Here is an interesting link about children who identify as the oposite sex before puberty. Hopefully, this will be the next big step in care for us. Many Docs agree that if a child is identified that early, they can develop a much more feminine frame and portrayal.
I don't want to be the devil's advocate here mew, but I can understand why people wouldn't want to do things like this for kids. I knew of a person who identified as trans earlier in life but then realized they weren't, and this wasn't a friend of a friend or anything like that, this was my brother. He thought he was, tried it out, then realized he wasn't and for a while used that against me but now we get along as sister and brother. It is common in children to self explore their genders and even their identities, but if we don't be careful a case like my brother might end up with hormone replacement therapy and an unhappy life. I even called him her for a while, but it just irked him, and he hated everything about being female, including being called a woman, the thought of growing up into a woman horrified him and it was more like some little thing was telling him he was, but in his heart and soul he knew he was a man, and he was born a man as well. I don't know how to explain it, I don't even a 100% know why he felt like he was supposed to be a girl for a while, but this CAN happen mew. So hormone blockers I'm all for, estrogen and testosterone for preteens, no.
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
I almost detransitioned.
But I thought about it for a long time and something held me back. With no support at all from my non T friends to do that, I finally realized it was because I missed my family so much and it was clouding my judgement. Sometime in the last several months, I finally accepted that they are gone and the world I once lived in is light years from me now.
It is my hope that better medical/psych protocols can make mistaken transitions a thing of the past. Statistics for detransition are very hard to come by.
What's the opposite of devil's advocate?
Not to belittle your brother... but it sounds like a minority people who don't soul search well could ruin the chances of saving a child's life. He could have ended up with hormones and a disfigured body for his wanted gender, on the other hand people like that cause officials to not want to give children *any* hormones. It leads to actual trans gendered children going through puberty and ending up with a body they don't want. It's kind of unfair. You protect one group of people and it ends up harming another. Not only that but you save his life by preventing him from masking his own decisions but contrast that with ruining another person's life by revoking *their* decisions.
Your brother was horrified of growing up as a woman and being called a "she" than it seems like it'd be pretty obvious to any professional evaluating them that they weren't right for the treatment. It's not like a preteen could just say "I wanna be a boy now give me testosterone" and get it. It doesn't even, legally, work that way with most adults. Of course they should be evaluated and of course they shouldn't be given hormones *right* away. But honestly, doesn't it seem cruel to deny children puberty (especially the correct puberty) because somebody *might* choose the wrong option? Most likely the system will catch it in time. Sometimes people slip through. Does that mean that *all* TG children should suffer because of it? I don't think I can agree with your observation.