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Happy Easter!
I'm not a religious person but my upbringing certainly included regular Sunday School and church services and I'm not immune to an excuse to eat chocolate and have time off work! And of course this year we are all under some form of Corona restriction so to cheer you all up I've made an extra posting today.
As I'm living a sort of Radio 4 Trixie life atm and a good many of you are 'fans' of the Trixiebell tales, I'm currently working on the second volume, The Canterbury Tales. To that end, I've spent the afternoon trying to re-find files that in some cases seem to have just evaporated and preparing for the concluding words. The good news is I have found all that I've written so far and i'll be continuing the writing, most likely over this Easter weekend.
So to cheer you all up, and give a taste of what's in the pipeline, here is Gothic Daughter, the trip to Canterbury is over but the fall out from this whole caper continues to make itself felt.
I know its quite short but you shouldn't have to wait too long for the conclusion to Book 2.
Bye for now
Thank you - and have a happy Easter.
- for an update on Trixie's new lifestyle and friends.
These days new body decorations and mods are going to be largely imaginary or postponed.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."