In my continuing reading about Sexual Reassignment Surgery and peripheral matters, I've had a rather astonishing revelation. I was reading an article in "theBMJ" , more correctly "The British Medical Journal", where one contributor stated rather matter of factly that the recipients of SRS surgery routinely had their Prostate removed. This statement illustrated rather conclusively that "professionals" functioning outside their area of expertise sometimes have rather profound gaps in their knowledge base to the point that it is laughable to me.
As we know from previous of my Blogs, currently the Prostate is left alone during SRS. I did just read about a case where it was removed owing to a Cancer diagnosis, using a non invasive Laparoscopic procedure. And yes, he is suffering some of the effects of nerve damage, but he is being told by his Doctor that his symptoms are temporary.
That and other reading has led me to the conclusion that I am a Eunuch, but due to the binary nature of Western culture, they lack the ability to understand that, so I simply live as a female. Questions that Aardvark's "Jayti Singh" story generated, led me to discover some very interesting things about Indian and Muslim cultural practices. The research that he puts into his stories is often verifiable and quite astonishing to me.
It is clear to me that I would return to living as a sort of male save for some astonishing ignorance in our cultures. First, what do I do with my boobs? Nope, ain't cutting them off. Then comes my long hair, but I have decided that I could actually just wear it in a low pony tail. Using the men's for a wee would require my use of a stall, because I am NOT whipping out my little funnel, not a chance.
For me the female role in our culture is rather a lot more agreeable to me than the male. So, in the end, the only reason that I would make a change is to have a closer relationship with my family. The daughter that matters the most to me said not to change, the son and daughter that reject me now, are perhaps not worth giving up my happiness for?