Brain fart day

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Yesterday, I had a total brain fart day. First, when I got to work, I realized I had forgotten to bring my shoes. This is a big deal, because we aren't supposed to be on the floor without steel toes.

Theoretically, they could have sent me home, but its Christmas rush, and they need every warm body they can get, so I was told to be extra careful, but to keep on going.

Then, at lunch, I discovered I had also forgotten to pack my pills, so that was a pain as well, and obviously a sign I had let all the stuff going on get me off focus.

So, I'm going to see what I can do to reduce some of my stress, so this doesnt happen again.

Wish me luck.


Brain Farts

You really gotta hate those brain farts, worst one I ever had I was halfway through signing my name on a workmates retirement card, when I forget how to spell my name. (DOH)

Hope you find a way to reduce your stress levels.

Brain farts.

They usually happen to me after I think about beans.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

brain farts

brain farts are like any other in this world.... the saying is These too will pass Think about it

Brain farts are a most common

Brain farts are a most common malady for some and in one case, a plot element to keep a certain wunderkind in dresses. o, don't worry, be happy.

May Your Light Forever Shine