I may have mentioned, I occasionally have odd little visions of the future. Like last sunday, at church, before anybody could say what type of service we were having, I knew it was going to be a healing service. This worries me on occasion, because I often don't know what they mean until the actual event. It's a little difficult, at times. ah, well.
I Have Those Too
I have those too. It gets frustrating when I don't get specifics. When I was 7 years old, I knew someone in my family was going to die, but I didn't know exactly who. Two weeks after I got the information, my great grandmother died of a heart attack. I was involved in a car accident in 1994 when a 19 year old kid swerved over and hit me in the front end while I was sitting in the turning lane to return some movies to the video store. I knew something bad was going to happen before I left the house and begged my brothers and sister to take them back. They refused. I had the same feeling right before my mother had a very serious Asthma attack one night. The doctor told us that if we had lived another mile out of town, she wouldn't have made it.