Freya's Heir chapter 4

Chapter 4

"Hey, Sally?" Fred asked one weekend in February.

She looked nervous but replied quickly, "What is it?"

"Have you been having odd dreams lately?" He asked. "I've been wondering if maybe they are my spirit trying to communicate."

She looked relieved, "Actually, I think I have. I'm not the best at remembering dreams but now that I think about it I remember a few."

"You thought I was going to ask something else I guess from your expressions?" Fred said.

Sally sighed, "Yes, I was. To be blunt, I am worried you will get me something for Valentine's Day. I may be physically your age again but I would still find that awkward. More to the point, I am sure your father would consider it inappropriate. I think of you as a friend and we are sharing this unusual experience but I am not suitable for dating, okay?"

Fred replied, "I already knew that. I may be young but I'm not stupid. I can't control my hormones but I can refuse to act on them. You're beautiful and I'm a teenage boy so yes I have noticed but I have had the 'don't perv on employees' speech enough times that I know better than to buy you roses or chocolates." He shrugged, "Not sure I can manage to stop looking though. My self control only goes so far."

"Fair enough," she replied. "I should have known better. How about this deal? You try to pretend not to be looking and I will pretend not to notice the sudden bulge in your shorts when I come out in a bathing suit or spandex workout gear."

"I'll take that deal," he said.

"Good!," Sally smiled. "I'd hate to stop laying by the pool and listening to audiobooks with you."

"So would I," Fred said. "Oh, before I forget, the martial arts tutor wanted me to request you show up tomorrow. He didn't say why but I think he wants us to spar together."

"That makes sense," Sally said. "Now that you are comfortable with your new abilities you're defeating him often despite him being technically better." She grinned, "So I guess I get to throw you around the dojo three times a week."

"Hopefully I'll learn as well but yes that's likely," he replied. "You not only have more experience but you can boost yourself up to Exemplar five."

"I probably won't boost," she replied. "It's a martial arts class not a powers tutorial. If I can't win by skill then you deserve the win. Just don't expect it to be easy."

"If it was easy there would be no point to it," Fred said.

"Well even after you get as good as I am there will be a point to sparring," she said. "Keeping a skill requires practice but I understand what you meant."

By the end of February they were about even at target practice with a pistol and they started learning to use common hunting rifles just in case a client or business colleague invited him on a hunt.

At breakfast one morning his father said, "We are hosting a Spring Equinox event. We can't let people think one attack frightened us off. We are however doubling the usual guard." He looked at Sally, "You will be tasked with guarding my son as usual but because of your seeming youth I will arrange for you to be here as his guest. He will have another guard who will seem to be guarding both of you but be under your direction. If there are any guards who you do not feel comfortable working closely with let me know. Otherwise I will pick one and he or she will be presented to you a few days before the event. If they meet with your approval they will be your backup." He looked at Fred, "Your tutors say good things about your progress. Keep this up and you can pick your vacation spot. Two weeks anywhere in the world."

Fred grinned, "Thanks Dad! That sounds great."

"It's only if you keep working hard," Robert said. "I'm glad you have recovered well. Since you seem finished, could you leave and let me talk to Sally a bit alone?"

"Of course, Dad," Fred said.

Fred left to shower and brush his teeth then waited at the front gate for Sally so they could start their run.

"Hey," Sally said when she saw him. "Thanks for waiting."

"No problem," he said. "Let's get started." Once they were far enough from the front gate to avoid being heard he asked, "Can you tell what Dad wanted to ask you?"

She shrugged, "I don't see why not. It's not a secret or anything. He wants me to check among the female guards to see if there is a volunteer to try the spirit switch again. I've told him it's likely to end the same way but he has a point as well. Giving up after a single try is not the way you get things done. So I will see if I can find a volunteer and explain things to them fully before they say either yes or no."

Fred nodded, "I can see that. If it goes like last time then I guess we both have company for this crazy avatar learning experience. Are you only going to ask the guards who are already powered?"

Sally shook her head, "No, I went through four years without knowing I was a latent Avatar. If I could be one then any of them could be. So anyone who volunteers will be accepted. We'll see how it goes. Now let's pick up the pace!" She started running faster and pulled ahead.

As he sped up he managed to find the breath to say, "How about a little wager?"

"Oh? What sort of wager?" Sally replied.

Fred replied, "If I win I get to pick which of your suits you wear by the pool after rifle practice today?"

"None of them are that revealing you know," Sally said. Then she shrugged, "Sure, and if I win then you have to wear that Speedo that you bought but have been too shy to wear so far."

Fred blushed but nodded, "It's a deal."

Fred put his head down and threw it into high gear. They picked up a few spectators once it became obvious they were racing rather than just doing their usual run. Fred did his best to ignore everyone and just run. Looking up he was surprised at the speed he was managing but saw Sally was still ahead.

"Using Idunn to boost your Exemplar level is cheating!" Fred gasped out.

"I'm not," Sally replied. "Otherwise I'd be farther ahead."

Fred imagined wearing that speedo and found another gear. He sped up and reached the front gate first to applause.

"Thank you all," he said smiling. "Now for a long hot shower."

When rifle practice ended that day he quietly followed Sally up to the floor which held both of their rooms. Once inside her room he looked around and was surprised at how plain it was.

"If you are going to pretend to be a teen girl this fall you'll need to change your decorating style," he said.

She snorted, "Yeah, I know. Unlike you, I have actually been a teenage girl. I can fake it. In a few months I'll start checking to see what's in and trying to get and stay current. I should at least manage as well as the bookish or sporty types if not the 'in crowd'." She pointed him to a chair, "You will not go looking through my clothes. You will sit there and keep your hands to yourself while I get out the swimsuits I own. After you make your choice you will leave and never come back in here unless invited. Capisce?"

"Claro!" he said. "I understand. You really expect me to act like a perv don't you?"

"That spirit inside is a goddess of fertility and sex among other things," she replied. "Add that to teenage hormones and yes, you are doing better than I expected."

He grinned, "Better than you would?"

She glared, "No." Then she went and pulled out three one piece suits, one green, one blue, and one red.

"No two piece suits at all?" he asked.

She grinned, "Nope, just like I told you. Nothing revealing."

He shrugged, "Okay then, I pick the red one."

She nodded, "Done, go get changed and I will meet you by the pool."

By the end of the week Sally had found a volunteer. She brought her by the pool Friday so Fred could meet her. She was someone he had seen before but not really talked to, except for basic politeness.

When Fred saw her leading a tall woman in a guard uniform towards the pool he stood and held out his right hand, "Hello, I'm Frederick Nilsen." He smiled, "Has Sarah convinced you to try the ritual?"

"Yes, Mr. Nilsen," she said. "I'm Brita, one of your guards. You have probably seen me walking the wall."

He nodded, "I have, and please call me Fred. Thank you for volunteering. I hope it works out this time."

She smiled, "It seems like a good risk. If it succeeds then I have super powers and if it doesn't either nothing changes or I get super powers anyway, just different ones."

"That's a good way to look at it," Fred said. "I hope you were told that it will likely be painful?"

Brita nodded, "Yes, and that I will have to strip to my underwear for it. I'm willing, I can even sign a waiver if necessary. I was also told that since my parents are from Norway I should be as good a host as you and hopefully better. I'm looking forward to it."

"Good!" Fred said. He turned to Sally, "Have you and dad planned it out yet?"

Sally nodded, "Yes, it's set for Friday. That way we have the whole weekend to recover if needed."

Fred nodded, "That's good." He looked over at Brita, "Are you staying for the next audiobook or do you have to get home?"

"I have to get home and feed my cat," Brita said. "Maybe next weekend. It will give me an excuse to shop for more swimsuits."

Fred grinned, "I look forward to seeing you then!"

She grinned at him, then shook his hand once more and left. During the next week Fred's father Robert had Brita's apartment lease paid off and she moved into the wing that housed the live-in guards. She brought her cat along of course. By the time Friday morning arrived she was all settled in and waiting by the door to the repurposed gym when Fred and Sally arrived.

"So what's involved in this ritual?" Brita asked.

"Sally draws a circle while we strip to our underwear," Fred said. "Then we get in while she chants." He turned to Sally, "Are you getting in with us this time too or can you do it from outside the circle?"

"I wish I could do it from outside," Sally replied. "Having both of us in might confuse the spirits but I checked with experts and they agree that it needs to be done from inside. I have a trickier drawing to do this time so please don't distract me. Just go change and wait. I'll let you know when we're ready."

Fred nodded and went into the men's changing room and stripped to his boxers. When he came out he saw Brita wearing a sports bra and french cut panties in white satin. He looked away and sat on a bench waiting for Sally to finish her drawing.

Brita sat next to him, "Does it hurt a lot?"

"Not really," Fred said. "I'm not sure how to explain it. It's sort of like being a plucked guitar string if that helps."

"Not much, but thank you for trying," Brita said.

Once Sally had finished the drawing she went into the changing room and came out in white cotton boyshorts and a white sports bra, "Okay, sit where I tell and I'll get things started." She directed first Fred then Brita to their spaces then sat down and started chanting.

They all heard a female voice saying, "Do you wish to renege on our deal?"

Fred replied, "No, but my guards wish to take this for me and have convinced me to let them try a second time. I will stand by the deal I made."

The voice of Feya said, "You wish to bear my spirit for him?"

Sally said, "That was my intention before and is now Brita's. We realize you are a female spirit and think it best for you to go into a female body."

"I am too long in this body to move without damage to both me and my host," Freya said. "I will not move but I do sense a potential in the lady guard to host another of our number if she should wish it."

"A female spirit?" Brita asked.

"If it means so much to you then yes, I shall choose a female spirit, and we shall make you young again so you fit in better with the other two," Freya said. "After this do not attempt this ritual again or be named oathbreakers and be cursed unto eternity or ragnarok."

"I will not take part in any more rituals," Fred said.

Then a light flashed bright as the sun and they all passed out. The next day Fred went to breakfast and saw his father sitting with two teenage blondes.

"Good morning, Father," he said. "Have the guards been updating you on what happened last night?"

Robert nodded, "Yes, I am sorry if our attempts got the spirit within you angry. I hope nothing comes of it."

Fred sighed, "I fear a change is now inevitable but at least I now have new friends and fellow travelers upon this new road I must walk. I made the deal and I will accept the consequences." He gathered a plate of breakfast from the buffet along the wall and sat down, "Can we afford three sets of tuition to Whateley?"

"We can do that with no trouble," Robert said. "And at least Sally should end up in Poe with you if you change even if not as a roommate and if you don't change then we can put Brita in the other co-ed dorm with you, Melville I believe it's called, so you will have help nearby. I am content if you are. All three of you, that is?"

"I am," Fred said.

"I am," Sally said. "I'll need to take avatar classes in any case and there are a lot of other classes that they teach that are both hard to find and quite expensive to take elsewhere."

Brita shrugged, "I'm still shocked at being physically fourteen again and blonde as well but I clearly need to learn to control my abilities and I'm intrigued by the rare classes Sally mentioned. Count me in on everything planned for these two as well."

Fred grinned, "We shall be as the three Musketeers. One for all, and all for one." He looked at his father, "I assume our various tutors can teach three as easily as two?"

"I see no reason why not," Robert replied. "If any of them balk or question it, tell them to come speak to me."

"I will do that," Fred said. He turned to Brita, "You can start by joining us in our morning run around the estate after breakfast."

"Meanwhile I will arrange with the DPA for another test," Robert said. He stood and said, "Have a good Saturday and I hope you enjoy your running and swimming."

On the way to the front gate Fred said, "Are we going shopping after? I'm sure Brita can use some new clothes."

"Actually no," Sally said. "Since she wasn't a mutant before we need to stay put until testing. Until we know what her powers are we should stay put. Sorry Brita, you're stuck here until you get tested and, not incidentally, until you get your MID. It may be that we shouldn't have gone either but we at least had some idea of Fred's powers and I had my ID even if it was a bit out of date."

Fred sighed then said, "I didn't think of it before but she's right. It's one reason I haven't tried to use any magic. I don't want to hurt anyone. Until we at least have some idea of what spirit, previously worshiped as a norse goddess, is now in you we should stay put. You should take it easy and relax. Consider it a paid vacation."

Brita looked surprised then she sighed as well and nodded, "I understand."

"After our run we can hit the gym where we used to do Physical Therapy," Fred said. "We can start getting an idea of at least your new physical stats."

Brita smiled, "Thanks, that might help. So you just jog around the inside of the walls right? Or are you planning another run?"

"Last time was due to a bet," Sally said. "He wanted to pick what bathing suit I wore to swim that day."

"Oh," Brita said. "I don't think I should do that until we know if I'm anywhere as fast as the two of you. I might be no faster than I was before."

"Or you might be faster," Fred said. "But we can skip the betting if you want."

"How would that work anyway?" Sally said. "Would the winner pick for just whomever came in last or for both of the other two?"

"We can decide that when or if Brita decides to join in," Fred said.

"That almost sounds like you don't think I'd ever accept a challenge from either of you," Brita said. As the front gate neared she said, "I'm in as long as we have certain rules."

"Currently, the rules we have are, Primus, the winner gets to pick a suit not paw through the loser's clothes looking for one, Secundus, having picked the suit the winner then leaves the loser's room and goes to get him or herself ready. Any ogling is done discreetly and after the loser has reached the pool."

Brita said, "I'm good with those rules."

"So, does the winner pick for just the slowest or everyone?" Sally said.

"How do you vote?" Fred said. "I'll vote last so I'll only be needed in case of a tie."

"I say everyone," Sally said.

"Me too," Brita said.

"Fine by me," Fred said. "Let's race!"

At first all three were about even then Brita's eyes glowed and she sped up.

"Does that count as cheating?" Fred asked.

"No," Sally said. "We all agreed to continue despite not knowing how applicable her powers were to running." She smiled, "I guess that means powers are fair game!" Sally suddenly sped up as well.

Fred gaped for a minute then realized she was using her spirit to boost her exemplar level. He pushed himself but still wasn't getting close to either lady. "If you have any way of helping with this please do so," he muttered to his spirit. His body glowed briefly and runes appeared in the air around him. His running smoothed out, his gait perfect for the terrain and his breathing was controlled. He suddenly knew he was taking in as much air as he could without gasping and running his best. His footsteps felt light and each step propelled him farther than they had before with less effort. He was slowly closing the gap between him and the two in front but he wasn't sure if he could pass them. He would try though and this was certainly a better chance than he'd had before. "Thank you," he said to Freya and tried to close the gap entirely before they reached the end of the trail.

As he approached the other two he saw Brita in front and her legs were glowing intermittently. She seemed to be having trouble keeping a constant speed. She'd slow down until Sally had almost caught her then look over her shoulder and see how close the other woman was and put on a burst of speed accompanied by a golden glow and pull ahead again.

Fred was somehow reminded of the way the wolves, Hati and Skoll, chased the Sun and Moon across the sky. He'd thought the Sun was a male god to the Norse but his inner spirit told him he had it reversed. Sol, the sun, was female and Mani, the moon god, was male and brother to Sol.

He saw the front gate ahead and realized he wouldn't pass them but would instead come in third. He was sad but not too upset. He knew that unless he found a spell of haste or something similar Sally would always be faster when using her powers and it looked like Brita was now some sort of energizer based speedster so he would have to remember to add the no powers rule to any future bets. At least Brita probably wouldn't pick the speedo for him to wear.

As they got close to the gate Fred saw a flash of flame then Brita jumped sideways and rolled on the grass. Sally stopped to help her and Fred angled towards them to see if he could arrive in time to help.

It all seemed to be over as he ran up to them. Brita was standing there barefoot but unharmed.

"What happened," Fred asked as he ran up to them.

"My shoes caught fire!" Brita said. She pointed and he saw the remains of her running shoes and socks still smoldering in the path.

"Are you alright?" Fred said.

"I don't feel burned," she said.

"And you don't look burned," Sally said. "I don't think we should continue the race though. No telling what will happen next."

Brita looked down at her bare feet and laughed, "Yeah, I don't want to lose any more clothes to fire. I'll wait until after I get tested and even then I might wait until we hit school."

"I think dad might need to swap one of the tutors," Fred said. "I'll talk to him about it at dinner. I could use magic lessons and you do need lessons in controlling your energy. If I'm right you got the spirit of Sol, Norse goddess of the sun. So yeah, take it easy today, get tested on Monday hopefully, but after that you'll need at least enough knowledge not to set things on fire by accident." He pulled his phone from his pocket and called his father as they all slowly walked the rest of the course.

After the call he said, "Okay, he's going to swap the shooting range instructor for one who can show you the basics of being an energizer. Mage tutors are apparently thin on the ground so I may have to wait until Whateley but he agrees that you need help more urgently and we can practice on the range by ourselves now or exercise or something during your class."

"Thanks," Brita said. "I hope it's no trouble."

Fred said, "No trouble at all, I'm sure."

"You probably should hit the cafeteria for a snack or two," Sally said. "Energizers eat a lot."

"So do teenage boys," Fred said. "I'll come with you if you like."

"Thanks," Brita said.

After their snack Fred said, "I am going to tell Sally she gets to pick my suit. I know we didn't finish but I wasn't going to win and she could have won while you were figuring out what happened."

"Well, I'm not sure she'll agree to that but we can ask her," Brita said.

They went up to Sally's room and knocked,"Hey can we come in?"

"Sure," Sally said.

Brita opened the door to reveal Sally in a white terrycloth robe, "Hey, Fred was planning to declare himself the loser and offered to pay up on the bet but personally I'd rather we try again after we know what my powers are and even then I think we should put a no powers rule into effect."

"Well, we had been running with a no powers rule before," Sally said. "Since we started running for exercise. For the first bet too since if I boost my Exemplar level I'm pretty much guaranteed to win against Fred."

"Oh," Brita said. "That makes sense. We should do that next time." She turned to Fred, "You get to pick your own suit today. Enjoy it. It might be the last time or a while."

He smiled back at her, "Sure, I'll change and grab my kindle then meet you by the pool."

After he left Sally said, "We've been listening to audiobooks as we soak up sun. You're in luck that we're starting a new one today so you won't be lost."

"That's cool," Brita said. "Who picks? Or does it rotate?"

"It rotates," Sally said. "I'm sure he won't mind if you have a favorite you want to share. If you're a big fan of sappy romances you might only get the one pick but I don't think either of us will mind anything else."

"What have you been listening to?" Brita asked as she led Sally to her room so she could change.

"He's been picking science fiction," Sally said. "And I've been picking funny fantasy stories."

"I like both of those," Brita said. "I also like historical fiction and military sci-fi. I think I'll fit in."

Sally smiled, "Yes, you will fit in just fine." She smirked, "And Fred will be happy to see you in that bikini."

"Oh," said Brita. "Too much you think?"

Sally shook her head, "No, just expect some ogling."

Brita laughed, "I already was. It was one of the rules you two mentioned."

Sally smiled, "Then let's go relax by the pool."

When they got to the pool Fred grinned happily but all he said was. "I have the next audiobook ready. It's the first of the Foundation series. Did Sally tell you about the habit we developed while healing in the tanks?"

"She told me you switch off on who decides which audiobooks you listen to but not about any tanks," Brita said.

So Fred told her about the attack and waking up in a tank of sterile saline.

"Ouch," Brita said. "That sounds uncomfortable."

"It was mostly just boring," Sally said. "So we arranged to have audiobooks playing and we kept listening afterward."

"That sounds cool," Brita said. "As long as I get a vote too."

"Sure," Fred said. "You can pick the next one then we can have a three person rotation."

"Sounds good to me," Brita said. "I've read Foundation but it was many years ago. I'm curious to hear it and see how much I remember."

They listened to the eight hour audiobook while sunbathing and swimming with a break for lunch. At dinner Fred's father had news.

"It's been a slow month for the local DPA so I got you an appointment on Monday and on the day after that we'll be replacing two tutors with one," Robert said. "Everyone says you've picked the basics of firearms well son and the energizer I found can also teach about the laws relating to mutants and using powers in public. So she will be teaching all of you about the history of mutants in America and how the law changed to accommodate the new reality as well as helping Brita adjust to be an energizer and making sure she, and those around her, are safe. Once she tells me it's safe you can go shop for clothes more fitting of your current age. Also please get something for the Equinox celebration in March."

"Yes, dad," Fred said. "We'll get her something good."

"Thank you for everything Mr. Nilsen," Brita said.

"I'll go with her Monday and keep an eye out," Sally said. "Fred should be safe here while she gets tested."

"Thank you Sally," Robert said. "That will help."

After dinner Brita picked 1632 by Eric Flint for listening the next day. Fred went to his room after that to review his notes from the classes he took during the week.

Sunday morning Fred went running alone. While Sally and Brita went swimming. Fred said as he met them by the pool. "I hope nothing burst into flames while I was jogging around the estate?"

Sally laughed, "Nope, we were swimming laps as you ran."

"That way I can exercise without worrying," Brita said. "I think I heated the pool a bit at one point but I can't be sure."

"If you did it wasn't by much," Sally said. "If, at any point, you feel like you did just before your shoes caught fire then you should jump in. It should help."

Brita nodded, "I will do that. It should save my clothes if nothing else and I just bought this suit so I want to keep it."

They got less than halfway through the audiobook by dinner but they spent a lot of time talking and getting to know each other so it was time well spent.

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