Time For A Change - Six

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The morning after the battle the Tribune sent out a scouting party, but there was no sign in the immediate vicinity of their enemy. Squads, Maniples were brought up to strength, men promoted, soon the Third Cohort although reduced in number were ready for action once again. The Tribune started his force in the wake of the Celtonii withdrawal, he was under no illusion as to their victory, he could be leading his men into a great deal of trouble. Sextus had voiced that possibility and so the scouts were increased and they marched in battle readiness.

If the Celtonii had not been split on two fronts it would be the Romans in flight, but almost simultaneously the two Roman Cohorts had engaged the big northerners. The other battle near the coast had almost gone their way, but a flukeish landslide had taken a good many Celts to their deaths and raised the Romans’ fright, it was then almost a rout as a once disciplined force broke in disarray. So it was that now the Celtonii were being chased on two fronts, nearer and nearer to their homeland in the great forests of Keelda, which stretched from coast to coast, and north for several days.

Two days after the original confrontation, the party that Dornier chased stood to fight again. This time the Celts had a geographical advantage; they launched themselves from atop a hill at the Roman force. However the Romans were equal to the task and within a mere handful of minutes the entire force was within a defensive square, only the cavalry without who withdrew a ways. The square protected the archers who laid down a veritable barrage on the fast approaching Celts.

Then they were on them, both sides giving as good as they got. The Roman cavalry dove in, this time the Celtonii were prepared so that the attack was less successful than on the previous occasion, however a man on foot is not really much competition to one upon a galloping horse. The unexpected appearance of another great force of horses behind the Romans was enough to send the Celtonii running for what cover they could find.


They could hear the sound of battle not far ahead, John Sargent was uneasy, soon they would be in sight of the fight. The pack animals balked at the sound of clashing metal but the Roman escort urged the herders on so that they came in sight of the battle soon after. The Roman force was under siege from all sides; only the cavalry worried their foe. Then, as unlikely as it was, the Celts broke from the fight and headed for the hills.

The Roman force was dumbfounded at the sudden turn of events, then in ones or twos laughter started to roll through the ranks as their unknown ‘allies’ drew closer and they realised that the rout had been caused by a supply caravan. The Streinians joined in before Sextus set to securing their position, the Celtonii would not be fooled for long and could return at any time.

The Romans fortified their position rapidly, breastworks were soon raised, guards set. The supply train was swiftly unloaded; the animals picketed by the cavalry camp, a breastwork joined the two camps. Sargent and his young companion eventually made their way to the Streinian camp, now reduced to sixteen as another had gone down to a stray arrow. Elke was not around when they arrived, but the others reassured him that she was alive and well.

He didn’t recognise his colleague when he first saw her in the Roman camp. A thin young woman in tights and tunic like the others pitched her way around the waiting troops. A long braid of blonde hair hung over one shoulder, a bow on the other, a stripe of colour ran down the face, then a glint in the sunlight, another then confirming the first as it glanced off her nose stud. He looked again, the familiar smile had been replaced by a drawn and weary expression, she came on without noticing him, her mind elsewhere. When she was but a handful of yards away he called to her.

“Elke is that you?”
Confused at first, he had spoken in English, she looked at the newcomer. “John? John Sargent?”
“Yes, yes, its your boss come to rescue you”
“How…” Lost for words she collapsed in tears into his arms and stayed there for long minutes. When she finally came round she began again. ”How, how did you come here?”
“That’s a long story for later, the important thing is that I am here, I’ve brought your ‘sister’,” the latter with irony, “with me. That’s not the only thing I have,” he patted the pack on his shoulder, “A way back home.”
“Oh John” and again she hugged the man in front of her.


It was obvious even to John that they could hardly zap out of existence in the middle of the group, even if that had been his original plan. The other obstacle to that course was Elke Jones herself, he could see that unless he used force there was no way that she would come with him just now, she was too involved with the here and now.

With no new attack, Dornier ordered camp to be set up and soon the fortified area was host to the sound of mallets and the more relaxed sounds of legionaries cooking and settling in for the night. The Streinian party having lost the occupants of a full tent had ample space for the new arrivals, the sisters Cherryh and M’lenie joined Elke and John in the vacant tent. Newcomers and quasi Romans exchanged tales of their journey up country from Streines, then exhausted, they returned to their bedrolls.


The next couple of days the Roman Cohort stayed at the same camp, on the third morning a messenger from the Fourth Cohort found them. The news was good, only twenty miles away the Fourth had run into the Celtonii fleeing the Third and had taken their leaders. The two forces would now meet up a day’s march north before moving into Keelda. When John heard this he became quite alarmed and sought out Elke.

He had devised a plan for the pair of them to leave the Roman force but was still unsure of the safety of those left behind, Elke when he spoke to her was still not convinced of the urgency. Sargent had to come up with a new plan and fast. When the idea came to him it came in a flash and that was going to be the answer. The Roman force reached the rendezvous in good time and set about preparing the camp, John joined the Streinians in tent pitching then scavenging, he could afford no suspicion amongst these strangers.

His plan was going well, he was to share with the sisters and Elke again but more importantly Cherryh and M’lenie were assigned as camp guards for part of the night. Elke wasn’t going to like it, so Elke wasn’t going to know about it. They ate and retired to their respective tents and bedrolls, the sisters departing for their duty. Sargent waited till he was sure his companion was asleep before making his plan go on. As it went it was a simple idea, start a fire in the tent then immediately use the travel cube to exit the inferno. It would be assumed that they were completely incinerated in the blaze so no questions.

Well that was the idea. He gathered their immediate belongings ready and set a pile of bedding for the fire. Even the best plans can go wrong, but so far things were going well, Elke remained asleep, the camp was quiet, time to set things alight. John ducked outside to retrieve a brand to start the blaze, he didn’t notice two figures approaching the camp, who it must be said didn’t see him either.


The bedding wouldn’t catch at first, a delay that would soon prove a problem. Cherryh spotted the flames first.

“Quick M’lenie, we’ve got to get Jon and Elke out”

The two sisters ran toward the tent and burst in as John activated the time cube. It wasn’t two people who left the tent but four, outside the flames took hold of the tent itself, which was what roused those sleeping nearby, however the flames had too great a hold to do anything about it. A nearby legionary had heard Cherryh’s shout and so it was presumed that the two girls had died with their friends in the blaze, trying to rescue them. John was right on one thing at least, the fire left but a pile of ashes, a few melted blobs of metal and the remains of a knife.

John didn’t at first realise that the sisters were with them; his back had been to the doorway of the tent, his attention on the device in his hands. He wasn’t sure who was the more surprised they or he when they materialised in his lab a split second later. He was right in one respect at least; Elke was annoyed at him, not so much for carrying out the plan but more for not telling her. His saving grace at the moment was that the place was deserted, at least that gave him a chance to organise things with the sisters. Number one was to get them all out of the time centre, his own absence in real time was only a few hours, but he nevertheless checked his office out, changing into his regular clothing while he was there.

Elke meanwhile had raided the locker room, coming up with a selection of gear to cover their own garb and a kit bag into which went their weapons. It was a strange group who met John shortly after, Cherryh had a mismatched leisure suit, M’lenie had acquired only a short skirt while Elke had come up with a jacket and shorts for herself, and let out her now long tresses so that they flowed around her. A bit strange in appearance still, but they would pass a cursory glance. Then John remembered their faces, he had removed his own design, for speed however they would have to take a chance, Elke could remove hers at his place, the others would have to wear makeup for now.

John ushered his charges to his transport and got them inside and covered up, he still had to run security. Fortunately getting out was not a problem, they only checked on the way in, if you got in, you got out. Once past the gate and away from the site he let his cargo sit more comfortably as he turned the wheels in the direction of his house fifteen miles away.

The sisters were still not sure what had occurred, they only knew they shouldn’t be here. Once away from the Time Centre John relaxed some, Elke too let out a sigh of relief more at being back in her own time than in running the guards at the centre. The relief however was mixed with a certain amount of misgiving, would they be able to return her friends to Streines? If not, what then? She couldn't answer those questions, when she asked John he was no surer than she.


“I’ve found you some more suitable clothes” John called to Elke when he spotted her heading for the bathroom next morning “and that tube of soap should take your face paint off.”

Over the sound of the toilet and shower going on all John heard was “thanks”.

The two unwitting guests were still asleep, it was quite early yet even though John had been about for a while and had even been to the local mega-mart ‘Always open, just for you’ where he had taken a run on their sizes and bought outfits for each of the young women, cheap sandals would adjust to whatever size their feet were, a regular plethora of makeup completed his purchases, they raised some funny looks when he paid, but he didn’t even notice.

While Elke showered he made coffee and started to worry over what came next. The be-towelled figure of Elke came out of the bathroom.

“Clothes over there, there’s makeup too” John looked up at her as she passed. “Soap not work?”
“Er, I think you should know, it’ll take more than soap to remove this, it’s the real thing.”
John was taken aback. “But why?”
“Well,” she sat down, “coffee first.” The man passed her a cup of brown steaming liquid. “Thanks” She tried to gather her thoughts. “After the others disappeared I was resigned to staying in Streines for weeks, I hoped someone would come back for me but nothing. Eventually I decided that I would either have to stay in the village or leave altogether, the inks I was using for the temporary face design were fast running out and with them likely my safety in the village. I decided to stay and Cam tattooed me soon after.” She didn’t mention her other indoctrinations. She went on, “At that time not in my wildest dreams would I return to my own time.”

John sat quietly for a moment. “What’s done is done, if you want to cover it, and the others, there’s makeup with the clothes, it might be prudent not to stand out too much just now.”

“Thanks” the young woman finished her coffee and returned to the room where her friends were just stirring, collecting John’s purposes on the way. John went into the office adjourning the living area, he heard Elke show first M’lenie then Cherryh how to use the shower and toilet with some hilarity. Then it was all quiet for a while as John tapped away at his terminal, he tapped into his work unit, things however were not looking good, although they had not caused any damage to the time unit it just would not accept the co-ordinates for Streines, it seemed that the machine was working as designed only.


The sound of the women in the other room brought John back to the here and now, and he went back into the main room. He barely recognised the three of them, Elke had managed to produce acceptable outfits for all three from his purchases. M’lenie had a tunic over leggings, her hair still braided but curled atop her head, Cherryh was in a blouse and skirt of the current mid thigh length, she had put her hair into two braids which hung over each shoulder. Elke likewise had a blouse but she had shorts instead, her own locks were tied loosely behind her, she had managed as well to disguise their tattoos with liberal doses of the makeup, although the makeup and clothes didn’t quite go, they would pass.

John then tried to explain their current dilemma, they didn’t believe him at first but after he had shown Elke his failed attempts on the terminal to program the unit Elke unwillingly had to admit he was right. Leaving the sisters fascinated by the vidbox, he and Elke retired to the office to go over their options, John had a half-baked idea but it needed to be worked through, fortunately it was Saturday, the centre was shut so his computer activities went unobserved.


The two Streinian women were picking up the basics of English from watching the vidbox. They didn’t say so, but like Elke back in Streines, they already were coming to grips with not going home, it would hit them harder later but for now the hurt that had brought was replaced with a sense of adventure, a chance to see strange things, people and places. Their brother in his short time in the twenty-first century had not left the centre, they already had seen more. The girls flipped from channel to channel, from stern faced newscasters, to animation, little animals chasing each other across the screen, then to singing, people in strange costumes, another re-run of Star Trek, some they watched for a while, others they passed over straight away. When their host returned to the room they were glued to the porno channel, a young girl clad in thigh boots and sheer body stocking was writhing on a bed with another naked but for some small tattoos and sporting a hairstyle currently popular, her head shaved at each side and tattooed there. They were discussing this when the others came in.

Elke chuckled. “They are here two minutes and already they’re being corrupted”. John had to join her, as the two innocents looked their way.

The plan was set, they could but try, the basic idea was to go forward in time and hope that the later machinery would or could cope with the co-ordinates for Streines. John had held onto the mobile unit and it was that they would use. As the quote goes, ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try again’ and that was the basic concept of the plan, it could turn into a regular time romp, they had some preparation to do before hitting the time waves.


Maddy Bell © 1998, 2004, 2010

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