moongoddess's blog

Amazing week so far...

Ok, i know that by saying things like the title is a way to have the gods notice you, but... What an amazing freaking week so far.
Yesterday, i went to the Y for the first time in...well forever it seems. The fitness guide, Nathaniel, was an absolute sweetheart, he understands where i'm going and aside from some pronoun trouble, he is great... and sorry Dani... he is cute too. so I'm doing that again Wednesday.

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I was either very brave, very stupid or hopped up on Dayquil

Well, this year i set it in my head that i was gonna fully transition, it being 2012 and all, i sorta figured if the world did end and i didn't get going, i would be very cranky in heaven.
That being said, i came out to six people at the !bingo hall! where i volunteer, so eep.
I told the charity managers on two of the four charities i volunteer with, one co-worker, one of the Hall managers, a runner i trust and think is wonderful and one patron who is a post op T girl... so either my trust is well placed or... things will get, shall we say, sticky... also, eep.
I hope i wasn't stupid,

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Another year older and further in...

Well the old year is over, now for an just over an hour, i begin my 48th tour around the sun... i want to give my birthday wishes to all here who feel the draw of the feminine. i want to thank all the readers and authors and the really wonderful family i have found here... my wish to you is that the dreams you dream become as real as you want them to be. happy birthday to me yesterday... and a day of remembrance today
Best thoughts,

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Geneticists gone wild!

Hiyo! your favourite little old News Agrigator Me, with sciency stuff on Physical Sex development... a fascinating read from Boing Boing.

Gender isn’t a simple thing. A person can be male, female, both, neither, and more–and that identity doesn’t have to have anything to do with the particular genital plumbing they were born with.

But the plumbing itself–the biological sex, rather than gender or socio-cultural sex–is also a lot more complicated (and interesting) than we often give it credit for.

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Hello All who care to read this, i have read a lot of post recently (including my own) on depression. I, for one am glad people are starting to speak up about this potentially dangerous subject openly, as it can be deadly.

I have an offsite blog Looking Forward, Moving Forward where i write about T* issues and very often about depression and the gender gifted, but it is for everyone, no matter how they identify.

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I'm sorry if i haven't posted any new chapters lately

i have been feeling ...i don't know... it's not a colour... grim is a decent enough word. i'm trying i am... i mean if i cannot feel good without popping prescriptions or smoking herbal pharma... shrugs... i do what i have to do, my bills are paid... so i've been sleeping a lot... anyways (headshake) i just wanted to apologize in advance.

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Toronto Tempo, Dazzling

Hi ladies 'n gentle beings! 'Tis I, Diana, your loopy Moongoddess, anxious and eager to share a wonderful, beautiful look at the city i call home.

Toronto Tempo is a short time-lapse film that really shows off the T-Dot in a way that no recent film has.

I hope you enjoy a wee vacation :) when you get to veemo, probably best to switch hi def off as it slows down the stream... Anyways... welcome to my city!

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I'll probably draw some fire for this one ...

And please as you read this, remember that this is just my opinion, that i don't assume to speak for anyone else and yes it was fiction i just read. on to the rant:

I just read a story series that was well plotted, well thought, a good read and... it made me fracking angry. Not at the author, not at the ideas presented, but at the concept of behaviour modification and ego death. The idea of 'We don't like how you think, so we will change the way you think'.

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OMGdds! Squeee! Fangirl Alert!

Just Released... the first trailer for May 2012's The Avengers movie:
The Avengers

Tony Stark: "Dr. Banner, your work is unparalleled and I'm a huge fan of the way you ...lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster."
Bruce Banner: "Thanks."


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Soundtrack to my thoughts

What do you listen to when you write? i'm writing Slacker 3 right now and i have been trying to get into a skater mindset, so Phantom Planet, ween, Fountains of Wayne, Avril... a little, offspring... but i was wondering if anyone else soundtracks their writing?
Rawking out,

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Thank you to all you wonderful readers!

You have all made me feel so welcome as a new author (3+ months) that my head still spins with the comments... I give Kudos to all of you reading, commenting or just enjoying the amazing high quality writing that all of the creators offer here, and kudos to the people who keep this site up and running so that silly girls like me have an outlet to ramble on... Thank you all... More to come soon!

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Comic book blather, DCs New 52

DC comics shipped the second week of the ‘New 52’ titles and out of 13,
I picked up seven to give them a shot after being underwhelmed by Justice League #1 last week. The titles available were:


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Beyogi, Darkice, Slicersv, Anyone! Help, need input!

Fellow beings, Hello. As you may or may not have noticed, i'm a little behind on part 5 of Magnetic Personality. this is more or less because i paid little attention to hard science in school and more attention to science fiction and comic books. well... I've really been trying to understand the fundamental science involved... I've wiki-ed, I've Googled and even asked Jeeves... the basics are making for brain aneurysms in my poor button head, but i want to be fair to those who have, well despised (smiles) my lack of scientific knowledge.

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Critical Mass

I had a Critical comment left for me and I read it just a while ago. I honestly thought in my mind 'How dare you call my baby ugly" sort of thoughts. I read and re read the comment and eventually saw the commenter's point... all very good critiques and I'm sure very reasonable... I replied without heat (or not too much) and tried not to be Snarky... but I felt like someone had attacked me... now I think... who am I writing for... Me first of course... I write what I want to read... in this case, comic book stories with comic book science and physics... I'm not a scientist or engineer...

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Originally a comment for Maggie Finsons Shades of Grey

I had originally posted this in the comment section of the final chapter of Maggie Finson's Shades Of Grey, in Lilith Langtree's Comics Retcon Universe.

After posting there, i realized i had to share this broadly..

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My first story posting here!

Hello again,
I am so proud to announce the posting of my first story "Magnetic Personality" to Big Closet and Lilith Langtree's Comic Retcon Universe... I hope you enjoy part one.
Diana Howe

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Comics Retcon Universe, Need an editor

Hello all,
Hi, my name is Diana Howe, (screen name Moongoddess) and i just finished part one of my entry into Lilith Langtree's Comic Retcon Universe. i'm tweaking the story, but i need an editor to check grammar, formatting & etc. you can comment her or PM me. Thanks in advance.

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