Well, our miss Jaci otherwise known as Tels saved me yesterday.
I had just brought Samantha home, and suddenly, out of nowhere that I could see, I started going into full-on PTSD reaction - I shivered and shaked like I was outside in 50 below, tears started running down my face, and I dont know what would have happened if I hadnt been IMing with Jaci at the time. She phoned me, and I basically curled up into a ball on my couch and cried and let her talk to me until I fell asleep.
Thanks sis. You're my heroine.
And may God bless you from me
And may God bless you from me too to MS Tels
You are truly her friend
The two of you....
...are gems! It's so hard to get through this; I'm so relieved that she was there for you!
Love, Andrea Lena
Jaci is a great friend. To you and other folks. Love, Jenn.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair