I hopped in behind mom and buckled my seat belt as I normally did as a guy.
“What are you doing?” Allie said with a strange look.
“Putting on my belt like always”
“Always? No you don't” She said. “Mom, there is something weird about Alex”
“Don't worry about her, she will be alright,” mom said.
“Dad, can I have mom's wagon when she wants a new car? I like it.”
“See, she is acting weird” Amelia said from the third seat.
As we drove out of the parking lot and headed for the hotel. I sat back and closed my eyes in thought.
“Dad, are we going to go to the range later and practice?” Allie asked.
“Yes, they are having an open practice today at 5”
My ears perked up at the words, range and practice. That was right we are here in Ashville, NC. For a regional target shoot. The male me has qualified expert every year I have been in the Navy. Plus I am sniper trained, being a seal you have to be very proficient on all weapons. The new female me on the other hand can't hit the broad side of a barn from 2 ft. Maybe I can bring my experience out, and out shoot everyone.
“Dad, can I practice too” I asked?
“Alexandria, you know that you can't shoot that good” dad said.
“Really bad” Amelia piped in.
“Bet I can out shoot you now”
“OK, it's a bet” Allie put her hand out.
After turning off the blue ridge parkway, We drove west towards our hotel. On the way we passed a Dodge dealer, out front was a black 70 Dodge Daytona with a low mileage and a price of $1500 on the window. Knowing that the winged cars are very rare and bring quite a bit of money in the future.
“Dad, what is top prize for the shoot this weekend?
“All total is about $2000. $1000 for top over all $500 for class and $500 for best junior.
Plus a trip to the national competition in AZ.”
“If I win anything can I use the money for what ever I want?”
“Yeah, you win” Amelia said laughing.
“If you win anything you can do what you want” Mom said, thinking it would never happen.
“Anything? Are you sure?”I confirmed.
“Yes, Alex. Anything” Dad said.
We pulled into the hotel it was a new one and had a large pool. We parked at our door.
“Can I go swimming, mom” Allie asked.
“Me, too.”
“I want to, too,” Amelia said.
“I thought you wanted to lie down.” Mom said.
“I can relax in the pool”
“OK, Girls, just be careful”
“We will,” we all said.
Instinctively, I headed straight for my suit case and grabbed my swim suit. I ducked into the bathroom. I surprised myself when I saw the new me in the mirror. I was a babe, beautiful face, Shoulder length auburn hair, deep green eyes.
I was the male me teen age wet dream. I was doing a little posing in the mirror, checking out my new body, when Amelia came in holding her swim suit. How did I know it was Amelia not Allie. I guess I just knew it was her.
“What are you doing” I asked?
Giving me a strange look, “Changing like you”
I didn't give it another thought, I continued changing. Pulling off my t-shirt then my 32A bra. My breasts where just past the training bra stage.
Seeing my naked breasts gave me a thrill my nipples got hard. I pulled on my baby blue bikini top then after taking off my shorts and panties I pulled on the bottoms. My bikini was the basic conservative ones that a 12 year old would wear in 1972.
Thinking that I could not wait till the more exotic suits became more main stream. A high leg would look great on me. Maybe when I get into college. I came out of the bathroom to find Allie waiting holding her one piece suit.
“About time you got out” she said as she bumped past me and into the bathroom.
I sat on one of the beds and relished the feeling of being in my bikini. Yet, I was still
scared and confused. Amelia came out wearing a pink, yellow, and blue bikini similar to mine.
Me and Amelia grabbed towels and waited for Allie. I threw a towel at her as she came out of the bathroom. “You had better watch it or I will get you” She said.
“Bring it on, you will lose” I said bringing some of my old self out.
I followed as Amelia and Allie. Lead the way around to the pool which was on the opposite side of the hotel. As we walked to the pool, I worked at oxygenating my lungs a exercise I learned in the seals to help with long underwater dives.
“Remember we need to keep Alex out of the deep end, since she can't swim to well” I heard Amelia tell Allie.
I was flabbergasted when I heard that, I thought back to my female past. The things that came to me where unpleasant as it seemed, I was kinda a nerd. Smart but didn't do much right. I had trouble swimming along with some other activities, like shooting. Well things are going to change, and right now.
When we all got to the pool, It turned out being quite large with a diving board at the 8ft deep end. It tapered to 3 ft at the shallow end. While Allie and Amelia slowly walked down the stairs to the shallow end. I decided to go for broke. I kicked off my flip flops and headed for the diving board. In my male past I was a varsity letter winner in swimming, diving, track and band. I was popular in school. As I stepped up onto the diving board. Amelia stopped and stared.
“Alex, What are you doing?” She said.
“I am going to try a flip” I said. Knowing I could do one in my sleep.
All of my stories are purely fictional, the some places are real, some are not. The names and personnel used in all my stories, are also fictional. They may be based on people I knew but, Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or un-dead are purely coincidental.
I write my stories as a fantasy. While based on this world. Things in my story could stretch reality. However I write my stories from my mind. I reserve all rights to my work. Any form of duplication without my permission is forbidden. Please enjoy reading them as I have in writing them.
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Can muscle memory transfer with conciseness.
There is a reason divers practice. Hope Alex finds out it does or she might have to be careful the SEAL overconfidence doesn’t cause some serious injuries. I do enjoy lamb becoming a lion stories, so I’m looking forward to the next chapter.
Thank you for sharing.
Good Progress
The first chapter had me concerned and almost didn't read on. It was too much tell and not enough show. Felt like the first half was an info dump (never good in a story). After reading the second chapter, I am feeling better about things. I think you could probably just eliminate a lot of the 1st chapter info dump stuff and explain things like you are in the second chapter.
Now, this diving board flip is either going to go very good as she taps into the marine experiences, or really, really bad as she realizes she is the teenage girl she has become. Unlike shooting, diving requires a lot of knowledge and command of one's own body. Practice, Practice, and more Practice are needed, so it becomes muscle memory. She has the knowledge of how to dive, which will probably allow her to pull this off even if not done amazing like she intends (but still good enough to blow her sisters away). She doesn't have the practice and muscle memory, which could lead to a disaster (which is what her sisters expect). She has jumped into a nerd who isn't coordinated. Intellectual knowledge doesn't make up for poor eye/hand coordination. This is going to be interesting.
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing
$1500 Dodge in Alex's future?
Memories of past, recent, self, with great skills, are one thing but can the present self make use of such skills?
If Alex can feel what he knows, might that be the magic that allows the skills to be used? Or might the girl body need a bit of time to adjust to the skillful feelings?
Guess the attempted flip will be the acid test.
Others have feelings too.