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The Piano
Date: Sunday, The Fourteenth day of April 1912
Place: Titanic – Family Cabin
Time: 7:55
“Hurry up, we don’t want to be late for breakfast,” Momma told us.
I was tired and so was Anneliese. After yesterday's adventure, we fell asleep quickly. But despite all the tiredness, we ended up getting out of bed just in time. I yawned and stretched. If only Momma knew why we were so tired.
During breakfast, we could hear people singing music.
O God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home.
Since it was Sunday, it came from a church service down the hall. The song was pretty. We respect anyone’s religion, even if it isn’t our own.
As I ate some Pan Dulcis, some eggs, and a crumpet, I sat there listening to the sound of music. The violinist that usually plays in the room is playing at the church, but I could still hear him.
I sip on my orange juice and start to daydream.
What would it be like once we were in America? We could have a farm with chickens and cows. Papa would be the man of the house and do all the hard work. Momma Anneliese and I would do house work and play outside.
“Josephine!” Momma woke me from my daydream. “Don’t spill you orange juice.”
After breakfast, Anneliese and I head out on the deck. It was cold out there today. Few people were out. The sun wasn’t shining. All I could see was clouds for miles around.
Marshall was again playing quoits. We didn’t see Marjorie. She must have been with her family. We didn’t go over to Marshall. He looked like he was having fun on his own. Besides, the game didn’t appear that appealing in the first place.
“Let’s just go back inside and color or something,” Anneliese said shivering. “It’s too cold out here.”
“I agree. We can always go to the library,” I mentioned.
“You go, I want to color inside our cabin.” said Anneliese.
“But I can’t go on my own,” I whine.
Anneliese sighed. “Fine, but let's first grab the colors and paper.”
We headed back to the cabin, where Momma saw us come in.
“What are you two up to?” She asked.
“Nothing,” I said. “We are planning on going to the library. But first Anneliese came to get some color crayons and paper.”
I see Anneliese rummage through a few things.
“Sounds like fun,” Momma laughed.
“Okay, Let’s go,” demanded Anneliese.
“You two be safe,” Momma told us
“We know,” I grumble.
As we walk towards the library, I spotted a piano on the bottom of the very large staircase. It looked like Church was over. I glance over at Anneliese and back at the piano.

“Let’s go here instead,” I pleaded. I want to play the piano.
Anneliese looked over at the piano and sighed. “Fine, just don’t be to loud.”
I hop over and sit down on the piano bench. I wasn’t the greatest piano player, but I really wanted to play it. The only songs I played were kids songs. I started playing Mary had a Little Lamb, since it only used a few notes.
I started out slow, just making a few notes play.
A woman walks by and saw me playing.
“How cute!” she cooed and sat down on a chair and watched me.
Anneliese sat on the floor and colored a picture.
I continued playing the piano, unaware that I was creating a crowd.
I started playing songs that were a little familiar to me, including ‘The Farmer's in his Den’ and 'Der Deitcher's Dog' When I stopped playing, the crowed started clapping. I look over at them with shock.
“Uh,” I sputtered. “Hi.” I was embarrassed. I started getting off the piano bench.
“No, keep playing,” the woman said.
I could hear people chanting “Encore.” Which I didn’t understand. I looked over at Anneliese which was also looking over at the group of people and back at me. I felt a bit scared, but I slowly sat down at the piano and continued playing. I was a bit nervous at first, but began playing again.
As I played the piano, I felt more confident with myself. A man came up to me and asked if I could read notes.
“Yes,” I explained, “but I am a little rusty at it.”
“Go on and try,” he chuckled. “Here play this song.” He handed me a sheet with musical notes on it.
“Swan lake?” I read. I looked it over and started slowly begin the notes. As a played, I made a few mistakes, but I can tell the crowd didn’t care. Some may have giggled a little, but I played the song all the way through.
Everyone cheered.
I ended up playing a whole concert for them. Playing songs that people requested me to play. Most of the songs requested were from Ludwig Van Beethoven and Johann Sebastian Bach. By the time I was finished, my hands were tired and I was exhausted as well. Anneliese stopped coloring halfway through my performance and started watching me as well.
When I was finished, I got off the piano bench and curtsied while everyone including Anneliese clapped.
It was a good thing I finished, because Dinner was just about to start. I was famished.
We were starting to head down the hallway when I saw Momma and Papa.
“You did a great job Josephine,” Papa congratulated me.
“We heard that you were playing piano and headed out to watch you,” Momma said Proudly. “Anneliese told us.”
I glance at my sister. “Thanks,” I smiled.
We all headed to the dining room.
Date: Sunday, The Fourteenth day of April 1912
Place: Titanic – Family Cabin
Time: 16:34
When I came back to our room after dinner, I immediately went and took a nap. After playing piano for almost four hours, anyone would be tired. The nap refreshes me. As I got up, I glare down from my bed seeing Anneliese playing with Jacks. I was going to join her when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. “Who could that be?” I wondered. I opened the door and on the other side stood Captain Smith
“So glad you're here,” he smiled down at me. “I was wondering if you and your sister would like to come with me to see the bridge of the ship?”
I became thrilled. “No Fooling?”
“Of course,” he chuckled. “I wouldn’t be standing here asking you if I wasn’t.” He continued chuckling.
Anneliese got up from off the floor. “What's all this jazz about going somewhere?”
“The captain is offering you two a chance to see how the ship rolls.” Momma said.
“Oh, that would be awesome.” Anneliese cried with delight.
“Do you still have those dresses you two wore before?” Captain Smith asked.
“Of course,” Momma laughed. “They’re right here.” She grabs it off the side of the door.
“Capital,” Captain Smith said. “Why don’t you two get dressed and meet me out here when you’re done. I want you two looking your best in front of my crew members.”
As he leaves we follow his directions and get dressed. Once we were done, we head out of the room, but Momma stays back. Captain Smith did invite her, but she politely rejected his offer. “You two have fun.”
As we walk with the captain, he turned to look at me. “I hear some crazy kids went down to the boiler room and in the cargo hold last night.”
I glanced over at Anneliese. Did he know it was us that were in there? I felt horrible.
“Little children shouldn’t go down there.” Captain Smith continued.
“Sorry,” Anneliese apologized.
“Anneliese!” I growl.
“So it was you two,” Captain Smith knelt down at both of us. “It was very dangerous for you girls to go down there. You could have been hurt.”
“Sorry,” I now apologized. “It wasn’t our fault. We were following another girl that told us…”
“It doesn’t matter,” Captain Smith said. “Just don’t do it again.” He could see the worried look on our faces. “I won’t tell you parents.”
We follow the captain to a lift. This would be the first time anyone of us has ever been in a lift and it was exciting.
“Good Afternoon Captain?” a man in the lift greeted.
“As you can see,” Captain Smith began, “This is our lift operator.”
“Hello, young ladies.” the man said.
We reach our stop and walk out to see a different view of the ship.
I saw how big Titanic really was. It looked like it went on for miles. I saw the ocean on both sides. Water that never ended.
The sun finally came out and the clouds were disappearing. I hugged myself a little. It was still cold out.
“Follow me,” Captain Smith told us. We followed him to what looked like a room with wheels.
“This room, my young lassies is the wheel room. This is where we command the ship. The wheels with all the words on it are called an Engine Order Telegraph or E.O.T.”

I stare at the wheel. It appeared like a fun thing to use.
Captain Smith continued, “And over here we have...”
I was interested in the telegraph machine and didn’t follow the captain. I wondered what the machines did. I tried to read what the words meant. I knew a few, but didn’t understand all. What does astern mean? Just for fun, I held on to the lever. I pretended to be one of the crew. None of the crew members on the bridge were even watching me.
“Josephine,” I heard Captain Smith calling for me, which startled me. I accidentally pushed the lever on the wheel, which went too far to the right I tried pulling it back, but it was too hard, so I freaked out and ran out of the room.
“There you are,” Captain Smith said with a smile. “I’d like to show you something special that no one under first class would see.”
We started heading over to where he was talking about, when all of a sudden the ship started moving to the left.
“What in tarnation?” he ran back into the wheel room I was just in. “Who pulled the E.O.T. to Full Astern?”
I watched the Titanic take a quick left, but a crew member set it back to normal.
“Let’s just hope none of the passengers noticed anything,” Captain Smith said once he got out of the room. “And if they do, I’m pretty sure I’ll hear from them soon.
I felt ashamed that I was the one that did it. I was surprised the captain didn’t suspect me.
As we walk off, I glance up in a distance at a man standing inside a small structure located on a pole.
“What’s that?” I asked pointing to the man
The man stood up there looking out to sea.
“That’s the crow's nest,” Captain Smith told me. It’s a lookout point. We use it to spot other ships or massive objects floating in the water.”
“Like a whale?” I asked.
“Whales?” Captain Smith chuckled, glanced down at me. “Whales won't come near us. They stay their distance. Now an iceberg would be something to worry about. But don’t be scared, we won’t encounter any icebergs.
I look up at the man in the crow's nest. It must be a boring job. Not even having a chance to experience fun on the ship. Especially her first one. Although, he will have many years of enjoyment. He won’t always be standing up there every time Titanic sailed and I doubt he’s up there the entire time.

We continue walking as we pass one of the huge funnels with smoke coming out of it. They are enormous when you’re close up to them. The captain takes us to a large room with many people inside. I spotted a grand piano in the distance. Much larger than the one I played on earlier today.
“I heard you were playing the piano,” Captain Smith smiled. “And I would like you to play...
“Oh, I’d love to,” I told him, “But I’m a bit tired from doing it earlier.”
“Do it for me,” he pleaded.
I really liked the piano a lot. I have never played on such a beautifully huge one. I glanced over at Anneliese, and she shook her head, yes.
“Okay,” I finally said. “I’ll do it. But only for a little bit.”
I slowly walk over and sit down on the very comfy piano bench. I gaze over at the captain. He was smiling. On the piano there was a book of music. The captain must have put it there earlier. He must have known I would play.
I thumbed through the pages and picked out a song I played earlier. ‘Air (Air On The G String)’ by Bach. At least this time I may play it better.
I opened up the piano door and checked out the keys. They were glossy. I cracked my fingers and started playing.
This attracted a bunch of the people walking around or talking. They headed over and watched me play. They never imagined a seven-year-old could play the piano this good before, especially a girl. (Even if I was born a boy, in my heart I am a girl.)
I didn’t play as long as I did before, But I did go through a bunch of songs, including my favorite Beethoven song, ‘Moonlight Sonata’, which I didn’t play earlier.
After I was done, I did another curtsy and went over to the crowd of people. Everyone there gave me many compliments and some older women gave my cheeks a pinch, which I didn’t like.
I walk over to Captain Smith and Anneliese. She gave me a big hug.
“Well done,” Captain Smith said congratulation my work. You should go professional.” He checked the time on the wall behind us. “We have a half hour before Supper. Let me show you one more thing before we head back to your cabin.”
We followed him not even a few feet of where we were standing. What Anneliese and I observed was the largest staircase I have ever seen. It was sensational. On the top of the staircase was a clock with a decoration around it. The wood on and around the staircase had so much detail. Even the floors were beautiful. I’m not sure why I didn’t notice it before. I guess because I was excited about the piano.
“What kind of floor is this?” I asked the captain.
“It’s called Linoleum,” he pointed out. “It’s a really fine flooring, much better than marble flooring.”
I was confused, isn’t marble more of a luxury? This stuff looks cheap. I decided not to ask him it.
Well, come on girls, we better get going. We walked down the staircase and headed to the lift. The same man from earlier was in the lift working the controls.
“E deck please,” he told the man.
As we took the lift down, I looked up at Captain Smith, he looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back.

Date: Sunday, The Fourteenth day of April 1912
Place: Titanic – Second Class Dining Room
Time: 18:58
I stare out the windows of the dining room. It was so nice being able to sit next to one. I could see the beautiful sunset. The bright reds and oranges, the pinks and blues. What could possibly ruin this view.
As we sat for Supper, the server came up to us as usual with today's menu.
I asked for the roast turkey with cranberry sauce, roasted potatoes and some Ice Cream. They say it's American Ice Cream. I wonder what’s the difference. Momma insisted I get a vegetable. I figured potatoes were vegetables, but I was wrong. With disgust, I ordered the green peas. Anneliese ordered about the same thing as me, except for the potatoes. She had boiled rice instead.
Momma ordered a Spring Lamb which came with this weird green mint sauce and Papa ordered the curried chicken and rice. They both got Puree Turnips, which to me sounded worse than the green peas.
I wondered what the First and Third Class ate.
When our meals came, Momma told us we couldn’t eat the ice cream first. I was disappointed. Why couldn't I?
The turkey was so moist and delicious. The cranberry sauce was a bit tart. I ate the potatoes and then the worst part of them all, the green peas. I put them in my mouth and almost gagged. I hate peas. All so mushy and awful tasting. Anneliese ate them as if they were candy. I wonder how she could do it. It’s just so gross.
Finally, the Ice Cream. By the time I could eat it, it was melting. I got chocolate. I love chocolate. I took a spoonful and was a bit surprised. It tasted very sweet and milky. It was a smooth taste and not so thick. But it was missing something in the texture. I managed to eat just fine, but miss the kind I was used to.
I glance over at Anneliese. I could tell from her looks, she was thinking the same thing.
As we left Supper, Momma, Anneliese and I took a stroll outside. Papa was getting ready for work. It was a bit chilly outside. The temperature on the wall mentioned it was three degrees Celsius. Momma wanted us to wear a something warmer instead of our dresses, but not only me, but Anneliese wanted to stay in the dress we were wearing. We ended up wearing the sweaters, Momma knitted us over our dresses.
“Why did we go out here, if it's so dang freezing,” I asked.
“Watch your mouth, young lady,” Momma told me. “I just wanted to spend a little time with you. I haven't seen you all day. I didn’t believe being cooped up in our cabin would be much fun.”
“Well,” I began, “I’ve had a busy day.”
“That’s right, how was your time with the captain?” Momma asked.
“We got to check out the wheels that control the ship.” I mentioned.
“Yeah,” Anneliese added. “We even witnessed the ship turn left for some strange reason.”
“So that’s why it felt a little weird earlier today.” Momma laughed.
I didn’t say anything. I just continued my story.
“Well anyways,” I ended up playing on a grand piano and even viewed a beautiful set of stairs.”
“You got to see the Grand Staircase?” Momma was shocked. “Now I wish I could have been there. Not only for the staircase, but to watch you play.”
I noticed Anneliese was shivering, which made me feel cold as well. “Can we go in,” I asked. “Anneliese and I are shivery.”
“It’s not what I wanted, but okay,” Momma groaned.
When we got back to the cabin, Papa was just leaving.
“Bye Papa,” me and my Anneliese say together.
“Stay safe, dear,” Momma kissed him
“Ewww!,” both Anneliese and I said.
When we walk into the room, Momma spots me yawing.
“I saw that yawn,” she chuckled. “Time for bed.”
“Awww Momma,” I whine.
“There’s more to do tomorrow,” Momma scolded.
“Alright,” I pout.
“You too, Anneliese.”
“Okay Momma,” Anneliese said, hopping into bed with me.
I must have been really tired, because I fell asleep in just a few minutes.
Date: Sunday, The Fourteenth day of April 1912
Place: Titanic – Family Cabin
Time: 23:39
I was sound asleep, and so was Momma and Anneliese. I was dreaming about what our new home would be like when we got to America. Papa would be milking the cows and Momma would be out with us collecting eggs and feeding the chickens. All of a sudden a minute later there was an earthquake, which caused me to wake up.
“Momma!” I scream.”
“What is it?” Momma yelled back startled as well.
“I had a bad dream” I began. “There was an earthquake, and it felt so real.”
“I don’t think it was your dream,” Momma said, “I felt something.
“So did I,” Anneliese quietly said. “What time is it?”
Momma looked at a watch she had on her. “It’s twenty minutes to midnight. Let’s just go back to sleep, and we’ll figure this all out in the morning.”
“Okay Momma,” we both say together.
I tried to fall asleep, but I was still scared. I just lied there.
I hear Anneliese breath softly. She was back to sleep. Momma was out of bed and was watching out the window. I came by and looked out with her.
“Can’t sleep,” she asked me.
“Nope,” I said, I watched out the window as well. It was completely dark out there. I couldn't see that well, but I did notice something in the water not far from us. What could it be? I squinted.
“What’s that!” I ask pointing out the window.
“Not sure,” Momma said “But have you noticed that Titanic isn’t moving?”
Just then, the door crashed open from the cabin. It startled me and Momma. Anneliese jumped as well.
At the door was Papa and he was soaked.
“Get your lifebelts on,” he told us.
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Oh dear, I was dreading this moment. A very engaging story.
Glenda Ericsson