Got a couple of compliments last night at work on my pretty new earrings, and I didnt do what I used to do - deflect them, instead I just thanked the people making them.
Its nice to be complimented, but its even nicer to be able to take a compliment and not immediately think of reasons why it cant be true.
Another step forward, I think.
I don't so much think of why it can't be true...
As think of what ulterior motives the person complimenting me might have.
This past week at school I've received countless compliments on my clothing, and every time I wonder if they're just laughing at me when I'm not present...
I've also been told I'm better at things than I feel I am... and I'm constantly expecting something negative...
I guess I'm just a lot more insecure than I like to think.
Abigail Drew.
Some devious mind tricks.
I'm not saying this to hurt anyone. This is what I think to my self, and have for a long time; so long in fact that I don't even think about thinking it anymore. It is a habit; conditioning, self brain washing as it were:
It really, truly is not about you. The whole world does not lay about thinking of you. You are not the center of attention.
Really, my next class, and the books I am carrying and all that homework is all I have time for, nothing else.
If someone pays you a complement, be a good girl and thank them. Don't you dare even think about discounting the complement, or explain it away later. Own the complement and put it away for safe keeping.
A woman thanked me one time for doing what she said was really nice work, and I discounted what she said. She said,"I liked the work that you did for me and you disgraced me by discounting what I said; in effect, calling me an idiot. You have insulted me and showed how conceted, self focused and selfish you are! How dare you!" She turned and walked away from me crying.
Sometimes a complement is all about them and has nothing to do with you. Be gracious and thank them.
I knowwww.... and I doooo... at least try....
But it's still what my mind is doing, no matter what my lips are doing. I'm sure they can probably sense it, hopefully they just take it for what it really is - my insecurities. MY insecurities. My mental reaction isn't about them at all. Eventually, hopefully, I'll get past it. But it's for whatever reason not THAT easy for me.
Abigail Drew.
being able to take a compliment
Yes, another step forward because you are gaining self-confidence.
May Your Light Forever Shine