We all have them... and this is mine... sort of... ;)
"I wish you'd stop shaving your legs, it's embarrassing."
"Well if wishes came true I'd be your daughter, and you'd not care."
The end...
Note: Sorry for the brevity... I came up with it in the shower and didn't feel it needed any more. :D
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This story is 55 words long.
Very short and to the point,
Very short and to the point, as stories need to be on occassions. Jan
More of a blog post
But right friggin on. It's absolutely perfect.
Bailey Summers
It's not reality... I take a
It's not reality... I take a blog post to mean something that actually happened, this didn't... Though I wish it would because then maybe we could start meaningful discussion, and not the sighs.
Same goes for my dad I suppose but that's another story... ;)
The Legendary Lost Ninja