Daniel Thomas's blog


My son was born seven years today. He died the next day and the pain still remains.

This afternoon, the wife and I plus our children Carl and Mary(Jenni is at college now) will go to the cemetary to put flowers on Daniel's grave. Tomorrow morning a mass will be said for Daniel.

I wrote a story dedicated to my son. If anyone missed it, it is here.

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Duty Honor Country Family Parts 6 and 7 notes

A recent commenter wrote-

"This is quite well done. do you live in Japan? You seem so familliar with the culture and the criminals anyway."

I've never lived in Japan but have visited the country. The occasional bits of Japanese in the story are being provided to me by a friend. From 1987 to 1989 while serving in the Navy, I was stationed in the Philippines at Subic Bay.

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Serials or putting a story up in parts

Just some thoughts on this.

First I have another story in the making. A male US Army Captain because of his background is being asked to volunteer for an unusual assignment. To infilitrate a Yakuza family in order to bring it down. My main character taking the place of a Saiko-Komon or Senior Advisor to this particular Yakuza. One that is like a financial advisor.

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Couple of birthdays and a note

*- My wife turned.........39 again today. LOL, if I say her real age, Leonita may use the medallion on me. On second thought, I would like that. Can I be this woman?

We been married 18 years. Can you believe there is someone who can put up with me that long? As a Irish priest once said to me. "You're married to a saint and you think that you deserve her, you must go to confession!"

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