Non-TG Fiction

A Weird Christmas Journey - Melissa Claus


“Do you think Ellen believed us?” Melissa asked as she slid into the passenger seat of Jason’s Mustang. “About the tux thing, I mean. For a boy, you really did look sooo pretty that night.”

“You decided to drag me out of the house dressed like a floozy in a fancy dress.” Jason groaned, trying not to laugh...

My Non-TG Stories

Yes, it's true! I really have written a number of stories without (as far as I can tell) any transgender elements. So far, I've only posted a couple of them online. One of them is called A Tree's Story. The actual title is 'In the Beginning - A Tree's Story', but the site where I posted it (deviantART) won't let post titles that long. I also created an audio book version of this story at a website called Internet Archive and the cover art for this story, as seen below.

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