Nick B's blog


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I don't know whether anyone else is getting this, but now when I go to the homepage at BC, I get a request for a username and password for hatbox premium content.

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Lost votes

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Has anyone else lost votes?

I checked my stories today to find that half a dozen or so have lost all their votes--not even zeroed, but gone completely

Has anyone else noticed this and if this subject has already been raised, my apologies.


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Will she be impossible again?

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Congratulations to Wales' Nicole Cooke for flying past Voss to take the World Championships and be the first woman to win both the Worlds and the Olympics in the same year.

Watch out for Ang, she's Welsh too don't forget...

...and a keen cyclist...


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Just hit 2000

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Hi folks,

It's piddling down here, grey, overcast, no sun--all that negative stuff, but am I down and depressed?

Not a bit of it.

Who's that girl has just hit 2000 and I'm really pleased that so many of you out there have taken the time to read it.

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A New Series

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Alright, I cannot take it anymore.

Sight II starts next week - providing I can drag myself away from the close of the Olympics and the Grand Prix

Sorry for leading you all up the garden path.

Can you stop beating me up now?


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The Sight - the final chapter

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Hi folks.

I know this is a lame excuse, but I don't know whether I am going to be able to post this week as usual.

The thing is, I am drawn like a moth to the flame to the British cyclists in the Olympics--not to mention a fairly unbelievable run by Bolt and well, I just haven't had the time to get into the story.

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Negative comments

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For anyone who's interested, I am having a great deal of trouble getting The Sight back on track.

The reason is, a couple of people decided to try ripping me a new one in the comments and it kind of took the wind out of my sails. Since then, I managed to produce one chapter, but it seems the muse was not amused and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get it together.

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Bonjour Mes Dames or Topless driving in France

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Bonjour mes dames

As I sit here writing this at 07:10 on Tuesday morning, it feels odd that it was exactly a week ago that Penny and I were sitting on board the ferry Barfleur, patiently waiting to go down to the garage, get in our car and get on with our holiday-cum-house-hunting.

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Frogs ahoy!

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As from midnight tonight, Penny and I will be sallying forth. A seven hour ferry is not exactly as exotic as "night boat to Cairo" but then that's the wrong country anyway, however the idea's sound.

I wanted to say "thank you" to all my friends out there and wish them along with everyone else, a nice quiet week while I'm gone.

You'll all have to get your "vacuous ramblings" out without me!

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The Sight

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To all of you who are eagerly awaiting the next posting--which would ordinarily have been Easter Monday, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to wait.

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For John in W-w-what'sitsname?

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An English couple were touring the States and while in Wisconsin, they came across a place named Wauwatosa.

Now this couple had no idea about how this was pronounced, having fallen foul when visiting Little Rock some time before and finding out that Arkansas is not pronounced the same as Kansas.

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T Stories - an update

Well, it seems that whatever we did worked.

I figure that en masse, we represented quite a large volume of stories posted on T Stories.

The board is currently closed until all requested stories have been removed.


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The English language

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Yesterday, I got myself into a discussion that I shouldn't have (I know - "oh no not again," you're thinking), but really, the argument was stupid because whilst we were both using the same language, we were both using it different ways.

Here's what I mean


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Laugh? I nearly wet myself

Joanne Barbarella was kind enough to send me a video clip and of course, I laughed like a drain and immediately went off in search of more. After all, laughter is like a drug isn't it?

Anyway, this is non-TG, but is so funny, I thought maybe some of you would like to see it too - hoping that you haven't already.

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I must offer an apology...

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I know what you're all like when you get your noses into a story you like and how you can get snotty (with good reasons too) when they end up sitting unfinished.

I have such a story that has one poor lad (or is that lass) sitting on a ship in the middle (metaphorically speaking) of the Atlantic.

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Here I am, tail between my legs and asking for forgiveness.

Actually, that's not quite true. I'm here to apologise to Erin and to the others I pissed off through my comments on the restaurant thing.

Here it is in words that I hope cannot be misconstrued.

I agree the bouncer was out of order. I believe he acted in a bigoted and unprofessional manner and should be punished for that.

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So what's an average TG?

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So What's an average TG?

I have replied to the blog about average guys and wonder, what's the average TG person?

I'll bet that there aren't too many out there who can generalise are there?

It's probably the same for generalising about guys or anyone for that matter.

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Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...

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Hi everyone.

I feel like I'm letting the side down, but as from Monday, I shall be a working man again.

I know, it's become something of an alien concept round here too - with the exception of the DIY-ing that is!

Provisionally, it's due to last until the end of November, but there is a possibility of it going on further, though at this stage I don't know.

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UK Floods

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I have been speaking with Kristina LS and she says that she has heard about the flooding in the UK and thought many others would like to know what has happened. I can't tell you much, but what I saw yesterday was pretty horrific.

Parts of Oxford and Gloucester are under feet of water (A Foot: That's about a third of a metre for the metric among us - not measured in units of toes). Rivers have burst their banks after approximately one months worth of rain fell in an hour.

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I'm sorry to put this here but I've tried every other route through to no avail.

I can't send PM's.

I can't read PM's.

I can't write to author, in fact this is the only way I have to point out a problem. It may be at my end - but I wouldn't know what to do about it if it is.

Every time I try and read a PM (I have a new one), I get the mailbox empty message. If I try and reread a PM I get the same thing. If I try and send a message to author - I've tried from one of Erin's blogs, I get my sent list. If I try and read one of those I get the mailbox empty message.

What do I do?

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Wedding speculation...

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Well I'm afraid to say that I have had to put that on hold as we can't agree who's going to be the bride. I'm not going into this in an argument situation and as it is, there are already going to be far too many bridesmaids.

As if the catering isn't going to be enough to organise, getting that many matching dresses is going to be murder.

So until we can resolve just who's going to be wearing the strides, it's going to have to be put back by at least a week.

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New vistas?

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Everyone's on edge at the Nick B household (both of us. The cat doesn't seem to understand or care) today after I got news of a possible new job in the same neck of the woods as Kristina LS.

That'd be weird since she lives half a world away from me - literally.

This means a move to Australia from little ol' England. The language won't change, but the lifestyle sure as hell will.

Will I be able to keep writing? God I hope so.

I certainly won't give up with BC since you're all such a nice bunch here and I think that I would definitely want something familiar nearby.

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Just one more...

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I know what I said, but I was mistaken. I have been handed the perfect opportunity to get one more out (I hope) for the competition, which should be with you before Christmas.

I can't tell you anything about it - I want it to be a surprise. Anyway, it largely depends upon whether I can get an editor (proofreader - whatever) in time. Fingers crossed.

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