Reincarnation 3 - My Name Is Sandra

When the truth is too hard to accept, it waits you until you are ready to receive it (a wise man).

Caution: smoking scenes, isolated erotic scenes

Two years passed since Julia and David tried to reveal their past lives with the help of a supercomputer. In that day, the computer exploded, being unable to work with so many data that their souls were uploading into the system. The professor explained that each soul has some sort of firewall, which protects memories from past lives to be revealed. Once you completely break the firewall, a soul should operate much better then the most powerful supercomputer ever created.

And this is just what happened. Unfortunately, all data was lost. David and Julia survived and completely recovered, after ten days of coma in the university hospital. The professor told them all he remembered: that they've been always together, in almost all their past lives and that they changed genders many times in past. He also shown them that many times the computer could not determine their genders, sending an error message.

Many of their colleagues concluded that the computer crashed because David and Julia were the 'errors', something the machinery was not made to deal with. So, they both started to be nicknamed 'error' by their classmates.

Nevertheless, their friendship got stronger by the day. It was a very powerful friendship, but nothing more then a platonic relationship.

Now, they are in the fourth year, approaching the fifth, final year at Galileo university on Callisto, Jupiter. The year is 2538.

David is a guy, but he has many girly elements in his behavior. His gestures, the way he moves, the way he walks, are all similar to what one would expect for a woman. Because of this, before he found Julia, many bullies at school said that David was gay or a sissy.

He also has an attraction for women clothes. Back on Earth, he used to wear them candid, when he was alone at home. He wanted to buy some women clothes and to wear them candid too, here, in his room, but he never had the courage. First of all, he thought that if any guy will find out, they will make fun of him. Secondly, since he was with Julia, he thought that she will be disappointed to hear about this.


One day, they are walking together on a street, after school. Julia sees a shop and wants to enter. They both go inside. There are many clothing items. Julia looks after some textures that can be uploaded on her outfit.

In the 2500's, most clothes are electronic and can emulate various textures. You just upload a texture or design it with an electronic pencil if you know how. She is wearing an elastic blouse-pants. Most women clothes come like this, they are made of a single part, elastic and able to copy the whole shape of the body. Because they are elastic, they are designed to be fixed with small laces. You can make your sleeves longer or shorter. Also, you can make them cover more or less of your feet. She chosen to have longer sleeves, but to fix the 'pants' part just below her knees. She also wears sandals, exposing her toes.

Julia looks at various textures, then choses one. She connects the plug-in of her cloth to the vendor machine, pays and uploads the new texture. In a few seconds, her blouse-pants changes color to the new design, white and with colored flowers on it.

"How do I look?" she asks David.

But David is looking at an all-in-one, very concentrated. Julia realizes this. She comes to David and says:

"Are you ok?"

"I think I were a woman in my past life", says David.

Julia sees the all-in-one items, exposed in a vending machine. She thinks for a moment, then says:

"I don't like the all-in-one, it completely covers your feet, including your toes. I like to feel the air through my toes".

David keeps looking at the all-in-one and says:

"I worn one, once, on Earth".

"I know", says Julia. "You told me".

"And I felt so comfortable, like I always did".

"Do you want to wear one again?" asks Julia, very serious.

"I don't know", answers David. "Yes, I would like, but... only when I am alone, in my room".

"That would be funny", answers Julia with a smile.

"To be honest", continues David, "I always wanted to buy one, but I was afraid that someone will see me. I've been a boxing sac for too many bullies".

Julia gets to the vending machine and pays for one.

"Here you are!"


An all-in-one is a complete outfit made by a single cloth, for women. It is elastic. When you open it from its box, you have the impression it will only fit a baby. It is somehow similar to what was known in the 2000's as zentai or bodystockings, only that it lets your head and hands uncovered. It is completely opaque and also has a skirt, part of the same piece of cloth. For the feet, the part that touches the ground, a stronger material is used, so that you can walk without shoes.

The sleeves have small laces, which allows you to fix them higher or lower, exposing more or less of your arms. Another lace is at the neck, which allows you to fix the costume upper or lower. The last laces are fixing the skirt to your feet. Without them, the skirt will tend to rise too high. The most elastic part is the skirt, which can be stretched down to your ankles. It is so elastic that when you stand, it copies the form of your feet, but it allows you to walk without any problem.

When you put them on, you squeeze yourself in through the neck, first getting your feet in. Then, after you fix your feet inside, you continue with your stomach and all the way up. The last to get in, are your hands. If you need to go to the bathroom, the costume can be opened at your crotch. However, you can squeeze yourself out only through the neck.

David's story

How was it the first time I worn an all-in-one? It was an amazing feeling. I was looking at me and touching my body, thinking that I look so close to a woman. I remember that I had an erection, as I usually had when wearing women's clothes. It was a great feeling. I used to sleep with them on. My parents never found out. Early in the morning, I used to take it off, before changing to my normal clothes. The all-in-one has all you need to become a woman.

But this time, it was different. I took the box, then go to my room. I put it into a bag, so that other students will not see it. I was afraid that a bully might try to look inside, take it and then make fun of me. But none of these happened. I managed to go to my room without interacting with anyone.

I entered my room and locked the door. I felt so much tension, that I could feel my heart pumping like wild. I could hear my blood rushing in my whole body.

After I checked that nobody could see me through the window, I decided to undress and put on the all-in-one. I was very anxious, carefully listening to neighbors. In another room, music was playing. Students listen music all the time. From time to time, someone passed on the corridor.

"Well", I said to myself, "it is now or never".

So, I took all my clothes off. Completely naked, I started to put the all-in-one on. First the feet, then rise it up over my stomach, then over my chest, all the way to my neck. Then I squeeze my hands in. Finally, I tie the laces. I fix the skirt just above my knees.

Since no texture was uploaded to it yet, it was all black. But even so, I could not stop looking at myself. Women clothes are so soft compared to men clothes! It feels awesome. I kept looking at my feet, at my skirt, at my hands, how they all looked, covered with the elastic membrane.

I was rubbing one foot to the other, feeling the soft material. My hands were touching all my body, from chest to stomach. Then, I moved my hands below, touching the skirt. Suddenly, I tried to push the skirt up. It is impossible, because it is fixed on the feet with laces. Instead, I started to touch my knees.

Then, I lighted a cigarette, still thinking about how wonderful it feels and looks. I wish I were a girl, I wish I could walk with these clothes on the street.

I watched how smoke was getting into the room. It is good to open the window, or all my clothes will start to smell. So, I went to the window and opened it. From here, you can see the parking area, where many students have their hovering cars stationed. Other buildings are in front, at some distance. I moved back, to sit on the bed.

Then, suddenly, some memories started to appear in front of my eyes. I see myself as a woman. I am wearing a fur sweater. I am in my home, a wooden house. I have breasts, I feel them. Even more, I see myself wearing black, opaque tights under a knee-long skirt. I have no shoes. I see myself in the kitchen, cooking something. I see all through my eyes, but I realize it is an older woman, in her 40's or so. On a wall, it's an electronic clock. On another, it is a calendar. An Orthodox calendar, showing all saints. It is written with Cyrillic letters. The third wall hosts an icon, while the fourth wall holds a painting of me and my husband, at our wedding.

But who is the husband? I remember him. He is not completely a man, but a cross-dresser. He is... a past reincarnation of Julia! I remember. He was a man, but I did not let him to completely cross the gender barrier. I allowed him to dress as a woman, but not to go to surgery or to take hormones. I see him! He is dressed just like a woman, wearing fake breasts. He also wears a skirt and sheer pantyhose, with sandals. They are white sandals, just as Julia wears today. He looks like a woman in all aspects, only that he is a man. He has a penis. I am a woman in all aspects, born as a woman and I lived all that life as a woman.

Then, I see us both, sitting at a table. We eat, then we smoke. Outside, the sun is shining, but there still is snow. It is cold outside. We are watching TV while smoking. Everything is written with Cyrillic letters.

I remember us kissing, even making love.

But what is really shocking, is that I remember all, like it was yesterday. I can see all my past life, from when I was a little girl in school, to the moment we died of old age. I realized that we both were smokers. We smoked all that life, from a young age to the last days of our lives.

So, I was married with Julia, only that I was the woman and she was the man!

My cigarette is out. I light a new one. I look at my feet, covered with the black, opaque all-in-one. Then, I see for a few seconds another life. We are in the 2200's and we both are women, close friends. We are in a desert. I also remember both smoking. This time, everything is written in Arabic, all around us.

"For the holly name of Allah, what is in your mind?" says Julia, in Arabic.

"Women have rights!" I answer. "Where do you see in the Holly Book that women are to be sold?" I answer in the same language.

I was a Muslim? How is that possible? And how that I understand what I am saying? I never learned Arabic at all. But now, I see me as a Muslim woman, fighting for the rights of women in an Islamic state. Shocking!

Then, I run back to the past life where everything was written in Cyrillic. It was in the 2300's. I focus a bit and remember the name of the state we lived in: Ural East. It was in Siberia, not far from the Ob river. That was our last life. We had two children, two boys.

I see memories from another past life, in the 2000's. It was in the mountains, in an isolated village. Again, I am the woman and Julia is a man, which becomes a cross-dresser. And again, we are smoking together. I almost killed Julia... I mean, the man she were, because she did not want to start smoking. Even before, I see ourselves in the 1800's. This time, I was a man and she a woman. We survived one of the bloodiest events on Earth. And again, I find ourselves smoking.

But most of all, I see memories from the last past life, from the 2300's, from the state of Ural East. It was a life full with romance. We were such a powerful couple! Our children grew, got married and left the Earth to Mars and Venus, which were recently terraformed.

What an united couple we were! I remember Julia's kisses. He had two names, an official male name and an unofficial female name, which people called her on: Boris and Daria.

Now, I realize something. When I was little, I used to look on Earth maps exactly to where Ural East was. Now, that country is divided into two smaller ones. I loved to read about its history. There, in my free time, I used to knit... and in this life, once I found myself knitting, without anyone explaining me how to do it.

One last memory comes into my mind, I remember Julia (I mean Boris - Daria) saying:

"My god! It will be snowing tomorrow!"

Then, he said to a neighbor:

"You better stay here with us. Sandra will make you a hot cup of tea".


Now, I remember. My name was Sandra.

"My name is Sandra", I say with a loud voice.

Hope nobody heard me. Music is still playing in a nearby room. I hear someone walking on the corridor. Nobody heard.

Narrator speaking

The next day, they meet again, after classes, in the park. As they light a cigarette, as usual, David starts saying:

"You won't believe what happened to me".

"What?" asks Julia.

"I've seen our last life. We were on Earth, in the 2300's. I remembered very well. It all started after I put the all-in-one on me. I could see us together. I was a woman. I was right, I were a woman in our last life. We were married and had two boys".

"You did see us? But how?"

"I don't know how. Now, I cannot see, but once I put the all-in-one on me. I could see it all. I could see three past lives, in the 2300's, in the 2200's and in 2000's. We were always together. As a family twice and once as two sisters".

"And you were a woman?" says Julia, almost falling her cigarette from her hand. "That means I were a man".

"Not quite", answers David. "You were a cross-dresser. I remember it very well. And you also had white sandals on. We lived on Earth in Ural East".

"Do you see anything now?"

"Now? No. Once I took off the all-in-one, I could remember nothing. But I also remember something. My name is Sandra! Or, at least, was..."

"And my name?" asks Julia, surprised.

"You had two names. Boris as an official name and Daria as a woman nickname".

"Daria?" says Julia, amazed. "Daria was the first name of my avatar on VirtualWorld".

"Yes, we've been together many times. I don't know more. Maybe we were friends, a couple, maybe even parent and child. We went through many common places".

Julia looks at David, with a very puzzled face. Then, she looks at her cigarette and says:

"Was I also smoking?"


"And I was a cross-dresser, not a shemale".

"Well, you could pass as a shemale. You had fake breasts glued on and you were dressed exactly like a woman".

"And a penis", says Julia, thinking about the whole picture.

"Yes", answers David. "I don't want to be rude, but I remembered how we even made love together".

"Wow!" says Julia, with a big smile. "We had sex in another life? Well, in the 2300's it was still a common practice. Today, people prefer mutual masturbation instead".

"I don't lie to you! I've seen it, like it happened yesterday, only that it was 200 years ago".

"Why can't I see this too?" whispers Julia. "It must be related to your all-in-one. This opened your hidden knowledge".

"You need something similar", says David.

"Men clothes?" asks Julia. "If I were a cross-dresser, I used to wear women clothes".

"I think I know what you need".


"A penis".

Julia twitches when she hears that.

"But how? I am a girl".

"A strap-on, I guess".

"I know what it is, but how can I get one?"

"You got me an all-in-one, I will get you a strap-on".

David takes Julia to a sex shop. They never had the courage to enter there before, but now, together, they get in. David orders one, which costs just as much as the all-in-one did.

Julia's story

I took the box containing the strap-on. I placed it into a black bag, so that others will not see me. Then, I went to my room. Honestly, I was very skeptical about this. In part, I didn't believe David that he remembered his past life and he was Sandra. Why Ural East? Is he trying to seduce me? Is he trying to push our platonic relation into something else?

After I got to my room, I did my homework, then I decided to put on the strap-on. This is something I long wanted, to have a penis. But to imagine myself as a reincarnation of a cross-dresser, this is too much. I thought that it was all my fantasy.

The strap-on has a belt that needs to be attached around your body and has a fake penis, that can be made to grow or shrink. My clothes are not made for this. So, I took off my blouse-pants and put on a dress. I arranged the strap-on in position, then fixed the skirt with its lashes on my feet, a bit higher then my knees. In the same time, I opened my computer and turned on VirtualWorld. My avatar was there, a shemale. I was looking both at me and at my avatar. There was a bulge beneath my dress.

I pushed a small button and it started to grow in size. I could see the bulge growing under my dress. I moved one hand beneath the dress, touching it.

Should I masturbate it, just as my avatar did so many times? Something tells me not to. But why not? I changed position of my lashes, so that the skirt became much smaller and the fake penis was in part visible. My feet were also visible, with my white sandals and my toes. For a moment, I thought how David was looking at my toenails the first time.

Maybe I were a cross-dresser. Why not? Even if, for a girl, to have a bulge under her skirt, is unnatural, I feel comfortable. It is like I've seen this before. I light a cigarette. With one hand I hold the cig, while with the other one, I play with the strap-on.

Then, I turn the computer off and I sit on the bed.

Suddenly, I see some memories. I see myself a bit taller then I am, wearing a red dress and smoking a cigarette. I am in a wooden house. I am dressed like a woman, but... Oh no! I have a penis beneath the dress! And I have fake breasts, glued on the skin!

As I look around, it is a day of summer. The sun is shining outside. More and more memories are getting in my mind. We have two children, Ivan and Vladimir. And we are married! David is a woman, a woman in all aspects.

How that he married me, a cross-dresser?

And it is true, David was Sandra!

I remember a day when we were in the forest. David, I mean Sandra, was sitting near a lake and we were smoking. I also had white sandals like I wear now, but with pantyhose on. He, I mean she, both me a necklace. Oh mine! And we did have sex together. We were a family. We were a family in the Siberian tundra.

I remember the long, cold and windy nights. Once, we worked a whole day to make a path through snow. At that time, we had a visitor that had to remain four days in our house, until he could live, because of the snow.

It all looks so real, just like memories from current life. Only that, they are 200 years old.

Could I see more? Further? The whole life appears in front of my eyes: how we met, how we lived together and how we died, very old. We were such a strong couple, that other people were shocked to see.

Suddenly, I see more. It was in the 2300's. I see us both in a desert town. We were two Muslim women, close friends. Again, I see us smoking, this time a narguile. I ran away from my husband, which was very violent. We fought for the rights of women in Islam... and soon after that, we got killed. Again, David was near me, but at that time he was called Aisha and was a woman.

I return to the last life, with me as a cross-dresser and he as a woman. It was such a lovely and colorful life! So many details come to my mind. We had flowers in our house. We had a hovering car parked in front, but even so, it got stuck in the snow one winter. After that, David - Sandra placed an icon in the car, to protect us.

I remember even parts of our discussions or times I talked with my parents. I remember them too! Surprisingly, I remember their language and the Cyrillic alphabet very well. That should be impossible, since there was no way for me to know it.

Wow, it was a fantastic experience! Who could imagine that I once lived in East Ural? I try to look further away into the past, but the last life comes in my mind over and over. I can only see small fragments from other lives. I focus myself and... at some point, I see that we were two men, brothers, in the 1400's.

After three hours of delighting myself with past life memories, I decide to take the strap-on off. Suddenly, I cannot see anything new. Is that how it works, like an on-off switch? I put it on again and... in a few minutes, I can see back our house in Ural East. This time, I see myself as an old person. Sandra... I mean David, has died. Children left to Venus and Mars and I died alone, in a winter.

Narrator speaking

The next day, the two meet again, after classes, in the same park where they always meet. This time, Julia changed herself to look close to the person she were. She changed her dress to red and took a very sheer pair of body membranes. in the 2500's, pantyhose no longer exist, but body membranes, which cover the whole body except for head and hands, are largely used by women. She also painted her hair blonde, how she looked like in her other life.

The two discuss for almost two hours what Julia has seen. David did not put the all-in-one on and had no vision from his past lives.

In the end, Julia says:

"You are right. You are Sandra".

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