News from.......Brandenburg, Germany

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Just a quick note or two.

Well my best laid plans have fallen by the way side as my internet access so far this trip has been sketchy at best and non existent most of the time.

Anyhow, we've had a great trip so far, a mostly mill pond North Sea crossing and wall to wall blue skies and sunshine ever since. Gab has. Been enjoying herself with visits to Hameln of rat fame and the windmill museum up at Luneberg Heide. Maybe the other windmill visits were a bit more 'if we must' but we've some great stuff planned for the way back.

The main purpose of the trip was to ride the Spreewald Radmarathon, a feat I completed for the 9th time today. I spent several hours in a bunch to rival the Tour de France riding at silly speeds - much easier than riding alone! There is a special club for competing in ten or more, I intend to become a member next year!

I'll try to post again but with the crappy internet I won't promise more than that.



The main plan

Podracer's picture

Seems to have stayed intact, ride the "Spreewald", get over there and enjoy seeing stuff, the interweb stuff is fun and useful but we used to live without it. I hope your ride was a good one, and the comeback training fruitful.

"Reach for the sun."