Gaby Book 6 Chapter *25* Trophy Time

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Gaby Book 6 - Girls, Girls, Girl?
Chapter *25* Trophy Time
by Maddy Bell


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Chapter *25*

We sort of fell into a bit of a routine, on Thursday I was recovered enough to resume training and we even used the bikes to go to school. (Bernie borrowed Goth Girls.)

“So you coming tonight?” I enquired as the two of us rode the last bit from the bakery home.


“I'm racing thicko.”

“I resemble that remark! I'll have to consult my busy diary.”

I rolled my eyes.

“There you are. Hurry up and get ready, we're leaving straight after tea.” Dad encouraged.

“So where are we going?” Bern enquired as we headed for the autobahn.

“Köln velodrome.”

“That's one of those indoor places right?”

“In this case not entirely, I'm glad its warmer than last time, the middle of the track is open like a footy pitch.”


“That's why I said to bring a big coat.”

It was gonna be close, Dad was far too close to the line for my liking. (See 6.06) I gritted my teeth and tried to up the pace but there didn't seem to be anything left in the tank.

“Come on Drewbie!”

I'd forgotten Bern was here, her shout of encouragement seemed to have more effect than any amount of tooth gritting. I was still only a couple of metres up but I'd halted the rot.


A moment's loss of concentration and the result would go against me.

“Come on Drew, up, up, up!”

Cheers Bern. I held my concentration and Dad was still the right side of the line when I completed the lap.

“Huh, huh, huh,”

“You okay kiddo?”

“Huh, huh, yeah, I think so.”

I concentrated on getting my breathing back to normal.

“Well it wasn't a stunning time but you won, you've got enough points that you don't need to do the points and devil if you want to give one a miss?”

Give one a miss? You've got to be kidding!

“You okay Drew? That looked like hard work.”

“It wasn't much fun.”

“The after affects of your cold I expect.”

“Maybe.” I allowed.

“This is more fun than those time trial thingies we used to go to.”

“I guess.”

“There's loads to watch and there's a sausage stand!”


“You didn't know? The other end of the stand.”

“Might have to pay a visit later.”

“So like do you do this track racing a lot now?”

“Not really, the BC coaches want me to concentrate on the road. They seem to think I could be the next Robert Millar or something.”

“Who's he when he's at home?”

“Only the best climber the UK's ever had!”

“So what's he got to do with cycling?”

“Not rock climbing, riding up mountains on a bike, he even got the Polka Dot in the Tour.” I spouted.

“And you are gonna be the next one? Pull the other one.”

“Well maybe.”

“Looks like your Dad wants you.”

“Ok, see you in a bit Bern.”

“Good luck.”


“I'd suggest sitting a bit nearer the front.”

“I guess.” I wasn't convinced but I could see the logic and it might throw some of the field who were used to my usual tactic.

“Have a good ride.”

To be honest my legs felt like lead, I negotiated my way to the front of the bunch over the first three laps but there wasn't sprint in me. Somehow I raised my pace to remain in contention but when it came to the last dash for the line there was nothing more to give. There was nothing I could do as everyone swept around me leaving me to trail in last.

“I'm scratching you from the points.” Dad told me as I rolled to a halt.


“I thought you'd argue?”

“I'm not a quitter but even I know when to call it a day.”

“Well you've got enough points that no one can catch you for the series.”

“Another pot to clean.” I sighed, and this one is huge too!

“Go get yourself changed, you want to hang on for the presentation?”

“Well duh! It'd be a bit arrogant not to, Mum says its important to do, it gets the public behind you.”

“And it's not bad for your ego either.” Dad chuckled.

“I thought you had another race?” Bern queried.

“I've scratched, I'm really off form tonight.”

“Told you it was that cold.”

“You're prob'ly right. You wanna get a Bratwurst?”

“Why not.”

If there's one thing I like in Germany it's the sausage stalls, for a few Euros you get a huge sausage in a bun, not a hotdog but like a proper 100% bad for you sausage. I love ‘em!

For me, being a spectator for the rest of the programme didn't sit well but it did mean I could explain stuff to Bern like how you score points. The last event of the night as usual was the point's race and I spent fifteen minutes riding it by proxy!

“Junge Manner ersten platz, Drew Bond auf JT Apollinaris.”

I stepped onto the dais and received the huge and ornate trophy. There was a bit of polite cheering, not as much as for the locals who filled 2 nd and 3 rd spots but I guess that's to be expected. All thoughts of tonight's lack lustre performance were pushed away by the contents of the envelope that came with the trophy, €250!

“So what do you guys normally do on Saturdays?” Bern enquired as we made our way out of Köln.

“Depends, shopping, swimming we've even been to a con, normal type stuff.”


“Nothing special, is there something you wanna do?”

“Well Martin has invited me out, I said I'd let him know in the morning.”

“Jeez you don't hang around much Bern.”

“He asked me .”

“Mart's pretty cool, did I tell you about his anti Valentines dance?”

“You said you went.”

“It was well kewl, it was in a barn on his parents farm and it was decorated all Gothicky.”

“I think you mentioned that bit.”

“So like we all had to dress up Gothic, it was really something.”

“Well we're only going for coffee in town.”

“So we get back a week on Wednesday.” Mum told the gathered throng, that's me Bern and Goth Gurl. “I don't want to come back to any incidents.”

“No Mum.”

“No Auntie Jen.”

“Why you looking at me?” Jules put in.

“I wasn't looking at anyone in particular.”

Mum gave everyone a hug then she was off, Dad was helping the taxi arrangements down to Frankfurt so those farewells would be later.

“So Martin asked her out?” Anna asked as we waited for the Express just over an hour later.


“There will be some jealous girls when they find out.” Con mentioned.

Our transport hove into view and we soon joined the others on board.

“Where's Bernie?” Steff enquired.

“On a date.” Anna gleefully advised.

“Whoa mama! She doesn't hang about!” Pia stated.

“Mart asked her.” I pointed out.

“Still…” Brid giggled.

“You lot are incorrigible!”

“So where're we going then?” Nena asked.

“Koblenz?” I offered hopefully, €250 were burning a hole in my pocket and I had an idea where I wanted to spend some of it.

“We can catch a movie I guess.” Anna agreed.

“Koblenz it is then.” Con confirmed.

Yes! Even the film bit isn't so bad now my German has improved some although I don't think I'll ever get used to Tom Hanks with a deep German voice!

“Did you buy anything then?” Bernie asked as I collapsed on the sofa.

“Not much, a couple of models.” That was a fib, I spent nearly €100 in the model shop so I had slightly more than a couple of cars! “What about you? Good afternoon?”

“Okay I guess.”

“You don't sound convinced.”

“Well we did go for coffee.”


“And nothing, nada, zilch. I didn't even get to look in the shops.”

“So not exactly a hot date then?”

“Lets just say that he needs to improve his technique.”

“I'll be sure to tell him.”

“Don't you dare Drew Bond!”

Maddy Bell 24.01.09  © 2009


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A hundred euros...

Angharad's picture

...on toy cars! Now shoes, I could understand.

Only joking.

Angharad :)


Only a hundred?????

That's restraint .... should see me at the hobby shop! Secret is... wait until the wife makes the first dent in the bank account... :LOL