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despite dry roads!

But i'll get back to that. Today is the coldest, greyest day we've had here for a fortnight - its not actually cold out of the stiff north easterly winds gusting through but this morning we have a blanket of cloud keeping the big yellow thing from warming us. The forecast however suggests clearer skies later and indeed, through the coming weekend as May ends and June flames in.

We started the week with what traditionally was known as Whitsun Bank Holiday or Spring Bank although Politicians seem determined to rename and even move it in the calendar - this year it's regained its name and timing thanks to the King's coronation earlier in the month. Which all means that Monday was a Bank Holiday and this week is school half term, not that either really affect me. I had a fairly usual Monday, laundry, a trip to the shops and i finally cut the patch of green we call a lawn here at Bevs gaff. Then i made a start on the next Gaby chapter before cooking up spag bol - a pretty good rendition if i say so myself!

With a stiff breeze forecast, i thought i'd stick to what has become a regular loop to the south of Brizz with a stop at Clevedon - the food is reasonably priced and i get a free cuppa! I decided to go widdershins, its a shorter ride out with a longer return leg via the Chew's and Stanton Drew which gives a more relaxed return than fighting scross the city. Lunch was a chicken 'burger' with salad, reasonably healthy for a greasy spoon! I thought i'd deviate from the usual roads a little so, after crossing the Yatton levels, i swung past the airport for a bit of plane spotting (there were some!) before using lanes less travelled, single track with grass up the middle towards Chew Stoke.

After Nempnett Thrubwell a noise like a trapped leaf had me stopping to check it out - turns out it was air escaping the front tyre, i'm guessing caused by some of the loose stone liberally spread on these lanes. I took my time over the job, it was a nice afternoon afterall then set off anew to complete the ride. I was soon back to the Avon valley but before i could get on the bike track for the last 10km to base, the rear tyre developed a bit of squidge. I pressed the second spare tube into service before completing the ride, just over 100km and a little over 820m.

To be fair, my recent puncture to km rate has been fairly good, that said, first job once the computer was running was to order a pair of new tyres - not cheap and the size required are akin to rocking horse poo in availability!

I've also booked transport by bus to get me and Foxy up to Yorkshire in a couple of weeks when i'll be catching up with friends and family, visiting the chiropodist and spending the weekend at the York cycle rally. I'll be on the baked bean diet until then so i can afford ice cream for my kids when i see them!

And so to today, the last day of May. The laundry is out, next after this missive is a trip to the shop for said beans after which i'll crack on to finish the Gaby chapter - Patreon supporters should see the results later today! That's about it, so until Sunday,

Madeline Anafrid

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No emergency patch kit

I’ve seen but never tried these self adhesive patches. I carry a small kit on me now with patches and glue spring first ride I picked up a shard of glass in tire. Like tiny sliver shard that you have to turn the tire inside out to even find and need tweezers and a nail to get out!

Ten blocks over bridges home..probably more…lesson learned.

my typical

Maddy Bell's picture

day ride kit includes 2 tubes, emergency self adhesive patches, proper glue on kit and a tyre boot! There have been days when i've needed all of them! The self adhesive patches sometimes work very well but i had a batch that lifted in as little as 40km, for best results you still need to prepare the tube and only inflate inside a tyre.

Despite having all that, i had a bad day earlier this year when i rode home on a flat, @ 12km as my pump decided to self destruct! It was an expensive Lezyne pump too now replaced by a more robust Topeak item.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Baked Bean diet

can be pretty bland and boring. I often spice mine up with hot pepper sauce or Chilli powder and Worcester Sauce.
Sorry to hear about your inflatable problems. Perhaps... (just perhaps) you might like to get a more standard wheel size so that replacement rubber only costs half an arm and a foot and is more readily available?

i would

Maddy Bell's picture

love a more readily available wheel size - the rest of my steeds all use the same one. The issue is, Foxy is a folding bike so wheel size is crucial to a small packed size, go smaller and ride quality suffers, go bigger and lose the small packing - catch 22 or in this case 24"!


Madeline Anafrid Bell