well not much has happened!
Bank Holiday Monday was a washout, not in terms of the weather but in getting planned stuff done. I was hoping to get most of my bike servicing done but things started to go awry almost from the start - i couldn't find the 17mm socket i needed to remove the cranks. No issue, i'll go get another so i went for a walk and nowhere that was open, it was a BH, had anything big enough but i did get some more bedding plants! Aunty Bev took me to B&Q and presto, one socket.
Back at chez Bev i got everything kitted up again with the new socket and after half an hour of grunting and unladylike language i had to give up, no nearer to undoing the bolt. Its Ti on Ti, so its not corroded and only tightened to 40nm so it should have been easy but others have had a similar issue with the bolt self tightening. Solution, so i'm told is a long breaker bar so i'm waiting on the post for that to arrive. So much for plans.
On the positive side, i serviced Bev's brakes, replacing the pads, total time, 10 minutes!
And so to yesterday, Tuesday. After Mondays travails i didn't really feel like going very far and so i did a more local ride, a loop down to Aqua Sulis, a further loop the other side of the city then back to the edge of Bristol for a 'lunch' stop. Duly refreshed i them took in a loop along the Avon, bypassing Cabotville centre to make another loop through north Brizz before ending the ride with 107km and a handy 1000m of ascent. Maybe i'll feel more like a good ride come Thursday.
Today, well today is at least a bit brighter, laundry is done and hanging out, i've pored over the garden, the flowers are coming on, we need slug pellets as the strawberries are being targetted, and a surprise, overnight the peas have shown their heads. No sign of any of the beans as yet but i'm impatient, the root vegetables, except the taters and carrots, are also still biding their time but the leeks and onions are coming on nicely.
Next up is a walk down to Sweden for some lunch, i've not been for over a month and i've a hankering for meatballs!
I'll be back on Sunday with more tales from Cabotville and the next Gaby chapter, until then,
Madeline Anafrid