
Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 18


I look around and it’s just her and Nicole, Jessa and Taylor.
I take a stuffy nosed breath. “Prince Christian Lyonnes and heir and…and daughter of Aurora Blackhand….”
I was not very sure of that… of this and her.
Nicole coughs. “We’ve been using Christiana or Chrissy.”
The woman breaks into an easy smile. “I like that I’d wager your mothers would have too.”
“You knew my mother?”
“Deidre? Nay just what Aurora had said, fine person by all account though.”
(Sniffle-sob.) “She was…” I gesture hopelessly at my face. “I’m sorry; I don’t know why I’m….” (Sniffle-whine.)
She nods and pulls me close. “It’s a ‘cause yer here Chrissy, yer journey’s done, yer safe.”
(Sniffle-sob.) “Safe?”
She nods and squeezes me hard enough to make me squeak. “Aye…safe.”

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