CAUTION: Horses on a boat

Horizons of the Heart - 24

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright© 2013-2014 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Travelling from the golden city of Tier to the town of Carrick Field in western Alband would take nearly five days on horseback, but using their connections with the Whitewater Cartel, Jaden and her friends secure passage on a riverboat to get them there more quickly.

Flashback: Jaden and Oleander hadn't imagined what it would be like to go on a real adventure, but only weeks after their first meeting in Tarad the opportunity sat down at their table during a particularly busy night at the Count of Cups tavern in Carrick Field.

Chapter 24: Bridge of Memories, part 1

When the past is an anchor,
It's just holding you back.
When you can't walk away,
Something makes you stay

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