A while back I got in a discussion about SRS on Youtube and a man commented on it. I wound up having an email exchange with him that led to a phone conversation. He was nice enough and said that he is a surgeon that has done the operation. He challenged me on one aspect of my operation. My Surgeon in Bangkok told me that he did the normal penile inversion technique, and attached one of my Vas Deferens tubes to the back end of my neo Vagina to provide Vaginal lubrication. My Neo Vagina is always moist and has the fragrance of Estrogen; sometimes leaving a white stain in my panties.
In fact, if I could get to my blogs from August 2007 I talked about that variation to the procedure. My surgeon also told me that he was trying to develop a way to remove the Prostate gland. At the time that was not done because that gland is wrapped in nerves and damaging one of them is very risky.
The Surgeon I was just talking to said that the rerouting of the Vas Deferens is not done, so it makes me wonder.
I did just see a video by a man on Youtube called blancolirio, who has done extensive reporting and analysis of the Oroville Dam project. In this video, he talked about a Prostate Cancer operation they only just did on him where the Surgeon did a laparoscopy and removed his whole Prostate. He's having some issues but is assured that everything will be fine.
I'd be interested in reading reports of those who have had SRS to compare notes.
Not had SRS, but ...
I do not think prostate removal should even be considered. Speaking from experience, many lose bladder control due to the removal of a set of muscles. The operation entails resectioning the urethra which adds the possibility of more complications. I had those, too. Removal of the testes should greatly reduce the possibility prostate cancer, unless of course it is already there; however, actual and chemical castration are used to reduce/eliminate the cancer along with other treatments including finasteride. As you are aware, SRS is a pretty traumatic physical event. I don't think an additional complicated surgery is warranted or advisable.
Greenlight PVP
My brother had an enlarged prostate and had procedure called "Greenlight PVP" in which the doctor use a laparoscopic laser through the urethra to remove the prostate one little laser zap a time. He had to wear a catheter for a time, but he seems to be functioning normally now.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Green light laser and TURP
Just a note that the green light laser and other procedures like TURP (trans-urethral resection of the prostate) only remove part of the prostate to improve urine flow, but can't be used if cancer is a concern, since part of the prostate is left. Compared to procedures that completely remove the prostate, they have much less chance of serious complications, and quicker recovery.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Not sure about that
My brother turned out to have very early stages of prostate cancer and is on spironolactone and heavy duty anti cancer drug without any more invasive surgery recommended. His doctor seems to feel that he's out of the woods as far as cancer is concerned.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Another effect
It is also estrogenic.