When I was a very young creature of uncertain gender, my brother began having vision troubles that ended with him having operations and needing to wear glasses. Not long after, I began to complain about my eyes as well, but something funny happened.
Nobody believed me.
They assumed that I was just trying to being like my big brother, and so patted me on the head, and told me to stop being silly.
It took months before my teacher finally told my parents to have my eyes actually checked, and it turned out I did indeed need glasses, and I wear them to this day.
But what if I hadn't been able to convince my family?
What if I stole my brothers glasses on occasion so I could have moments where I could actually see?
What if this continued until I was an adult?
What if I finally found someone who would believe me, and got glasses - only to be told by the people who I loved that I was disobeying God?
Can you imagine what my life would be like right now?
Well, substitute "gender issues" for "eye problems" and you would have a pretty good clue of my state of affairs at the moment.
Ah, well.
Bingo, Dorothy!
There's always somebody eager to tell you what you need or don't need.
Even in areas where they're effectively practicing medicine without a license;
They get to bask in their sense of wisdom regarding "the way things are",
(according to their dialectic, which often looms bigger and more real
in their field of vision than anything they're actually observing),
and they're not the ones who have to suffer the consequences
if it turns out they were wrong. What's that saying about
the road to hell being paved with good intentions?
I can think of half dozen things my parents wrote off as being in my imagination or some
weird scheme of mine (Aspirin can't cause stomache aches! The florescent lights arent giving you
a headache. Nobody can be that clumsy on accident, the kid must be doing it on purpose!
That can't possibly be hurting you- Big Act! Big Act!) that turned out to be real symptoms.
Which in itself is a symptom, of one's own experiences + feelings not being taken seriously,
because they're blinded by their assumptions + on some fundamental level dont quite respect you...
~~hugs, Veronica
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
God's will and gods won't
If it weren't so damn tragic, it would be downright hilarious how people cite God's will as the rationale for their narrow points of view.
Who are these people that believe that everything God does and will do must conform to their tiny conception of how Creation Works?
I mean, really, isn't it obvious how things should work? And the scanty clothes that some people wear these days. You'd think they want to run around completely naked. And if God had intended for us to walk around naked, we'd be born naked... ummmm...
And so the silliness continues.
Don't give them the power by believing their silliness.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders
To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.