Internet / Software / Computers / Websites

Need a web site host, somewhere to make my site.

Hello everyone who is reading, yes it is that time of the year again where I post this question.

I need to find a web site host provider for my smallish personal transgender fiction website...

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If you have received an email from me, DELETE IT!

It appears that both my gmail and yahoo mail accounts have been hacked by some nondescript asshole in Pakistan. I have sent NO emails in recent memory from either account. Furthermore, I have cancelled my gmail account and changed my password on my yahoo account.

Catherine Linda MIchel

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Old Faithful

Well, Old Faithful, the 14 year old Hp computer that was always there as a backup when newer machines failed finally called it quits. Petty sure it was the power supply since the power light on the front went out but it might've been something else. I'm not a tech. Push the button, it turns on! MAGIC!

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Don't Talk About It

Wow, things suddenly seem to be working very well. The site is operating rapidly, linking is swift, no more interminable waits, etc. Everything seems to be wonderful. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it.

Thanks Erin and staff.


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Whately having problems?

Can someone explain why, when going to Crystal Hall's main page you are directed to a page claiming that this is an adult site and you are then given a number of links to various iterations of Big Closet? This is deeply odd, Whately Academy's own site appears to have died.

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Whately having problems?

Can someone explain why, when going to Crystal Hall's main page you are directed to a page claiming that this is an adult site and you are then given a number of links to various iterations of Big Closet? This is deeply odd, Whately Academy's own site appears to have died.

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Still tuning the server

We hope you have noticed that things are slowly getting better as we tune the server for better performance but sometimes we blow a sour note like this morning. And the server is still a bit flakey which we are still working on figuring that out.

But we have ordered the new drives, they should be in tomorrow and so it's likely that later this week the site will be down for as much as a whole day while we install the new drives and then move the software over. And then there will be another round of tuning things to get optimum performance.

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Somewhat ominously, the Wiki page for FM now begins with,

and I quote: "Fictionmania was..." which indicates one of two things to me. One, Fictionmania might be gone forever or, Two: Wiki is being it's usual fallible self and spreading rumor and assumption.

I DO hope it's the latter. Even though FM has it's "one handed fiction" it also has some of the best works by some of the best writers in the genre.

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The Family Girl #051: Contacting Me Via SMS, or, am now AOC

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #51: Contacting Me Via SMS, or
am now AOC starting 2DAY, K?

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Hello, everyone. I have been having problems with Yahoo Messenger, and I gather that a lot of the people I keep in touch with with via YM are having the same problems as well.

So, to supplement YM, and hopefully reduce the comm problems, I just got a prepaid, pay-as-you-go cellular plan here in Manila specifically for my friends here, so, if you want, you guys can contact me via SMS later, starting 8PM Eastern (which is 8AM Manila time).

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For those that use JAVA

The following information has been release. I'm just being the messenger. Apparently JAVA has a lot of problems currently. Here is the article.

Erin or any other moderators if I should have let you know before hand, I apologize.


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Rule 63 Avengers / Dark Knight (Photoshop)

Spotted courtesy of the "Geeks are Sexy" blog, a set of rather impressive photo manipulations to illustrate what (live action) female versions of a trio of Avengers characters and a trio of Dark Knight characters could potentially look like (links to original source) - the series is dubbed "If women ruled the earth"...

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Updates On Life... (Read with Caution)

So it's been a long while since I posted an update about myself here. I've still been around, working behind the scenes but many may have noticed that I've not been very "public" at all lately.

Truth is, I've been through hell and back, and I don't think I'm done yet.

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who's messin around

Fo the last couple of days, I have noticed the top half of the page is in a smaller than normal font, and the lower half is about 4 times that size and in bold, and some of the stories are popping up liike that, at least in my browser, which still unfortunately a windoze product. Is it on my end?

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The more things change...

Just clicked the Four-Years-Ago link at the top of the site and found myself a bit... stranged up is as good a phrase as any I can think up at the moment, I guess, by the fact that just a little bit ag, Ang posted the latest Bike and there on the four years ago page is Bike #463, third posting down from the top. For some reason, that kind of struck me a bit. I know I wasn't around here four years ago, but still... The more things change, right?

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Artist wanted

Li'l ol' k-jo is seekin an artist/cartoonist/computer graphicist to collaborate on a new creative project for initial postings on BCTS n later ebook n possibly print publication - no fees either way but shared royalties on all publication sales.
PM k-jo for further details.
Thanks x k-jo

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Cleaning up the front page

I was looking over the front page and notice how different everyone posts look. I know some people know how to make title art and some don't but there are a few things that everyone can do in order to make the front page look a little cleaner or organized and probably load a bit quicker for us all.

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Of Bots and Chat Requests

Hi, everyone, it's Bobbie C.

Been getting some Messenger List requests on my Yahoo Messenger (for chatting, et cetera) but the addresses look suspiciously like bot addresses.   Can I make a request? If you wanna chat, please send a personal message here at BCTS, so I know your YM request is legit?

So if I should deny your Add Request, please don't take offense - it's because I don't recognize the address.

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Pickles, Piggles, Bill.... A Great Man.

I'm going to make this post, as Celebration of the Man I knew. One of the few people in my life, with that designation, that I can say was a positive influence on my life.

First the sad part...

Bill will be removed off life support/respirator in the morning.

He had a major stroke about 2 weeks ago, and has been unconscious and unresponsive for the last week. The doctors have decided that there is no chance of his body making any recovery, he also has a high fever that they can't get to go down.

Bill was a great Man. He wasn't a politician, he wasn't a super hero, but his present affected many in this community.

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Quick Note.... Site to be unstable till I'm finished...

Just a quick FYI....

I'm working on MySQL and a few other things on the pirmary and 2ndary servers...

BigCloset, TGLibrary, Stardust and OTHER sites could be a bit flakey tonite....

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Does anyone have any info on what may have happened to Demonoid? For a couple of days, when I tried to get to the site, I got server busy screens, no matter the time I tried to access. Then I got 404 errors, then I got other ad websites, now all I get is the standard can't find it page. I wonder if the Feds or allies finally got to them.

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So, this evening I find something new when I pop up on the site, a black "toolbar" across the top of each page. Most of it isn't functional (for me at least) or meaningless. It does have some kind of logout clickspot, and if I knew what it would log me out of I might try it. However, these days I lean towards the "don't f**k with anything unless you know what you are doing" option.

So, is anybody else seeing this thing or know what's going on? The Luddite in me just wants it to go away.

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Trouble Down on the (Server) Farm

If the site seems slow today or even goes up and down a few times, they are having equipment problems in the facility where we keep our servers. Our equipment is fine but they're going to be working on whatever caused the nearly three hour outage earlier this morning. Patience is the only coin we have.


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