A few days ago, someone commented about how scary Steven King novels and I was reminded of the story “I have no mouth and I must scream” by Harlan Ellison.
I think even King’s stories pale compared to the horror at the end of that story.
And then yesterday I learned that he had died last week.
I don’t think he wrote any TG stories, but his Dangerous Visions collection definitely broke many barriers and helped allow the wealth of TG fantasy and science fiction that we enjoy today.
And I found this quote especially inspiring.
Asked in 1990 to describe the urge to write, Mr. Ellison told the Los Angeles Times: “You do it because all writers in some insane place believe that to write is a holy chore — that what one wishes to do is speak to one’s time, to make a difference, to say, ‘I was here. I was a force for good in some way.’ ”
Thanks to each of you for undertaking this chore.
Sad to see another great writer go
The day his death was announced just happened to be the day that an episode of 'Burke's Law' [1][2] was broadcast on 'Talking Pictures TV' here in the UK. When the credits rolled, his name was listed as the writer. I raised an imaginary glass to him and some of the wonderful tales of his that I'd read over the years.
[1] The series ran from around 1963-1965 and starred Gene Barry. There was a brief revival in 1994-95 again starring a much older Gene Barry.
[2] I was watching it as an antidote to the awful playacting that was going on in the Football World Cup in Russia. Honest!