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Well, I took my daughter and her mother to a local botanical garden, and they had a wonderful time. My best moment was in what they called the butterfly house, just standing still and letting these amazing beautiful creatures land on me.
Made having to spend the day in the most androgynous clothes I had and answering to my male name worth it.
I know the feeling
While my wife is comfortable with my femme expression, she still insists that when she's with me out in public that I at least appear masculine. OK, I seldom wear real men's clothes, but I do have some women's shirts that are oxford style and pants that aren't obviously feminine. I have to wear this at church and so everyone there sees me as male. The only thing that makes it bearable is that I'm undressed to the max and my nickname is androgynous, "Pat." What makes it worthwhile is that I sit in church and see three generations of my family worshiping God together. (My daughters family goes to the same church.)
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
...was the weather so bad that you couldn't wear that nice dress I met you in?? How many years has the ex been refusing to call by your proper name?? Or have you not told her that its Dorothy now? I prefer Dorothy to Todd any day of the week. I can't talk - it was 5 years after my divorce that I chose "Ruth" as my name even though I was given it by a store owner in Toronto many years before we even split.
As long as you and your daughter are comfortable with each other that is what really matters. Your ex will eventually have to get a life!!
I spoke to the lady that comes to help with the cleaning every 2 weeks about the spelling & use of the various forms of Aunt in the French language. Children when addressing their Aunt will usually refer to her as "ma tante (insert name)". Another woman who would be considered the Aunt except for the true one would be "ma grande tante (name)". The expression "tantine" is not used in that sense. Don't forget the"e" on grande as tante is a feminine word - remember all words in "le français" have a sex. The sex doesn't always make sense "beard" is la "barbe" - go figure
May the sun always shine on your parade
Hey Sweetie,
Don't mean to put you down, but I think you are supposed to be doing your Real Life Test, ie. living as a womyn full time. Let's say you lose some weight, get GRS and are living in some kind of a relationship. Your partner, spouse, significant other, etc. has you, a womyn, as er partner; maybe you are in the lesbian community and you are not the butch. Do you think your SO wants to be out with you while you are crossdressing? Do you think you can fool your daughter for any length of time that you are living as a womyn? Doesn't your ex realize that your daughter will get older, get a drivers license and eventually go where ever she wants? You and your daughter might go off and do something together that your ex doesn't want to do. Does she plan to deprive your (you and ex) daughter of those opportunities? She, ex, is probably worried that you are a better, nicer, more considerate Mom already and you will probably get better. Maybe you can drag your ex to some kind of family counseling to convince her to live in the real world, no matter what she wants to imagine.
Sorry, Dottie. I'm glad you had a good time with your daughter. I just got irritated by how manipulative and unfeeling your ex is to you. I'm probably thinking about my ex.
[irrelevant side story] My bio-daughter, the one who likes me, (the other, older one is adopted and cut me out of her life) was only 2 1/2 when I started getting her used to me dressed. My first partner, pre-op, 2 years later, presented as male most of the time. If we were out anywhere with my girls that was handy; if either said "daddy" to get my attention, Scott (later Susan full time, got her op, etc.) could just turn and respond to her and not out me. She, bio-daughter, Hillary, is now in her last year of med school.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
After reading the otherposts here & thinking a while,I must say that you, my child are still being abused by your EX in the worse way possible. You are undergoing your RLT & there she is demanding you wear drab clothing.....that istotally unacceptable & disrespectful to you as a human being. I got to admit to being toally pissed about you being treated like this..Stop kowtowing to her.seriously she doesnt deserve to even be alowed to lick your shoes....
OK Rant over, HUGS to you my child..
Always here for you