Daniel is just your ordinary average teenage boy. Or is he? What started out as an ordinary summer day quickly becomes a journy of self discovery and change.
Parking the mower back in the garage I made my way to the house glad to finally be out of the sweltering heat of the day. Overhead the sun beat down on me and I couldn't wait to get inside and pour myself an ice cold drink. I paused at the door and quickly brushed the grass clippings off myself. My mother would be annoyed if I got them all over the house.
I went into the kitchen and quickly washed my hands in the sink. I could really use a shower, but it was just too hot so I decided to wait until later. Instead I checked the fridge, there was some ice tea so I grabbed a glass and put in 3 cubes of ice and then made my way to the living room. I could hear my sisters talking and the TV playing in the background. “Oh my God! Look at that! It's incredible!” I heard my older sister say excitedly. “Can you believe it?”
“What are you watching?” I asked glancing at the TV
“It's a talk show.” My younger sister answered.
I turned to leave never having been a fan of talk shows when my older sister commented. “They are dressing guys as girls! It's unbelievable how really they look!”
I looked again at the TV. I had never heard of anyone doing this before, the whole idea seemed strange to me. I took a seat on the sofa next to my sisters. I watched in amazement as the host showed a picture of a plain looking middle aged man. “You all saw Steve before, now look at Stephanie!” Out came this beautiful woman dressed in a short red dress. She had long black hair and looked nothing like the man from the picture. She must have looked at least 5 years younger too!
I quietly watched fascinated as they repeated the process again and again with other guests on the show. Finally I turned to my old sister as they cut to a commercial. “Elayne,” I began hesitantly yet my curiosity pushed me to finish my question. “I don't understand. Why would any of these guys want to dress as a girl?” Elayne was 2 years older than me and one of the top students in her class. In my view that made her a lot smarter and knowledgeable than me.
“Well... I guess it because they don't have a good life. They have a lot of problems as a guy so they think that maybe it would be better if they were girls instead.”
“Oh, I guess that makes sense. It seems strange though, I've never heard of anyone doing this before.” I sat silently and contemplated what she said to me. It did seem to make sense. I supposed that if you really are unhappy in your life then maybe being the opposite gender would make things better.
We finished watching the show and afterwards my younger sister asked to watch her favourite cartoon. Elayne agreed and having no interest in it at all I decided to go read a book. As I was heading towards my room my mother came out of the laundry room with a stack of clean clothes in her arms. “Oh, Daniel good! I just finished the laundry take your pile off the table and put them away in your room.”
“Ok, mom.” I said going back into the kitchen and grabbing the pile of my clothes off the table.
“And take a shower too. You smell like grass and gas.”
“Yes mom.” I sighed. So much for delaying it until it was cooler.
I went upstairs to my room, dumped my pile of clothes on the bed and grabbed my towel to go take a shower. Despite the heat of the day, the shower felt pretty good, and being inside the air conditioned house for over an hour already had made it a lot better than I expected. I went back into my room and began looking through my pile of clean clothes for something to wear before putting the rest away. As I searched for something to wear I wasn't suprised to find a pair of white panties in the pile. My mother washed all our clothes together and it wasn't uncommon for something to get mixed in with the wrong pile. I picked them up and set them aside for later so I could bring them back into the hallway and put them on the bench where we always put the clothes that went in th wrong piles. Whoever they belonged to would find them there sooner or later.
I turned back to the pile to look for something to wear and then stopped and looked again at the panties. I began to think about what my sister had said to me during the talk show. I wondered if my life would be better if I was a girl. There definitely was a lot of things wrong with my life. I didn't really have any friends, my only really close friend went to a different school last year and told me he didn't want to be friends anymore before he left. The other kids all seemed to hate him. I was picked on teased and beaten up all the time. Life certainly couldn't be any worse if I was a girl!
Hesitantly I dropped the towel and pulled on the white panties. They were silky and lacy and I was suprised at how good they felt. I quickly grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and threw them on. I hoped that whoever owned the panties wouldn't miss them, because right then and there I knew I never wanted to stop wearing them.
I couldn't believe how I was feeling. I felt like he had become a totally new person when I put on those panties. I smiled as I considered what life could be like if I was a girl. My sisters all seemed to have much better lives than I did. They all had so many friends while I always felt so alone. I thought that surely people would like me better too if I was a girl. And there was something about wearing those panties that just felt so right and good. I felt like for the first time I was doing something right in my life.
In the back of my mind a small voice tried to reason with me. “How can you be a girl? You're a boy! Do you really think that your parents will just let you start saying you are a girl? And what about the other kids at school? They will probably hate you too. Becoming a girl won't make them like you more. If anything it will only make things worse for you. They will probably call you gay and beat you up even more.”
My mood faltered as I considered the voice of reason speaking to me in my mind. Damn my logic! For the first time in a long time I was feeling really happy and it had to go and spoil it on me! But the more I considered it, the more I felt it was right. My problems were more than likely not able to be fixed by putting on girl's clothes and calling myself a girl. If anything they would be worse. My parents would freak out. I don't even need to talk to them to figure that out. They are ultra religious and ultra conservative. They would never accept their son wearing girls clothes and wanting to be a girl. I am not sure how I knew that, but I knew without a doubt that it was true. And the kids at school would never understand either. They would hate me more than they did now. Well maybe not more than they did now, but they would probably feel that they had been justified in beating me, and even more of them will probably join in. Solving my problems by becoming a girl... That seems like a ridiculous idea now the more that I consider it.
In a matter of moments I had gone from elated and overjoyed to fearful and panicked. I quickly stripped of my clothes and put my own underwear on. I grabbed the panties and slipped them under the mattress of my bed. Inspite of the fear that I was now feeling, I just couldn't bring myself to part with them.
Once that was done I quickly sorted the rest of my clean clothes and put them away. Now I was really confused and unsure what to do. What had started out as an ordinary and carefree summer day had now become a day of completely confusion.
I glanced at the clock, 5:45. Dinner would be ready soon. I headed down the stairs to the kitchen. I was normally a very big eater, but today I didn't have much of an appetite. There was just too much on my mind.
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Good Story Here
Daniel's discovery and decision. He has found something new about himself, it will be interesting to see more of this story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Good Start
Tasha. The paragraph that started "...Once that was done I quickly sorted the rest of my clean clothes and ..." was a little too quick and unsettling. There are many things one thinks through when going through this process of discovery of realizing they are the wrong gender than they assumed they were. A little more elaboration or a determination to find out once and for all if its right for the individual or not should be penned in. Changing one's sex for the sake of solving external problems is NOT mentally healthy and doesn't take away aspects of a person's personality to improve them. If the person already had the mentality or personality makeup generally of a girl, then changing the body's sex can work.
I think perhaps further exploration within Daniel's mind to decide why he wants to be a girl, and if it is really right for him, or not, is in order. I know you plan to continue this so please take this into consideration that being gender disordered is something that has always existed within the individual, only realizing it and doing something about it solves the problem. External problems like friends is NOT a reason (unless the person finds that the type of friends they like might indicate homosexuality or the clear observance that possibly they are the wrong sex for their personality).
Things to think about, but a very good start nonetheless.
And... Welcome to BigCloset TopShelf!
BigCloset TopShelf
Nicely Done
I didn't see anything that said this would be a serial. I liked it as a stand-alone story.
The hero showed no signs of being transgendered. Had he been interested in cross-dressing or had he felt transsexual he certainly would have been much more interested in the program immediately.
Asking his sister why anyone would do such a thing seemed plausible, as did her less than accurate answer.
He's a teenager and his sister is two years older and he says she's one of the smartest in her class. That would seem to indicate she isn't in college yet and probably would make her 16-17 and him 14-16.
His curiosity and fear, shame, and guilt all seemed valid.
Lot's to think about -- as he stated at the end. I was asking myself if his mother placed the panties in his pile on purpose after noting his interest in the TV program.
If you were to continue the next scene could be later that night, just before he went to sleep. His mother could stop by his room and ask him if he found the panties she put in his stack of clothing.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)