I've always had very eclectic tastes in music, and the first song I can remember is "The Green Door" circa '56. For reasons I don't understand, I really like Handel, Wagner, Bach, and some of those other dead guys too. These days, my favorites are Gaga, Ka$ira, Kati Perry, and the like. The other day, I listened to AC DC do an almost perfect rendition of Fir Elise; Wow!
So, very early this morning, I dreamed something Bach (I think). It was like totally stuck in my head, in the dream, and I worried about how I would sound walking through the store in my Hijab and humming Bach. It sort of tickled me and I woke up giggling.
Wait, all we had was naked, meatless Pizza last night! How can you get strange dreams from that?
PS: I know some of you like that old shit, like Senatra, and Comma, nope, ain't happenin'.
Naked, meatless pizza?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! That's one of MY nightmares!
AC/DC doing Fur Elise? The mind boggles!
Do they do a better job than Schroeder? LOL
Anyhow... naked meatless pizza? What's the point?
By the way, how hard is it to get swineless pizza? Ham, bacon, Italian sausage... all pork products. I think pepperoni is, too.
Spineless Pizza
Well, I understand that the original pizzeratti made pizza with tomato paste and cheese only. I suppose all the good stuff got added later. In my Kafir days, my fave had Canadian Bacon, Pineapple, Olives, Tomatoes and other unlisted contents spread liberally all over it. When it was fully cooked, we'd we'd wash it down with mass quantities of dark beer, and lay on the carpet and suffer.
...that does sound like glorious suffering! ^__^
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"