terrynaut's blog

Jugsy for Big Closet Mascot!

JugsyC.jpg     Heya, goyls. It's me, Jugsy. Yeeeah. Oy wuz boyn a boy, ya know? But oy really am a goyl. Oy am, see. So, ya gotta make me yer meee-ascot here. Oy'm purrfect for da job. Yeeeah.

- Jugsy, da Cougar Cub

P.S. I just had to post this. My little cougar friend has me eating out of her paw. She's sooooo cute, and she dreams of being a famous mascot. So what do you think? Does she have a chance? :)

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I've left comments that encouraged authors to write for themselves; write the stories they want to tell and not care if their stories are popular. What hogwash. I couldn't follow my own advice. I wish I could but I can't. That makes me a hypocrite. So be it.

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Life Is Genderful

Here's a poem I wrote 11 years ago that I just found in a folder. When I first wrote it, I couldn't figure out what to do with it so I buried it. Now I'm hoping I found a home for it here.

Life Is Genderful

Tries placing me
As one kind
In body and mind
But I am not a man
And I am not a woman
I'm a human being
Somewhere in between

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