There's been a rash lately of people moralizing about other people's stories. If a story offends you morally, you're probably not the target audience. It's probably a fantasy story based on a concept that makes no sense to you. Getting on a moral high horse about it makes you look prejudiced and clueless. Better to just say the story did not appeal to you if you comment at all.
And by better, I mean better for me. :( Because then I won't have to re-instate my policy about moralizing against the premise of stories in comments. If you start seeing some of your comments disappearing, that's probably why.
Oh, this applies to moralizing about someone else's comments, too. Disagreement is fine, but basing your disagreement on a moral position is usually asinine and phony because you are either betraying your ignorance of what the other person is trying to say or you are inventing an argument just so you can win it or both. Usually both. Morality is a lot bigger topic than most people think it is; it's wider, it's deeper and it is considerably harder than can be summed up in five or fifty or five hundred lines of comment.
In other words, ranting is verboten.
Nuff Said.
Silence is the perfectest herald of joy!
Well, in that case it is better to be silent. If, of course you do not wish to sing a hosanna to the author. The unwritten and not sent comment is difficult for removing from system.
Whatever you may say - no wisdom like silence! Et nunc et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen!
Yours faithfully.
Not at all what I said.
There's a lot of difference between asking for no rants and asking for only positive comments.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
You- Big boss.
Well, you here as has once written Frank Patrick Herbert - God Emperor. You order - up! We jump. And being in the top dead center we stilly mutter about the point of view.
Yours faithfully.
Don't give Erin a hard time...
Erin does a damn good job keeping this place "user friendly". It's a really hard job that can (and does) cause a lot of stress for the people doing it and Ronix, your comment isn't helping. Erin has to balance on a tightrope while juggling dozens of fragile egos to keep Big Closet up and running. And if she fails, the consequences can be disastrous. Not all the people that come here are stolid rocks. Some are at the end of the rope when they find this place, and if it closed or erupted into flame wars, they might just decide to let go of their rope. (Side note to Erin; sorry to add to your load, but you ARE saving lives just by having this place! Thank You!)
Here are some words that I try to live by. "Respect other peoples beliefs and practices. We come from all over the world. We all have different customs and values. It's none of your business what other people do unless it is causing harm to others. If you're in Rome and can't act Roman, then at least don't try to make the Romans act like you."
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue
Site rules
I feel that we should all respect Erin's wishes. The last thing we want here is any sort of flame war or moralising stands.
I mentioned my distaste for this sort of thing in one of my recent stories. If you have a strong personal view regarding religious, political or any other thing, there are plenty of other places on the net to vent your feelings.
As far as I am concerned, BCTS is a site that welcomes people with a wide cross section of beliefs and lifestyles. I consider myself and all of our friends here to be part of an extended family. Sometimes we fall out, like all families, but one thing we must not do is to impose our own beliefs on others. We are all grown up and we can formulate our own opinions without the need for moralising.
Ronix, if you are unhappy with the way things are run here, there are other sites that you may wish to go to instead of here. I hope not, because we are a pretty tolerant bunch but we need rules to avoid nasty things happening.I would hope that on reflection, you would agree.
Cast light upon our question.
I do not consider that I do not respect desires Erin. I will notice only what to wish the peace and to wish conformance of opinions, to wish eulogy of authors - it essentially different things...
I think you it perfectly understand.
"If you have a strong personal view..." My views on religion, a policy and other things do not differ from those any normal person. In particular I consider that all people have the equal rights. The law applies to everyone without discrimination. There should be no difference the criminal wears a skirt or trousers. The crime should not be represented as blessing. The criminal should not be represented as the benefactor.
I don't think that in this matters our opinions basically differ.
As you can see in my standpoint there is nothing exotic. I - not the monster as I am represented by some. I do not want something exorbitant, fantastic.
"I consider myself and all of our friends here to be part of an extended family". Just perfectly! I am happy! Only to me it is not clear, why you then show me the door?!
Yours faithfully.
Some people are not listening
The no moralizing rant rule is back in effect. Such posts will be unpublished and three such posts in a month's time from this point forward will get the offender banned for a month. I really don't want to do this. I don't send warnings.
Hugs to all,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Dura lex sed lex!
Rules are rules. The orders are peremptory them execute. Like me or someone they, or dislike - what matter?! It is not necessary to convince me or someone will obey to them. As well as it is not necessary to hang up ban as a sword of Damocles.
Just it is necessary to name things to the names. A difference between church chorus, army and BC too radically. I don't think that are synonyms.
However is only mine velleity. The boss here Erin and to her, and only to her to solve that here is good and that is bad.
Yours faithfully.