single, and not loving it

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I know that its not a big thing to complain about, but I really am feeling the lack of a companion in my life. As I have become more intergrated, I have found that the desire for a partner has gotten stronger. Its more than a desire for sex, but a wish for someone to hold me when i am upset, tell me I am beautiful when I feel ugly, and who will stand with me come what may. ah, well.


Single, lonely and NOT ecstatic about it

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

It has been 16 years for me and I can't blame anyone but myself for it. I screwed up my marriage and haven't had the nerve to try another relationship since. So I'm alone.

BUT - since it IS my fault I WILL NOT blame anyone else and except for this comment I won't cry all over the internet looking for sympathy from others either.

with love,


with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

I feel exactly the same way, hon.

I really can't add to what you wrote, only to say that you are not alone in what you need.

Here's hoping we both find it.

Big soft hugs,

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg


I understand the loneliness as it has been only 3 1/2 years since the loss of my wife. Just like you I feel alone. But I feel that I don't have the time to start a relationship as my health decided to go in the opposite direction shortly after my wife passed on. To top it off I have 2 kids that depend on me and my time becomes shorter. People in my office have now tried to start me on the look out for another person also but I resist them and they try even harder.

Sorry if I rant but I wish you luck in starting the dating scene again as I need to also. And although I don't see and will never see my kids as excess baggage those that are single and around my age will most likely not stay around. And that is my choice also. I don't get much time to write because of them (and one of the reasons)

Again sorry for the rant and I wish you the best of luck