Ok, for a while now, I have been feeling very unsettled. I've had thoughts of doing everything from moving to New Zealand to reverting back to Male. It has all felt really weird.
So, over Christmas, in spite of the fact that I'm Muslim, I put Handel's "Messiah" in my sterio and played it a couple times. I just love it. Well, three times since then, the sterio has started playing it all by its self. Once I came home to find it playing. The remote is infrared, so I did not think anything like a cell phone or play station could cause it, but I didn't worry about it too much.
Well, this morning I was just sleeping away peacefully dreaming or not. Suddenly, I heard a woman loudly call my name. IT WOKE ME UP! It was so loud that I thought I could hear it still echoing in my apartment when I sat up. I quickly ran to the door, but there was no one there. Later, I called both of the two women who would be most likely to be at my door and both of them said that they too were sleeping at the time. If it was one of Allah's Angels then he better bring a two by four to get my attention because I don't scare that easily.
Later, one of my friends called me back and said that she thought it was a sign and I needed to pay attention. I certainly will.
Have any of you ever been wakened from a sound sleep by a dream? If this sounds too weird, its OK, I am legally nuts.
Happens to me all the time
It's called the Melton Jerk; a dozen or so of my relatives do it too. :) Waking up from a sound sleep with a jump and looking around for who called your name runs in my family. One day on a camping trip, my father, myself and my brother all did it simultaneously and scared the heck out of my mom. :)
Some sound intrudes into the dream state and gets turned into a voice, it's part of our animal heritage. By that I mean, I've never owned a dog that didn't do it occasionally.
Nothing to worry about, you're just wired funny. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
on the other hand...
...if you awaken from a sound sleep and find you've moved to New Zealand, worry.
Doesn't sound chilling to me.
But then, you shouldn't ask me, I live in a haunted house. But they are friendly spirits, even the poltergeist in the pantry (who seems to be the spirit of a little girl).
A stranger is just a friend that you haven't met yet.
It happens to me, too.
It happens to me, too.
I don't think that makes me crazy!
Or to put the emphasis where it should be...
I don't think THAT makes me crazy!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
them hypnogogic hoo has
This thing of having brief hallucinations while falling asleep & waking happens to a lot of people, Gwen.
It's called hypnogogia and there's a wiki article about it:
It has happened to me all my life, and decades ago I wrote a song about it,
Hmmmm, let's see if I can remember it, it goes something like...
Well I lay down last night and surrendered to the void
I had a dream my mother looked just like Sigmund Freud
I call up my analyst and say what does this mean?
He said you go crazy son if you analyse your dreams
Sometimes I wonder what I'm a gonna do
Cause there aint no cure for the Slumbertime Blues
Well these hypnogogic hoo-has really got me in a panic
I'm gonna throw mysef into the deep blue oceanic
I'll call up my analyst and say I'm on the brink
He said don't call my home phone Son, you ain't crazy as you think
Somebody tell me what I'm a gonna do
Cause there aint no cure for the Slumbertime Blues
There's a few more verses in the middle but I guess you get the idea.
But the stereo turning on by itself seems harder to explain...
Who you gonna call?!
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
So, why did the sterio start?
No one explained that to me! I am very used to things staying put where I put them; except of course on a boat, but I did check the floor and it was carpet, not fiberglass, and it was dry, so now I am all worried and stuff, so now I am all worried and stuff and wondering if I should try some of the spirits, liquid kind of course, to ease my tremors but it is very clear that it is completely unacceptable and absolutely not allowed! Gasp!
Where is K Way when I need her?
If the remote was sitting somewhere pointing at the stereo, and its button was stuck, the stereo would come on whenever something interrupted the beam, like if you walked across the room.
It's happened to me many times, Gwen.
I'm not much on remembering dreams for more than a few seconds after waking.
But the times I have, I've awakened with a start, and remember either my name being called, or some other loud emphatic name or command. Yet I'm alone, except for maybe a cat or two on the bed.
Sometimes it is almost as if i can hear the echo of the word(s) when I startle from sleep.
So either you're not crazy, or we both are.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
That's all pretty freaky
Yes, I have had similar things happen. Thought I heard someone call my name. Heard my wife call me, but she was sound asleep. I've even seen images from dreams fading out in my real-life room as I awakened.
These kinds of things interest me, but they don't frighten me. If it was a specific person's voice, and that person was far away, I would call them.
For what it's worth, I've never thought you were nuts. You seem quite sane to me.
It could just be anxiety.