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My Left Eye is Sexy!
By: Set3
Mike and Adam were walking through the mall, both having intent on being there. One looking for a change of appearance, the other, an impressive costume for a party. The two split promising to meet up for lunch at their usual table. Mike went to the specialized cosmetic shop. Since magic became commonplace, some services could be offered at a much cheaper (and safer) rate. Mike entered the shop, which looked more like a mall tattoo parlor and gave the guy at the desk his appointment info. The guy ushered him in the back while introducing himself as Tim. Ensconced in one of the rooms Mike was asked to lay down on the chair like the ones you'd find at a dentist office. As Tim donned a pair of gloves and sat beside him on a stool as he pulled a medium sized vat up.
What Mike wanted was to have his right eye adjusted. To put it simply, he thought his left eye looked sexy. His right eye looked fine enough and there was nothing wrong with it. He just felt that the shape of it was ordinary looking compared to his "sexy" left eye. Tim dipped his gloved hands into the vat and went to work.
A little under five minutes later Tim leaned back from over Mike's face, "All done," he declared.
Mike blinked, "That's it?" he asked thinking that it seemed to short a time to do anything.
Tim nodded, "Yep, you want to see?" he asked as he handed Mike a hand mirror.
Mike gazed into his reflection, looking at his eyes. His right eye did indeed look much better now but there was something off, "My right eye doesn't match my left," he told Tim as he handed the mirror back.
Tim gave a knowing sigh, "Yeah, there's a reason for that. If you want to see why, lay back and I'll show you why you don't want them to match exactly."
Mike did so and Tim went back to work, first dipping a finger in the vat and getting back to work. Not even a minute later he was done and handed the mirror back.
Mike looked at his reflection again and the only thing he could say was, "Ew!"
"Uncanny isn't it?" Tim said with a grin. "Everyone always insists that everything matches exactly but when it does, all you can say is "ew"," he had explained as he changed Mike's right eye back to how he first changed it.
Mike looked at his reflection once more and had to admit that his right eye did look better like this. "Is there anything else you can do to the rest of me?" he asked.
Tim looked at the vat, "Well, you paid for an hour. And I need to use up this stuff as it is expensive," he trailed off, "It's your decision ultimately. We'll just need you to sign a few more legal papers," he told him.
Mike thought for a moment before asking for the papers to sign and laid back once more, "Let's see if you can get the rest of me as sexy as my eyes," he told Tim.
Tim smiled and got to work, but, not before placing a sticker on Mike's chest as he had him disrobe.
At the end of the appointed hour, Tim had finished his work letting Mike get up from the "dentist" chair and stared at his new self at a full length mirror on the wall. Gone was his former appearance, now replaced by a cute looking girl. He twisted his body left and right looking himself over front and back. He had breasts now, just big enough to hold to his tight round butt and finally to the apparent vagina sitting below his hairy bush.
"Guess I'll have to shave that," he said to himself and immediately laughed out loud hearing his male voice come out of the mouth of this sexy girl, which got him into a minutes long laugh riot. Still wiping tears from his eyes, he got back into his clothes as, quite obviously, aside from the sticker on his chest between his breasts he felt very naked. As he dressed, he looked at the sticker. It looked like those fragile stickers you put on packages. Like a little vial, if it broke it would show the package would be broken as well. He asked Tim about it.
To which he replied, "If you're not satisfied with your transformation, just break the sticker and your body will turn back. Just keep it in mind that it'll only work for a week. If you change your mind after that, you'll have to come in for another session."
Now fully, albeit ill-fitting, clothed he walked out the shop, only waiting long enough to have his ID updated for his new body. It still showed his sex as "male", obviously as his change was cosmetic in nature. Anyways, with his new ID in his wallet, he made steps to the closest clothing store. After all, a sexy looking body needed a set of sexy clothes, right?
Meanwhile, Adam had made his way to the costume shop. It was highly reputed due to its inclusion of the magical variety.
"Hey there, I'm Stephanie," the employee at the desk said as she introduced herself cheerfully, "What can I help you find today?"
"Well, you know, I need a costume," he said with a cheeky grin.
Stephanie's grin widen as she pulled out a catalogue from under the desk, "Anything you have in mind or would you like to have a look at our stock?" she asked.
Adam made a small show of flipping through the catalogue before answering, "Something unique but still human," he replied.
Stephanie brought her hand down on the book Adam was going through, "Do you want to know what I have in mind or do you want to be surprised?" she asked in a playful way.
Adam raised an eyebrow but didn't stop smiling, "I wouldn't mind a surprise if it's a good one."
Stephanie's grin became more cheshire, "Oh, I like you," she said as she got up from behind the desk calling to the back of the store, "Tina, I have a client, can you take over at the front please?" There was a muffled "Kay" in response as an amazonion minotaur came down the hallway and sat behind the desk Stephanie just vacated as she lead Adam to one of the change rooms in the back. Stephanie urged Adam to stand in the magic circle in the middle of the floor of the room. Once standing in the circle Stephanie pointed at the top of Adam's head which seemed to cause the magic circle to light up with energy. "This is going to feel really weird but I'm going to need you to stand as still as your can. It won't mess anything up if you do, it's just easier on me, kay? You ready?" Adam nodded taking a deep breath as he tried to stand even more still. Stephanie gave a small smile as she got to work and started to slowly draw her pointed fingers down. From Adam's perspective, her fingers never left aiming for the top of his head. Keeping her instructions in mind he looked around with just his eyes and discovered that he was shrinking.
While it was weird to see, he hardly felt himself shrinking and began to wonder what she was talking about when he noticed he had stopped shrinking. Before he could ask anything Stephanie twisted the hand she was using to point at him and Adam felt himself stiffen and, without his wanting to, he fell over backwards. Thankfully without any pain. As the glow of the magic circle dimmed, Adam tried to get up but found his body wouldn't respond. Even his eyes refused to obey him. They remained stuck in the same position from before his sudden immobilization. Unmoving. Unblinking.
Stephanie quickly walked up to him and effortlessly picked him up in her hands and carried him out the room to another, setting him down on a desk. After Stephanie sat in the chair at the desk she picked Adam up again and turned him around to face a mirror attached to the desk. Adam stared at himself. Comparing himself to Stephanie, he guessed he was now the size of a barbie doll. It was as if someone made a doll that looked just like him. And aside from the obvious exposed ball-socket joints it was a convincing likeness. Sensing Adam had enough time to see his new doll self, Stephanie laid him down on the desk before getting up and searched through several cubby drawers along the wall.
"So, you want to still be recognizably human, but, you want to stand out," she mumbled to herself. She paused a moment before going to one drawer and pulled some things out before closing it and returning to the desk that held Adam. Adam, for his part, didn't see anything as he was stuck staring at the ceiling. Stephanie put what she found off to the side and picked Adam up again. "Now, I know you're probably feeling a little freaked out right now, but this next bit is really going to scare you. I know you aren't going to believe me but this next part is crucial and you're going to have to trust me."
Not expecting an answer, obviously, Stephanie brought a glowing finger down to Adam's left foot touching his toes. While keeping contact she drew her glowing finger up the front of Adam's foot and up his leg till her finger was just above his knee joint. As this happened Adam felt a tingle move along where Stephanie was touching him. She then switched to his right foot and did the same thing. While she was working on his right side. Adam felt weird in his legs, specifically below the knees where Stephanie stopped. they now felt... Wrong. Like they shouldn't be there. It wasn't until Stephanie plucked his legs off below the knees that he felt right again.
"You know," Stephanie started, "It wasn't until people started using magic again to address medical issues that they found out the reason for 'phantom pain'. even though there are no nerves where a missing hand or foot used to be, people would swear they could still feel them. It turns out it's because the soul was still shaped like the limb was still there." she explained. "Once they were able to manipulate the shape of the soul body, phantom pain was cured practically overnight." As she told him this she began working on the rest of his legs drawing his soul bodies' remaining "legs" up until they were sequestered in his hips. She pulled the rest of his legs off as she continued, "I specialize in soul shaping and have learned that if you shape the soul body a little at a time, it will cause less shock to the person. Right now, I bet it feels better to have those legs off right?" Adam had to agree. Before she pulled them off his legs felt alien and unnatural and actually breathed a mental sigh of relief.
Stephanie then started on his left hand and repeated the process, "Once we get your old self off I'll do the same thing in reverse. This was, your new body will feel natural to you and you'll instinctively know how to move it without having to worry about an adjustment period." She removed Adam's arms, first to the elbows and then to the shoulders. Now Adam was wholly remained as a head and torso. And of course it felt perfectly natural to him. He was even having a hard time remembering how to move his formerly present limbs. It was nearly an alien concept to him now that it frightened him somewhat, more that it didn't bother him as much as he thought it should have.
Oblivious to Adams personal conundrum, Stephanie then moved to the bottom of his hips and drew her finger up until it was just past his mid-section ball-socket. She then pulled his hips off. She then made quick work of the rest of his chest and pulled that off. Before Adam realized it, he was now just a doll head and felt perfectly fine with it. He didn't have long to dwell on this before Stephanie attached a new chest to him. And as she drew his "soul body" down to its new chest. And Adam was mentally shocked to feel that his new chest had breasts. It was once she was down with this that she looked Adam in the eyes with a sheepish look in hers, "There's no way to prepare you and I know that I keep saying that this next part is going to be weird but this is really going to take the cake. Just steel yourself ok?" Adam wondered what she meant before he saw a glowing finger aimed for the top of his head and drew it down. Aside from the tingling the effect of "soul body" leaving his head was like being underwater while in a vacuum and seeing through a fish-eye lens but not. He knew his head was important and he needed it but it felt like it just wasn't important, like a vestigial appendage. Stephanie then pulled his head off and the world went black and silent. He now existed as the chest with breasts now.
And he was fine with that.
The world came back to him suddenly as he could see and hear again. And it wasn't long after that it felt natural to have a head again.
Stephanie then replaced his arms, one section at a time. She then added a set of hips. However, when she adjusted his "soul body" it didn't feel quite right. Adam expected to feel a feminine set but there was nothing like that. That's not to say he felt the male equivalent either, when he felt out his lowly building body, he felt an absence where his rear was. His new legs quickly followed. Adam assumed he was done but quickly felt Stephanie attach something to his rear. Even as she drew out his "soul body" to fill this new appendage, Adam couldn't make heads nor tails of it. And it wasn't a tail, he was sure of it. it was too big and wide for one.
"Just what the hell is she making me?" he wondered.
"I'm sure you're wondering what's going on, but, I think it'll be best to wait until you're finished so you can appreciate whole effect. Don't worry, it'll be exactly as you asked for," she assured him before attaching another piece and drawing his soul body out into it.
Adam suddenly felt the feminine "instinct" he was expecting when his first set of hips. While he was ruminating on this Stephanie was busy adding what seemed to be another set of legs and before he knew it, it felt like he was done.
Confirming this, it seemed, Stephanie picked him up and turned him so he could see his new self in the mirror. He was surprised, shocked, and amazed! And even though most would say those were all the same things he would beg to differ. One could say that he was still human, and a female one at that. But he was now more than just that. sticking out were his original backside was another torso with legs, all human. It took a moment to realize that he was a centaur. a human styled one. Stephanie placed him back on the desk, still towards the mirror and got up and made her way to another set of cubby's and going through them pulling seeming random things out before returning and picking Adam up again. Adam started to wonder why until he felt a tug of clothing up her back legs. A few seconds later he felt some more clothing being wrapped around his front set. Stephanie the pulled his arms straight up and felt her pull more clothing down around his chest. He felt four quick swoops of something go over all four of his feet. Adam expected that Stephanie would let him see what she did now but was surprised when she carried him out of the room with her. It wasn't long before he saw that they were back in the first room where he was shrunk and transformed. Stephanie placed Adam in the center of the circle before stepping back and reversing the process. Soon enough Adam was living flesh again and once again of normal human size.
For what felt like an eternity, but was less than half an hour all together, moved his new limbs. He felt four legs shifting her stance as he looked down at his new arms. He ran his new hands over them. "Velvet" was the word that came to mind before he looked down at his new chest. His sizable chest was held in check by a tight halter top that left his mid-drift bare. He was surprised that he didn't seemed to have a belly-button. He was momentarily confused but pushed it out of his mind and continued his visual inspection and saw his front legs were incased in a jean skirt. Leaning forward his feet were ensconced in a cute pair of sneakers. Turning back to look over his shoulder, his rear legs were clad skinny jeans. He turned himself around effortlessly, as if he were born to this body.
"This is..," his hand went to his throat on hearing the sound of his new voice. it was so light now, "This is perfect!" he exclaimed, flashing a dazzling smile to Stephanie.
The quickly finished up the details of his rental, he'd be back in a week to change back, his body would be stored in a locker that only he and the store would have access to for both safe keeping and collateral. With the business out of the way, he waved Stephanie goodbye and left for the food court of the mall eager to show off his new "costume".
When Adam reached their usual table, he was happy to see it was unoccupied and proceeded to sit down. He was briefly puzzled on how but quickly solved that by having his rear sit on one chair, thankfully the chairs weren't bolted to the floor, while his front set "sat" on the one beside it.
It wasn't long before he noticed a sexy looking girl walk up to his table.
"Excuse me, but will you be staying long? I'm expecting a friend to meet me here soon," came Mikes voice from her sexy lips.
"Mike?" Adam asked incredulously.
"Adam?" Mike asked equally surprised.
The two looked each other over for a moment, "You look great!" they both told each other at the same time.
The End.
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