QuickSilver 4

Catherine sat for a moment in shock. He’d as much as told her his intentions the night before and a part of her wanted nothing more than to accept while the old fears tried to drag her away. While her mind was in shock her mouth seemed to have no such handicap.

“Yes, Bobby, I will marry you.” Catherine found herself saying softly into the sudden silence of an expectant dining room. She was almost frozen as he slid the ring onto her finger and stood, pulling her out of her seat and into a hug and a deeply loving, passionate kiss. As they separated the room erupted into applause and congratulatory shouts.

Catherine smirked then pulled Bobby down to whisper in his ear and they shared a grin before turning to face the room. He bowed at the waist while she curtsied and the applause came again. “Thank you folks. I’m sure you understand I had no real idea this was coming” she waved away the Bronx cheer offered by Monique “although as you can see I’m not exactly unhappy about the way it worked out. Now we’re going to sit here and make pigs of ourselves so yawl might not want to watch that part. Thanks again from both of us for your congratulations. You’ve been a wonderful audience!”

With that she dropped another curtsey while Bobby repeated his bow and they both took their seats, hands joining beneath the table. The handholding only lasted a few minutes as a basket with 4 large blue crabs in it appeared along with 2 plates, ramekins of drawn butter and a small mallet and cracker for each. They each tried to be civilized about eating but that soon fell by the wayside and they made their way through 3 more baskets before beginning to slow.

A fresh basket of crab landed on the table along with another pitcher of beer and they ate much more slowly this time, both finally forcing the last bit of succulent meat down with a swallow of beer. This time they both sat mallet and cracker on their plates to signal they were finished. Their plates vanished and they sat there for a long while, finishing off the second pitcher and just enjoying the contentment of repletion and each other’s company. When they both reached the last of their glasses he pulled out his phone and she nodded, getting up to go to the restroom before the car came for them and realizing she was a little tipsy as she walked.

Catherine did the necessary and took the ring off first, slipping it back on after she washed her hands. She studied it for a moment in the harsh lighting and just admired how it looked and even more how much it meant to her. When she came out Bobby was standing waiting for her and they went right out to their car. She noticed with amusement that both car and driver were different but it was still a member of her team behind the wheel and they sat in silence on the way back, happy to just hold each other’s hand across the seat.

They made their way inside and by mutual consent went straight up to the bedroom, both undressing and taking a moment in the bathroom. When Catherine came out after brushing her teeth and cleaning her face Bobby was lying on the bed asleep and she worked for a few moments to get the covers out from under him before sliding in beside him and turning off the light. She drifted off to sleep with a leg thrown partly over him and a hand on his chest, still marveling at the events of that evening.


Catherine came slowly awake, noticing how pleasant the hand cupping her breast felt and how his warm firmness was spooned behind her. A certain bit was quite firm indeed and she wriggled against it slightly, relishing the slight pulsing in response. Another pressure made itself known and was becoming more insistent so she slowly extricated herself from his embrace and slid out of the bed, making a quick dash for the bathroom. It only took a few moment for her to attend to business and brush her teeth before she made her way back to the bed and carefully slid back into his embrace, even resettling his hand on her breast.

She came awake again some drowsy time later, the hand having become active and just barely brushing her nipple with a playful thumb. The arousal that she’d thought would make sleep impossible came roaring back and she ground back into him, drawing a groan. Things progressed from there and it was quite some while before they made their way into the shower, even longer before they finally made their way downstairs, happily satisfied and fairly glowing.

“Don’t you have to get to work?” Catherine asked over her shoulder as she flipped the hamsteaks in one skillet while giving the grits a vigorous stir.

“Nope. I took the next 2 weeks off to be here for and with you and I’d like to do just that. I know you’re strong Catherine, stronger than I think I could be but I also know you loved your dad even with all that happened. I can’t imagine not being here with you, to support you and help you through it all if you’ll let me.” He walked around and hugged her lightly from behind while she focused on the food, trying not to cry.

A single tear traced down her check anyway, soon joined by a flood of others and she turned away from the stove after turning both burners off, glad to be held while she cried against his chest. “I didn’t expect it to feel like this…” she finally murmured into his warmth.

“I know what you mean” his voice rumbled pleasantly against her face. “I never did make up with my dad and I expected I wouldn’t feel anything because I hated him so much but… I was wrong. I can only imagine how you feel but if my own feelings then are any guide then you’re hanging on a very thin emotional thread. The best I can offer is support and love and I know that’s precious little but its all yours.”

“Its everything in the world Bobby. I love you so much…” she snuggled into his embrace, the tears finally drying up. After a few more minutes she disengaged enough to blow her nose and then kissed him soundly. “I have to finish breakfast.”

She turned both burners back on and waited a few moments for things to heat back up again. “Thank you Bobby. You made me think about it and though I don’t even know how to ask for it I need your support.”

“I couldn’t possibly do anything else. You’ve never been able to even realize you need help, much less ask for it and the notion that someone might give it if you asked… I don’t think that has ever so much as crossed your mind. I’ll never forget watching you square off against five guys half again your size from across the highway with not even a hint of fear or any idea that you wouldn’t come out on top. By the time we could get across traffic it was all over and there you were, bloody and battered but the only one standing. I wanted so much to help but you never even looked around for help, you just dealt with what was coming at you.”

“Catherine I was so scared for you and so proud of you and so in love with you… and we tried to help but you just walked away like it was nothing. Not being able to get through that impossibly thick shell of yours broke my heart and I didn’t know how to deal with that. I wasn’t as strong as you are, I’m still not...” He trailed off uncertainly.

“Oh that’s bullshit and we both know it. I have a pretty fair idea what you went through over there and you don’t survive that without being tested far beyond your limits.” The hamsteaks set aside on a plate, she poured coffee into the skillet and worked the spatula along the bottom, scraping the deposits left by the searing ham up to mix with the bubbling coffee. A hefty dollop of butter found its way into the grits and she stirred with one hand, scraping with the other. After a few moments she poured the resulting mixture into a gravy boat and set it aside, giving the skillet a quick rinse and waiting a moment for it to heat again before adding butter and cracking 2 of what she realized were duck eggs into the sizzle.

“You‘ve never been able to ask for help either Bobby. The difference is you realized you needed it and the fact that it wasn’t provided hurt you. I always wanted to find a way to protect you from that… Now we can be that for each other.” She’d plated the ham and grits while talking and left a little hollow in the grits with a spoon, satisfied they were thick enough to hold the shape. Eggs quickly joined the ensemble and she slid the plates onto the kitchen table, kissing him as she sat down.

Gravy was spooned into the prepared spot in the grits with a little spooned over the egg as well and they both dug in. “I love grits and redeye gravy… Thank you! I didn’t think I had any yellow grits in the house though…” He cocked an enquiring eyebrow.

“You didn’t. All you had was that awful instant crap! Now I ask you, what kind of self-respecting southern boy eats microwaveable instant grits?” She grinned at him, teasing. “Anyway, Lori and I were downtown and we dropped in to the little place that has the old handmill in the window… can’t recall the name. Decent grits are hard to find outside the Deep South so I picked up a couple of bags. I didn’t chuck the instant crap but I wanted to!”

“Oh feel free, that was Leigh Anne’s thing. Can’t stand the stuff myself, I’d rather eat paste. Come to think of it, it tastes a bit like grainy, lumpy paste…” he chuckled. “I hope you don’t eat breakfast like this every day, I’m gonna have to start working out more if so.”

“You’re probably going to want to schedule some workout time then. Feel like going for a run after we let breakfast settle a bit?”

“Trying to avoid dealing with your mom, huh? I’m totally on board with that but its unlike you to avoid that kind of thing. Worried about Lori?”

Catherine sighed, toying with her fork. “Yes and no? I’m almost tempted to let them have it out, you know? I’m tired of being the peacekeeper between them. I wish… I wish mom wasn’t so damned sanctimonious and Lori wasn’t so hotheaded but I might as well try to push the ocean. I can’t do anything but try to keep it from erupting into open hostility and apparently I’m pretty crap at that.”

She stood and took the dishes over to the sink. “Honestly right now I’m feeling pretty damned fragile and I don’t know if I have the energy or whatever to deal with it right now. I know I have to but the notion of just running away from it all for a few hours is pretty attractive.”

“Its up to you, love. I’ll back whatever you want to do.” He stood beside her at the sink and they made quick work of the dishes, a quick wipe down of surfaces as the dishwasher began its cycle.

“What I want to do is go for a run and then spend the day with you, just avoid the whole thing for a day. I’m not going to though. You sure you want to come?”

“Where you go I go. Yes I’m sure if you are, I just don’t want you to feel like I’m intruding.” They shared a quick kiss. “Any idea how I should dress?”

“Jeans and a polo should do it, I’m pretty sure mom doesn’t have anything planned anyway. Lets get dressed and I’ll call Lori so we can meet up before we go over there.”

Half an hour later Catherine joined Bobby downstairs in a light sundress and wedge heeled sandals. He stood and she eyed him appreciatively, receiving the same regard in turn. “Separate cars?”

“I’d rather ride with you.” They kissed and headed out to her car.

The drive over to Lori’s hotel took only a few minutes and they were soon knocking on the door of her room. Bobby stood with his arm loosely around her waist as the door opened and Lori’s face lit up in surprise.

“Why Bobby, I had no idea you’d be coming along today! You two come on in for a minute and have a seat.” They entered to discover a tidy suite rather than a typical hotel room, taking the love seat. Catherine carefully sat with her legs crossed, the appropriate hand displayed on her knee.

It took Lori a moment to notice and Catherine watched as her sister’s eyes swept over her hand, jerked back to it and widened with surprise. When she finally tore her gaze up to her sister’s face Catherine grinned widely and nodded toward Bobby.

“Congratulations you two! I’d say it’s a bit fast if it weren’t a couple of decades too slow…” she smiled at the couple. “Mom’s gonna shit a brick!”

The sisters laughed. “Right? I don’t care, honestly. Just because she didn’t know how to be happy doesn’t mean I have to be the same way. Besides, if nothing else it’ll deflect some of the incoming from you to me and I think I mentioned something about not giving a damn…” they both chuckled again.

“You never have, sis. I’m glad for you both, really. Its like the universe brought a tiny bit of balance, something good in the midst of all of this. Come here, both of you and give me a hug!” They rose and the three embraced. “Now, are we all ready to go deal with… her?”

“Is anyone ever ready for that? I expect we’ll survive the experience anyway. Onward, into the breach!” Catherine struck a dramatic pose and the others laughed.


“Remind me to never ever ride with you again!” Lori fanned herself dramatically. “Seriously sis, what the hell? Just because you can go that fast doesn’t mean you should!”

“Oh that wasn’t fast… I just needed to decompress a little and there weren’t any cops. Sorry if I gave you a little fright there…” Catherine smirked inwardly as her tactic to distract Lori from the impending parental meeting bore fruit.

“I’ve never gone that fast except in an airplane! What the hell is wrong with you! We topped 140!”

“Yeah I didn’t feel like flooring it, I just wanted to feel a bit of speed. Sorry if I worried you sis.” She was still doing 110 but she didn’t see the point in making an issue of it. “We’ll be there in 5 minutes. You ready for this?”

“Well I certainly have enough adrenaline flowing!” Catherine could tell her sister was feeling out of control.

“Remember, breathe. Go to your mantra and find your center.” As she coached her sister Catherine took her own advice, half her mind on driving and half on making sure she was centered. The familiar state of total calm with its attendant readiness for action at any instant took over and she piloted the car smoothly, silently. When she pulled up in front of the brick cottage it took a moment for her to come out of her driving trance.

“Ok, finding your center does absolutely jackshit when you’re riding with a madwoman!” Lori teased Catherine as they exited her car. “Seriously, who drifts through a traffic circle!?”

“Well the idiot thing wasn’t there last time I came down Rifle Range. I really hope those neighborhood planning jackasses had some kind of speed gun…” Catherine grinned broadly. “Seriously sis, you’ve ridden with me more than a few times. You know damned well I don’t take risks the way most people think of it. We were perfectly safe.”

“You and I need to talk about the definition of ‘Safe’!”

Through the archway, up to the door with Catherine in the lead again, the door closed this time. She rang and a moment later the door opened to admit them with the older woman stepping aside. They filed in, the sisters exchanging a hug with her before she looked up at Bobby.

“Bobby Manigault, is that you? You certainly grew up!” She hugged him as well and after a moment’s hesitation he returned the embrace.

“Its been quite a while Mrs. MacConnell, I’m sorry to learn of Mr. MacConnell’s passing. Please let me know if I may be of service.” Bobby was trying with some degree of success to hide his nervousness.

“Thank you Robert. You’ll be here with Catherine then and about time too. I see by that ring newly occupying her finger that you and she have reached an understanding?” She glanced back over at her daughter, then up into his face, searching.

“Yes ma’am, one we should have come to long ago. Catherine has agreed to marry me, to my and I hope her everlasting joy. I would be honored if you be in attendance on the day?” He couldn’t stop a slight twitch of his big toe but Catherine thought only she could see it.

“I wouldn’t dream of missing it young man! For reasons I’m sure you understand I had nothing to do with Lori’s marriage or Catherine’s first one and I’m not going to miss the opportunity this time! So tell me, what have you been doing with yourself for 20 years?”


“Who was that woman and what did she do with our mother?” Lori demanded from the back seat.

“Right? I’m pretty sure I’ve never met that woman before. She was, like, almost normal!” Catherine barked a short laugh. “Well normal for her anyway. Who knew she could have a conversation without dropping something religious into it?”

“I halfway expected to get chucked out of the house… I’m still not quite adjusted to the idea that she actually accepts… well, you, me, us…” Bobby was reluctant to say more.

“Ah well if its logic you’re after forget it. You know the day I left she actually renamed me? Sometimes I wonder how much of all that was her and how much was dad and social pressure… But then I always was closer to her than to dad. I gave up trying to figure them out a long time ago and anymore I can’t even be angry about it, or judge them as wrong…” Catherine ran a hand through her hair to move it out of her face.

“I think they both went through their own hells and this was them retreating from the world they saw as hurtful to them. In some ways I can understand that, I’ve even done it a time or two. I don’t expect mom to suddenly not be that long-suffering wounded woman but maybe she’s peeking out of her shell a little?”

“Well you coulda knocked me over with a feather. I’m with Bobby, I expected fireworks or a least a lot of put upon sighing. The way she said ‘Its about time!’ I wonder if she knew back then and maybe even approved a little?” Lori sounded doubtful.

“Apparently everyone who knew either of us was pretty clear about it so I’d be amazed if she hadn’t figured it out. I’m realizing that my attempts at hiding myself or my feelings were an utter failure…” She reached over and Bobby took her hand.

“Well speaking for myself I was a bit too thick to understand your feelings… or my own for that matter… but thinking back on it I can’t ever remember being able to see you as a boy even when we were little. Even with a buzz cut you just looked like a girl with really short hair to me and I’m pretty sure everyone else saw the same thing. Its probably why some of the bigots went after you, all confused about their own attractions…” Bobby trailed off, uncertain what else to say.

“Well I’m glad you went the other way and wanted to protect me instead Bobby. Just hanging out with you kept me out of a lot of that stuff and bonus! I got to hang out with you!” Catherine laughed. “Hey Lori, feel like a drink or two?”

“After today? I think I need more than a few! Bobby?”

“Oh I think I could use a belt or two myself. We can park at the hotel and take a car from there?”

“No need, let me make a quick call.” Catherine reached into the console and pulled out a wireless earpiece before dialing. “Stacey, I could use a driver. Yeah, likely more than a few. Cool, thanks. Dudley’s in 8 minutes? See you there.”

She restored the earpiece to its cradle. “Someone will pick the car up and take it back to your place so no worries. Either of you ever been to Dudley’s? Not surprised. It’s the oldest gay bar in town. Not fancy or anything but a bit of home to some in the local community and John makes a mean Margarita. I didn’t figure any of us were up to a noisy dance club.”

“I can’t imagine dealing with EDM or something right now so it sounds kinda nice and I won’t have to deal with guys hitting on me.” Lori complained only half in jest.

“No but Bobby sure will! Don’t be surprised if a few women hit on you, you are pretty smokin sis.”

Lori didn’t reply as Catherine had drawn to a stop outside a small bar and parked right in the street before getting out. They weren’t blocking traffic so the others followed suit and were surprised to see a perky blonde run up to Catherine and give her a hug.

“Oooh he looks even better up close! We have to talk when you have time!” she disengaged and spun to face the other two. “Bobby, Lori, I’m Stacey. Nice to meet you. Mr tall dark and studly you better treat the boss lady right, we love her and would be very unhappy if she were… unhappy I mean. Anyway, yawl have fun!” She spun, snatched the keys Catherine held out and was soon gone.

“Why do I get the feeling that little girl could have kicked my ass in my prime and not even broken a sweat?” Bobby asked the air.

“Well she works with your fiancée… that’s probably a pretty good clue. I’m a bit surprised to actually meet one of them though. I’ve seen what I assume is her security overwatch a time or two but they are very good… just didn’t have the advantage of being raised the way we were.”

“I think you’d be surprised at Stacey. I swear that girl can track across bare rock with not a sign I can find and you have to be really sharp to track her at all. Bobby, she wouldn’t even have noticed you trying to put up a fight. Now enough about that in public, lets get out of the street!”

They were barely inside before a man with a bushy graying beard and no hair at all on the top of his head swished out from behind the bar and hurried toward them.

“Cathy! So good to see you my dear! I assume this is your sister? And who is this?” He eyed Bobby appreciatively before hugging Catherine.

“This is my fiancée Bobby, my sister Lori.” She waited while he hugged Lori and shook Bobby’s hand. “We had a long day of dealing with mom and need one of your margaritas to help us recover!”

His smile disappeared. “I heard about your dad. I’m sorry for your loss, both of you” nodding to Lori. “You coping ok?”

“Thanks John. Yeah doing alright, just a little weirded out by mom behaving almost like a normal human being…”

“Hey wait… Bobby? Surely this isn’t The Bobby?” The older man’s eyes lit up at her nod. “Well I can certainly see why you spent so many afternoons crying in your root beer! You gave this young lady quite a time back then kid. Glad to see you finally came to your senses, our girl here is a true gem. Now let me see about those drinks…”

It took them a while to get to the bar as old friends greeted Catherine and made her companions welcome so their drinks were waiting on them as they arrived. As promised the drink was first rate and of course one led to several. A few hours later they made their way unsteadily outside and into an untidy pile in the back of an SUV driven by one of Catherine’s team, laughing uproariously until Lori parted ways, moving on once they made sure she was safely ensconced in her suite.

The rest of the ride was spent with quiet laughter between the two lovers although once they arrived home they only made it up to the bedroom and got undressed before falling into the bed together, still giggling occasionally at each other’s sweet nothings before falling asleep cuddled into each other.

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