Daniel Thomas's blog

Duty, Honor, Country, Family, Part 29

I promised to get this story chapter out by the end of this week. Unfortunately, I been a little too busy with household matters. I've got a little over 12,000 words written but there are two major scenes I still have to complete.

Plus I need to fix up the story before turning it into Puddin. DHCF Part 29 will be ready soon, but now I'm estimating it will be more like Monday to Wednesday of next week before its published.

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Is this what I think it is?

A visit to FM's Hyperboard and I found something......I don't want to look too closely. But an image in a Hyperboard reply appears to be of someone stroking themselves. {LINK REDACTED - EDITOR}

If I right, FM has gone down the toilet. It's been going that way, but this is just absolute confirmation. The person who posted it, isn't a registered user. So their post had to get approved before being allowed on the Hyperboard.

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Happy Thanksgiving

May everyone here at BC have a great day tomorrow.

I have a new story that will be published either today or tomorrow. It's a one part Spells R Us tale. I won't say much except it is gentle and not very long tale.(A one-parter) You could also describe my plot as what would happen if you mix the SRU Wizard and Groundhog Day together.

For my Duty Honor Country Family readers, the next chapter will be published next week. I took a couple of days off from DHCF to write the Spells R Us tale. It been rolling around in my head for at least two months.

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Not another one

I've mentioned this before but sometimes while writing I make crazy mistakes. Like typing Elephant instead of elevator. While typing Chapter 26 of Duty Honor Country Family, I did something similar at least three times.

The most recent of which was when I typed Betty instead of Becky. Becky*(Also known as Hiromi) is only the story's main character.

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Help with Japanese

Two years ago I got something translated into Japanese for me. I think it was done at the TG fiction list but it could have been. I need to get it translated back to English. Here's what I wrote

Urigiri koto no kei desu ne, Reina-kun? Sayonara

If someone can help me, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

Side note- Chapter 25 of Duty Honor Country Family is finished and now being worked on Puddin. It will be published later this week. I even have almost 2,000 words written for Chapter 26.

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Getting back to our routines- Updated

The funeral for Nanay was last Saturday afternoon. Three priests said the mass for her. If two other priest friends of ours weren't away, there would have been five there.

In addition there was a large crowd for the mass. Leonette's friends came from as far as Kendall(80 miles away) and the local Filipino community also showed up. Omar, Jenni's former Muslim boyfriend, came. He said he had never been to a funeral before. I thank all these people for making what was a difficult week so much easier.

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My Nanay aka mother-in-law suffered two ischemic strokes last Saturday. At first we thought Nanay may recover from them, but beginning Tuesday she started sliding badly. An MRI today showed Nanay's brain to have more damage than first diagnosed. Nanay is all but gone now.

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Whacked, whacked, and whacked again- Updated

1- There's a Tropical Depression south of Cuba that likely will become Tropical Storm Nicole. All the computer models predict the storm to come through South Florida. Which is where I live.

It will be either a strong TD or weak TS. Still 40 MPH winds can cause power outages and other inconveniences.

2- Our family car was hit yesterday by a woman backing out of a parking space as my wife was going to visit her mother. The car is running but has over $1,000 worth of body damage. Most of which consists of the front passenger door being banged in and not able to open now.

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Family Antiques

Tonight my family will eating food from a recipe passed down from my parents to me. Unfortunately the children aren't so crazy about we're having(Dad can we go to Lindburgers instead?). So what is the meal?

Tuna Casserole

The ingredients three cans of tuna fish
One can campbell's cream of mushroom soup
One pound ziti macaroni
bread crumbs

The meal takes 55 minutes in the oven at 350F

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Mother suing South Florida hospital for doing circumcision on her son.

Oi Vei-


Vera Delgado says she was shocked when she learned last month that her infant son, Mario Viera, was accidentally circumcised without her consent at South Miami Hospital when he was 8 days old.

``Oh, my God,'' Delgado said. ``How could this happen?''

No male in her family has been circumcised for years, she said.

``I didn't want this for him. I'm opposed to circumcision. They didn't have the right to do it.''

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Close to home

A mother and two daughters had their house catch on fire. Most of their possessions were destroyed. They also lost three dogs and nine cats in the blaze. What a disaster*.

Mary knew the younger of the daughters. My cat named Misay knew one of their cats who spent some of their time outdoors. Misay is an indoor cat, but the other cat would come by our garage and Misay would hang out there too waiting for her friend.

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I can't write at this time

There are just too much going on at my home right now. As I previously blogged, my mother-in-law's thyroid cancer has recurred. It has metastasized to her spine and Nanay underwent 10 radiation treatments. Doctors talked about surgery, but she is 75 years old and no family member thought Nanay would do well with that form of medical treatment.

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Hospital Bed Comedy

Nanay began radiation treatments tonight. During the day she was seen by a great many nurses and doctors. Here's one conversation.

Neurosurgeon Nurse Practitioner- "Why are you here?"

Nanay- "Well, my daughter married an American."

I think everyone can figure out why that exchange is so funny. My wife certainly thought so.

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I'm losing my mind

In my blog post earlier today I did really terrible typos. The word couple became cover in my post. The other typo was 1996, it was supposed to be 2006.

I've been making these crazy typos for at least two years. The worst was when I wrote the man stepped into the elephant instead of elevator.

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Back to school, Nanay, Dude where is my muse?

Yesterday was the first day back to school for Palm Beach County students. Once again, I'm parent to a female High School school student. I better keep the rock salt loaded shotgun handy to chase the boys off.

My mother-in-law(Nanay) was admitted to the hospital today. She had a pet scan on Monday and the results showed her thyroid cancer has metastasized to the spine. She's had stage IV cancer since 2006 but this doesn't sound good.

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How can time be so confusing?

After a month of poor health, I'm getting back to my writing or at least trying to. Is there a BC author or commenter from Australia who can help me? I'm trying to determine the time in Alice Springs compared to other parts of world, and the websites I'm finding are telling me time in that part of Australia is currently 12:21 a.m. when it is 10:51 a.m. where I'm writing. Note the 21 and 51. Is CST Time Australia, a half hour different from other places?* I always thought time zone changes were hourly. IF its say 9:51 in Bombay, its something 51 in all other parts of the world.

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Jury Duty 2 and 3 and....(Updated)

For the second time in three months, a member of my household got called to do their civic. In April it was me, this time it is my wife.

She's at the Palm Beach County Courthouse right now. It is lunch time and she won't be back in court till 1:30. She is one of a 150 person jury member pool civil suit. Juror candidates have already been warned the trial will end sometime in August or in other words will be 3-4 weeks in length.

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10th anniversary

It was this date in 2000 that my first TG fiction story was published at Fictionmania. The Great Shift- Support Group. To be honest, the story contains most every cliche known to the sci-fi or magic variety of those stories. My first writing effort also resembles an outline more than it does a story. A trait many Great Shift stories seem to suffer from.

The good news- It is short or under 5,000 words in length. I am republishing Support Group today at BC.

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This is the most off the wall story

You got to love Florida


ISLAMORADA, Fla. — Sheriff’s dispatchers didn’t know what the problem was when they got a frantic 911 call at 1:20 a.m. All the caller could do is yell his address and tell them he was “crushed.”

According to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, deputies rushed to the scene, a residence at the 88-mile marker of U.S. 1.

When they got inside, they found the man who’d apparently fallen asleep in his recliner.

He was abruptly awakened when the head of a water buffalo that had been hanging on the wall next to him fell onto his lap.

According to Deputy Don Dalton, the head was so heavy the man couldn’t move, but his cell phone was close enough to his hand that he was able to call for help.


Call this delayed karma. The water buffalo was shot a decade ago and was given to its present owner.

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Time for Americans to take over

Since September 2008 I have been following the story of Hotaru Ferschke, the Japanese born Marine wife whose husband died in Iraq. She and her husband were married by proxy while he was serving in Iraq. Hotaru was pregnant with his son. Immigration has since denied the mother permanent residency in the United States.

If you want to read more Hotaru, there are many good articles and blog posts on the internet. I can't recall seeing one that defends the actions of United States Immigration.

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