Laser Hair Removal, a caution.

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In 2005, when I came out, the Doctors said I had a condition called Hirsuitism (excessive hair), and it seems related to a genetic disorder mostly seen in females. I spent $7,000 getting almost all of it removed with a Laser, and it has been wonderful. However, since then, either owing to the Laser work, or to my use of Estrogen, my skin is more tender than most women I know. I can only tolerate certain fabrics and certainly not Nylon or Latex, either in gloves or "play wear". When I sweat, I don't get really wet, but my body really reacts to the salt, or acid (?) and I itch like crazy. Before I started all this, I had skin like armor plate, frequently not even bothering with gloves at work.

No one will admit to Laser causing skin problems. Does it? I have no idea, but I am suspicious. It could also be caused by my alien seeming genetics.



The problem

Angharad's picture

might be caused by drying of the skin, which may be age related, oestrogen influenced or possibly affected by laser treatment or all three. Dry skin can of itself be itchy or cause an eczema. Get yourself a nice moisturiser, preferably without too much perfume and use it frequently - symptoms should improve fairly quickly, if they don't see your doctor.



All that hair

Penny Lane's picture

I'm not sure that your problem is necessarily caused by laser hair treatment. It's more likely related to the way your body handles female hormones. "Skin like armor plate", that would be the testosterone.

I've noticed that women seem to have much more sensitive skin than men anyway, which is why in general female clothing is much more sensitive/gentle than menswear and why women have to use moisturiser and creams, etc on their skins much more than men do.

My Fibromyalgia has made the skin on my upper body extremely sensitive to the extent that I have had to toss a lot of my male clothing, I simply can't stand it against my skin. What I do wear is long-sleeved women's t-shirts under my men's shirts because they are softer than the men's equivalent. Of course, I can't do that in the summer. (But then, I have other, more suitable things to wear then :)

A number of us here have fibro, it might be worth checking that none of the symptoms you have indicate the start of that ailment. There are other things that might make your skin sensitive and/or dry including certain prescription drugs so don't assume that the laser is necessarily the culprit.


Laser reaction?

Hmmm, I have never heard of the lingering skin sensitivity you have described in relation to hair removal by laser. However, I can see how it could happen, especially on skin with darker and olive tones. Did you read any warnings about that as a side effect when you were to have the work done? I have several friends who have had laser to remove dark hairs, but none reported this side effect.



They took a lot of hair, A LOT OF HAIR !

Well, one thing is they had to take a lot of hair. There I said it three times. LOL And, I know that lots of people can not understand how a Woman could have lots of hair, but I did.It took them six 2 hour sessions to get it all. Unfortunately, much of my facial hair had gone grey, so lots of it is still there, so I have to shave almost every day. That's OK, I have a special way to do it, using special things and besides at my age, lots of women shave. LOL

I drink lots of water, use lots of lotion and stuff, but this is excessive. There was a period, when I was extremely poor, almost on the street and the dive I slept in had bed bugs bad. They finally moved everone out of there and to a new building and I eventually got rid of them. I have hundreds of 1/2 centimeter scars all over my body; now I can never be a stripper ! :( For about a year, they were giving me steriod creme to heal all the bites and the Doc thinks that thinned my skin even more.

I used to love wearing tight clothes and corsets. Yes, I am a corset freak.

Pantihose, don't even go there. I get claustrophobic in them. For some reason stockings and garter belt are OK though. Both my female roomates say their skin is tougher than mine.

Well, my beliefs keep my dark side in check. Though I still love harem dancing. If there were only someone to watch.:(