and other stuff.
The events of the last week or so have seriously dented my writing schedule as you may imagine - when i have had access to a writing interface its been limited and using unfamiliar programmes that at times make doing stuff difficult to say the least (adding a page break when you hit return for example or resizing pages ad hoc). Anyhow, i eventually managed to finish the latest chapter and after my trip to see Pater yesterday i set to to knock the next bunch of chapters into Kindle form and for the second time in a row the big A have excelled. Yep the book i ordered tea time yesterday for Pater arrived at 9.30 this am and the new Gaby presentation was 'published' a couple of hours before that.
So here you go, part 2 of Balancing Trick (working title) is now available!
Click on the image to go directly to the product page where you can read a short segment for free before obviously buying a copy! hint, hint!
In other news, The hospital peeps are investigating the issue that was the root of fathers second fall (fortunately no new damage done), its not something for polite company but does involve an AA Milne bear character! The wet theme has rolled through again but its supposed to dry up after lunch, i will of course be attending the hospital a bit later.
I am still planning on the weekend trip to York, i pass the baton of care to my brother on Friday but its looking like i'll need to be here for at least another fortnight but of course that is in flux pending the medical investigations.
Until next time,
Madeline Anafrid