The last five days or so, I've had a sinus headache. This has been aggravated by the continuing changes in air pressure as several mild storm fronts moved through the area. But it's better today.
Today it only feels like I have a VisegripTM clamped on the bridge of my nose from the inside. Much better.
Tomorrow morning, I will be taking Cuddles to the vet for her pre-surgery screening before her eye operation on Thursday. If it stops raining long enough, she and I will be going out for a walk in a bit. She's in good spirits and good health other than the eye problem.
Friday night we had a birthday party for one of my local friends. A group of us, known as the Viking Glee Club, have been gaming together since 1980 and we managed a quorum of founding members, six plus spouses, children, friends and new members, and had a rousing game of Pathfinder at one table, Stone Age at another and Monopoly at a third. It was epic, despite the sinus headache.
Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season as well as I am; despite troubles, pains and sorrows, life as we know it is good.
Hugs to all,
I am happy for you.
It is good to have a circle of friends, especially this time of year. The Christmas season can be especially sad for some of us. I do hope that your headache gets better soon.
Happy Hols
Glad to hear things are well in general.
You have my sympathy on the sinus headache. I get those quite frequently and they can be quite painful indeed. Here's hoping Cuddle's surgery and pre-surgery screening go well and someone figures out how to get that Vicegrip (tm) out of your nose. Although, what you're doing with something that bulky in there in the first place, I'm not too sure I want to know. :P
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Well Wishing
I wish you and Cuddles well!
I hope your eyes, nose, ears and throat all work well throughout the holidays.
Holiday hugs!
- Terry
I know what you mean about
I know what you mean about the sinus stuff. I live in Oklahoma, and the last 4 days we have had hard to variable strong winds from the south-- from Texas where the plants that are dormant here are still putting nasty stuff in the air. It is said that it is very bad cause Texas blows and Kansas sucks, or something like that.
I knew the pollen, dust and mold was comming from Texas. Along with the headache I had the irrational feeling that I should secede from the Union!!!, and the nuts here finally got the needed signatures on their petition as well the last few days. If it had just been Texas, I was gonna start a fund to pay for the Red States sore losers in OK to move to Texas and secede.LOL
Well & Safe
Just finishing up a sinus infection myself (I hope). Lymph nodes swelled up like golfballs. So I feel your pain! Glad it's getting better!
Where are you in relation to all the flooding and such I hear about on the news? Just like to make sure all is well!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Up on the shoulder of Mt. San Gorgonio
Flashfloods happen in the canyons but I'm pretty safe here on the Calimesa, uh, mesa. :)
Bench. That's what they call a mesa locally. Calimesa Bench. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Erin, being the poppa to three
puppies, [well, three female dogs, but are puppies to me] I know the joys of puppy love. And I too sufffer from sinus headaches due to weather. Hope you, your friends & family enjoy this holiday season.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Glad you are better... Ever play 3D Monoply?
One of our Dr Who/SciFi group built a triple level one once. Enev has under counter lights mounted between levels.
I believe Just Parking and maybe Go were the connections between levels. That and maybe some of the Advance to the nearest utility/railroad cards..
I think you giot an extra 1500 dollarsthe first time you reached a new level
In theory you could get a triple monopoly.
$6000 for landing on Boardwalk. Mind you street repairs was a nightmare. But you could get a split level Monopoly though I'm not sure if you could build houses unless you had a full Monopoly on that level but you did get double rent.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Good luck with yout pet. Our girl cat has been in and out of the vet several times of late to treat an infection and to diagnose a heart problem. So I sympathize, Erin.
John in Wauwatosa