My chilling experience.

Ok, for a while now, I have been feeling very unsettled. I've had thoughts of doing everything from moving to New Zealand to reverting back to Male. It has all felt really weird.

So, over Christmas, in spite of the fact that I'm Muslim, I put Handel's "Messiah" in my sterio and played it a couple times. I just love it. Well, three times since then, the sterio has started playing it all by its self. Once I came home to find it playing. The remote is infrared, so I did not think anything like a cell phone or play station could cause it, but I didn't worry about it too much.

Well, this morning I was just sleeping away peacefully dreaming or not. Suddenly, I heard a woman loudly call my name. IT WOKE ME UP! It was so loud that I thought I could hear it still echoing in my apartment when I sat up. I quickly ran to the door, but there was no one there. Later, I called both of the two women who would be most likely to be at my door and both of them said that they too were sleeping at the time. If it was one of Allah's Angels then he better bring a two by four to get my attention because I don't scare that easily.

Later, one of my friends called me back and said that she thought it was a sign and I needed to pay attention. I certainly will.

Have any of you ever been wakened from a sound sleep by a dream? If this sounds too weird, its OK, I am legally nuts.


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