in-between my thighs, the slit
caught me of guard, after examining my breasts I had forgotten all
about my missing penis, I paused with my fingers on my vagina. If I
could describe the oddness that I felt I would but to be honest I
can't. I pushed two fingers in a little further then withdrew them
deciding I was not ready for this. I finished showering and dried
myself off with a towel, then I put on the nightshirt and gown that
Emma and Sue left behind, then I put on a pair of slippers and left the
room to see Danielle.
I got lost at first but a girl named Vicky helped me find the room I
was looking for. I thanked her and walked in, I saw Danielle sitting on
a red leather sofa in the darkened room lit only by a strong fire in an
old-fashioned fireplace, she invited me over. I walked slowly to the
sofa and sat next to her, but at a distance, again I had this feeling
towards her, I'd never felt it before. "Drink?" she asked with a smile,
"no thanks" I replied "I think I'd better distance myself from it after
earlier" she smiled again and scratched the back of her head "actually,
that was the night before, you were out all cold for the rest of the
night and all day, don't worry there's no alcohol in this" she handed
me a glass "thanks" I said. She was dressed identically to me, "go
ahead" she said, I looked at her blankly "I know you've got questions
your dying to ask". I obliged "why me?" I asked bluntly, Danielle took
a sip before answering "well you already know so much, but we chose you
because we sensed (via the use of a spell) that if you were to become a
sorceress you would have formidable potential, we could really use you
in an upcoming war against those who originally put this curse on us".
I gazed at her with a look of fury, but I deliberately avoided eye-
contact for fear I would be lost in those eyes. "So I'm a weapon,
something to use" I said infuriated "no" said Danielle reassuringly,
"please try to understand, we desperately need your help and time as
ever is of the essence". I looked into my glass, I could feel the
intense heat of the fire against my face, it created the feeling of a
foreign environment. She went on "we've all made sacrifices Kate, Sue
used to be a guy, Emma has, like me always been a girl, but we had
anti-aging spells put on us in order to continue our fight, please
don't be mad". "Mad?" I yelled "because of all of you I'll never be
myself again, I'll never be able to show love to a girl..." At that
moment our eyes locked, I was trapped in her gaze, and she was in mine,
we drew our heads closer and closer, and after a brief pause, our lips
met. We began kissing uncontrollably, I parted my mouth and allowed
Danielle's tongue to slip inside, we put our drinks on the coffee
table, she put one hand on my shoulder and another around my neck
drawing us closer, I put my hands on her waist. For some time we
kissed, our tongues rolling along each other, we shuddered at each
others touch each moved by sensation, I felt a wetness between my legs,
this was the first time it had felt this, I raised my hands to her and
slipped off her gown and nightdress as she did mine. This caused a halt
to our kissing, we now knelt on the sofa naked in front of each other.
I starred at her beautiful body, it was beauty in darkness, illuminated
only by the ruby blaze of the fire, her blonde hair looked golden in
the glory of the furnace, her figure was outlined perfectly by it's
light, her firm breasts highlighted fantastically along with her face.
I now wondered, this feeling I had felt towards her-was it love? We
moved towards each other, instinctively I thought to penetrate her,
fortunately I remembered myself in time to prevent an awkward
situation, instead I moved behind her and raised my hands to her
breasts, I massaged them lightly, feeling the softness that accompanied
their firmness, my fingers and thumbs came to her hardened nipples, I
stroked them, she gasped deeply in response and put her hand back to
stroke my cheek. I then slid one of my hands down to her thighs, my
fingers came into contact with her wet pussy, her groan suggested she
approved and I began to massage her there. I closed my eyes as I felt
her, putting all my concentration on her, she tilted her head back with
a deep groan and squeezed my leg. I pursed my lips and kissed her
delicately on the neck to gain another satisfied moan, "Kate..." she
whispered almost as if she were dreaming. I was using my entire hand
now, and all my digits as I stroked her and felt her wetness on my
fingers. A short while later and she was coming close to orgasm, she
called out as she climaxed and her body shuddered, I moved my free arm
across her chest and held her as she shook, holding her body in an
entrapped seizure of pleasure, she climaxed again her groans deepening,
I felt her nails dig into my neck as she climaxed again.
I released my embrace and she knelt forward using her hands to support her on the sofa, she was panting uncontrollably. Then she came up to me and pushed me onto my back, I whispered "Danielle, I'm not sure if I'm rea-" she put her index finger on my lips and shushed me. Then she moved over me and took my breasts in her hands, she ran her hands over them twice before stroking my stiff nipples, I gasped as I felt the intense sensitivity in them, I had never felt this before, my body was so soft and sensitive, as was hers, she played with them for a while holding me in suspense. Then she slid down my body and parted my thighs, I felt myself blush heavily, she moved her head towards my pussy and then penetrated me with her tongue, my mind said this felt odd but my body worshipped it, I found myself breathing deeper and deeper. I felt her tongue moving around inside of me, inside of me...I never thought I could accept this feeling-let alone enjoy it, I groaned out loud as I felt a wave of pleasure bathe my body. I ran my delicate fingers in her hair as my body responded to this ecstasy. Her hands ran up my body and grabbed my breasts, her thumbs twiddled my nipples, my whole body was on fire, did it always feel this good? This natural? My thoughts quickened before they clouded as I reached my first female orgasm, a sound from deep, deep down inside my echoed through my body, through my throat and out of my lips.
We lay on the sofa together with a blanket pulled over us, Danielle had
drifted off to sleep, I watched her chest rise and fall with her
breathing. My mind wondered, my feelings towards her were clear, did
this make me a lesbian, no...or was I? I began to think how far a
relationship between us could go, I knew we could love each other but
could I protect her? I could hardly save her from an attacker, just
about 48 hours ago I was nearly raped. I couldn't do this, this pretend
relationship, I needed to be there for her, to be strong, to be able to
defend her, to be in my own mental state-I needed to be a man again. I
wrapped my gown around me and kissed her on the forehead before leaving
the room.
I made my way down to the 'potion room' as I had called it, I noticed
it during my search for Danielle's room before Vicky helped me, I had
made a mental note of it's location. I filed through the books under
the 'transformation' section, there was a huge variety-Age regression,
age progression, shrinking, growing, Transgender I picked out the book
immediately and placed it on the desk under the lamp, it was still late
so there weren't many people about. I flicked the pages rapidly
eventually I came to 'Female to Male' transformations, I sped to the
cupboards to grab the ingredients listed, worryingly there was only one
of a very rare ingredient left which meant I only had one shot at this.
Within half an hour I had mixed the ingredients and boiled the resulted
tonic carefully. Done. I held the tonic in my hand ready to swallow it,
the door opened and in the doorway stood Sue in her gown. "Don't!" she
shouted, "shut it" I called back and raised the tonic to my lips, Sue
reached out and grabbed my hand "let go!" I screamed, we began
wrestling for the vial, it was now that I truly felt like a girl,
wrestling with one evenly was a hard thing to stomach.
Unexpectedly she slapped me in the face, I fell back nursing my cheek with tears in my eyes "I'm so sorry" she said "but we need you Kate-very badly, and I'll do anything to keep you, we're your friends Kate-please don't think bad of us-we're the good guy's, try to understand". I lunged for the tonic, Sue in desperation swallowed it, I stared in shock "you...heartless...BITCH" I shouted. Sue's skin began to thicken
visibly, muscles began to emerge. Her nightgown felt too tight so she
slipped it of, her feminine curves had disappeared for a sturdy male
figure. I looked at her tearfully, she had taken my one chance to keep
me in a war I hadn't even agreed to partake in, soon however I was
looking up at her as she grew, her hair retracted back to a short neat
cut, her facial expressions altered drastically as her new features
appeared, her barely visible breasts shrank back to a hard, flat male
chest, her arms now had thin hairs up them. I looked down at her crotch
to see an erect penis emerge from between her legs, it grew and grew
getting harder and harder, she grunted from the intense erotic pressure
taking place there in her new masculine voice, the transformation was
complete. I put my head in my hands and sobbed, I was stuck this way
now. I fell to my knees with a thud, Sue came to her/his knees and took
me in his/her arms, I wanted to resist but I had not the strength,
instead I pushed my face into his/her hard chest and cried. This was
the first time I had cried since I had been a girl, sure I had the odd
tearful moment as my newfound emotions had been hard to control, but
now I cried, and I cried, and this is a hard thing for me to admit, as
I still have my male pride.
One week later and I was stood on one of the mansions balcony's feeling
the warm morning Spanish sunshine, next to me stood Danielle. I had
come to accept my fate now, this was my home and I must correct anyone
who believes me to have simply surrendered to a prison-like life, on
the contrary I had come to enjoy it in a sense, Danielle and I had
started a relationship and I had agreed to stay here on trial, but I
guess that in my head I had made up my mind-I belonged here. Emma had
taken me shopping for some new clothes (my old wardrobe was a little
over-sized I used to be a lot taller) and surprisingly I had enjoyed
it, at first I was ashamed to admit it but hey, I am a girl now no
matter what the means. Sue (now Sam) had become the guild's first
sorcerer, apparently no-one had been able to create a formula strong
enough to bring sorcerer's back into the guild, the theory was that my
own 'potential' had intervened to make it efficient, so already I had
achieved a breakthrough. I know this is a sudden turnaround and is a
little hard to believe but it did. Once I had gotten over the shock and
settled down I began to think about my old life and realized that there
wasn't that much there for me. The final touch however, my main reason
for staying was Danielle, even if I went home I'd be unable to get her
out of my mind, I was in love with her, and her with me. In time I was
beginning to understand the guilds motives, and the actions they took,
so much that I now shared their beliefs (believe me when I say I was
their only real choice). I was being taught a little magic too, I can
make sparks fly from my fingers, I'm looking forward to learning a
little more so I can teach that attempted rapist a lesson...Anyway I
know this is a sudden halt to my tale, but this really is how it
happened-no point in pretending something else happened right? And we
can't all sit complaining about our lives and fates-some of us have to
get up and do something to help others.
Thanks for reading!!!! It is appreciated!
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Not bad
It has potential, but the size of the paragraphs makes it almost too hard to read. Try breaking it down into small chunks, and we all will thank you.
So sad. Sorry, but ...
... everything up to the last paragraph, A+; last paragraph, F. As I read this I kept getting more and more pleased and excited. Here was a guy who wasn't giving in to abuse of his rights. Who wasn't falling for his tormentores (I'm not counting Danielle, as it sure seemed as if she spelled him - and he realized it and fought it.) Who wasn't coming to enjoy being a hero(ine), who consistantly maintained justifiable outrage. Finally, I thought, an author brave enough to take the road less traveled in TG fiction. When Sue drank the Masculizing pottion (She got to go back to being a man!), I thouroughly expected "Kate" to leave and join the other side to get back at the betraying bitches. But nooooo. I have rarely been so disappointed in an ending; to me you snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in your last paragraph and turned an original story into a same old same old. Sorry to be so negative, but I was so happy with the way the story was going and then, whammy!
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
Didn't like it, response seemed unrealistic, but then every forced transformation story that doesn't result in suicide or revenge murders confuses the heck out of me, unless the transformation results in personality death. Plus the chauvinistic tone was just, kind of gross. Definitely not my cup of tea. Also doesn't seem to have enough of the right keywords to properly warn people away.
Well... could be argued that love trumps dislocation. I do agree that a little more exploration or explanation was called for. But ultimately he is part of the group, or rather she is. Residual anger and dislike will likely remain, but where else does she go.... and she is needed. Then there's Danielle. Love...could be.. or is there more to that too...
What I don't understand ...
... is why our heroine doesn't brew another batch of potion and go back to being male AND a sorcerer? After all, Sam apparently retains all of Sue's power, and so Keith should stil be as powerful once Kate takes the potion and becomes a man again. Certainly there was only one of the very rare ingredient needed for the potion to work, but to have Keith happy and willing to fight alongside them, couldn't they go the distance and make him whole again as a show of good faith?
Unless Danielle hates men and would only accept him as Kate, it seems an ideal solution.
"A woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainty." Rudyard Kipling
This isn't a bad bit of
This isn't a bad bit of story. I'm confused at the beefs that the others who commented have. It's a nice attempt, It's need a few things to make it really work. A preface chapter describing the curse and the conflict. A chapter speaking from or about Danielle's perspective. Also...Sam getting changed is good but having him save Kate's life in an attack that kills him and burns down the guild and forces the issue while Kate still hating what happened.