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Mystery on the Beach
The second in this series is a variation on that theme and viewed from a different perspective. Our little tale once again concerns eleven year old Tony, who is continuing a holiday with his older girl cousin and favorite aunt. The children go to spend a week at a large modern house along the beach when our hero's cousin is given a holiday job by the lady owner. Unfortunately for Tony, he had previously upset the lady so the only way he can accompany his cousin is to go in disguise, as a girl....
Chapter 1 - The Beach
The scene was a bright sunny morning; the waves rolled gently onto the beach and a light breeze disturbed the grass on the dunes forming a natural barrier between the sand and the fields beyond. A lone figure of a boy stood looking out to sea, he stood there seemingly lost in thought. Dressed in blue jeans, sweater and baseball cap, the youngster turned his back on the sea and began to walk slowly across the dunes.
Tony had grown to love his lone walks to the beach; it was only three-quarters of a mile from his aunt's house where he was staying for the duration of the school holidays. This part of the coast had survived the onslaught of commercialism, which blighted so much of the nearby area. There were no amusement arcades or ice-cream stands because the area had been subject of a protection order preventing any permanent development.
The only buildings in sight were a small group of modern luxurious houses built backing onto the edge of the dunes and fronting the lane which ran right along the coastal strip. These houses had large gardens and some had the added luxury of private tennis courts and private swimming pools.
Tony sighed as he approached the boundary fence surrounding the largest of the houses because he could make out the figures of two women and a girl sitting near the back door. He had got into the habit of using the garden of this house as a short cut back to his aunt's. Using this shortcut considerably reduced the distance to and from the beach, but with the three figures visible he had to give up that idea. It was likely that they would object to him trespassing on their property so he resigned himself to walk the increased distance by the 'official' path. This rough track meandered around the new properties and joined up with the lane about half a mile away.
Suddenly the playful breeze lifted the baseball cap from his head, depositing it on a small clump of scrub several yards away. Running swiftly, he retrieved the offending object and replaced it on his head, at the same time carefully tucking his hair inside it. He had taken to wearing the cap when out of the house for the past week, ever since he masqueraded as a girl while rescuing his newest friend, Anthea, from the manor (read The Mystery of the Girl in the Garden). His cousin Shirley ¾ a mischievous twelve year old with a penchant for adventure ¾ had assured him that the hairstyle he had been given at the hairdressers to help with his temporary female role would wash out, but it had stubbornly refused to conform. The hairdresser had been too good at her job because, despite several washes, the girlish permanent he had been given refused to go away. He found that he could brush it back into a boy's style with the aid of his aunt's hair spray, but as soon as he went outside the slightest breeze would stir it up, returning it to it's 'normal' appearance. It was his Aunt Mary who suggested that he wear the cap so he wouldn't suffer embarrassing stares from others while still reassuring him that his hair would return to normal - eventually.
He arrived back at the house without further incident and found Shirley there alone.
"Aunt Mary out?" he inquired.
"Yes, she had to go into town and won't be back 'til late. She's left us to cater for ourselves, but there's plenty in the fridge for when we're hungry. I'll get us something ready soon." Shirley returned to study the book she was reading.
Tony went up to his room and after washing he heard Shirley calling him to join her for something to eat. The two cousins hadn't really been alone together since the Anthea affair, therefore they hadn't had the opportunity to discuss it much. Tony didn't really want to talk about it because he was too confused about his emotions and wanted time to straighten out his thoughts. His feelings about Anthea seemed as strong as ever, but the feelings he got when he was dressed as a girl were confusing his young mind even more. He knew that little boys should hate being made to look like a girl and detest even more dressing like one. Or should they...? It was all too puzzling.
To blur matters even more, Tony’s aunt had hung the two 'girl' outfits she had bought for him ¾ both freshly pressed and laundered ¾ in his wardrobe. She couldn't really do anything else with them; they were his after all, having been bought for him to wear when he visited Anthea at her home. Having them within his grasp only confused his emotions even more. He tried not to even think about wearing them because everyone knew little boys don't wear dresses.
Then again, he sometimes wondered, why don't they?
The two cousins ate together, and then afterwards sat on the patio to enjoy the early evening sunshine. Unfortunately for her younger cousin, Shirley was in an extremely mischievous mood.
"I see you've still got your girlie hairstyle," she said in a singsong voice. She grinned at his obvious discomfort to this remark. "I don't know why you're so worried about it. It really suits you, makes you look really cute."
Tony squirmed at this. "Well, when I go out, people give me strange looks because they think a boy with a girl's hair is funny. That's why I keep it covered up."
She knew that she'd got him where she wanted him and she wasn't about to ease his discomfort. "Well, if you went out in a skirt, people would think you were a girl so then you wouldn't have to bother about it, would you?"
"But I'm a boy. I'm not supposed to wear skirts!" He was beginning to get a little bit annoyed.
"That may be. But you can’t deny you enjoyed pretending to be a girl all last week, can you? Think about all the fun we had and how we solved the mystery that led to Anthea’s rescue. Wasn’t that the best?" She knew the answer to this when his face colored, and she was determined to keep up her offensive. "Don’t you wish we could do it all over again?"
Tony shrugged his shoulders and looked the other way. "I don’t know. It might be okay."
"Well, I do. I think it’d be great fun. By the way, where did mum put the two outfits she bought for you, anyway? You looked so sweet in them."
"They're in my wardrobe," he said quietly, wishing in vain that she would change the subject.
"You can't tell me that you haven't been tempted to put them on. I know you really liked wearing them and don’t try to tell me different! Mum’s going to be gone for a while, so here’s your big chance. We could go for a walk on the beach together as sisters."
"I don't think a party dress is appropriate for the beach," the now embarrassed little boy replied.
"No, but your little mini kilt outfit would be okay. And you looked so cute in it." Part of her was enjoying watching his discomfort, but another part really wanted to see him dressed as a little girl again. Shirley so enjoyed pretending to have a little sister and she couldn't get over they way her boy cousin was magically transformed when he wore skirts. "Go on, I dare you! Go and put it on. You're not afraid, are you?"
"Why should I be afraid?" Tony was getting on to the defensive. "I can do anything I want!"
"Then go do it. You know you'd like to. Really!"
Not knowing how to respond, Tony said that he would think about it and then went up to his room. Once inside he opened his wardrobe and looked wistfully at the two 'little girl' outfits hanging there. He reasoned with himself that he really shouldn't put on a skirt voluntarily. At the same time, no one would know, or even care, for that matter. It was, as his cousin had said, just the two of them. And it could … it might … be kind of fun….
Without thinking he started to undress. After folding up his boy clothes and putting them neatly away, he stood for a moment in his birthday suit and stared at the girlish outfits hanging there before him. His mind wandered for the longest while, until a quick shiver swept over his body. Pulling on his dressing gown he went over to the dressing table and picked up a hairbrush. With the littlest little effort, despite his previous attempts to obliterate it, his little girl bobbed hairstyle was restored in all its pouffy glory.
He admired his reflection for a moment, thinking about the adventures he'd experienced the week before. A touch of pink coloured his cheeks as he glanced at the doll he’d been given his last expedition, seated where he’d left it on the dressing table only a couple of days ago. He opened a drawer and produced a tiny velvet jewel box. Giving the feminine image in the mirror a smile, he then slid the dressing gown off his shoulders and then extracted a thin gold chain from the box. He expertly fastened the necklace around his neck. In the hollow of his naked throat rested the tiny golden fairy Anthea had given him. The girlish youngster fingered the miniature sprite and thought about the circumstances that led to him receiving it. Shirley was right, he conceded. No matter how much I try to tell myself … playing dress up was a lot of fun, even if I am a boy!
He gave the feminine image in the mirror a rueful smile.
Oh, well, he sighed. Here I go again!
Tony let his dressing gown slide to the floor. Smiling wistfully and remembering the briefness of the kilt, he selected the laciest pair of panties from the drawer and reveled in their sensuous silky coolness as he pulled them on. Next, gazing longingly at the party dress, he lifted out the mini kilt outfit from the wardrobe and within minutes he was dressed in its white silky blouse, the green skirt and matching waistcoat. Then after zipping up the tight white boots and having a final inspection in the mirror – and touching up his hair one final time! – He grabbed his doll and skipped downstairs to find his cousin.
Shirley was missing from lounge and he was just about to call out for her when he heard the sound of her coming down the stairs. When she rushed into the room after him he noticed that she had also changed. She now, like him, was wearing a white blouse, which she had teamed with a pale blue pleated miniskirt. Instead of long white boots she had long white socks with white slip-on shoes. She grinned when she saw him.
"I guessed you'd change, so I thought I'd find something to match," she said giggling as she grasped his hands. "Come on let's go down to the beach. Are you taking dolly?"
"No, I guess I'll leave her here." He blushed fiercely as he placed the doll on a chair.
Shirley took him by the hand and the two 'girls' set off for the beach; she was enjoying having her little sister back.
Tony was almost overcome by the sensuous feeling of the cool breeze playing tricks around his little kilt. Once on the sand they both skipped and danced around with abandon. Tony, having slipped perfectly into his little girl role, didn't bother about how much of his underwear he exposed with his antics. He just wanted to relish the occasion and Shirley guessed correctly that he wanted it to go on and on.
After a while they started the walk back towards home and they passed the large house which Tony used for his occasional short cuts.
"I'll be working there next week," said Shirley, taking her little 'sister's' hand.
"How come?"
"Well, the lady of the house put a card in the local shop asking for help in cataloguing some postage stamps. Apparently they got all messed up when they moved in last year and she wants them sorted out so she can display them. You know I collect stamps and it appears that she has got some rare examples so it should be interesting and she's going to pay me for the privilege."
"How long is it going to take?"
"Well that depends on how long I work each day," said Shirley. "Probably about a week but she said she would like it done as quickly as possible."
By this time the two cousins had passed the house and had carried on along the sandy track, which wound its way along the back boundaries of the new houses. They had just rounded a curve in the track when they heard the noise of a motor vehicle coming closer. Thinking that it was strange for a car to be on the beach and dunes they both hopped onto a sandy bank and there, half hidden by some stunted bushes, they looked in the direction of the noise. They saw a Land Rover-type of vehicle coming along the beach from the direction of the distant town; it drove at speed over the dunes and stopped by the gate of the largest of the houses. Two men got out of the front and opened the tailgate to reveal four more figures. A lady who had rushed from the direction of the house and was gesticulating wildly suddenly met them. The trio then ushered the four others to a building set apart from the main house and once they were inside, the woman ¾ whom Shirley had identified as the housekeeper ¾ went back towards the house. The other two drove off at speed in the same direction from which they had come.
"I wonder what all that was about?" said Shirley.
"Yes, it's very strange," said the little skirted boy at her side. "Maybe they're late for a party or something. Why didn't they use the road? It must be quicker than driving along the beach."
The two dismissed this strange behavior and carried on towards home, the evening breeze felt cool against their bare legs and Tony especially started to shiver.
Once back in the warmth of the house Tony kicked off the long white boots and, bare-legged, shuffled about on the sofa in his panties and kilt, enjoying the feel they gave him. He pulled his legs up underneath himself and posed in a typical little girl manner. Then, almost unconsciously, he picked up the doll and sat it beside him arranging its little dress and tidying its hair.
Shirley, observing her 'little sister's' antics smiled to herself. "Enjoying yourself, aren't you? I'll make sure that Mum gives you one or two of the dresses you wore last week so you will always have something appropriate to wear around the house."
Tony was about to protest at this statement, not that she was wrong in her assumptions, but he felt that as a boy he should at least say something. But then again, why should he?
He didn't have the time to say anything however because Shirley continued. "Just wait here I've got something to show you."
With that she was gone and he caught sight of himself in the mirror, sitting there exactly like any little girl would in similar circumstances. He also realized that like many little girls he was showing off some of the frills from his panties. Blushing involuntarily and with an almost natural movement, he pulled the hem of his little kilt to cover the offending garment. This action caused him to start to get aroused and he sensed the now familiar sensation from the region of his panties. Realizing there was no way to disguise the little bump forming at the front of his kilt he modestly folded his hands to cover it up. He was just in time because at that moment Shirley arrived back carrying two large photograph albums. She sat next to him on the sofa and started to flip through the pages of the first album.
"Yes, this is it," she said as she pushed the open album towards Tony. "This is the first picture I want you to see. Take a look while I find some more."
The little feminized boy looked at the page Shirley indicated. He was puzzled because all he could see was a full-page photograph of three girls in pink ballet tutus, all of whom were about eleven or twelve years of age. He couldn't put a name to any of them.
"They look very pretty," he said, secretly wishing that he might have the chance to wear something similar someday. "I don't think I know any of them though."
Still book-marking other pictures she wanted him to see, Shirley turned to him and smiled. "No, probably not at first glance. But look at the one in the middle."
Tony looked more closely at the pretty ballerina at the center of the group. She looked quite nervous and there was something familiar about her face, but he still couldn't identify her.
"No, I don't know who she is."
"Well then, I'll give you a clue," his cousin grinned. "Do you remember Aunt Catherine?"
"Yes, she and Uncle James and Cousin Barry used to live near here," he replied. "They went to live abroad last year. I used to like Barry."
Suddenly realization dawned on him. He studied the photograph again and this time there was no mistake. The little ballerina in the center of the trio resplendent in pink tutu, ballet shoes and tiara was none other that his cousin Barry.
"What's he doing dressed like a ballerina? I didn't recognize him at first."
"Well, before I answer that, take a look at this."
Shirley indicated another large photograph. This one was of a pair of girls, one of whom was Shirley; the other dressed in a pretty floral summer dress with hair tied back with ribbon was unmistakably Barry again. He looked like a girl in the dress but his face betrayed feelings of not being at all happy with the situation.
"It's Barry again! He's dressed like a girl," said Tony stating the obvious. "Why? What was going on?"
Tony couldn't believe his eyes! There in the photograph was his cousin Barry, dressed up as a ballerina, complete with tutu and tights!
Before she answered, Shirley showed Tony another photograph, this time it was a group consisting of both aunts, Shirley, and Barry wearing yet another dress. He recognized the place the photograph was taken as the main street of the nearest town. Then his cousin produced yet another picture of herself and the hapless Barry, this time both were dressed ready for tennis. Neither was wearing shorts.
"He's wearing a tennis skirt!" said Tony amazed. "What was all that about? I mean, I would have never pictured Barry wearing dresses. He always seemed so – well – boyish."
"Well," said Shirley, "you know his father was always going away for long periods? We used to all get together on most weekends, and either they would stay with us or we'd stay with them. I think Barry was getting to be a handful without his father around much and I believe Aunt Catherine read of a way to bring him under control. One Saturday they arrived round here as planned and we were amazed that Barry was dressed completely like a girl. Apparently Aunt Catherine had started to make him wear dresses and skirts all the time around the house, so she thought it wouldn't matter if he did the same when they came to stay with us. He's very good at tennis normally, but I managed to beat him easily every time we played because he was too concerned about showing off his ruffled panties to concentrate on his game. Aunt Catherine even enrolled him for ballet classes, as you can see from that picture. Apparently one of the others in that group is a boy but I've never been able to tell which one it is. Barry absolutely hated wearing dresses and never got used to the idea. I heard there was an almighty row when his father found out about it and they moved away soon afterwards. As I said, though, he never got to like wearing skirts. Not like you do."
The kilted little boy squirmed at this last remark and wanted to object, but he couldn't think of the right words to say. His bright red face gave Shirley all the confirmation she needed to know that she was right.
"Oh, don’t worry," she said, leaning close and kissing him affectionately on the cheek. This caused the feminine little boy to squirm uncomfortably in his skirt. "You know your secret is safe with us. You can dress up here all you want, and your mates back home will never know."
Tony sat there trembling ever so slightly as he thought about what she said.
"Does Mum know? About Cousin Barry dressing up, I mean?"
"Does your Mum know, you mean? Well possibly." Shirley flashed a sidelong glance at her little cousin. "After all, they are all sisters."
Tony nodded, still thinking.
They went to bed before Aunt Mary had returned and Tony carefully hung his outfit back in the wardrobe. He reasoned that it might not be a good idea to let his aunt know that he'd been masquerading about as a little girl again and he was sure that Shirley wouldn't tell her.
Just before going to lying down, he held the fairy pendant up in the darkness and watched as it glistened in the moonlight. He thought about his escapades as Antonia and how much fun he’d had today walking on the beach and just sitting around the house in his little kilt outfit. His emotions were as confused as ever, and the same question kept coming into his head: It’s not fair! Why aren't boys allowed to wear skirts and dresses? After all, girls can wear trousers and shorts!
It just wasn't fair!
Chapter 2 - The House by the Beach
The next afternoon found Tony back on the beach, this time dressed as a boy; he had left Shirley and her mother busy in the kitchen so he whiled away the time wandering contentedly by the seashore. On his return, seeing no one about, he took this risk by taking the shortcut across the garden of the large house. Letting himself in through the same gate the Land Rover had stopped at on the previous evening he kept out of sight of the house by walking through the well kept shrubbery which covered one side of the extensive garden. Suddenly, as he rounded a particularly large bush he was confronted by the figure of a little girl of about his age, or perhaps a tiny bit older. She started when he appeared but he couldn't say anything because he was transfixed by this vision of loveliness. She wore a pretty and expensive looking dress of pale blue and white teamed with pale blue sandals with white ankle socks. She had blond hair, which cascaded down to her shoulders, but her most striking feature was a pair of huge blue eyes, which seemed to hide something mysterious. She was obviously the girl he had seen from afar on the previous day and in that instant Tony was in love again! At least this time the girl was the right age!
"What are you doing here?" the girl's sweet voice broke the silence. If she was upset by his presence she didn't show it. She just smiled innocently and gave him an intense look with those glorious eyes.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd mind if I took a short cut home 'cause I'm late." He squirmed about a bit, feeling so scruffy in his faded blue jeans and T-shirt, plus the inevitable baseball cap.
She was about to reply but was interrupted by the appearance of another figure. This was obviously her mother as it wasn't the woman he'd seen the day before with the Land Rover.
"Who are you? And just what do you think you're doing here?" The woman looked pleasant enough, but she was obviously very annoyed by his intrusion.
Tony stammered out an apology and reply but this seemed to make matters worse.
"Well, I won't have any dirty little urchins coming onto my property without invitation! Especially any nasty boys! You'd better make yourself scarce and don't you ever come back here again."
The woman tried to look fierce but couldn't quite manage it; she had the same blue eyes as her daughter, only without the deep mystery.
Tony detected an apologetic look in the girl's eyes as he rapidly left the scene; maybe she wanted him to stay? Once safely on the lane he realized he had more important things to worry about, however.
"If she finds out that I'm related to Shirley it would put paid to her stamp job," he muttered to himself. "I’d better make sure that they don't connect us."
Shirley and her mother laughed when he told them of his discovery in the garden but his cousin was a little worried that he would be connected with her and thus jeopardizing her job. Her mother reassured her that there was no reason for the lady of the house to connect them so there wasn't any need for her to worry.
He couldn't get the girl out of his mind, however, so later on that evening he found himself back on the dunes again. This time he didn't want to look at the sea but he desperately wanted to catch just a glimpse of the girl of his dreams. He took up a vantagepoint on top of a large dune, which overlooked her garden; this had the added advantage of making him invisible from the house. It was, as he would be the first to admit a forlorn hope but he so wanted to see her again.
It was about to start getting dark so he was just about to leave when he heard the sound of the Land Rover again. The scene that followed was similar to the previous day only this time five figures emerged from the back of the vehicle. They were again taken to the outbuilding shepherded along by the wildly gesticulating housekeeper.
"Just what is going on there?" muttered Tony to himself. Then with a shrug he made his way back to his aunt's house.
The next day at lunch Aunt Mary made an announcement. "I'm sorry if I have to mess you two about but I have some urgent business to attend to in London. I can't possibly leave you alone so you'll both have to spend next week with me. I know that it may be a little boring for you both, but there is little alternative as my business can't wait."
"But, Mum!" said Shirley, "I'm supposed to be working on the stamps all next week! I can't change it because they are going away for the two weeks following."
"Well I'm sorry about that, but what alternative is there? Go and see the lady. I'm sure she'll understand if you tell her what's happened. Maybe you can do it when they return, even if you go on Saturdays when you go back to school."
Shirley wasn't at all happy with the prospect of losing the money she had been promised for the job. Also she had been looking forward to seeing all the different stamps. She went off towards the house to see if she could sort something out, still complaining.
Later that day Tony was helping his aunt to move some furniture when Shirley came bursting in.
"I've sorted it out," she said breathlessly, "the lady, Mrs. Young, said we can stay there for the week. She said that they have plenty of room and Tony can play with her daughter, Fiona, while I get on with the stamps. That means you won't have to worry about us when you go off to London." This last remark was directed at her mother.
"Well, that certainly will save an awful lot of messing about," replied Aunt Mary. "But just remember, both of you, to be on your best behavior."
"But I can't go," said Tony. "She's already told me that I'm not welcome there when she found me cutting through their garden the other day. She's bound to recognize me."
"Don't worry about that, I've sorted it all out and explained all about you and she's looking forward to seeing you," said Shirley. "She said it will be good for Fiona to have someone of her own age to visit with her as she tends to get lonely."
Tony dismissed the look of satisfaction on his cousin's face because he was really looking forward to being able to see his new love again. Not only that, he would be staying in the same house with her! Fiona … what a grand name! He felt on top of the world as this time he would be close to the girl he was infatuated with. And best of all, unlike his fixation with Anthea, she was the right age!
Chapter 3 – Trickery Revealed!
The next couple of days seemed to drag by for Tony. The only times he saw the beloved Fiona – how he loved saying her name, if only to himself – were restricted to occasional distant glimpses when he walked on the dunes. He so wanted to be near to her and he was sure that he could make her his friend and that her mother would forgive him for trespassing in their garden.
Saturday finally arrived and the two cousins said goodbye to Aunt Mary. It had been decided that they wouldn't go to Fiona's house carrying lots of luggage because their own house was so close they could easily keep going back for some things they needed. Aunt Mary had suggested that they just take their nightwear plus two or three changes of clothes at most.
The two cousins went back into the house after waving goodbye in readiness for their short walk with their overnight bags. Tony picked up the holdall containing his possessions for his stay and indicated that Shirley do the same. He was eager to go and see Fiona.
"Hold on a minute, you'll need to change first," said Shirley.
He looked down at the shirt and trousers he was wearing with a puzzled expression. "Why should I need to change? My clothes look perfectly acceptable, don't they?"
"Acceptable for a boy certainly," she replied, grinning from ear to ear. "But definitely not acceptable for a little girl."
"Little girl!?? What do you mean, little girl?" He was yelling at her at first, then his voice trailed off as the realization of her words sank in. "Oh, no … Shirley, no … you don't mean ... tell me you didn’t …."
"How do you think I managed to sort things out so easily?" she asked with a gleeful look of triumph in her eyes. "There was no way you could be accepted to stay under their roof after you'd been ordered out of their garden. You would be recognized immediately, so I told them that you were my younger girl cousin to prevent any problems. Come on, you've got to get changed into a dress. It's a good job your new perm has been so reluctant to go away."
"But I can't, I won't, I ...." the words just wouldn't form. "What about Fiona and her mother? They saw me in their garden! Won’t they know who I am when they see me again? Even if I’m wearing a dress?"
"Oh, I doubt that very much. Antonia doesn’t look anything at all like that little ragamuffin who’s been haunting the beach lately. All Mrs. Young and her little girl will see is a sweet little miss who doesn’t even look like she owns a pair of trousers." Shirley flashed one of her famous mischievous smiles. "Trust me."
Tony felt himself turn bright red from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. Not only was he embarrassed, but he was angry at the way he had been tricked by his smirking cousin. All he could do was stand there trying to work out just what he was supposed to do.
His problem was fairly complex. If he refused to go to stay at Fiona's, Shirley would have to contact her mother and arrange for him to follow her to London. If he went as he was he would immediately be refused entry and so, probably, would Shirley. He could see no way out, he had been tricked good and proper! He would just have to go and stay with the beloved Fiona masquerading as - ugh! - a little girl. That was no way to start a boy/girl friendship! In the end, all he could do was follow his cousin as she led him by the hand to his room to begin his transformation.
"Just how many of your outgrown dresses does your mother have?" said Tony after Shirley had supervised his transformation into Toni to her satisfaction. He was dressed in a white dress with yellow polka dots, trimmed with lace edging. Underneath he wore a very fancy full petticoat slip and matching lace panties, and there were some little yellow buckle shoes and white knee socks as well. Shirley had added a yellow ribbon to his rejuvenated hairstyle and was admiring her handiwork. With all that yellow material and frilly trim, he felt like a giant parakeet.
"Oh, loads and loads," she answered. "As I said, she never throws anything out."
He was unsure about the full net petticoat she had insisted he wear beneath the short flared skirt. This, together with the hair ribbons, made him appear even younger than ever. The petticoats reduced the length of his skirt even more and made it stand right out. Secretly he was thrilled with his transformation when he looked in the mirror, but the boy in him felt compelled to make some sort of protest.
"I told you it wasn't long enough and this stupid petticoat makes it even shorter. People are sure to see my bottom!"
"Oh nonsense! And who cares if they do see? You look really cute like this. It’s the perfect disguise, ‘cause no one will ever suspect you’re a boy in that outfit. Now hold still."
She then applied just a touch of pink lipstick to his mouth, and then worked on his eyelashes with a mascara brush.
"I don’t want to make it obvious that you’re wearing any makeup," she explained. "This just emphasizes your naturally girlish features." She then put him to work painting his own nails with pink polish, of which he did a fairly commendable job … "For a boy," teased his cousin. A spritz of perfume completed the transformation.
Looking in the mirror, the petticoated little boy saw that Tony was gone and in his place was "Antonia" in all her bright, colorful glory. As much as he hated to admit it, maybe his cousin was right; maybe Fiona and her mum wouldn’t recognize him after all.
"Like what you see?" Shirley asked.
Waking from his reverie, Tony blushed and nodded just slightly. It was finally sinking in that he was going to be trapped in skirts for the whole of the following week. Not only that, but Fiona was going to think that he was a little girl and dressed as he was, he didn't know how he would ever be able to tell her the truth. As the petticoated little boy followed his gloating cousin back downstairs the faint rustling sound from his skirts made him feel a little better. Yes, he did secretly enjoy the pretense and the almost sensuous feel of dresses and skirts but he would never give Shirley the satisfaction of admitting it. The main problem in his mind was thinking of the ease at which she had led him into this trap.
"Come along, little cutie. We'd better get going as they're expecting us for lunch." Shirley playfully smoothed out an imaginary crease in his skirt.
"I'll have to repack," he said, forlornly eyeing his hold all.
"Oh, don't worry, I did that last night." She smiled at him sheepishly
"You mean..." Not for the first time that day did Tony feel angry at the way he had been set up, "I suppose you've even packed that darned doll." His anger wasn't completely convincing.
"Of course," she replied. Shirley knew that although he was annoyed with her, he was also enjoying himself and that little bit of information made this even more fun for her! "Every little girl takes her best dolly with her wherever she goes. Remember, we don’t want them to know who you really are, right?"
Before the two 'girls' set off on the short walk to the Young's house, Shirley noticed a subtle, yet significant addition to her cousin's ensemble. There, around his neck for the world to see, was that delicate gold chain with the tiny fairy pendant. As though the hair ribbons and lipstick and nail polish wasn't enough! She started to tease him about his addition, then decided against it; that was the one thing that linked the little boy with the little girl, she resolved. And as such, his bond with it needed room - and time - to grow.
As soon as he was exposed to the outside world, Tony again experienced that sensuous feeling wearing a dress inflicted on him.
"It really isn't that bad," he said to himself. "It's actually rather fun!"
Such thoughts further added to his mixed emotions. The eleven year old cross-dresser really couldn't understand why boys were not allowed to experience things like this; he knew that if he was honest with himself he would actually have to admit that he liked wearing dresses. As he held hands with his cousin and followed her along the walkway, he asked himself the same question over and over in his mind: "Just why aren't boys allowed to wear skirts?"
"And if boys aren't supposed to like this sort of thing," he pondered, "then why do I?"
Chapter 4 - At Fiona's House
A pleasant looking lady who introduced herself as Marie, the live in housekeeper, met them at the door of the large modern house. Tony identified her as the same lady he had seen with the Land Rover at the rear gate, but he didn't mention it.
They were shown into a large airy room where they found Mrs. Young and the beloved Fiona. From the moment they were ushered in by Marie, Tony had eyes only for this wonderful creature and he had difficulty in preventing himself from staring at her; for a moment he even forgot about his worries that he might be recognized. She looked so lovely to him in a rather formal pale green dress, and those huge blue eyes still seemed to hold a deep untold mystery, which heightened her mystique. Her smile when she greeted the two cousins seemed to light up her face. Tony was all too conscious of the fact that, to her, he was just a little girl who had come to keep her company for a few days.
They were asked to sit by the smiling Mrs. Young. "Shirley, you can start your work whenever you like and I'll leave it up to you to decide how long you're going to take to complete the task. I'll get Marie to show you to your room. I thought you would be happier if you got to share. Now for you, little Antonia. I hate it when people shorten their names, so I hope you don't mind me calling you by your full name."
"No, not at all." The petticoated boy realized he was now the center of attraction, and he shuffled uncomfortably in his lacy panties.
"I hope you will be pleasant company for Fiona," Mrs. Young said. The flustered boy squirmed uncomfortably in his dress. "Yes, of course I will," he whispered in reply.
"Very good. I hope you will be pleasant company for Fiona. She doesn't see many people of her own age. A lot of the children around here seem to be quite undisciplined. Only the other day we found some young scruffy ruffian using our garden as a short cut as though he thought he had every right to trespass on people's private property. He'll be for the high jump if I ever catch him again, so let me know if you see anything like that happening again." She gave him a very serious look, and for an instant he thought she’d recognized him for who - and what! - he really was.
"Yes, of course I will," whispered the increasingly uncomfortable little boy in his dress. Mrs. Young smiled and turned her attention back to his cousin. Tony hoped that no one would notice his face coloring rapidly.
To his relief Marie then showed them to their room and once inside the anxious boy let out a sigh of relief. The ground floor room was large with two beds and its own en-suite bathroom. He noticed that the house was laid out like a 'U', the main body being two stories with the main bedrooms upstairs. The one side of the U was a single story containing extra bedrooms and the other side was a self-contained flat for the housekeeper. The three sides of the house enclosed a picturesque garden containing a pond with fountain and many ornamental shrubs and bushes.
Tony left his cousin to do the unpacking while he did his reconnaissance from the window; he didn't feel he should appear too enthusiastic about what she had brought along for him to wear. She had just finished this task when Marie knocked and announced it was time for lunch.
During the meal that followed Shirley enthusiastically asked if she could start her project that afternoon. Mrs. Young arranged for Fiona to spend the time showing 'Antonia' around while she and Shirley worked together. All the time Tony had difficulty in keeping his eyes off Fiona who had changed into a less formal dress similar in style to his own. He was overjoyed at the prospect of spending the entire afternoon alone with her. The only problem was that he was trapped into wearing skirts! He resolved to tell her the truth before their stay was over, no matter what the consequences may be.
After lunch Fiona led the way outside and through the formal enclosed part of the garden where they spent a few minutes admiring the fish in the pond. She nodded to Marie who went into her own apartment and Fiona explained that she was there only temporarily. Apparently their permanent housekeeper was away visiting her family living in Canada and Marie, who lived locally, had been available to step in as she was moving house and her new home wasn't quite ready. The two 'girls' then walked round to the side of the garden, which was not visible from outside the grounds. This revealed that they had their own tennis court and a newly planted apple orchard.
"It's so big," enthused Tony.
"Yes, Daddy had it built to his own design. We moved here from London nearly two years ago," Fiona replied. "He never came to live here as he went to live abroad when he and Mummy separated." There was some regret in her voice.
"Do you miss London?" asked Tony.
"No, not really. I did miss some of my friends at first, and of course I miss having Daddy around. But it's so nice living here." She looked at him with those big blue eyes. "It can get a bit lonely as Mummy doesn't like me mixing with the local children very much. She told you about the trespasser we had the other day. Well the main problem there was that she doesn't much like little boys. She thinks that they are all ruffians. The one thing I do miss is..."
She never completed the sentence as those big blue eyes stared as if longing for something she couldn't talk about; it was as if she was about to reveal a big secret so she changed the subject. "You never said, how old are you?"
Tony shuffled uncomfortably, remembering his fictitious role and answered "I'm nine."
"Oh. That makes me nearly two years older than you," she said, "but I'm sure we'll get along fine."
"Well, I'll try to be a good friend," answered Tony smiling at that picture of loveliness. He knew she had a secret that she wanted to share with someone, and he was determined to be that someone.
"You're such a little sweetie!" Fiona suddenly hugged him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. This very girlish action made Tony's mind reel. He wasn't ready for this and didn't know how to react but he did want it to happen again and again. There was only one problem. Standing there with his new friend's arms around his waist, he started to get aroused and as that now familiar sensation in his panties began, he prayed desperately that she wouldn't notice. Just how in the world would he explain it if she did?
Fiona led Tony around by the hand, as though he was her little sister, and he couldn't help but wonder what his friends would think to see him this way.
Almost dizzy with excitement, Tony allowed Fiona to lead him gently by the hand to show him more of the extensive garden. They passed by the building he had seen all the activity at which was somehow connected with the appearance of the mysterious Land Rover.
"What's that?" asked Tony pointing to the red brick almost windowless structure.
"Daddy had that built at the same time as the house so he could use it as a workroom and office," she answered. "He's a designer. He never came to live here so it has never been used. We just used it for storage then Marie needed somewhere to store all her stuff until her new house is ready so mummy let her put it all in there as well."
So that was why Marie kept going to the building, mused Tony. But if that was the case why were so many people going in and out? And why haven't we ever seen any furniture and other household items being moved about? This is very, very mysterious, indeed.
Fiona showed the feminized little boy all around the house and gardens for the rest of the afternoon. He enjoyed being led about gently by the hand and somehow it felt comfortable that she treated him like a little sister. Even so, he worried fretfully, I shouldn't be feeling that way, should I? ....
Chapter 4 - Things That Go Bump In the Night
The rest of the day went by without incident and while the two cousins went to bed tired, Tony found he couldn't sleep. All sorts of things kept running through his mind. He thought long and hard of Fiona and her air of mystery. If she did have a secret then what was it? He also still couldn't explain his present predicament, not even to himself. He was a boy after all, but if that was the case, then why was he laying in bed wearing the baby doll nightie Shirley had given him? And why had he spent all day wearing a dress? It was all too confusing, so he finally dropped off to sleep.
"What on earth is that?" Tony mumbled to himself as he awoke from his fitful sleep. He noticed the time on the clock by his bed; it was only half past twelve. Suddenly he heard the noise, which had woken him again. It was coming from outside and sounded like people talking very quietly. He went over to the slightly open window, parted the curtains a little so he could see and listened. There in the moonlit garden was Marie standing by her open door talking to a man.
What on earth was she doing at this time in the morning?
Suddenly Marie and the man walked away in the direction of the main garden so he was unable to see what was going on any more.
The little boy looked down at his pink baby doll with it's matching panties and wondered what he should do next. Curiosity overtook him so he pulled on the filmy dressing gown Shirley had provided, slipped on a pair of fluffy mule slippers and clambered out of the open ground floor window into the cool night. Taking a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the light, he realized that there were noises coming from the direction of Fiona's father's workshop. Keeping as low as he could and concealing himself behind some bushes he crept as close as he could in the direction of the noises. He cursed the flimsiness of his night attire! Although it was summer the night was very cool and his teeth chattered as a light breeze sprang up.
He was suddenly aware that two figures were standing just the other side of his protective bush, one of them was Marie. "You say you've got two more tonight. So, that makes six in all and you say you're only taking two of them away?" Marie whispered to her companion.
Her companion talked quietly. "We've only got drops for two tonight. But when we bring in the other two tomorrow night we'll be able to take all of them away."
Who was that? And what were they talking about? The youngster shivered with excitement in his girlish nightie as he strained to hear more.
Marie's voice came back. "We’d better give it a rest then until I get into my own house. I think the owners here are getting suspicious."
Tony shivered in his flimsy nightie as he hid from Marie and the mysterious stranger.
He was suddenly aware that a dark-coloured van had silently pulled up next to the door of the workshop and he could just about make out two figures climbing into the back. Marie and her companion walked away in that direction. Feeling dangerously vulnerable in his girlish nightclothes, Tony decided he had seen enough and retreated back to the warmth of his bedroom.
He woke Shirley with difficulty and told her all about the night's events. She didn't believe him at first but when she looked out of the window she saw the figures of Marie and another person go into the door of her flat.
"We'll have to tell the police," she said. "We don't want Fiona and her mum getting into trouble."
"Just how are we going to do that?" asked Tony.
"Very simple. We ask Fiona's mum if we can go into town to get my mum a birthday card. We can then call in at the police station and ask to speak to the policeman who came to our house last week."
Tony wasn't sure about this but decided to go along with her plan because he knew that it was pointless to argue with his cousin when she made a decision.
The next morning during breakfast Shirley asked about them catching the bus into town on the pretext of buying a birthday card. Fiona's mother said that Fiona had to visit the doctor that afternoon so the two 'girls' could travel in by car with them and they could all meet up afterwards when they had finished their respective business. This couldn't have been better.
Later that morning while Shirley continued with her work on the stamp collection Tony decided to do some snooping around himself since Fiona was helping her mother with something. He wasn't too sure about the outfit Shirley had provided him with, though. It was a sailor suit comprising of a blue pleated skirt with a sailor type of top and collar completed by long white socks, a silly sailor hat and some black patent strappy shoes. The top made him almost as uncomfortable as the skirt, being of a midriff design that left his bare belly well exposed.
"What do you think you're up to?" Marie demanded of the cross-dressed detective.
This is one of the dumbest things I’ve had to wear yet! the skirted boy thought as he twirled about, checking his appearance in the dressing mirror. Shirley, of course, looked on with delight. It amazed her to see her boy cousin so absorbed in what he was wearing, much less how natural he moved in the clothes she gave him; it was as though he'd been wearing dresses all his life.
Tony was walking around the ominous workshop carrying that darned purse that Shirley had insisted he take with him to see if there was any way he could see inside. Suddenly he was aware that there was someone behind him.
"What do you think you're up to?" It was Marie. She’d approached the trembling boy so quietly he hadn't heard a sound, and in the confusion caused him to drop his purse.
"Oh, nothing," he said feeling very foolish. He stooped in a very feminine manner and picked up his purse, and kept his eyes looking down at his little pleated skirt when he stood up. For all intents and purposes, he looked exactly like the shy little girl he was supposed to be. "I was just wondering what this place was used for."
"Well it's nothing to do with you!" said Marie looking anxious. "Now go away and play somewhere else."
Chapter 5 - Story Telling
The two cousins stood outside the imposing building which contained the police station, although neither would admit it they were both having second thoughts about telling their story. Tony especially felt rather foolish; there he stood on the steps of this building in his sailor outfit with his little skirt billowing in the breeze and his purse dangling from his wrist, wondering if they would be laughed at when they went inside. Together they summoned up their courage and pushed the huge glass paneled doors open and went nervously walked inside. They were just about to go to the desk marked 'inquiries' when a familiar voice came from behind them.
"Hello, you two. What are you doing here?" To their delight, it was the policeman who had come to the house on the previous week.
Feeling relieved at talking to someone she knew, Shirley explained that they had something important to tell them so they were ushered into a small office.
Another policeman joined them and Shirley explained that Tony was the one who was the one they needed to talk to. She then left it to him. The youngster squirmed uncomfortably in his skirt and ruffled panties. He realized that it just wasn't possible to be brave in a skirt and he felt so incredibly vulnerable. As he recounted the happenings of the previous night, however, rather than laugh at him they took all he had to say with seriousness. When he had completed his tale the two policemen went into a private conversation for a few minutes then the second policeman left the room.
"You were quite right to come and tell us what you saw," said policeman number one. The huge man took his girlish hand in his and he squeezed it affectionately. Tony shivered involuntarily as the policeman’s eyes locked onto his own. " Antonia, you have been a very brave, but please, little miss, let’s not go exploring about at night for a while. Leave everything to us, all right?" Tony nodded vigorously, prompting a gentle laugh from the smiling adult. "It's getting to be a habit with you two uncovering mysteries isn't it? We are very grateful and we'll keep a look out tonight to see what is going on."
"Please," said Tony still feeling ridiculous in his girlish appearance, "if anything does happen, don't tell Mrs. Young that we were the ones who told you."
"Don't worry about that," he smiled. "We'll just say that we were acting on information received. Now if you'll go with this lady," he indicated a policewoman who had just entered, "she will treat you to something nice in the canteen." With that he was gone.
The policewoman led the way to a large airy room with lots of tables and chairs and after sitting down she presented them both with ice creams. Tony was still feeling ill at ease. I shouldn't be doing this sort of thing, not looking like this, he thought. I should be wearing trousers and showing them just how brave I really am! But wearing skirts had the effect of making him feel very timid and vulnerable, so he just sat eating his ice cream looking down at his bare knees.
"You don't say much for yourself." The policewoman smiled at him. "There's no need to be shy, sweetheart. That's a very pretty outfit you've got on. Is it new?"
Tony coloured bright red when he realized this question was directed at him and could only reply, "No, ma'am. It belonged to Shirley. She lets me wear a lot of her things when I come visit."
"That’s very nice of her. You look very pretty in that outfit. That style suits you very well indeed."
He fidgeted with the pleated hem of his skirt, not knowing what to say and feeling very stupid.
As Tony told his story to the policeman, he realized it was difficult to be brave in a skirt.
A short while later the two cousins met up with Fiona and her mother, and after arriving back at the house and having tea, Shirley decided to do some more work on the stamps. The two cousins were both feeling a little apprehensive about what might happen later but tried not to show it.
While Shirley worked, Mrs. Young told Fiona it was time for her afternoon rest, and Antonia was invited to accompany the young beauty to her room. Tony was in heaven as he shyly watched his friend slip out of her dress and curl up on her bed for a quick nap. In her slip and stocking feet, the delicate blond girl was a fetching as the day he met her; he felt almost embarrassed as she lay out before him in such a casual manner.
Not knowing what else to do, the feminine boy sat in a huge wingback chair and started to read some of her picture books. Normally he would never have read 'girlie' books, but as he was wearing his cousin’s sissyish sailor suit it didn't seem to matter. He secretly had to admit to himself that some of the stories were quite good, and slipping out of his shoes, he pulled his feet up under his bare legs and settled in for a quiet bit of reading.
After a while Fiona got up and – still clad in only her slip – came over and sat next to Tony, her body pushing playfully against his as she squeezed into the plush chair alongside him. The eleven year old boy almost panicked as his skirt rode high on his hips and he tugged at the pleated hem in order to keep his panties from showing, but it was too late. An ample display of white lace and pink satin was exposed before sparkling eyes, and the flustered boy mumble a clumsy "Oops" as he covered his modesty. He felt so ashamed of himself and awaited the inevitable teasing he knew he deserved, but it never came; instead, Fiona merely giggled at "Antonia's" shyness.
In addition to his shame, Tony also felt that wonderful, exquisite sensation growing down there and he prayed that he didn’t give himself away. To be so close, yet so far … talk about confusing!
Oblivious to her friend’s desperate plight, Fiona presented the flustered child with a large, expensive looking doll. "I saw that you brought one of your dollies with you. Here’s my favorite. Her name is Ellen. How many do you have at your home?"
Tony looked up into his friend’s eyes and found himself speechless. He wasn’t sure what he should say, but he knew he had to come up with something quick. "Uh, oh, plenty. My mum gets me one every Christmas and for each birthday, too. And my Aunt Mary and Cousin Shirley, they like buying me stuff like that, too."
He hoped his Cousin Shirley never heard about his imagined collection; it would be just like her to try and make it a reality!
"Oh, that sounds so much like you, Toni. I can see you right now, playing in your room, surrounded by a dozen dollies or more. I just got into them recently, myself." Fiona stared into space for a moment and sighed. Tony wondered what she was thinking. "I mean, I just started collecting them. Like this one my mum got me. She’s so adorable. Sometimes I feel like she’s my best friend in the world."
A sad feeling came over Tony and he felt compelled to say something. Reaching inside his blouse, he pulled out the little golden fairy Anthea had given him only a week before. "I know how you feel. Sometimes you have things you want to talk about but there’s no one to listen. Here’s who I share my secrets with." He dangled the gilded pixie before Fiona’s eyes and watched as she smiled.
"That’s so sweet! It suits you just perfectly, you know. You’re so precious, you spread smiles wherever you go, just like that little fairy. That’s how I’ll always remember you, I think. My little fairy friend."
The blushing boy looked down and grinned sheepishly as Fiona kissed him on the cheek. Great! Now she thinks I’m a fairy! He thought ruefully. Oh, well, at least she’s thinking of me. Indeed, things weren’t working out the way he’d planned. But somehow, well, they were working themselves out just the same.
The two children had a wonderful time chatting about their dolls – both real and (in Tony’s case) imagined! - and looking through some more of Fiona’s picture books and photograph albums. There were lots of photos of the young girl showing her on all sorts of occasions. Tony fell in love with one full size picture of her in a ballet tutu and wished he could see her in it for real.
The one thing that puzzled him while he was in Fiona’s room was that he couldn't see any photos of her taken when she was young, so he asked her why.
"Well these are my own albums and I only started to put them together a couple of years ago"; she answered looking a bit flustered. "Mummy has got lots though but I don't know where she keeps them."
Tony wasn't convinced about this answer especially as she looked so uncomfortable at the time. He let it go, however, and soon it was time supper.
After a card game and then a bath, it was time for bed. The two cousins lay awake for a while, wondering what, if anything, would happen as a result of their meeting at the police station. They whispered about it at great length, but the truth of the matter was that they knew nothing more than they already did. Exhausted from their long day, they soon fell asleep.
Chapter 6 - The Housekeeper's Secret Revealed
Noises from outside awoke them both and, glancing at the clock, Tony saw that it was just after midnight. There were sounds of people and shouting so they both went to the window to see what was going on. Through the gloom they could see two policemen outside the open door of Marie's flat and there was obviously something else happening outside their field of vision. Something serious was definitely afoot.
Suddenly there was a knock on their bedroom door, which open to reveal Mrs. Young, followed by Fiona. They were both in their nightclothes.
"I'm sorry you have been woken up by all the noise," said Fiona's mother looking concerned. "Now don't ask any questions now because I'm not sure exactly what is happening myself. I'll leave Fiona in here with you two while I go and find out what I can. Please stay in here until I come back."
With that she was gone, leaving the three 'girls' to wonder what on earth was happening outside. Clad in his skimpy nightie, Tony almost had a heart attack as Fiona invited herself into his bed. Shirley smirked at him as he clutched his nightclothes tight against his body, her eyes filled with delight at the awkwardness of his situation. For nearly half an hour the children chatted among themselves and made up some rather implausible explanations as to what was going on outside. Then Fiona's mother returned and offered the trio hot drinks in the kitchen.
Once they were in the warmth of the kitchen there was knock at the door, which opened to reveal the cousins' favorite policeman. He winked at them before addressing Mrs. Young.
"Well we're all wrapped up here," he said, "so we shouldn't need to trouble you any more tonight. Some one will be in touch in the morning to keep you updated." With that he said goodnight and was gone.
Before the three 'girls' could say anything Mrs. Young started to speak. "Well the reason for all the fuss is that our stand in housekeeper Marie has apparently been involved with a gang responsible for getting illegal immigrants into the country. The police say that they have had suspicions for quite some time but couldn't get anywhere until they had a tip off yesterday. They said that she had originally been using her own house and when she moved here temporarily she was using the workshop. I told them that we had no idea it was happening and they said that they believed me because it has been going on for some time. They said they will be in contact tomorrow, but in the mean time it looks as if we will be minus one housekeeper. It's a good thing that we're off on holiday next week and Sarah, our normal housekeeper will be back when we return. Now finish off your drinks because we'd all better get back to bed and try and get some sleep."
The two cousins finally went to their bedroom thinking that it wasn't possible to sleep after all the excitement but they were soon dozing soundly.
Everyone in the house slept late the following morning. When Tony got up, he put on a thin cotton sundress with eyelet trim, a sun hat and a pair of sandals. He then wrote a note to his cousin and headed out to take a walk along the beach. He had a lot on his mind and he wanted to be alone to think. Before leaving, he thought for a moment and paused long enough to grab his doll; that was to make sure no one mistook him for a boy! When he returned Fiona was with her mother, who was talking to the police, and Shirley was getting on with her job on the stamps.
With doll in hand, Tony wanted to make sure no one on the beach knew he was a boy.
After a late lunch Mrs. Young spoke to them all sitting around the table. "Well it appears that all those responsible for the events leading up to last night will be facing long terms in prison. It's a good job that the police got the tip off otherwise their little game would still be going on." Shirley winked at Tony and smiled. "I feel I have to apologize to you to for exposing you to that rather nasty little episode."
"Oh, it wasn't your fault," said Shirley. "You weren't to know what was going on."
"Nevertheless, you are guests in my house and I feel responsible, so as a treat I'm taking us all out for a special treat tomorrow evening. "We are going to a splendid restaurant and then on to see a show, so I hope you've both got something nice to wear."
"That's okay," said Shirley. "I'll pop over to our house tomorrow and pick us up some things. By the way I should be finished on the stamps the day after tomorrow. When we go home on the following day there won't be any need for me to arrange to come back when you return from your holiday."
"Perfect," beamed Mrs. Young. "You certainly have been busy and as we go on our holiday the following day it will be nice to know that the job is finally complete. I have to admit it has needed doing for a long time."
Chapter 7 - The Mysterious Fiona
After that Tony, still clad in his sundress, went out into the garden with Fiona. He really wanted to tell her the truth about himself but realized that he must find the right moment. Suddenly Fiona – who was dressed in a similar fashion – took hold of his hand and turned to face him.
"Oh Toni, you're such a sweetie! It's strange, because I feel as if we've been friends for years. Can we remain friends forever?"
The feminized boy was taken aback by this. "Yes, of course we can." He felt himself coloring up again thinking that this would make it even harder to tell her the truth.
They continued strolling through the garden and were passing the rather splendid tennis court. "Do you play tennis?" she asked.
"Er, yes," he replied, thinking to himself that he enjoyed playing it at school.
"Oh good. Let's have a game! Give me a hand and we'll put the net up."
"But I don't have my racket or anything," he protested.
"Don't worry about that, you can borrow one of mine," she smiled. I'll also find you something to wear. You're a bit smaller than I am but I'm sure I have something appropriate that will fit you." After they put up the net she led the way back to the house. "Right. Then if you'll wait in your room I'll get changed first then I'll find you something to wear for our game."
Tony went to the bedroom and waited for Fiona, his thoughts were all mixed up. "What crazy situations I manage to get myself into when Shirley is around," he muttered to himself.
Suddenly there was a light tap on the door and Fiona walked in. She looked delightful wearing a white tennis dress trimmed with pale blue. She had tied her hair back into a ponytail and Tony felt himself getting warm just looking at her loveliness.
"I think these will fit, and I've sorted you out a racket," as she turned around to lay the bundle she was carrying on the bed he caught a glimpse of her lace trimmed panties peeking from under her brief skirt.
"Okay, I'd better get ready then," he replied and then started to panic. What if she decided to stay while he got undressed? After all it would be quite natural for a girl to take her clothes off in front of another in the privacy of a bedroom. If he did however there would be no way he could hide the fact that he wasn't what he appeared to be. If he refused to take his dress off with her in the room she would also think that there was something odd about him. What was he to do?
His moment of panic was not necessary however because Fiona turned to him and said, "Oh, I know how shy you are, dear. I'll leave you to get ready and meet you downstairs." He sighed with relief as she closed the door behind her, then gazed wistfully as he examined the garments she had left for him.
He met Fiona in the kitchen after some reservations about exposing himself to her in this very brief outfit. He was wearing a white tennis top trimmed in pink, a matching pleated tennis skirt and - ugh! - pink tennis shoes. Like the top to his sailor suit, the tennis top was short enough to leave his belly button exposed, which was perfectly acceptable for a girl his age but definitely not for a boy! The thing he was most aware of however was the pair of frilled briefs, which were made only too visible from behind with the slightest movement of his little skirt. He had worried considerably about accidentally showing a bulge at the front, which would have looked decidedly odd for a girl. This problem had been overcome by the fact that the skirt was pleated all round which offered some sort of protection. Together with a pair of very tight panties which he was wearing underneath the frilled ones offered, he hoped, sufficient concealment.
Fiona smiled when she saw him. "Oh good, you're ready. Here, you can put this in your hair to help keep it neat." The older girl tied a ribbon in the bashful boy's hair, stood back, and beamed her approval. "That looks great. Here, sweetie, you can use this racket. Let’s get started."
Tony's initial worries about exposing his frill-adorned bottom soon diminished as he began to enjoy the feeling of freedom that playing tennis in a skirt offered. Not only that, but the fact that he was playing his beloved Fiona who looked superb in her dress was almost too much for him to bear. He played well after he had stopped worrying about showing off his panties and almost won the contest.
"What crazy situations I manage to get myself into," Tony muttered to himself.
"Thanks for that," said Fiona. "I think we both deserve a drink." With that she motioned for him to sit on the patio while she went in search of refreshment.
They had finished their drinks when Shirley came out, followed soon after by Mrs. Young. Shirley gave her cousin a grin when she spotted his skimpy apparel. He wondered when they would be getting changed but Fiona never mentioned the subject. They had tea with Tony and Fiona still dressed for tennis and to his slight dismay she mentioned that there didn't seem much point in changing as it was such a warm evening.
Later the two cousins found themselves alone in the garden and Tony felt the back of his skirt being flipped up by Shirley.
"Hey stop that!" he said, pulling the hem of the skirt back to its original position. "I feel silly enough without any help from you!"
"Well, that certainly makes a change," laughed Shirley. "You can't tell me that you've never done that to a girl wearing a tennis skirt, can you?"
This made him color a little as he remembered doing just that on more that one occasion. With that they rejoined Fiona and her mother who were sitting enjoying the warm evening sunshine.
The following day passed on without incident. Clad in another of his cousin's outfits – this one a matching yellow and white summer skirt and top set, which left his shoulders bare and his legs exposed high above his knees – Tony took Fiona for a walk along the beach. Even though it bothered him that his clothes showed so much of his bare skin, he still got a thrill from the feel of the breeze around his legs and the freedom that wearing such things gave him. Fiona, in what appeared to be a perfectly natural gesture, held his hand as they walked along the edge of the sea. Suddenly, just before it was time for them to return home, she turned to him and those huge mysterious eyes looked intently into his.
"You've only got one more day before you both go back to Shirley's house," she said looking rather sad.
"Yes, I've really enjoyed our little stay," was all he could say.
"Well, I'd like us to come for a walk again tomorrow morning because I want to tell you something which must remain our secret. I won't say anything now, but I feel that you're my best friend in the world, and friends shouldn't have any secrets from one another," she looked even more mysterious.
As they made their way back towards the house Tony decided that tomorrow was the day he too would tell her his secret no matter what effect it had on their friendship.
Once back at the house Tony sought out his cousin. Shirley was in their bedroom, looking satisfied with herself.
"Well, I'll finish the project tomorrow. We can go back home the following day without any need for me to arrange to come back," she said.
"I don't know why you get so excited over stamps," said Tony.
" I won't even try to explain it to you," she said with a tone in her voice which made him think again about saying anything more. "Now we'd better hurry because we have to get ourselves ready for Mrs. Young's treat. Remember? She’s taking us out tonight for a special dinner and a show."
"Oh, yeah." Tony blanched at the thought of going out in public as Antonia. "Did you go back to the house then?"
"Yes, I brought our two best dresses, plus accessories."
Realizing that she must have brought the yellow party dress his aunt had bought him during their previous adventure, the young boy raised a fuss. "But why can't I wear something more grown up? I mean, Fiona might put on something like your dress and I'll feel like a little tot in that silly thing!" Tony secretly looked forward to the experience of wearing his party dress once more, but he so wanted to impress Fiona so he also wanted to appear a bit grown up.
"Nine year old girls are expected to wear dresses like that on special occasions," his cousin said with a smirk. "Besides, had you also thought that Fiona may also have a dress like yours? If so, it won't matter then, will it? Now, come along. We must get ready."
Some time later Shirley, followed by a somewhat transformed Toni, waited in the lounge for the appearance of Fiona and her mother. The older cousin, resplendent in her full-length gown was fussing over the very feminized little boy. He was once again experiencing the sensuous feel of that flimsy yellow party dress with its short ballerina-like skirt and layers of net petticoats. His hair had been decorated with two gold combs and his face showed the unmistakable traces of make up. Hanging around his neck was the delicate gold chain with the little fairy pendant.
"Stop fidgeting," said Shirley as she adjusted the large bow of the sash tied at his waist then arranged his spreading skirts over his petticoats.
"I still think this thing is too short."
"Then why are you enjoying it so much?" she answered, noting with satisfaction that her remark had caused him to blush. The twelve year old girl knew that no matter how much her cousin pretended to object, he was really ecstatic about wearing that sort of dress. She still marveled at the almost magical transformation that occurred every time he was put into a dress. It really was like the magic spells she had read about in fairy tales.
At that moment Mrs. Young entered followed by her daughter. Tony was overjoyed to see that Fiona was wearing a dress that was very similar in style to his own, though the skirt was not nearly as revealing. She looked a picture in pale peach with matching trimmed ankle socks and shoes. Those mystical blue eyes had been further enhanced by the addition of make up and her very appearance was somehow making him aroused.
She complemented Shirley on her dress and them turned her attention to Tony.
"You do look nice," she beamed at him and held his hands in hers. "I really do like your dress. It's very pretty. Just like your little fairy." Tony blushed as his friend lovingly caressed the pendant at the base of his throat.
"You look lovely," was all he could say in reply as he gazed at those eyes. His emotions were all mixed up again; although he secretly adored wearing his party dress, he so wanted Fiona to see him as he really was. Tomorrow's revelation was going to be harder than ever. Just how was he going to tell her the truth? How would she react to the fact that the little 'girl' she known was in fact a boy who wore dresses?
All through the marvelous evening that followed Tony kept sensing that Fiona was looking at him when his attention was elsewhere. Had she already guessed his secret? In turn, he could hardly keep his eyes off of her; she looked gorgeous in her party outfit and he couldn't bear the thought that his revelation might put her off him forever.
Chapter 8 - Fiona's Secret
The following morning Shirley woke her cousin with the revelation that this was their last full day at the Young's house.
"What have you planned for today?" she asked as he clambered out of bed.
"Well, Fiona mentioned that she wanted to go for a walk on the beach," he replied.
"In that case, and as it's our last day, I've got the very outfit for you to wear." As had been their routine for the past few days she helped him to get ready.
"Do you really think that this is appropriate for the beach?" he asked doubtfully as she put the finishing touches to his hair. He was dressed in a pure white dress with its short full skirt supported by several layers of net petticoating. It had little puffed sleeves and was liberally trimmed with lace. Matching lace ribbons decorated his bobbed hair.
"Well, I think it looks perfect on you. You want to make a good impression on your last day, don't you?"
"I guess so," the blushing boy mumbled. He looked down at the lacy ankle socks and white buckled shoes and shook his head. "I just feel stupid, that's all."
"Oh, you love it and you know it," his cousin said with a grin. "With enough encouragement, I think you'd wear a tutu out in public. Too bad I don't have one handy."
Tony shivered at the thought, and with that Shirley took his hand and led him along the hallway to breakfast. Their hostesses were already seated and they made a tremendous fuss when they saw the little boy in his white ensemble.
"See, Mum, I told you Toni was a little fairy. She wears the prettiest clothes! I'd feel silly in something like that, but she makes it look just perfect!" Fiona's remarks caused the blood to rush to Tony's cheeks and he wasn't sure if he should be proud or alarmed.
Mrs. Young made things even worse by fussing over the shy boy’s dress and hair ribbons, primping and adjusting his clothes as though he was a life-sized doll. Her touch was almost motherly, and a part of him felt as though it was perfectly natural to be handled in such an intimate fashion. He felt ashamed at having thought earlier that she was so mean.
"Well, I am certainly going to miss having you around here, Antonia. Fiona talks about you all the time. It has certainly been a treat knowing such a prim and proper young lady."
Tony didn't even have to look at Shirley to know she was grinning; he could feel the force of her joy from across the room
All through their meal Tony had eyes only for his beloved Fiona, who was looking even more alluring to him. In contrast to his little girl look, her outfit was more in keeping with her age, a long floral skirt with a white sun top; the ensemble was completed by long white socks and sandals and her hair had been tied back in a stylish ponytail.
Trapped in his lipstick and dresses, Tony became a faithful confidant to his beloved Fiona.
A while later the two 'girls' walked through the gate leading to the dunes and began their leisurely stroll along the seashore. Fiona had taken Tony's hand as soon as they had left the house, a gesture guaranteed to start to get him excited. To make matters worse for the young boy, a slight ocean breeze kept his short, fluffy skirts in disarray – much to Fiona’s delight – and it wasn’t long before he gave up even trying to control them. As the wind picked up, he felt like the little fairy that Anthea had given him, with wings of lace and netting fluttering about in such a childish manner. Fiona told him not to worry, she’d seen his panties before, and the blushing boy grudgingly conceded this loss of dignity; he couldn't stay embarrassed forever, and both children laughed and giggled and had a wonderful time over the silliness of it all.
After about an hour the two found themselves walking alongside the timber remains of some old sea defenses. Fiona sat down in the shelter of one of the larger sections on a balk of timber, which made a natural bench. He sat next to her wondering if this was the time he should reveal all.
She turned to him and took his hands in hers and looked into his eyes, "Oh Toni, I feel that I've known you forever and I want us to remain friends. But, as I said yesterday, I think it's important that friends shouldn't have secrets from one another."
What was she going to say to him? Was it about him? Had she already guessed his secret? She moved closer and averted those beautiful eyes.
"If I tell you something will you keep it a secret and not tell anyone else, not even your cousin?" she continued.
"Of course, cross my heart."
She looked at him and continued "Oh, my little fairy friend! I just knew I could rely on you! It’s like you said before, some things are so very difficult to talk about. You see … until just over two years ago…" she paused for a moment, "… I had lived my life as a boy."
What was she saying? It was he who should be talking about such things not her. His mind reeled as she continued.
"No, it's not what you're thinking. I really am a girl and always have been. There was a mistake when I was born; I had a slight deformity, which made everyone believe that I was a boy and not a girl. The mistake wasn't discovered until I was ill about three years ago and the doctor detected that something was wrong. They did some tests and told my mother the truth and that all that was necessary to correct things was for me to have a minor operation when I'm a little older."
The little feminized boy could hardly take it in; he was supposed to revealing his secret to her not the other way round!
This isn’t fair! he thought fretfully.
She moved closer to him and continued.
"Mummy was wonderful. She told me the facts as soon as she knew them. Now you know why there were no photographs of me when I was younger. She got rid of them all."
"But, what did you feel like when she told you?" asked the wide-eyed Tony.
"Oh, I was angry and upset," she continued. "Remember, I thought I was a little boy. There was no way that I was going to be a girl and wear all those soppy clothes."
"Well, it's probably a good thing because your mother doesn't seem to like boys very much." Tony’s voice hinted of bitterness.
She looked at him and smiled. "No, that's not really true. I think that when she sees little boys she thinks of the son she thought she had and she is a bit sad. She was super at the time. She discussed everything with me, letting me decide when I would make the transformation and even allowing me to choose my new name."
"What happened when you had to change? Into a girl, I mean."
"Well, as I said, she let me decide on the day I would start to live like a girl. She made only one condition in that when that day came there was to be no going back. She discussed everything with me and bought all my new clothes with my approval."
"But what happened on the day you did change?"
"Oh I hated it! Just imagine a boy having to give up trousers for skirts … forever! Wouldn’t that be just the most horrible feeling?" The blond-headed girl giggled and Tony blushed deeply. For some reason, he could imagine that. "Mum arranged for a hairdresser to come first thing in the morning. The lady was very understanding and as I had let my hair grow she styled it in a simple girl’s style to get me used to it. Then Mum helped me to get dressed and I remember feeling so embarrassed having to wear a skirt. It was all the frills and lacy bits, which bothered me quite a bit. Even worse, when I looked in the mirror I really looked like a girl and I found that hard to take. I wouldn't go outside at first, but I didn't get pressured in any way and I gradually came round to accepting my new self. Mum has been fabulous. In two years she's got me to experience all the things a girl of my age would have been experiencing all her life."
"Like what?"
"Oh, things like ballet classes, wearing all sorts of different clothes, tennis dresses, skating dresses, I went along to the brownies and she even arranged for me to be a bridesmaid last month. There was one thing that I wasn't sure about though."
"What was that?"
"It's just that I wasn't sure about making friends and being close to other girls. Having you and Shirley here this week has completely dispelled those fears though. I feel that in you, Toni, I've made a friend for life. Like I said, you’ll always be my little fairy." She playfully flipped up the young boy's feathery skirt and smiled. "But I will understand, now that you know the story, if you don't want to remain friends with me." There was a worried look on her face and a tear ran down her cheek; the strain of revealing her story was beginning to have an effect.
Tony's mind was racing while he tried to make sense of all he'd heard. How could he possibly tell her about his predicament now? He would have to tell her some other time and as he looked into her tear-filled eyes he was overcome by the feeling that he wanted to protect her. How can I be jealous of her? he thought guiltily. Poor, dear … it's not her fault ….
All this emotion was beginning to get the skirted boy aroused and he felt that wonderfully frightening sensation stirring in his panties. He shifted about somewhat uncomfortably, grateful that his reaction was hidden by the folds of his fluffy skirt and petticoats.
"Of course I'll keep on being your friend," said Tony, getting more uncomfortable as his arousal increased. Playing his role to its fullest, he leaned forward and kissed Fiona first on one cheek, then the other, just as he’d seen other girls do when they tried to comfort someone. He was surprised to taste the salt in her tears. "I'll always be your friend and I'm sorry that you've had to go through all this. Looking at you now, I wouldn't think that you had ever been mistaken for a boy because you're so pretty. I promise that I will not tell a soul about what you've just told me, so don't ever worry about that!"
The eleven-year-old felt himself trembling. On top of that, he wasn't sure that he liked what was going on 'down there' because he had never been so aroused before. But, so far, thanks to the frilly dress and petticoats his cousin had made him wear, everything remained safely hidden.
The blond girl moved closer to him and put her hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes. "Toni, you're such a good friend to me. You seem so much older than your age. I wish I'd known you when I first found out I was really a girl. I just know having someone so feminine, so pretty, and so understanding around would have helped me a great deal."
Suddenly she kissed him on the lips, ever so briefly, ever so innocently, and she held him tightly around the waist, pulling him close and clinging to him as though she would never let him go. The effect of this perfectly natural girlish action created intense turmoil inside the feminized little boy. Suddenly the increasing sensation inside his panties reached a mind-numbing explosion as he suffered an involuntary climax, and his reactions to this were ones of acute embarrassment and exquisite enjoyment. His body shook for an instant and his breath was taken away by the wave of pleasure that held him tight. All this was too much for his young mind to comprehend and he burst into tears at the extreme sensations that assaulted his senses.
"Oh, Toni, I’m sorry … please, sweetie, I didn’t mean to make you cry." Fiona hugged the little boy even harder and smothered his face with kisses, not realizing that her efforts to comfort him only made things worse. Feeling the body of her little "girlfriend" continue to shudder, the older child felt her heart swell in sympathy. "There, there … it’s all right now. Everything’s fine."
Things gradually subsided and the little feminized boy shuffled uncomfortably in his now very damp panties. Mortified by this shameful condition and acting even more shy than before, he apologized for his outbreak of tears, saying that he just couldn’t help himself. He quickly recovered in the presence of Fiona’s bright smile, and soon the two children were laughing happily, having bonded in friendship a relationship that would last a lifetime. The still trembling boy felt intoxicated, having never felt so much pleasure, and so much shame, in such a short time frame. He wasn’t sure if he ever wanted that to happen again.
Along the way back Tony took solace in the fact that it was almost lunchtime. Whatever had happened to him resulted in a terrible mess, and he needed time and privacy to clean himself up and to try to come to terms with the latest – and most distressing! – development.
After lunch Fiona suggested another game of tennis, so once again Tony got to experience wearing a tennis skirt with its accompanying frilled panties again, and this time he won. After their game Fiona asked if he fancied going to the beach again.
"Won't we have to go and change first?" he asked.
"No, it's not necessary. These clothes will be perfect for the beach as they won't get in the way if we decide to dip our feet in the sea."
The pair were joined on the beach a little while later by Shirley who had just completed her assignment. She grinned when she saw Tony's dress and took every opportunity to hike his little skirt up; once she even managed to slip her fingertip inside the waistband of his panties and give them a playful snap. Tony’s main worry, of course, was that he must not get aroused again because in his present state of dress there would be no way to hide another disaster like then one he’d been through earlier with Fiona.
What in the world is happening to me? he wondered.
Chapter 9 - Epilogue
The following morning everyone gathered out front of the house to say their good-byes. To Tony's chagrin, Mrs. Young insisted on taking pictures of everyone for Fiona's album. While some of the shots taken included Shirley and Mrs. Young, the rest of the roll was devoted to the two younger children in a variety of poses. Some were of them standing side by side, some holding hands or hugging, and a couple of each sitting in the other's lap on the front steps, giggling and laughing like the little girlfriends they had become.
Clad in the same yellow polka dot dress he wore when he arrived, Tony had mixed emotions as he posed with his new friend. He so badly wanted a copy of each image to remember this day by, but at the same time he fretted over what someone who didn't understand might say. Even as Fiona giggled and kissed him on the cheek for a picture, he thought to himself, What if my mates back home saw me like this? I'd never play goalie again! One look in Fiona's eyes, however, made him ashamed that he'd even been selfish enough to think such a thing.
The final photograph taken was of Fiona presenting Antonia with a parting gift. It was a doll, a little ballerina, with blond hair and dressed in an exquisite pink and white tutu with golden sparkles. Tony thought of the picture of Fiona in her ballet costume.
"I know you already have so many dolls back home," Fiona gushed, "but I wanted you to have this one. To remember me by. I'm going to miss you, my little fairy friend."
For the second time in his new friend’s presence, the eleven-year-old boy in the yellow polka dot dress broke down and cried. Everyone watching – even his Cousin Shirley – was moved by the child’s tears.
Wiping their eyes, everyone said their final good-byes and the two cousins headed home. The walk seemed as long as it was silent. Finally, Shirley broke out in her singsong voice. "You have a lot of dolls back home, Antonia?"
"You shut up," was all the boy in the polka dot dress would say.
Safely back at Shirley's house Tony went to his room to change. After slipping out of his borrowed dress and having a shower he noticed that, at long last, his hair had finally returned to normal and there was no sign on the girlish style that had been so reluctant to disappear.
Back to his 'real' self he looked wistfully at the dress he had hung carefully on a hanger, ready to return it to Shirley. He then returned his fairy necklace to its hiding place with his small collection of panties. A knot formed in the pit of his stomach as he closed the drawer. As he placed his new ballerina on the dressing table next to the doll his cousin had given him, he noticed a nametag under the layers of taffeta and netting; "Fiona," it said. So that’s where she got her name, he thought.
A few days later Tony found himself alone on the dunes overlooking the Young's now deserted house. In a few more days he would be returning home and wouldn't get the opportunity to reveal to Fiona the truth about himself. Not this summer, at least.
It had been, he reflected, an eventful holiday and he had experienced many things which he wouldn't have believed only a few weeks previously. Not only had he been dressed like a girl on dozens of occasions, but he had literally lived as one and had been completely accepted as one as well. And all the while solving at least two mysteries, rescuing a beautiful teenaged girl, and uncovering the strangest - and most precious - of secrets about a new and special friend. And that … that thing … that had happened to him on the beach … what was all that about?
In spite of all this, Tony couldn't quite come to terms with the fact that he had secretly enjoyed himself while disguised as a girl. How did it go … Boys just don't do that sort of thing, do they? … But he did. And he loved it, more than anything he'd ever done in his life.
He realized with great sadness that once he was back at home he would never have the opportunity to act and dress like a little girl again … to never be Antonia … again…
Or would he? …
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Hi Patricia, Your stories
Hi Patricia,
Your stories are really fun and lovely to read. I just wish Toni would "lighten up" as he does enjoy being in his feminine side. If his cousin would be loving to her rather than trying to get Toni into uncomfortable situations, she would probably discover that she could easily get Toni, the girl, all the time. Hugs, J-Lynn
Hi Janice; Patricia did not write this story and that is why...
...just re-posting a story from another author is not enough. Many readers take the "submitter" as the one who wrote the story.
Those posting stories by others owe the original author more than just re-posting the story. Living or dead they deserve to have the full credit and acknowledgement for their creations.
I am not blasting anyone for this oversight, but I sure would like it fixed. It is easy to do here at the Big Closet Top Shelf, just hit the edit button and add a clarification!
Huggles Janice
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
everyone, yes Shirley's a little devil isn't she?.....however i wish Tony had told Fiona his secret as they would make a perfect couple and i think deep down that Tony wishes she could be Antonia forever
Tony lightening up...
I have no control over the content of these stories. They were written by Andrea. Andrea past away several years ago and these stories are archived on my site by permission of the illustrator, who is the surviving copyright holder. These stories are what they are. I have preserved them as classics.
([email protected])
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper ubi femininus sub ubi
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
am, glad they were saved as originally written....i love femme dresses n skirts with a bit of frills n lace
Enid Blyton wrote about crossdressing as well!
Another excellent read!
These stories remind me so much of Enid Blyton books, and the pleasure I gained from reading those as a child. Of course, we mustn't forget that she included F2M crossdressing in the form of George(ina)in the Famous Five. If only she had given that role to Dick instead of Georgina, maybe the whole world might today have a very different attitude.
Which perhaps is a cue for a professional children's author to give a very subtle introduction to the subject in their next novel. Possibly something like one of these stories, but without even a hint of what happens inside the panties, as there is here.
Blyton did have a crossdressing boy…
Look at “The Circus of Adventure†where a boy has to dress as a girl to escape villains whom were tyrying to take over his father's country. I shall have to have another look at the book as it is a long time since I read it.
Two wonderful stories...
...which take me right back to my childhood, and the enjoyment I had with the Famous Five.
I don't normally read children's stories but these were well worth making an exception for. They were as innocent as children can be about a subject which gives many adults so many unnecessary hang ups.
Such a shame that Andrea is no longer with us.
I think that you should add
I think that you should add a more clear declaration that these stories had been written by Andrea that has passed away. More so than just as a reply to someone else's comment.
Give the readers of these stories some background and also who the still living and writing illustrator is. Have you included the illustrations? I confess to not reading this reprint so I have no way of knowing if it is a clear and full reprint of the original. (Complete with the illustrations.)
I do know I enjoyed Andrea's writings years ago as well as corresponded with the illustrator several times about his stories.
Just putting her name as the author is not enough in this case.
Huggles Patrcia_Marie_Allen
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Dedicated to Andrea
I guess I should have included my dedication page with the story's teaser. It reads:
to the
Petticoat Detective Squad Adventures
This page is dedicated to Andrea, an author with an uncommon talent. She has penned a series of children's adventure stories in the style of Nancy Drew or The Famous Five, all revolving around a similar theme. In those stories, that theme was usually about the child, or children, confronting adversity and triumphing in the end... and so it is with The Petticoat Detective Squad.
Alas, these are all there are in the series, and there can be no more. Andrea was taken from among us. We will miss her great talent and her gentle spirit as exhibited in these elegant tales of naiveté and wonder.
These stories are posted with permission. All stories © 1998 - 1999 Daphne, all rights reserved. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to know more about Andrea, or the Petticoat Detective Squad. These stories are presented just as they first appeared on "Daphne's Secret Garden." I have not changed anything except some minor HTML coding in order to get each story onto a single page.
These stories are written to depict a young boy's first innocent encounters with cross-dressing and his subsequent feelings. If the reader is seeking descriptions of explicit or adult sex then they will be disappointed because this sort of thing is not included here.
Return with me to the age of innocence and as a child, thrill in the mystery and adventure, as Andrea's stories come to life on these pages.
([email protected])
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper ubi femininus sub ubi
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann