Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling - Chapters 16, 17, 18 & 19

Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling — Chapters 16, 17, 18 & 19

By Portia Bennett

I guess the question now is can Bobbie hang on? She has a good lead with three hole to go, but as we have already seen, this course can jump up and bite you rather severely when you least expect it. A couple of birdies and a couple of bogies could have things even. Campion is going to let it all out, and Bobbie can’t play it too safe. Andy has seen it, too. Bobbie is getting tired, not that any of the golfers wouldn’t be getting tired at this point. Then there is the nineteenth hole where we might be able to straighten all this mess out.


If you haven’t read the previous stories about Cindy, Bobbie, and the rest and how they arrived where they are now, you should probably read them. Start with An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, and Cynthia and the High School Years — Parts 1 & 2.

I have researched the Spell’s—R-Us Universe diligently and cannot find anything that violates it, other than that The Wizard is a bit kinder and gentler than sometimes reported. Don’t get me wrong. Given an opening, The Wizard could resort to some of his more ironic and nasty transformations. I’m sure that could happen at any time.

Once again, Holly did an outstanding job of fixing my punctuation errors and occasional wanderings into gibberish. My thanks also go to Beachbud, Michell, and Djkauf for their subjective proofing and comments.

This work is copyrighted by the author and any publication or distribution without the written consent of the author is strictly prohibited. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the characters to persons living or dead is coincidental.


Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling, Chapters 16, 17, 18 and 19


Chapter 16 — Redbud, Par 3, 170 Yards

The sixteenth is a beautiful golf hole. At one time it played over a creek, but that was dammed to form the current lake in the 1940’s. The lake seldom comes into play except for the weekend golfer. Of course it does collect some errant shots that usually lead to double bogeys, but for most, it is just a pretty pond that has no affect on the score other than to act as a psychological hazard.

The whole point of the par three hole in golf is to hit the ball on the green and putt it in the hole in two or less shots. For the less than competent golfer, there are some bunkers and a deep rough around the edge. For the really incompetent, there is the lake. The biggest problem, other than the penalty, is that you lose a golf ball.

Some escaped the lake in rather unusual fashion. Vijay Singh, the 2000 winner, literally skipped a ball across the water and into the hole during a practice round in 2009. In 2010 there were two holes in one at the sixteenth during the final round. In 2005, Tiger Woods chipped in for a birdie and eventual victory. He hit a shot from the far left rough up the hill of the sloping green, watched as the ball slowed far above the hole, gently turned and rolled towards the hole only to apparently stop at the edge, before it dropped into the hole after hovering for several seconds. What would happen this day, many years later?

The Announcers’ Booth

“Campion is running out of holes if he is going to do anything. He’s going to need birdies. Seventeen has not proved to be a problem for Anderson, and eighteen will probably test her, but if she goes to eighteen with a two stroke lead, she can play for a bogey and still win. Campion is going to have to do something right now if he is going to have any chance at all.

“Ray, what is he going with?”

“He has taken out the 8-iron. He’s been going left all day, and he needs to guard against that at all costs. The golfer has several options. He, or she, can go directly at the pin, but that can bring the bunker at the left in play, and the deep rough beyond it. Many choose to go right and let the slope of the hill bring the ball back toward the pin. I think he will try to do that. If he does, he has a good chance of avoiding the lake. Back to you, Al.”

“Campion’s taking a lot of practice swings. He’s definitely guarding against going left.

“He’s hit a towering shot that is definitely going to be right of the flag. The question is did he hit it too far? It’s hit on the upper level, and I don’t think it’s going to come back down. Yep, it’s rolling right up against the fringe in front of the bunker. It will take a miracle to get down in two from there.”

Back at the Tee

“Andy, I’m thinking a smooth six.”

“I think that’s exactly right. There’s a little following wind. Just hit it right at where his ball is sitting, and the green will do all the rest.

She teed the ball up at the left side of the tee. Although, she could hit it high when necessary, Bobbie preferred to hit a lower trajectory. Her line was true, and the ball took a couple of bounces before it started rolling up and along the slope. Ever present, gravity and friction took over and the ball found the fall line.

The crowd, if not already on their feet, were now. The roar permeated the last three holes, and those not following the final group knew something was happening again. The ball picked up speed and started on what appeared to be an unerring trip to the hole. Would they see it again? Would Bobbie Anderson get two holes in one on the back nine?

That road to golf immortality was not to be. The ball missed the hole by a good six inches and stopped at the fringe about eight feet below the hole. The putt coming back would be dead straight. There were a few groans, but there were mostly cheers as the golfers and caddies made their way around the right side of the pond to the green.

From the Announcers’ Booth

“Al, it’s do-or-die for Campion. In a way, he caught a bit of a bad break when his ball didn’t make it to the fringe. If he could have left the pin in, it might stop the ball on the downhill putt, but I don’t think he can keep this on the green. We’ve seen a couple of these today, and they are really trucking by the time they get to the hole. Every one of them has ended up in the long stuff beyond the fringe.”

“I agree, if he can get this down in two, it’s nothing short of a miracle. He’s going to have to just get it to the edge, and then hope. If he doesn’t hit it hard enough to get there, he’s still faced with the slope, and the ball will not stop. He got lucky on the front nine when his ball stopped by the hole instead of going off the green. I still don’t understand how that ball stopped.”

“Ray, what’s going on down there? He is certainly taking a lot of time on this.”

“Al, the tournament’s probably on the line for Campion. He can’t afford to be three strokes down with only two holes left to play. It would take some good luck on his part and a colossal collapse on Anderson’s part for him to have a chance. The way Anderson is playing, and has played in the past, she’s not likely to give up a lead like that.


Three Years Before, Medinah Country Club, Medinah, Illinois

“Bobbie Anderson has been nice enough to spend a few minutes with us during the thunderstorm delay.

“Bobbie, now that you’ve played in the PGA, and made the cut, do you have any comments.”

“Yes, it’s a course like this that makes me wonder sometimes why I even try. That is one brutal son of a gun. It’s a course like this that really demonstrates the disadvantages women have on this tour. It really comes down to a strength issue. I’ll put my short game up against anyone out there, but these guys are hitting drives 320 yards and more. I’m averaging 280, 285. They are putting for eagles on the par fives and I’m lucky to be putting for birdies. That’s about a four stroke advantage on the par fives. Heck, there are four par fours out there that I have to play like par fives.”

“That may be, Bobbie, but you did make the cut, and half the field didn’t.”

“Yeah, I did, didn’t I?”

“May I ask why you are playing on the men’s tour? You could be cleaning up on the LPGA.”

“I like the challenge.”

“You like beating the men at their game?”

“No, that’s not it at all. It’s pushing myself to play at the limit of my abilities. If all I wanted to do was beat someone’s ass, I’d play on some pitch and putt course, or a six thousand yard municipal course. If I were six inches shorter and forty pounds lighter, I would still push myself to play as well as I could on the LPGA, and I think I would do well.

“I was very lucky to be the recipient of some excellent genes that have given me the physical abilities I have. I don’t intend to do this forever. I’ve told you this before. Andy and I intend to start a family in a few years, and golf will have to take a back seat to that. I am going to move on into other professional endeavors. This has been a lot of fun and regardless of my future successes, I will look back with a lot of pride at what Andy and I have accomplished.

“There will be other women on the tour, unless they keep lengthening the courses to keep them off. Yes, strength is involved to a certain extent, but the bottom line is this is a game of skill. I’m not advocating that women should be given carte blanche to play on the tour, but if they can qualify through any of the numerous routes available, then more power to them.

“I never once asked for any favors. The playing field is even. I haven’t played from the women’s tees since junior high school. Ask Andy.”

“That’s right, he did lose a bet to you. Have you ever collected?”

“Many times, Archie, many times.”

“Bobbie, thank you for taking the time to talk with us; it’s always a pleasure.”

“Archie, I will talk with you any time. Thank you.”

“Folks, she is one outspoken young lady. The thing is, she backs it up with her performance on the course. She barely made the cut in the PGA this year, but she made it. What more can you say? She is truly remarkable.”


The Present — On the 16th Green

Bobbie and Andy watched as Campion lined up his putt. She didn’t say it, but she expected magic to influence the direction and speed of the ball. He gave it a smooth stroke designed to carry it just barely past the precipice leading to the hole below. It was obvious from the beginning that he had hit it too hard. As the ball plunged toward the hole, it picked up speed. Even if it had hit the hole, it wouldn’t have gone in. It hit the fringe about ten feet to the left of Bobbie’s ball, gave a little hop, and disappeared in the long grass beyond.

Campion faced a nasty chip. The television broadcast showed a ball that was barely visible. Those around the green didn’t need any television picture to know that for Campion to get the ball even close to the hole would take a miraculous shot.

There would be no more miracles. His practice swings were like a farmer cutting grass with a scythe. Clumps of green grass hung onto the club after each practice swing. He had to eventually face reality, and settled in to hit the ball. It was a good, no excellent, shot. The ball popped into the air and came to rest about three feet below the hole. Campion would get his bogey.

For Bobbie, the pressure of having to make her putt was no longer a factor. She stroked her putt firmly, and it caught the upper edge of the hole, broke to the left and stopped about a foot away.

As they walked to the 17th tee, Bobbie was at eleven under par and Campion was at eight under. Bobbie had a three stroke lead with two holes to play.

“Andy, something’s happening.”

“Right, you’re going to win.”

“That remains to be seen. I guess I should say something’s not happening. There have been several opportunities for magic to influence his score and my score, but nothing has happened since the first nine. Something’s changed.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it. We’ll just play your game and not do anything stupid.

“You’re up.”
Chapter 17 — Nandina, Par 4, 425 Yards

From the Announcers’ Booth

“Al, Anderson’s going with the driver, as she has the three previous days. It’s an uphill tee shot, and she needs to get it out there as far as possible to give her a shot at the green with a short iron. The golfers have to go long with the pin tucked behind the right hand bunker.

“There’s a picture perfect swing. We’ll have to see that on the slow-mo. Anderson seemed a bit tired a couple of holes ago, but the three stroke lead has revitalized her. She’s hit well past the Eisenhower tree that is only 210 yards from the tee.

“Ray, how does it look from out there?”

“She’s made the top of the hill, and should have a look at the green. The folks in the trailer tell me she’s hit it right at 285 yards. That gives her 160 to the center of the green. There’s no way she’s going to go for the pin, and any shot in the front bunker is a very difficult up and down. No one’s made a par out of there today.

“Campion has the driver in hand. He needs to get it close so he can use the wedge and stop it near the hole.

“Well, he’s absolutely crushed it. Ray, I think he just vented some more anger on that one. You can almost see the steam coming out of his collar.”

From the On-Course Announcer

“Al, that ball is way down there. He’ll have nothing more than a sand wedge. He has to be sixty or seventy yards past where Anderson’s ball is sitting. The advantage is definitely Campion’s on this hole.”

That February, Riviera Country Club, Pacific Palisades

“What’s Campion doing?”

“Don’t worry about him. He still has two holes to play. Right now, we need to worry about Bobbie Anderson, the most beautiful and sexy golfer on the tour.”

“I don’t know about that. That Tony Yarbrough is pretty good looking, and I hear he’s pretty good in the sack, too.”

From the Announcers’ Booth

“There has been a light rain for the entire tournament, for the entire week, for that matter, and it seems to have worked in Bobbie Anderson’s favor. The tees were moved up the first day as no one has been able to get any roll on their drives. What it did was bring Anderson’s short game into play and take away some of the advantage the long hitters might have over her.

“Anderson failed to make the cut last year, and she said then that the length of the course was probably more than she could handle; however, here she is leading the tournament by two strokes, and no one else seems to be able to make a charge. Really, the difference today has been her consistency, plus the eagle two she made on 10. She birdied number one, and everything else has been pars.

“Ray, what have they been talking about while they’re waiting for the group ahead to hit their second shots?”

“Mostly, Andy’s been trying to keep her loose. What the players behind them do is out of their hands. He’s just trying to get her to concentrate on the next two shots.

“By the way, the rain’s really starting to come down, and the rain gear’s coming out once again. I’ll send it back up to you while I try to find some shelter.

“Thanks, Ray.

“Anderson has the driver out once again. Obviously, she’s not near to being the longest driver out here, but she’s long enough. She’s second in driving accuracy, fourth in greens in regulation, first in putting, and first in saves. That’s what wins tournaments.

“We’ve commented on this many times; however, the drive on this hole is critical. If you go right, it can make getting to the green next to impossible. That row of eucalyptus trees is formidable. The drive has to be up the left side, but not too far left or the kikuyu grass will get you. As wet as it is, it will be next to impossible to reach the green from the rough.

“Well, she’s hit it up the left side, but she’s a long way from the green.

“Here’s Sawyer’s drive, and he’s a bit right of Anderson, maybe ten or fifteen yards beyond her. It is really getting wet, and both drives splashed when they hit. Lift, clean and place has been in effect the whole tournament, and this shot will show you why.” The camera zoomed in on Bobbie’s ball, and it was easy to see it was covered in grass clippings and other detritus.

“They’ve slogged their way up to their balls. Anderson’s marked and lifted hers, and has given it to her husband to clean. I’m sure most of the viewers are familiar with their relationship, but last week, she was doing the same thing for him at Torrey Pines. Andy did make the cut there, and he got a nice check.

“They’ve talked it over and Anderson’s going with a utility club. Being able to essentially tee up the ball is quite an advantage. Of course, everyone out there can do the same thing as long as they’re on the fairway.

“Oh, she’s hit a beautiful shot. It’s right at the pin. Look at this; it’s stopped no more than a foot from the hole. She has a sure birdie, and will extend her lead to three.

“Sawyer’s hit an excellent shot, too, but he’s come up a good fifteen feet short.”

At the Post Tournament News Conference

“Bobbie, this is quite a turnaround from last year, going from missing the cut to winning the tournament. What do you attribute to the difference?”

“First of all, I think I played a little smarter this year. This is a tough course, and if it had been dry out there with the tees in their normal location, I may not have made the cut this year. The weather evened the playing field, and I was able to play my game. I’m not the first short hitter to win here. Corey Pavin won twice, and our games are very similar. It would be tough, but if I was playing to the best of my abilities, I think I could do well under normal conditions.”

“Would you tell us about the eagle on ten? That had to be the turning point in the tournament for you.”

“It was certainly fun, I’ll tell you that. I think the most important thing about that shot was that if it hadn’t gone in the hole, I would have had an easy birdie putt. That ball wouldn’t have rolled another foot.

“The most important shot to me was the approach at eighteen. It has to be one of the best finishing holes in golf, and that shot sealed the victory, as it turned out.”

“Ms. Anderson, you and your husband seem to have an unusual relationship. It seems that you are keeping him from competing on the tour by having him caddy for you. Aren’t you hurting his career?”

“I’m sure Andy will want to follow up on this. We are husband and wife, and we found out many years ago that we each played better when the other caddied. I got the jump on him by winning on this tour when I did, but when Andy wins, and he will soon, I will probably stop playing on this tour, with one exception. When they finally decide to get off their royal behinds and let me play in The Open, I’ll play there once or twice. When Andy qualifies for The Open, I’ll probably not play on the tour.”

Andy jumped in without waiting for another question, “Bobbie and I have an unusual situation. There have been husband and wife, brother and sister teams in the past, but never one where both played on the same tour. I do remember a case at San Antonio where a pro’s caddy was brought in as an alternate. The caddy made the cut, and the pro didn’t.

“What Bobbie’s doing is unique. No other woman has been as successful as she has been in invading what has been in the past mostly forbidden territory. Why shouldn’t I support her? If she made a fool of herself, that would be one thing; however, unless I’ve miscounted, only Jim Campion, Matt Sawatski and Gary Oberfeldt have individually won more tournaments during the same period.”

“A question from the back, yes,” Bobbie responded.

“So I take it you’re getting off on this, beating men at their own game. Do you make your husband wear a dress at home to keep him in his place?”

“Excuse my French, but where in the hell did you come up with that one? I will answer your question now; however, I will never answer another of your questions again. Now I understand why you’ve had four divorces.” Laughter rocked the room for a minute. “You and some others are so hung up on this female vs. male thing. Obviously, that’s why you’re a reporter and not a participant. You can’t get it through your thick skull that it’s about the game and playing it well. Certainly men have an advantage in the strength sports, there’s nothing that can be done about the affects of testosterone; however, there are many skill sports that we are dead even in: pool, snooker, even bowling are examples where women can hold their own. Hell, women are even getting close in the marathons. I probably could have played baseball, at least at the minor league level. I had major league scouts looking at me in high school. I bet you didn’t know that.

“Now you insult me and my husband with your twisted innuendos. What we do in our bedroom is really none of your damn business, but I guarantee you my husband is ten times the man you are. He is so not hung up on this male vs. female thing that he has sacrificed his early career for me. Mark my word, there will come a time that he will be the interviewee and I will be the caddy sitting by his side. It will happen soon, and many more times after that; however, you will not be present at that interview. We will see to it.” There was a loud round of applause.

“I apologize for my outburst. I could probably blame it on PMS, but I’ve never had that problem. I thought we had settled this issue years ago. That was just a dumb and inappropriate question.”


The Present At The Seventeenth Hole Fairway

“Andy, I’m thinking a six or a five. I’d like to hit it between the bunkers, take two putts and go to eighteen.”

“That would be nice. Take the six. That should get you over the bunkers and give you a shot at two putts. The main thing is not to give it all back to him. Just be cool.”

Bobbie took the 6-iron, took two practice swings, picked her spot, and hit the ball. Everyone watching on TV knew she had done something wrong. “Crap! I hit it fat.” The ball took off slightly to the right of her chosen line, bounced a couple of times and rolled into the right hand bunker.

From the announcers’ Booth

“That is the last thing Anderson wanted to do. She is faced with a next to impossible shot. If she had flown it up to the head of the bunker, she might have been able to chunk it up close to the pin, but from where she is down on the flat of the bunker, she has to carry the length of the bunker. She’ll be lucky to keep it on that very hard surface. She’s almost certainly looking at a bogey.

“Here’s Campion with a sand wedge. He’s been yanking it left all day. Maybe he’ll get it close for once.

“He’s caught this very well and it’s right at the pin.

“What a great shot! He’s no more than five feet below the hole. This looks like a great opportunity for a two stroke swing.

“Ray, how does Anderson’s lie look?”

“She has an excellent lie, but she really has no shot at getting it close to the hole. She needs to be very careful, and I think she will be very happy with a bogey and going to the eighteenth tee with a one stroke lead.”

“Thanks, Ray: here she is with the sand wedge. She’s just going to have to keep her losses to a minimum.

“That’s an excellent shot. She’s going to have a long downhill putt for a par, but really, she just needs to get it close.”

On the Green

“All things considered, it certainly could have been worse. I’m thinking about six inches off the right edge. This is like putting on a sidewalk.”

“Just get it close. You can do it.”

Back in the Announcers’ Booth

“Anderson is lining up the putt. They’ve talked it over for a while. Al, what does it look like to you?”

“It’s pretty straight. It might break six or eight inches as it gets close to the hole. The green around the hole is really chewed up, and hard as a rock.”

“Here it comes. She hit that very well and it’s stopped about a foot past the hole. Those spike marks really kicked it around down there close to the hole. She taps it in for a bogey five.

“Campion’s lining up his putt. This should be dead straight. And, it is.

“Anderson’s at ten under, and going to the eighteenth tee, Campion is only one stroke behind, at nine under par.
Chapter 18 — Holly, Par 4, 465 Yards

“Bobbie, he’s not going to beat you, honestly or dishonestly. Just go for your par.”

“But if he ties me, we have to go back to ten, and I hate that hole.”

“Darling, just play your game. Everything’s going to be fine.”

“You hardly ever call me ‘darling’.”

“Bobbie, you are the most precious thing in the world to me. I love you so much it hurts. In fact, you can invoke the ‘El Paso Rules’ right now if it means anything to you. You are going to win. So we are not going to discuss this any further, okay?”

“If I win, do I get to be on top?”


“Then it’s a done deal.

“What do we do?”

“You take the driver, and hit it just off the right side of those bunkers. Then you hit it up there about two feet from the hole, and sink your birdie putt. He doesn’t stand a chance.”

In the Announcers’ Booth

“The only thing Anderson has to worry about is going too far right. She can probably reach the front bunker, but she will probably guard against it.

“Let’s see what Campion can do. He is one stroke off the lead, and really needs to birdie this hole to possibly force a playoff. He’s been driving well all day, but it’s been his second shots that have killed him. He has his driver out, although he doesn’t really need it. Over the years, many of the longer hitters have hit a fairway wood and still had a seven or eight to the green. I think his whole point has been to try to intimidate Anderson. I don’t think it’s worked. She has never strayed from her game plan since the beginning.

“Campion’s hit another monster drive. He’s well past the bunkers on the left, and will have just an eight or nine to the green.

“Anderson is going with her driver as well. She has had problems with going right only once today, other than the time she slipped. Most of the time, she’s hit her little draw, which works especially well on this course.

“It really is amazing, fifty-five driving holes and she has missed only two fairways. Make that fifty-six holes. Her drive’s just to the right of the first bunker on the left. She’s going to have a long shot to the green, but she’s been doing it the whole tournament.”

Earlier in the Year

“You’re sure? It’s a boy?”

“I’m very sure. Bobbie is never wrong. She also told me there is something very special about him. You could check if you want to.”
“No, that’s something that I would never do. Your personal privacy is something that I will never violate.”

The Wizard wrapped his arms around Cindy in a gentle hug. This had to be difficult for him. Cindy had broken the ‘rules’ many years before when she had hugged and kissed The Wizard in gratitude for what he and the others had done for her. She started a tradition among the families, and it had been common practice now among the daughters and mothers to greet His Wisdom affectionately whenever they met. He never resisted their affection.

Cindy realized as he hugged her that he was quietly sobbing. She gently hugged him in return, while letting his emotions get under control.

“I’m sorry; I haven’t done that since my dragon died 800 years ago. Until you and Wolf came along, I never really had a friend. I’m told that in another universe, I have a young lady as an apprentice, and apparently we are pretty close in a fatherly/daughterly way. We’re never allowed to cross over into universes where our duplicates exist, so I will have to take their word for it.”

“Your Wisdom, whether you want to admit it or not, you’re family, and always will be. I never knew my grandparents in this life or my other life, so I’ve always thought of you as a grandfather. I know everyone else feels the same way.”

“You and Bobbie, and your families for that matter, have changed my whole perspective on life. Randi, Marti and Charli have been such delights. The five of you and your mothers have been such a joy to me. You are the first family I’ve had in more than 900 years.

“Wolf and I have had each other, but nothing else. Wolf was getting fat and lazy, but Maddy and the rest have given him a purpose and energy that I haven’t seen in centuries. He is like a pup again. They were all wolves again the other day, and ran all over Elsmere Island chasing Musk Oxen.

“When is he due?”

“Late October: it’s a long ways off. Your Wisdom, we know what this means. Myrna has filled us in on all the genetics. You have no idea how happy Don and I are about this. Imagine, for the first time in five hundred years, there is going to be a new wizard, and if we can do anything about it, we are going to have several more. I know our daughters won’t be witches, but they will be carriers. That will be good. There are many more magic families out there now, and my granddaughters might be witches.

“I wish we could fix that. But we haven’t been able to do it. There’s some there, or not there that we’ve been missing. There won’t be the need to in a few generations. I wish we could do something for your daughters like we did for Bobbie and Charli.”

“I wish you could do it for Bobbie, too? Like you said, maybe one of these days.”

“Is she?”

“Yes, and she is on the same schedule I’m on.

“May I change the subject for a minute? How’s Randi doing at the shop?

“Very well: I’m having trouble getting used to her cleaning things up and reorganizing everything; however, she found a gross of bat wings that I lost 200 years ago. She’ll be ready for a branch shop by early next year.”


On the Eighteenth Fairway

“It’s exactly 180 yards to the pin over that front bunker. We have to figure he’s going to be close. You need a par, and we have to force him to birdie. What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking right of the bunker on the left and short of the other one. The front or front edge of the green is fine. I can get it up and down from there nine times out of ten. I want the 6-utility. That’ll get it up and it should stop.”

“Exactly, do it.”

There was no lift and place like there had been in Los Angeles, but the ball was sitting up nicely and had avoided the sand-filled divots that peppered the area. She took two practice swings while envisioning the ball’s flight and landing area.

She hit it cleanly, and watched anxiously. She had wanted a little draw, but her feet had been slightly above the ball, and the ball flew straight. It cleared the right edge of the bunker and hit a few feet short of the green. It rolled up but turned right and trickled into the first cut beyond the fringe. It was not where she wanted it, but all-in-all, it was not a bad shot. Now it just remained to see what Campion was going to do.

In the announcers booth

“I’m sure that Anderson’s approach didn’t end up where she wanted it to, but she has a very reasonable chance at a par. Now it’s up to Campion.

“Ray, how does Campion’s lie look?”

“He shouldn’t have any problem with this at all. The ball is sitting up very nicely. He needs to just drop it over the bunker. Campion has a wedge. That should be plenty of club.

“He’s hit right at the flag. What’s it look like, Al?”

The crowd’s cheering diminished and there were some groans

“It went right over the top of the flag and has gone to the upper tier, and it is not going to come back down. He’s going to have maybe a 35 foot putt with a lot of left break. If he had been 10 feet shorter, he would probably have a very makeable putt for birdie. Sometimes Campion’s strength is his worst enemy. He’s like the 400 pound gorilla.

“Campion will be putting first, as he is away.”

The cameras showed Campion stalking his putt. He knew the tournament was on the line.

“It’s interesting, but something happened between Campion and his caddy on the back nine. There were some strong words between them on several of the holes. It wasn’t possible to determine what it was about, but Campion has not been seeking his caddy’s advice on any of the putts since the 10th hole.

“Jimmy Baldwin has been his caddy for more than five years. When they hooked up, Campion’s career took off. Well whatever the problem is, Campion has eschewed seeking Baldwin’s advice again.

“Here’s the putt, and Campion’s giving it a good ride. It’s breaking, and is going to miss the hole on the low side. It has stopped about three feet below the hole.

“Anderson is asking Campion to move his mark, as it is close to her line. She and her husband have been going over this shot for quite a while. They’re going to leave the flag in the hole.

“Ray, what’re they doing?”

“She’s going to hit a chip and run with the 7-iron. I think that’s the right shot. She just wants to get it close.”

“Thanks, Ray, the crowd is absolutely still. Here she goes. This looks good, very good. IT’S PERFECT! It’s in the hole! It’s in the hole! Bobbie Anderson wins the 2028 Masters! What a performance!

“She and her husband are motioning for the crowd to be quiet, as Campion still has his putt. It doesn’t matter whether or not he makes it, as he has a two shot cushion over third place. He sneaks it in on the low side and the defending champion finishes in second place.”

The camera caught Campion giving his caddy a strange look as the crowd around the eighteenth green broke into a loud, cheering roar that went on for some time.

“Archie Chambers has our champion and her husband for a few words.”

The camera switched to Bobbie and Andy, both of whom had a few tears streaking their faces.

“Bobbie, what can I say? That was truly a remarkable performance.”

“I think I will realize what happened eventually. That was tough out there, and we overcame a lot of adversity. I couldn’t have done it without Andy’s keeping me focused. It helped a lot that much of the crowd was with me. It meant a lot.” She started to cry again and for a moment, the tears poured out. Andy held her close. The cameras picked up his tears, too.

“Excuse me, I sort of lost it there for a moment.”

“You have nothing to be ashamed of. Ben Crenshaw and Tiger Woods cried. It’s certainly excusable for you to cry, too.

“Tell us about the ace on twelve. That certainly had to be a turning point.”

“The course giveth and the course taketh away. Twelve killed me two years ago. Had I parred it, I might have won. We’ll never know for sure. I hit a cut six in there today, and I couldn’t have hit it any better. Aces are really accidents, but that would have been a good shot whether or not it had gone in the hole. If it hadn’t, it would have come down to the pitch in here.”

“What happened on seven? We replayed it dozens of times, and it looked like you lost your balance in the middle of your swing.”

“I’m not sure. It felt like I was hit by a gust of wind. As far as the ball moving, there is no logical reason for it. Andy and I figured it had to be a beetle or something like that. We never found anything that could have moved it. Fortunately, it didn’t affect the outcome, but had it not happened, some of the suspense might have been removed.”

“Bobbie, they’re waiting for some presentations. Enjoy your dinner this evening. I’m sure we will meet later. Congratulations on a great victory.”

“Thank you Archie, it’s always nice to talk to you.”

Archie turned back to the camera, “They will be making the presentations in a few minutes. She needs to turn in her card first.

“Folks, this is really a historical day for golf. There was nothing freakish about her performance. She played with a specific plan in mind, just like the last four times she’s played here. She didn’t take unnecessary chances. She just played the game the way it was intended to be played. Had she been able to play the course the way it was constructed 90 years ago, I think the men would have been hard pressed to beat her. Of course she couldn’t have gotten through the front door.”


It was time for the presentations. The President of The Augusta National Golf Club introduced the distinguished guests who included members of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, the PGA of Europe, United States Golf Association, PGA Tour, and PGA of America. The low amateur was presented with a trophy. Finally, it was time to present Bobbie with the coveted Green Jacket.

“It gives me great pleasure to introduce the 2028 Masters Champion, Bobbie Anderson.”

Jim Campion managed to mask the feelings he had been expressing verbally and visually for the week. He took the jacket from the staff, he was already wearing his from the previous year, and held it so Bobbie could get it on. Bobbie smiled as she tugged at the lapels. The buttons were on the right side, that is, the buttons were on the left side.

Her acceptance speech was short and polite; however, she made one very deliberate and pointed comment, “It is so nice to see the distinguished members of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club here this afternoon. I trust there won’t be any question when I show up next year. I would love to be there this year, but other obligations will keep me from participating.”
Chapter 19 — The Nineteenth hole

Then there was the news conference. Before it started, Bobbie could be seen talking to some of the female correspondents. She took them to see her private locker room where they spent some time behind the closed doors.

The locker room situation was going to be a bit of a conundrum for the club. There was the Champions Locker room that was for the exclusive use of the past champions. There were sumptuous hardwood lockers for the winners. The lockers were usually shared, older champion with more recent champion. Bobbie’s victory was going to throw one more curve ball into that chauvinistic palace.

Some of the media were getting a bit impatient, as Bobbie was taking her time. Finally, she and the female members of the media showed up. By this time, Andy had changed out of the white coveralls that were the traditional garb of the caddies at Augusta National. He was wearing a nice sport coat and slacks.

“Uh, my husband needs a chair up here.”

“Ms. Anderson, caddies don’t participate in the media conference.”

“Excuse me, I just won this thing, and I say my husband and caddy sits up here next to me.”

There was some grumbling, but a chair was quickly found.

“Good, that takes care of that. This is as much my husband’s victory as it is mine.

“First of all, I would like to once again thank the Augusta National Country Club for the outstanding job they did in preparing this beautiful golf course. I don’t think I have ever seen it in better condition. I would like to thank them once again for accepting me as a player based on my merit, not on my sex. I know I’ve thrown a crimp into their style, but they have been gracious in their acceptance of me, and now they are going to have to put up with me forever. That’s by their rules, not mine.

“I guess we will open the floor to questions at this time. Yes sir.”

“Bobbie, what’s going to happen to the ball you hit on twelve?”

“My best friend has it right now, but I imagine it will go into the Trophy Room right here. That’s where it belongs. I’ve had twelve aces, but that certainly has to be the best, along with the first one, of course.”

“Bobbie, many of us were wondering about your comments earlier about not playing in the British Open this year. After all, they would be foolish to continue to deny you that privilege.”

“I would love to play this year; however; however, I do have an exemption for the next five years. It seems that my husband and I have rather deliberately gotten ourselves pregnant. I will be about five and one-half months along by then. I don’t think I would look very distinguished walking around with a rather prominent bump. I could probably do alright, but to break into that tournament and be visibly pregnant would probably be more than The Royal and Ancient could handle. I’ll wait until next year.”

“You have to be kidding. You’re pregnant?”

“You bet, the whole nine yards, morning sickness and everything.”

Needless to say, it took awhile to reduce the pandemonium.

“I think we are having a rather difficult time accepting this.”

“We thought you would. That’s why we took a little time looking around in my private locker room.

“Doris, would you pass that thing around?

“I took an EPT Test while we were in there, and the three ladies are witnesses. Note the two blue lines. I’m about as pregnant as one can get. By my calculations and my doctor’s, I am about ten weeks along. Her name will be Cynthia, by the way.

“I guess it’s time to make a few other announcements. I will play in a few tune-up tournaments next year to get ready for The Open, but that will be it. Depending on how things work out there, I will probably retire from both tours very soon. There are a couple of male-female tournaments that my husband and I will play in, but that will be it. I will still caddy for him as long as he wants me to. We’ll just have to see how that works out. My best friend and I are opening up a counseling clinic soon, and that, and raising a family will be taking most of my time.

“Just as an afterthought, I was pregnant at L.A., too.


The dinner in the Trophy Room that night was fabulous. The liquor flowed, but Bobbie avoided it. She could have imbibed and eliminated the alcohol with a simple spell, but she didn’t want anyone thinking she would jeopardize her baby. About halfway through dinner, she excused herself to go to the ladies’ room. As she turned the corner towards the restroom, she almost ran into a man dressed in white; in fact he was a caddy, in fact he was Jim Campion’s caddy.

“What the hell are you doing here? You’re not allowed in this building, and by the way, I don’t appreciate what you did out there. I don’t know who you are, but magic has no place on the golf course.”

“Shush, it’s me. Oh bother, I forgot you’re not as good as Cindy in seeing through my disguises.” The face suddenly shifted.

“Your Wisdom! What … ?”

“Stick around after dinner. There will be a meeting in the Trophy Room. It’s very important, and it’s all been arranged. You and Andy stay there. It will all become very apparent in a little while what’s going on. I think you will enjoy it.”

“Things are happening,” Bobbie whispered into Andy’s ear when she sat down. “There’s going to be a big meeting here after dinner.”

Most of the members of the club disappeared after dessert. The staff cleared the tables and took the remaining serving items away. There are no cooking facilities in the clubhouse. Everything was prepared in another building, as was cleaning the dishes and utensils.

Two of the club members and their wives remained. Bobbie hadn’t been able to mingle too much before dinner. They'd had to go back to the hotel and get dressed for dinner, and were rather rushed when they returned. It wasn’t something that Bobbie had really expected, but Cindy had somehow found a beautiful cocktail dress for her that was a bit more formal than the one she had worn to the dinner earlier in the week.

The two members and their wives approached as soon as the help had left. Bobbie almost collapsed in shock when the two wives removed their shields. They were witches!

“Dear Bobbie, you had no idea, did you? We are so proud of you, and what you have done. So many young witches use magic as a crutch, but you never succumbed once. You are a credit to the world of magic, not like some others we’ve come across lately.

“The room is protected now, so we can talk. His wisdom and the others will be here in a while. I understand that your family, Cindy’s family and Charli’s family will be joining us in a minute, too. We also have some special guests. Don’t be too shocked when you see them.”

The Lewis’s, Schmedlaps, and Brewers came in a few minutes later. For the men it was like entering Valhalla. There were not too many times that non-members could enter these hallowed grounds. The neat thing for them was that they would now be able to play there as Bobbie’s guests.

Pricilla and Dorothy, the two witches, did a little magical furniture arranging. There was a table with two chairs at one end of the room. A few feet to either side of that were two tables with single chairs. The rest of the tables and chairs were arranged to face the table with two chairs.

Pricilla took the floor. “I am Pricilla Davis, and I am President of the Greater Georgia Coven. His Wisdom and I will be presiding over the proceedings tonight. I think you are all aware that when it comes to serious matters involving both the non-magic and magic worlds, that the magic world will take precedence. We have had a serious breach of magic law this week, and we now know it reaches back for many years. We will hear the case tonight and pass judgement. As much as possible, the decisions we come to tonight will not be allowed to affect the non-magic world. I think it’s time we got started.

“Please bring in the defendants.”

The door opened and Jim Campion, still dressed in his golf clothes entered, followed by his caddy. Of course, it was actually The Wizard. Campion was obviously under some sort of magic control. His eyes darted around, but he seemed powerless to do anything.

The figure of the caddy suddenly shifted, and The Wizard they all knew and loved appeared.

“Sit right there at that table, Mr. Campion,” The Wizard said, while indicating the table with two chairs.

While Campion was sitting, the door opened again, and a blonde male entered. Following him was Archie Chambers, the greenside interviewer whom Bobbie and Andy had come to respect very much. There were several gasps from the group and an “Oh, my God!” from Bobbie.

“Sorry about being late, Your Wisdom. I had to come in a laundry truck. Wow, I haven’t been here in years.”

“Glad you could make it, Jack. You, too, Archie.

“Randi, do you have Mr. Baldwin?”

“Yes, Your Wisdom.”

“Please bring him up here.”

Randi came forward and placed a small green block on the floor. She stepped back and motioned at the block. The block suddenly started to expand, becoming a portable toilet. They could hear a commotion from within that included the sound of toilet paper being pulled off a roll. Finally, whatever was being accomplished inside was finished. The bolt slid back and the door opened. Jimmy Baldwin stepped out and looked around. There was a look of sheer terror spreading across his face.

“Don’t try anything Jimmy, or should I say, Margot. Just get rid of the disguise and sit next to your brother.” The Wizard indicated the chair next to Jim Campion. A tall, slender woman wearing slacks and blouse slowly moved to the empty chair.

Randi collapsed the port-a-john, and it disappeared.

“As you know, there is no reason to lie, because about ten people in here will know whether you are telling the truth or not.

“Mr. Campion,” The Wizard asked, “how many tournaments did you win on the PGA tour prior to your sister becoming your caddy?”

“Er, none.”

“And, of the twenty-five you’ve won since, how many did you win without your sister’s help?”

“Er, none.”

“So you stole twenty-five tournaments from deserving winners. Tournaments they will never have the pleasure of knowing they should have won.”


“Were there any tournaments you played in since your sister became your caddy, that you didn’t use magic to increase your position in the final standings?”

“A few, I’m not really sure.”

“Miss Campion, on the front nine today, how many of your brother’s putts did you affect?”

“I believe it was three. I made two go into the hole, and I prevented one from going off the green.”

“And, how many of Bobbie Anderson’s putts did you prevent from going into the hole.”

“It was three.”

“Did you push her and make her miss the drive on hole number seven?”

“Yes sir.”

“Did you move the ball that was sitting on the pine straw on the same hole?”

“Yes sir.”

“By my count, you cost Bobbie Anderson at least five strokes on the front nine. You took from her the chance of one of the best finishing rounds in Masters history. Are you proud of what happened?”

“Yes sir, Bobbie Anderson is a witch. She used her powers to win all those tournaments. What’s wrong with me helping my brother? That woman has no right winning those tournaments.”

“So, you’re the one who sent the threatening letters?” The Wizard asked.


The Wizard turned to Bobbie. “Mrs. Anderson, have you ever cheated at golf, or any other sport for that matter. The truth telling applies to you and anyone else in this room for that matter.”

“No, Your Wisdom, what would be the point? I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror. Golf is a game of honor. There’s no place for cheats.”

“She had to have cheated. No one is that good.”

“I beg to differ with you. The man sitting in the back of this room won over 80 tournaments on the regular PGA tour. He never cheated. He loves the game too much.”

Jim Campion looked at the figure sitting at the rear. “What sort of bull shit is this? He died years ago.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m alive and well, as is my wife, who happens to be a witch. You just wouldn’t recognize us out in the world today. My wife and I do different things now. Outside of our family and the world of magic, the world thinks we are dead, but we will be around for a long, long time. There are folks who need help, and we are doing that.

“As far as Bobbie Anderson is concerned, she wins because she works hard and is a dammed good golfer. I would have loved to have played with or against her.” He turned to Bobbie. “Maybe we can play a round or two some day. I think I would enjoy it.”

The Wizard looked at Jim and Margot Campion. “So, what are we going to do with you? What you have done, unfortunately, can’t be changed. History will record that you had those victories.

“This is harsh, but this is the way it will be. If there is anyone who wishes to come to your defense, they may at any time, but I think we are in accord with this.

“First of all, we have abuse of magic. Had what was being done been discovered, it could have caused irreparable harm throughout the magic world. Your and your brother’s selfish use of magic could have destroyed what the magic world has been trying to correct for a thousand years.

“There are several other witches playing in professional sports who have never succumbed to cheating. What you did could have destroyed professional sports if the word got out about witchcraft. No one would have been above suspicion.

“Margot Campion, your magic powers are removed as of now.”


“Since you seem to want to disguise yourself as a man, we will oblige you and make that permanent.

“James Campion, you will never compete in sports at the professional level again. Since you seem to despise Bobbie Anderson’s efforts to compete as a woman, it is only fair that you learn what it’s like to be a woman in a man’s world. Maybe some day you will consider it a blessing. I would, and I know the women in this room do.

“As far as the non-magic world is concerned, you and your sister will die next week on a charity mission to Indonesia. Of course, no one will really die, but as far as the world is concerned, you will no longer exist.

“Is everyone in accord so far?”

The famous golfer in the rear of the room responded. “I am really disturbed that his record will remain intact. Isn’t there anything we can do about it?”

“We could, but it would be extremely disruptive. We would have to go back more than five years and revise too much history. The affects of their cheating have just gone too deep and too far. I think we can make sure that he never gets into the Golf Hall of Fame, though.

“Margot Campion, you and your brother will get another chance; however, your skills will be in different areas than they are now. Your magic gene has been replaced with a generic gene that has no known purpose, one that most non-magical people have. One of your ‘X’ chromosomes is now being converted to a ‘Y’ chromosome.”

Margot’s shape began to morph into that of a young man. She was powerless to say anything, but the horror to her of what was happening was easy to read. He started to shrink, and within a few minutes had become an infant child only a few months old. He was wrapped in a blanket, and started to cry. Cindy picked him up and gently rocked him. The infant gradually quieted.

Jim Campion’s change was a bit more dramatic. He was changed quickly into a rather voluptuous young woman. There was no question in anyone’s mind that he knew exactly what was happening. His hands rose to his large breasts and measured their heft and softness. His hair became a wavy dark brown. He would be considered a horny young man’s wet dream by many. He had become a very attractive young woman. From that point her physical age quickly regressed. It went slowly enough that there was no question she knew what was happening. Soon she was an infant the same age as the other baby. She started to cry. Charli comforted her as Cindy comforted the other infant.

“We have several options on what to do at this point;” The Wizard explained, “however, I think for their benefit it would be best if we kept track of their upbringing.

“Bob and Hilda, do you feel up to raising two more children? After all, you will be grandparents in just a few months.

“There is always room in our home and hearts for more children. We would be glad to take them.”

“That is so good of you,” The Wizard said. “We will have all the paperwork for the adoption completed shortly.

“Does anyone have any questions before we relax and enjoy the rest of the evening?”

“I have all sorts of questions, and I’m beginning to wonder what has been going on over the years,” Bobbie said with a tone that indicated she was a bit disturbed.

“Have I been watched all this time by the magic world? I mean, what is Archie doing here? He’s not magic, but he obviously knows about me and the rest of us.”

“Bobbie, I apologize for not telling you I knew. Remember when you met my wife a few years ago? You had just won your twentieth major on the LPGA. She realized you were magic right away. She also told me that she knew you never used magic on the golf course. As far as I was concerned, my admiration of what you were doing went up many-fold. I would have told you some day, but we realized that if you knew non-magic people knew of your magic abilities, you might feel you were being spied on and under suspicion. That wouldn’t be fair to you.”

“Archie, you have been a friend to Andy and me for years. You have always been someone we could respect not only as an interviewer, but as a golfer.

“So, your wife is magic. It’s a shame that the Campions never understood what your wife did, or rather, didn’t do. With the raw talent Campion had, he might have been a good golfer on his own, with the right instruction.

“Seeing what happened here with the port-a-john, I guess you pulled off the switch between nine and ten when I was inside one.

“Randi, that was a good trick. So, as far as Margot was concerned, she thought she was still between nine and ten when she stepped out of the toilet. The look on her face when she realized what had happened was priceless.

“Now I understand what the arguments were about, Your Wisdom. You weren’t affecting his putts like Margot had done on the front nine.”

“Actually, I pushed his last putt into the hole on eighteen. There was no reason to make his demise any worse than it already was.

“I reviewed the probability charts, and there is no question you would have won had they not messed with your game. It would have been very close, though. When you knew what he was doing, you didn’t let it get you down. You probably played better on the back nine because of it.”

“So, everyone but me knew that the switch had been made.”

“That’s right,” Cindy said as she gently rocked the little bundle in her arms. “It was so nice not having to worry about Margot, and just watch you play golf. You were so determined to beat that bastard fairly.”

“It was tough for me,” Andy added. “I had to keep you calmed down and focused, but I couldn’t let you know that we had taken his magic away.”

The party went on for a while longer. Bobbie had chills as she, and probably the greatest golfer ever, talked about her victory and their past tournaments. His wife showed up a bit later, as did Archie Chambers’ wife. All in all, it was a great day.


Heard and seen on Sky Channel Sports: “The Royal and Ancient Golf Club is going to have to make some adjustments due to one of the most amazing victories ever witnessed in The Open this last weekend. The tournament, played at St. Andrews this year, was won in spectacular fashion by the young American golfer, Bobbie Anderson. From the birdie made on the first hole to the final birdie on the eighteenth hole this Sunday, she was never out of the lead, and finally finished five strokes ahead of the second place finisher, the American, Gary Oberfeldt.

“Ms. Anderson, who prefers to be called Bobbie or Mrs. Anderson, had to endure several assaults by hardcore antifeminists during the tournament, including one on the famous Road Hole by a man who attempted to dump a bucket of blood soaked tampons on her. That individual is currently in the local lockup, awaiting a hearing before the magistrate.

“Another fanatic attempted to steal the famous claret jug before it could be engraved with Ms. Anderson’s name. The engraver suffered some minor injuries, but managed to protect the jug and finish the engraving.

“At the media conference, Ms. Anderson announced her retirement from competitive golf, saying that she and a lifelong friend were going into the mental health profession. Ms. Anderson leaves a legacy that will probably never be matched. She is currently ranked number 6 in the world on the men’s tour, and number one on the LPGA rankings, a position she has held for eight years. Among her 62 victories on the LPGA, are victories in 30 major tournaments. She was victorious in 12 tournaments on the PGA, including two majors. She won the US Women’s Amateur twice and the British Amateur once.

“Ms. Anderson was accompanied at the media conference by her husband, who was her caddy. Strangely, he was also qualified to play in the Open due to his victory in The Masters earlier this year, but declined in order to caddy for his wife. Ms. Anderson was the defending champion at The Masters, but long ago had stated she would never compete against her husband in a tournament. She frequently caddies for him on the tour, and might do it in The Open next year at Turnberry.

“After the conference Ms. Anderson, her husband and friends, who included several participants from The Open, were seen going to a local hotel where they had secured a banquet room. Among the guests was the noted golf commentator, writer, and good friend of Ms. Anderson, Evelyn Brewster. Reports state there were huge amounts of Stilton and port consumed.

“Now for some other news related to The Open. This is just in. Officials are mystified by the disappearance of Harold Turnbull. Mr. Turnbull, the man tackled by security personnel, as he attempted to dump a bucket of bloody tampons on Bobbie Anderson at the famous Road Hole, had been released on bail, and was awaiting a hearing to be held later this week.

“Mr. Turnbull, a longtime member of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club, was known for his anti-feminist rantings, and vociferous challenge to the Royal and Ancient’s relenting to allow Bobbie Anderson to play in The Open.

“He was reported missing by his landlady, a Mrs. Iona McCormick, who went to Mr. Turnbull’s flat in response to a neighbour’s complaint about a crying baby. The baby, a little newborn girl, was found in a basket inside the entry door. There was a note, apparently from the mother, stating that she could not take care of her little girl.

“According to authorities, the baby is in excellent health, and has been placed in foster care. Mr. Turnbull’s whereabouts are unknown. He presumably fled during the night, as most of his personal belongings and Vauxhall were not to be found.”


Some Afterwords

I thought the story ended here; however, I was wrong. It seems there has been considerable concern over what might have happened to Margot and Jim Campion. Several readers felt that their punishment was far too severe. I'm not sure about that as they stole over $50,000,000. However, was losing their personalities, that is never established by the way, too severe a penalty. Another question is why was Jim Campion such an ass hole? Well, I did a little research in the archives, and came up with some additional information. It appears as if the story was ended too quickly; however, the ending is many years in the future, and that will be another tale.

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