By the time I was writing "The saga of E-girl", I was desperate to figure out exactly who and what I was. I realized I had to face fully the demons inside me. That would have been all but impossible, except I was getting support from others. I finaly plucked up my courage and published it here, and was overwhelmed by the positive responce. Thanks to that support I have made a commitment to getting whole. I have finally admited to myself what I want - I want to be female. I am in counsiling through my local hospital, and am seeing a rape counsilor as well. I came out to my mom, and have her support. I have a long way to go, but at least I am making progress.
Congratulations on a major
Congratulations on a major step forward. I wish you joy and happiness in becoming who you are meant to be.
I'm so inspired by you...
...we are being written like our tales, different plots and turns and twists, but still like characters from the same series? You give me hope. Thanks!
Dio benedica la mia bella amici
Love, Andrea Lena
Having the open support of a parent is precious.
So many of us don't have it and more me and I suspect many others it will always leave a black spot on the soul. I am so glad you are finding your focus and digging in and finding your life.