[AotA] Royal Jelly (4/4)

Karina gently led her pony off the dirt path and into the direction of the Hoffman's farm. Which was easier said than done as her pony had to pull a big wagon. Many pots - ranging from small to large - crashed and clanged at each other as the wagon's wheels overcame ditches in the road. Karina was used to it and knew her pots of hardened jelly could put up with it. Only her butt was tortured. Despite the padded bench, she sat on. She hoped the kingdom would soon decide to upgrade the road from a barely-there dirt path to a paved stone road. Until then, Karina had to make do.

Her arrival at the farm hadn't gone by unnoticed. Old Otto and his wife already standing before the main house and waving at Karina. She could see the eldest son Gotthard and his wife Nadia returning from the fields. Karina had to suppress a grin as she saw the younger son Oliver standing up from amidst the vegetable garden.

For a moment it struck her as strange. How normal it all was. Here, she came onto a farm as her part of her weekly routine. Yet, it barely had been a year since becoming her new race. It amused her how quick things could settle in.

"Ah, the lovely Karina," Old Otto greeted her as Karina stopped her pony in the middle of the small farm. "How is the trade?"

"As always," Karina replied. "Steady, but good. Is the farm doing alright?"

"It sure is," Otto assured her.

Once the greeting was out of the way, it was time to trade and barter. Farms like these valued Karina as she brought another means to acquire coins. Yet, mostly they bartered.

Karina haggled as best as she could, but as always she suspected that Otto got the better deal out of her. Not that she terribly minded.

They unloaded a few of the jelly-filled pots. It was still hard for the other races to make heads or tails out of jelly. Most didn't like jelly that was based upon plants or grass. They simply couldn't taste the undercurrents that Karina or her sisters could.

But a few market niches had revealed themselves soon enough. The biggest target group were sailors. Fresh food on a ship was always a hassle. Here, jelly did shine. It preserved taste and properly stored lasted a long time. It definitely was a plus that jelly took over the taste from the original ingredients. Giving sailors a taste of home even far away.

Karina was here for the second big target group. Farms not only provided many of the ingredients that were used for jellies the sailors preferred. They also were customers. The last winter revealed a need for fresh food in the last days of the cold season. When the next harvest was still quite a few months away. Now the farms around Karina's race started to barter for jelly. They gave ingredients that usually perished quickly and received a big part of it back as jelly. The cut that was left was for Karina to sell. Earning her a profit.

Of course, using jelly in the kitchen was still very experimental. But, even here Karina had some success. Jelly based on spices - even watered down - proofed to be well-liked and easy to use. Not to mention spoil free. Even jellies based on herbs were thought after. Those, Karina usually sold in small quantities in pots so small that they barely earned the name. Yet they made up a good chunk of her profits.

Once the pots were unloaded, Karina's wagon was filled with much local produce. As well as milk, cheese, and other dairy products. Even a few dozen eggs were carefully packed away. Still, thanks to the bumpy road Karina always lost a few. It was an old game of hers by now to gorge herself on one ingredient on her way back and then later demanded to be milked by Mari and Minja.

"Oliver will help you with the hay," Otto remarked.

Karina nodded. Oh, he would. But not just with the hay. Karina briefly mounted her wagon again to steer it into the farm's large barn. Oliver already waited for her and closed the barn doors after her. Not that it was strictly needed, but both valued the privacy.

"Your father said you will help me with the last ingredients," Karina said as she jumped off her wagon.

"I have the bales of hay ready," Oliver replied. But then gave a big theatrical sigh. "But I need a little help for the second good you want."

Karina grinned. "I bet I can help." Walking close to Oliver she gave him a kiss. At the same time uniting his trousers. As it fell down, Karina sank to her knees. It was time to produce some royal jelly.

Karina's production of the most valuable jelly still was a far cry from her times on the ship. But it hardly mattered. The secret was out, for a long time now, and others had specialized into acquiring it. Still, given the opportunity, Karina preferred to produce some herself. There was always some unwed son or stable-hand around who couldn't resist Karina's allure. Of course, she knew better to approach a man who had a wife. She didn't need that kind of drama.

"Thanks for your generosity," Karina purred once she was done.

"Shouldn't it be me who thanked you?" Oliver replied with a grin.

They made themselves presentable. But as Karina turned to the bales of hay, Oliver held her back. "Can I talk to you about something?"

Karina shrugged her shoulders. "Sure," she replied nonchalantly. But internally she hoped it wasn't another confession of love. She had no intention to be tied down by anyone. Aside from the sisters that waited for her at home.

"How was it? Going through the change in the artifact of the ancients? Was it painful?"

Karina's mind needed a moment to switch gears. This, she had not expected. "Oh, no pain. Confusion maybe. My new race has some features a little more unique than expected. Of course, the gender change didn't help."

"Wait, you've been a man before?"

"Is that a problem?" Karina asked.

Oliver raised his hands. "No, no. That isn't it. I was just surprised. Judging by how you act, I would've never guessed."

"Well, I am part now of an all-female race," Karina explained. "When we entered, half of us were male. I am not the only one who got this surprise."

"And you're okay with it?" Oliver dug deeper. "I mean it had to be quite the shock."

Karina gave a sharp laugh. "Not really." Seeing Oliver's confusion, she explained. "We all knew the artifact would change us. Only that we didn't know how exactly. So, we all expected to find ourselves in bodies that would be very different from our old ones. A new gender is just a little more of a change. While chances have been slim, it was a possibility. We aren't the first race that walked out with only one gender."

"I guess," Oliver admitted. "Still. Society wise a gender change had to difficult."

"You forget that creating a new culture is part of the process," Karina reminded him. "So, we expected social change too. Have you ever heard of the Apathii?"

Oliver shook his head.

"They still have male and females, but their gender roles are reversed. Men are the one who led the household and raise the children, while women do the hard work. It naturally evolved like that since for that race women are the ones physically stronger and taller and men on the short side."

"So, everything was uncertain when you used the artifact?"

"Exactly," Karina confirmed. "That was what drew me in. Not only would I be guaranteed to experience something new, but I could help shape it. Say, where is all this coming from?"

For a moment, Oliver looked away. Unsure if he should continue. Then, with a sigh, he turned back to Karina. "I've been thinking to do the same. All this- The farm. I know my brother will take it over. He is older and has a wife. Me? I am the fifth wheel on a wagon. A change doesn't sound as bad anymore. I am, however, not sure I could go blind into it like you."

Karina gave a heartfelt nod. "I know how it is. Grew up on a farm a little smaller than this one. As far as anyone could remember my family has always been farmers. Well, you have plenty of time to figure it out. The next activation time for the artifact is still nine years off. Unless-"

"Yes?" Oliver asked hopefully.

"A few races are designed with the ability to add others to their race," Karina explained. "In fact, my race has this ability too. Now, I am not saying you have to join us, but maybe that there is a race out there that might appeal to you."

Oliver practically glowed with excitement. "It would mean a change, but not going in completely blind. That is perfect." Then, he deflated a little. "But how do I know which race can do it? Not to mention, how do I choose?"

"Minja," Karina exclaimed. "She is one of my sisters. It was her job to study different races. Before the artifact. She might be the right person for you to talk to."

Oliver nodded and contemplated her words for a while. Eventually, he looked her in the eyes once more. "I think I want to meet her. Can I bum a ride?"

"Sure," Karina agreed. "Once the bales of hay are loaded. You can help me."

Oliver gave a sharp laugh. "Since when do you need my help?"

Karina grinned and walked to a bale of hay. She gripped the hay not only with her hands but her innate magic too. Then she used magic to boost her strength. It wasn't as much as when she was in the builder role, but it was enough. Slowly, she made her way over to the wagon. Never losing balance as she used the magical organs in her feet and legs to root herself to the ground. At last, she dumped the bale on a special hook on the side of her wagon.

"Well," she said with a grin. "You can tie it down while I get the next one."

It didn't take them long to load a total of six bales. By that time, Karina felt exhausted. Not physically, but using so much magic all at once took its toll. Yet she didn't it minded that much. After all, she had a half-day of travel ahead of her. Enough time to regain some stamina.

Today, her wagon was packed tight as it left the farm. Not only with the items she bought or bartered from the Hoffman homestead, but also a few belongings from Oliver. It had been a heartfelt goodbye as he explained his decision to his parents. It was unknown when he would return. Or if at all.

Usually, Karina would spend her time on the way back stuffing herself with produce. Ready to be milked once she arrived back home. But with Oliver traveling with her, she was hesitant to do the same. Not that she really minded showing him how far her breasts could expend if she ate enough. It was a matter of space. Both sat perched on the small patted bench at the front of the wagon. They already sat elbow to elbow and Karina worried she might knock him off the cart of she grew too big.

Instead, now and then, she handed over the reins to Oliver and jumped down. Walking to herbs or flowers she spotted at the side of the road. Strolling alongside the wagon while munching on her spoils.

On one such occasion, Oliver had a question for her. "You always say your race, but I never heard you mention a name for it."

Karina gave a heartfelt chuckle. "Because there is none." Seeing his confusion only fanned the flames of her amusement. "You see, we couldn't agree on one yet. There were plenty of suggestions, but none could satisfy us all yet. I think the most popular was 'Kiira's chosen' which had twenty-one votes at one point. For a while variants around the topic 'sisterhood' were a trend, but even that didn't bear any fruit."

"Must be strange," Oliver remarked. "Not having a name for your race."

Karina shrugged. "For me, it isn't that bad. Now Minja, she is furious about the fact."

"The one that can help me?"

"Yes. You see before she came to the artifact, she worked with her father as kings advisors. It was their job to maintain a library about all known races. Whenever the king had to deal with one, it was hers and her father's job to provide information. You know. Stuff like culture and customs. It reduces the chances of unintentionally offending someone or misunderstandings."

"That sounds important," Oliver mused out loud. "Why would she give it up?"

"You have to ask?" Karina countered with a grin. "Imagine growing up always hearing about other races. Read about them from books others wrote. It wasn't enough for her. She wanted to be the first one to write a book about a new race. What better way than to be part of the very one?"

It took a while for Oliver to stomach this and Karina resuming munching on vegetation. It surprised her when he suddenly spoke up again.

"After a year she must get close to finishing it."

Once again, Karina grinned. "Far from it. Our customs are still changing. Evolving. We still discover new things about us. Not to mention that we need a name that she can put in a book."

Over the next hours, Oliver asked a few more questions about Karina's race. Which she didn't mind at all, as it held boredom at bay. All too soon, they came close to Karina's home. Right when the sun was ready to settle behind the horizon.

"We are nearly there," Karina let Oliver know.

"I don't see anything," he replied after standing up and gazing ahead.

"Oh, we live underground," Karina remarked. "Just wait and see."

They left the main road at a small branching dirt path that soon transitioned to a smooth gleaming material.

"What is that?" Oliver asked.

"Hardened Jelly," Karina replied. "It is our main building material and is quite versatile."

The small paved road gradually started to slope downward. Not to step that Karina's pony was pushed by her own wagon. Soon, they arrived at an entrance. It was lit up by hundreds of small lights. The path further down gave the impression it was already night and the stars were out.

Eventually, they arrived in a big brightly lit cavern. Every inch of walls, ceiling, and floors was covered in gleaming hardened jelly. It gave the whole area a smooth and polished feel.

Buildings and alcoves dotted the cavern. Karina steered her wagon towards a big building right beside the entrance.

"This is Ogechi's place. She takes care of our ponies and will deliver my wares to my shop," Karina explained. "The rest we go on foot."

As they walked down the central boulevard they got plenty of attention. Karina got a few well-meant greetings, but it was Oliver who drew their attention. Men were still a rare sight in the colony and a new one entering would spur on many rumors soon enough.

"Building your own harem, Karina?"

The shout came from Epiphina. A shopkeeper leaning on her counter. Behind her many small pots.

"If you want to compete with me you need more than a mere human," Epiphina continued.

"No worries," Karina shouted back. "He's a visitor. So, behave."

"In that case, can I interest you on some orcish royal jelly? It's on sale."

For a moment, Karina was tempted. But soon waved the shopkeeper off. "Maybe another time."

A few steps further, Oliver gave in to his curiosity. "What was that all about?"

"Oh, Epiphina sells royal jelly. In fact, she has a harem in the back she milks daily," Karina explained. A moment later she looked at Oliver. "I did tell you about royal jelly, right?"

"It's the reason why you give me blowjobs. Makes special jelly right? It must be good, why else would you give me the time of the day. But orcish royal jelly?"

"Don't sell yourself short," Karina said. Her voice stern. "I have my standards. And orcish royal jelly is a thing. You see, Epiphina was the first to find out that spunk of each race has a different taste to them. All delicious. Now she hunts for men of races she hadn't collected yet for her harems."

"That's crazy," Oliver remarked.

"Not really," Karina shrugged. "Other royal jelly hunters travel the land and blow everything that can't save themselves on a tree in time. This is much more logical and reasonable. Not to mention logistically more feasible. Of course, the men are compensated too."

"I guess," Oliver slowly agreed.

"Ahh, home sweet home," Karina exclaimed as she steered towards another shop front.

As Oliver came closer, he noticed this sister of Karina had violet to her carapace instead of the blue Karina and Epiphina had. Behind her were dozens of shelves. Filled with dainty looking glass figures.

"This is Mari," Karina started. "Best crafter in all of Anthill."

"Oh, stop it," Mari waved her off while blushing.

"Mari, this is Oliver. He'll be staying with us for a few days."

Mari raised an eyebrow. "So, you'll start a harem after all?"

"What? No! Why is everyone assuming that?"

After a healthy dose of chuckles all around, Oliver looked at Mari's wares. It was mostly delicately crafted animals and some abstract sculptures. 

"Those are superb," Oliver eventually said. "You must have blown glass for decades to achieve such refinement in your skill."

"Ah? No, no, no," Mari waved him off. "These are all crafted with hardened jelly. I am a crafter. It gives me good control over the material."

"Is there anything made around here without jelly?" Oliver marveled out loud.

Karina shrugged. "Not really."

After a few more words, Karina decided to introduce Minja to Oliver. Karina knew she was most likely at the library if she wasn't with Mari. Hence they set out again.

A few steps away, Oliver had to ask. "What did she mean by Anthill?"

"Oh, that is the unofficial name for our home here. But if things go on like this it might become the official one."

The library turned put to be small, but with three full bookshelves, it contained more books that Oliver had seen in the rest of his entire life. Meanwhile, Karina was greeted by a sister in a complete black carapace.

"Karina, look." Minja held up a book. "I finally got a copy of 'The Lusty Sartonian Maid'."

Karina rolled her eyes. "And I thought you were serious about building a library."

"I am!" Minja shot back. "No library worth its salt would forget to include a copy of this book. Who's this?"

"This is Oliver," Karina said. Only to quickly add: "He's not the start of my harem."

"So, he's not but you finally decided to go for one? For a harem?"

Karina groaned and facepalmed herself. "I just can't win with you guys."

After properly introducing him, Karina explained why they were in the library. "So, he is looking for a new race. One that can transform others into their own race. I figured you would be the best to ask."

"Oh, I am. How exciting," Minja exclaimed. She pulled Oliver along to her bookshelves. "There are only a handful of races that can do it. For three I have the books here. The rest I have memorized. Now, let me tell you about all the details and-"

Karina quickly realized she was dismissed, as both were lost in research. With a shrug, she turned around and walked out. But not without 'renting out' a book about a specific maid.

* * * * *

Karina dressed her best. The last few days she had traveled to and from various farms and did more trading. On those days she wore flexible jelly. The half hardened version of jelly had made an impact in their fashion world. By now, it was the most common garments they wore. Today Karina wore one of her more expensive outfits. A milky white poncho-top and matching skirt that had intricate black detailing.

With not much to do, she decided to check on Oliver. She found him in the library. To her surprise, he was alone. Minja was not in sight.

"Making headway?" Karina asked as Oliver noticed her.

"Yes and no," Oliver replied. "All the races that can convert others- They lack something. None appeals to me."

Karina nodded and thought about it a little. "You know, you don't have to become a new race to force change. Just travel somewhere. Find a spot you like. Start anew."

"I thought about it," Oliver admitted. "But I discarded the notion. I want a big change. Something challenging."

"Then what will you do?" Karina asked. "It appears you shot down every option there is."

"There is one." Oliver fumbled with his hands a little before gathering his thoughts. "I could become someone of your race. There are just a few details that I need answers to."

"Weren't you opposed to a gender change?"

"Not really. I mean it will be different, right? But looking around, everyone seems to be happy. I can't even tell who used to be a man or woman before they used the artifact. Isn't that proof enough that you can become happy as the opposite gender as long as you accept the change beforehand?"

"I didn't know I would be a woman after the ritual," Karina pointed out. "So, I could hardly accept it beforehand."

"But you did accept that the artifact could change every aspect of you," Oliver insisted.

"I guess," Karina agreed. "So, what hang-ups do you have about my race."

"Not really hang-ups. Let's see. Oh, yes. Your sexuality."

Karina irked an eyebrow. "What about it?"

"Okay. On the surface level you appear to be straight," Oliver told her. "At least that was what I assumed. Until I saw you with Minja and Mari. I could tell you were intimate. Now, I could assume it was only you who swings both ways, but I noticed the same for every one of your race. Would it be true for me too?"

Karina chuckled. "We are what Kiira describes as pan-sexual. And yes, it is a trait of our race."

Oliver was confused and not too shy to voice it out loud. "What does sexuality have to do with pans?"

"Okay, here is how Kiira explained it to me. Imagine a field of grass. On said field place one of each gender from every race. Now, 'pan' your view from far left to far right. Whatever you see, we are probably into it."

"So, you are like universally attracted to everything?" Oliver tried to clarify.

"Well, there are personal preferences, but in general, yes. That is right. You see, Kiira designed our race to depended on others. Not only for reproduction. She wanted to make sure that we would strive for peace. To become a race well-liked."

There was a moment of silence as Oliver digested everything. Then a resolute nod followed. "Let's do this."

"And you are really sure?" Karina asked again.

"One hundred percent," Oliver confirmed.

"I guess then we have to see Kiira," Karina mused out loud.

She led him out of the library and to the small shopping district. Not far from Mari's artistic crafts shop was the entrance to "Kiira's Fashion". Oliver's eyes grew wide at the colorful display of garments. 

One section was made for clothing made with silk. Karina had once explained to him that silk was still expensive and was mostly used for social gatherings and official business. Most other garments were made with semi-hardened jelly. Or Jeltex as locals called it. Short for jelly textile. 

Kiira was with a customer and Oliver took the time to look around. Soon he noticed something peculiar. He waved Karina over to ask about it. "Why are some pieces of Jeltex pretty cheap and others are so expensive? Even when they are the same cut."

"It all has to do with the colors," Karina explained. "You see they get the colors from the jellies which in turn get their color from food. Now, some colors are easy to come by. Greens and browns are usually from plants. But for other colors, one has to be creative. Red is mostly derived from raw red meat, but if you want bright vivid red than you are out of luck. Blue you can get from blueberries, but you need a large quantity."

"What about you?" Oliver asked while pointing at Karina's black and white outfit. Both, the poncho-top and skirt, were mostly white and had a few delicate black accents. "Getting such a bright white must be hard."

Karina chuckled. "Far from it. That's just milk and pretty cheap. Now, these black accents are what made it expensive. It is hard to find pure black as food. In fact, this black comes from a fellow gatherer, who specialized in munching on insects. For black, she is eating mostly ants. And unholy quantities of them. That's why black is expensive. Hard to find and the available sources are limited."

"Eating insects. I doubt I could do that."

"It is an acquired taste," Karina agreed. "But thanks to her we have pieces like this one."

She showed him an emerald green top. Oliver was about to ask what was so special about it when he noticed the unusual gleam. In the shine of the light, it had an iridescent sheen to it. A moment later he noticed the price-tag - made from cheap white and green Jeltex - and did a double-take.

"That is expensive," Oliver exclaimed aloud.

"Yeah," Karina agreed. "But then again, it is kind of reasonable. I don't even want to guess how many dragonflies she swallowed to produce enough jelly for this one."

"That harem girl-"


"Yeah," Oliver said with a nod. "She had a top and skirt that were both completely back."

"What can I say," Karina said with a sigh. "Royal jelly is a delicacy. Nearly everyone buys from her and it made her quite wealthy."

"And now she is flaunting it around."

"Not really," Karina corrected him. "She is spending it locally instead of spending it on stuff from the outside. The money mostly remains in the community. Her big-spending enables a few of us to specialize beyond what would be otherwise feasible for such a small settlement."

Oliver nodded. Before he could say anything more a new voice pitched in. It was Kiira who had resolved her previous talk with a customer.

"Karina, here for a new outfit?" The former matron looked towards Oliver. "Or are you shopping for him? Welcome to my store. I am Kiira and I've been looking forward to dressing up a man."

"Actually, we aren't here for garments," Karina clarified. "At least not yet. This is Oliver and he would like to join our race."

"Is that so?" Kiira asked. "Why am I not surprised?" She stepped close to Oliver and whispered just loud enough for Karina to hear. "I swear it is her goal to be the first in everything we do. At least the big stuff. Having the first daughter fits right in."

"I do not!" Karina protested. "In fact, I have someone else in mind for the honor." Seeing the crestfallen face on Oliver she quickly added to it. "Of course, if she doesn't want to, then I'd be happy to step in."

"Is it hard?" Oliver asked. "Becoming one of you."

"Oh, no," Kiira waved the notion off. "In fact, it is quite easy. Okay, Karina, listen up. The sister you have in mind or you have to do the following steps. First, of course, is the switch to being a matron. After your carapace change to red, all you have to do is consume royal jelly. A little each day is enough. You will grow a pod. Similar to the ones gatherers have. A little bigger actually. Once done, this makes you fertile to nearly any species."

"Why didn't you grow a pod?" Karina asked, "Back on the ship when I first handed my royal jelly around."

"Because I didn't consume any. Just the smell clued me in."

"So, this is how you reproduce normally?" Oliver wanted to know. "How does this help with transforming me?"

"Easy," Kiira assured him. "Well, relatively easy. You see, a fertile matron has a boosted libido. To facilitate things. If she isn't pregnant within a week then the second stage of the pod growth starts. Growing in size until a person can fit in."

"And I guess I have to get into the pod," Oliver mused. Then a shocked look came over him. "How am I getting in the pod? She won't eat me, right?"

Kiira laughed out loud and had a hard time calming down. When she did she assured Oliver. "Oh, no. The pod grows an opening. After you slip in it shouldn't take longer than a week or two."

"How does the matron even get around with a pod that big?" Karina asked.

"Once the pod is filled it detaches," Kiira explained. "Though the matron will be very protective of it. Probably sending anyone away, but fellow matrons or guards. Any other questions?"

"No, I think not," Karina admitted. "I guess we will be going then."

Once they headed out, Oliver had to ask. "Who do you have in mind?"

"Oh, she is right around the corner," Karina promised. A few steps further she spotted her target. "Mari, I have the opportunity of a lifetime for you."

"And just like that I am suspicious of you," Mari shot back. 

"Well, you once told me you want a daughter, right?" Karina pointed to Oliver. "He could be her!"

"What?" Mari was clearly flabbergasted.

"Well, we just asked Kiira on how to convert Oliver into a sister," Karina explained. "Pretty easy. Change into the matron role. Eat a bunch of Royal Jelly. Grow a pod big enough for him and bam, you have a daughter a week later."

"One to two weeks," Oliver corrected.

"Hold on a minute," Mari said while raising her hands. "This is a little much at once. I mean, yeah, one day I might like having a daughter. But not right now. Sorry, Oliver. It is not against you. I hope you understand."

"I do," Oliver assured her. "And it isn't so bad. Karina promised to be the back-up."

"Right," Karina pressed out slowly. Then sighed. "I guess I'll have to find someone who takes over my gatherer route for a few weeks." Then she piped up. "At least I got to eat royal jelly. A lot of it."

It earned a chuckle from Mari and Oliver.

* * * * *

Karina nervously danced on the spot. There wasn't much else she could do. Not for a few days now. It's been nearly four weeks since Karina switched into the matron role. At first, nothing much changed. She had grown her matron-pod and that had been fine.

Until it reached the first maturity stage. Kiira hadn't been kidding when she said it would boost Karina's libido. They had to stow Oliver away in the public inn as otherwise Karina would have jumped his bones. In the following week, Karina proofed to be very demanding on Mari and Minja. Everything to quell her growing need. In her mind, Kiira had gone a little overboard with this 'feature' while creating their race.

Most of her horniness ebbed away as her pod started growing again. This time at an accelerated rate. Karina was not only consuming enormous quantities of Royal Jelly, but also normal ones. Soon, it became hard to move with such a big pod that Karina constantly had to boost her strength through magic. Then, five days ago she had to admit defeat. Her pod so big now that it practically rooted her in place.

It made for a few boring days. One could only read 'The Lusty Sartonian Maid' so often before it became boring. Not that Karina could reach for the book right now. I was barely out of reach. Not to mention that she was too nervous to actually read right now.

"And here we are," Minja said as she led Oliver into the room. He was stark naked and Karina feared another spike in her libido. To her relief, the opposite was true.

Mari and Kiira came in after and helped to guide the process. Particularly Kiira who led Oliver around Karina's back and explained what to do. "This is the opening. By gently pushing it apart it should widen. Then, you have to climb in."

Karina got the strangest feeling from her pod and she actually felt it open. Now curious she tried to look over her shoulder, but the pod rooted her too much in place.

"It's warm," Oliver remarked as he stepped in. To her surprise, Karina could feel it. "Kind of relaxing."

"The special jelly within the pod will help you transform," Kiira explained. "It will nurture you and keep you safe. Try too make yourself small and submerge yourself."

"Kind of relaxing," Oliver murmured. He sounded sleepy.

Karina felt her pod swell and on instinct, she felt herself close the pod up.

"Won't he suffocate?" Minja asked.

"The matron-pod is more than just a hardened pouch with jelly inside," Kiira explained. "It is a magical organ in itself and will use magic to ensure the survival of him. Even to breath for him. By now, he is probably asleep and won't feel a thing either."

"So, how long is this gonna take again?" Karina asked.

"Depends on the size," Kiira admitted. "One to two weeks. I'd imagine a centaur might take three. Don't worry. In a day or two, your pod will detach and you'll be free once again."

Karina nodded. "I guess it is more book reading. Can someone hand me one."

"The Lusty Sartonian Maid again?" Minja asked with a grin.

"How about something else?" Karina suggested.

"I have none nearly as steamy," Minja remarked.

Karina rolled her eyes. "I am not that single-minded. I take a normal one. Maybe about food?"

Mari snickered and then turned to her sisters. "Karina is correct. She is more twice-minded. Food and sex. If she can combine both then it is a win."

"Oh you," Karina shook her fist. "Just you wait until I am free again."

Karina's sisters laughed and soon she joined in.

* * * * *

Karina nervously paced the room. Despite being free of her pod, she had barely left the room. Always worried about what might befall her pod without her there. She really cared for it. Reading out loud books or even singing. Karina didn't know of Oliver could hear her. After all, Kiira said he would be asleep.

Her eyes darted to the pod. Had it just moved? Another shake and Karina knew it was time. She gave a loud shout out but didn't leave the room. Soon, Mari and Minja arrived. Kiira took a few more minutes to arrive. They all sported the yellow of the guard role.

Somehow Karina had mistrusted anyone who wasn't a matron or a guard. Kiira had confirmed that it was on purpose. With very little protest they had changed roles. Karina was especially grateful for Kiira and Mari for doing so, as both their businesses depended on them being in the crafter role.

With a squelch part of the pod opened. Karina barely noticed the sound as a sleek black hand slowly emerged. She gently grabbed it but didn't pull. Waiting patiently for her daughter to emerge. As she did, Karina's heart fluttered with delight. She was perfect. Her face so pure it might have been cut out of stone by the most talented artist.

Karina gave her daughter a big hug and slowly helped her step out of the pod. She needed a few moments to find her feet, as they had changed quite a lot. It reminded Karina of her own first steps with her changed feet. The high spike under her heels had taken some time to get used to, but now it felt so familiar she didn't even notice anymore.

"Welcome, my daughter," Karina said with a big smile.

She returned it just as brightly. "Thank you," she said in a very melodic voice. After a moment of hesitation, she added "Mother".

Everyone wished them both congratulations and the reborn daughter had to show herself off to everyone around until Minja asked an important question. "So, did you have a name in mind? Oliver isn't very fitting anymore."

"Actually, I haven't," the former Oliver admitted.

"But I have," Karina proclaimed. She took her daughter by the shoulders and looked at her proudly. "Where I come from sons are named by their fathers and daughters by their mothers. I claim the right to name you."

Her daughter nodded. Spurring Karina on to continue. "I hereby name you Octavia, daughter of mine. Tavi for short."

Octavia broke out in a grin. Hugging her mother deeply a moment later. "You like it?" Karina asked quietly."

She received a tighter squeeze. "I love it."

"She looks so young," Mari remarked.

Karina gave her daughter a second deeper look. Indeed, Mari was right. Tavi looked younger than Oliver had. Where he had been twenty summers old, she looked around sixteen.

"Well, I couldn't find anything specific for mirroring the age in the creation process," Kiira admitted. "I could only define something along the lines of peak physical state. It would be curious to see if any convertee reverts to around the same age."

They all nodded. Then Minja mused aloud. "So, we can rebirth any race?"

"As long as they fit in the pod," Kiira confirmed.

"So, we could rebirth each other too?" Minja dug deeper.

"I guess-" Kiira slowly agreed.

A moment later Mari gave Minja a playful punch on the shoulder. "Don't give Karina any strange ideas." Both looked to their sister who remained silent. But they saw a glint in her eyes that hinted that they were too late.

"Well, Tavi. I think it is time to reintroduce you to your new sisters," Kiira announced to break the silence.

Octavia gave a resolute nod. Arm in arm with her mother she stepped out to her new life.

* * * * *

"As it turned out, Karina found something she liked even more than being a gatherer," Minja told her spell-bound audience. They all hanging on her lips. "As soon as Karina had taught Octavia everything she knew, she was on the hunt for her next daughter. And if she couldn't find a potential candidate outside of our little settlement then she hunted within. Soon, one by one gave in. Until she managed to convince each and every one of us to become her daughter."

Eager hands shot up and Minja selected one at random. "Is that the reason why our race is called 'Karina's Children'?" a little girl wanted to know.

Minja gave her a bright grin. "That is correct. You see, no matter who you are if you are one of Karina's Children then you can trace back your linage to Karina."

Another girl raised her arm. After a nod from Minja, she asked aloud, "Why isn't Karina around anymore?"

Minja still gave the girl a grin. But it slipped into one that was more tired and sad. "You see Kiira, the one who created us, never intended for us to live this long. It was fortunate that we found out that rebirthing one of us resets their age to be around sixteen summers. But if you lived for centuries then there comes a time when your mind grows tired. Then a child of Karina may choose to let nature claim her."

"Are you going to die?" one girl blurred out.

Minja looked at her carapace. It showed the black and red of the matron role, but the color looked faded. The gleam of it had dulled. The white strand of hair was another reminder of her age. She was close to a half millennia.

"I think it is time for me," Minja admitted. "I am one of the last original Children. And I miss them. Kiira, Mari, and even insufferable Karina. And I hope I will see them again. In the beyond."

The mood around her had turned dark, but Minja knew how to cheer up her charges. "But not yet. I still have a few good years ahead of me. Now, that's it for today's lesson. Who wants some cookie-jelly?"

As intended the young girls jumped up. Cheerful at the thought of this sweet treat. It made Minja grin again. One day she would join Karina and the others. But it was not today.

The end.

Armas - Karina
Main character. Like the gatherer class and is very curious. Eager to try out new stuff.

Vilhelm - Mari -
First, of her race, Karina meets. Likes crafting. Dislikes naming things.

The second person of whom Karina meets. Academic who partook in the artifact to be the first to document the race.

Chosen one by the artifact of the ancient and creator of the new race. Later develops an affinity for crafting clothes.

Oliver - Octavia / Tavi
Son of a farmer who becomes the first daughter of Karina.

Roles in the society of Karina's Children

Neutral and allrounder. No specialization.

Gatherer and specializes in producing jelly. Has an additional abdomen (pod) with additional internal jelly storage.

Matron and teacher. This role is the only one capable of reproduction.

Guards and security. The least fleshed-out role by Kiira. Heightened strength and regeneration.

Crafter by trade, children of this role have finer control over jelly in its various hardened forms.

The builders of society. Capable of excavating large areas and excel at compacting and blending materials together.

Author notes
Thank you for reading this far.
With Royal Jelly I tried to create a one gender species that is not only believable but entertaining.

The focus was not to tell an action-packed story but one of exploration. As Karina explored her new race and grew to love it, I hoped you had a great time exploring it with her.

I do have a few more details planned for Karina's Children that I might explore in a future story. Along with any questions you might have. So, please leave them in the comment so I can address them.

Karina's Children probably won't be the only species who you can read about created by "the Artifact of the Ancients". I have ideas for others. Do keep a lookout. But it might take a while as writing one of these stories is exhausting with all these details.

Again, thanks for reading.
Until next time,

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