Coyote Chapter 11


A Whateley Tale

Written by Nuuan


Chapter 11

“Aren’t you laying it on a little thick Fey?” Hank blushed as he walked in on Fey and some of the other Venus inc crowd as they worked on making Angela’s appearance just right.

“Shhh!” several of the girls gave Hank a menacing stare before getting back to their work.

“You want every teenage boy that sees the video to fall head over heels in love?”

“That’s the whole idea!” Several of the girls working on Angela’s makeup chorused.

“If every jaw there doesn’t drop when she walks out on stage, we have failed our task!” Fey giggled.

“Her hair is fighting me,” One of the girls working behind Angela said.

“You’ve worked with unmanageable hair before,” Another girl said.

“No it’s literally fighting me!” The girl seemed to be having a tug of war with the brush she was trying to pull through Angela’s hair. Letting go of the brush, she watched as the hair unwrapped from its hold and let the brush drop to the floor while Angela’s hair straightened and fell back to its natural long straight appearance.

“Shaw her a picture o' how yi'll waant her hair,” Emily, who was sitting on stool as the school’s modeling club worked their magic on Angela’s bed.

“Oh?” the girl looked at Emily, how will that help?”

“Ye don’t gang aroond th' devisor labs dae you?” Emily giggled.

“Oh yea, I can do it,” realizing what Emily was suggesting. “Do you have a picture of how you want my hair?”

“I believe so,” the girl began shuffling through her bag and pulled out a magazine. Thumbing through the pages she came to one, “This one!” pointing at one of the models on the page.

Angela examined the picture the girl held in front of her and her hair began moving on its own, shaping and curling around until it looked exactly like the models hair in the picture. All the girls stopped and gasped. “I am so jealous!” One of the girls said while Emily, who knew about Angela’s nanites, giggled.

A smug smile spread across Emily’s face, “I tellt ye that ye shuid talk her intae joining yer club.”

With the discovery of what Angela could do with her hair the girls had her try several different styles before they agreed on one.

“Ok Hank,” Fey said, “It’s time for you to play guinea pig.”

“Huh?” Hank looked confused.

“You’re our test audience.” Several of the girls giggled as the mass of girls surrounding Angela moved back to give hank an unobstructed view of their masterpiece.

Hank’s jaw dropped as Angela came into full view. Angela was wearing an emerald green full length shoulderless ball gown. The bodice accenting Angela’s slim waist and creating the illusion that her breasts were at least a cup size or two larger than the normal B cup she had. The lower part of the bodice ended in a V-basque style. The full skirt hinted at brushing lightly against the floor. Angela’s long hair was put up in what looked deceptively like a Celtic knot on the back of her head, with her hair flowing down just past her shoulders.

“I think we have achieved the desired effect girls!” Fey grinned.

“Mission accomplished!” Another said and several giggled at Hank where he stood completely oblivious to everything but Angela.

Seeing the expression on Hank’s face, Angela blushed clear down to her neck and looked down at the floor while picking nervously at the sides of her dress.

“Hank snap out of it!” Fey grinned, “It’s not polite to stare.”

Emily hopped off the stool and walked over to where Hank stood and began waving her hand back and forth like a stage magician, “Yer noo under oor power, ye mist obey oor ilka wish …” Emily began laughing too hard to continue.

“What?” hank intoned as he finally noticed the girls laughing at him.

“You haven’t blinked for the last five minutes!” Emily giggled.

“Yes I have!” Hank argued.

“No you haven’t” the girls choruses as they all broke out in laughter.

Everyone looked to see Angela’s mother as she knocked on the open door of the room.

“Ok girls I think our works is done here,” Poise grinned, “Let’s get backstage to prepare for any touch up we may need to do.” The girls filed out of the room ahead of Fey, who grabbed Hank by the arm and lead him out as she went. “We have to get you ready too.”

“For what?” Hank asked as he was lead out of the room.

“To escort her onstage,” Fey smiled up at Hank. “She’s not used to wearing heels, so she needs an arm to hold onto as she walks up on stage. You wouldn’t want her to trip and hurt herself would you?”

“No, but I never volunteered for anything like that!”

“Yes you did,” the left side of Fey’s smile turned up slightly more. “When you joined Venus inc.”

Hank could feel the change as Fey turned her glamour up, “That’s not fair!”

“What’s not fair Hank?”

“You’re using your glamour.”

“Why Hank you know I would never do something like that to you?” Fey’s smile grew even wider.

“Yea right,” the surrender in Hank’s voice was evident, “What do I have to do?”


Angela’s cell phone rang. “Hello?”

“Hi Ange, its Bunny,” Angela recognized bunny’s voice. “I have a little issue here with Nemesis.”

“Oh?” Angela asked.

“Yes she won’t open the cockpit so I can ride with her to the ceremony!”

Angela giggled.

“It’s not funny Ange,” Bunny said, “We can’t have anyone see her walking around without a pilot!”

Bunny was one of the few Angela trusted with the knowledge that Nemesis was a fully conscious AI.

“Nemi?” Angela whispered, “Please open the cockpit for Bunny.”

~I can fog the glass so no one can tell there isn’t anyone inside~

“Yes but someone has to be seen climbing out once you get there,” Angela tried to explain.

“You’re taking to her now?” Bunny asked.

“Yes.” Angela said to Bunny, “She doesn’t like the idea of anyone else inside her.”

~Correct, I do not.~

“Neither do I Nemi, but Bugs is our friend and she would never do anything to hurt us.”

“She opened it for me Kel,” Bunny said, “See you at the award!” then Bugs hung up the phone.

~DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!~ Bugs heard as the glass closed down and sealed the cockpit.

“Don’t worry honey,” Bugs smiled as she looked over the cockpit gauges and controls. “I will be a perfect lady. And Nemi?”


“You are incredible!” Bugs almost shouted, then in a normal tone, “I could easily fall in love with you.”


“Oh my!” Mrs. Wiley gasped spotting her daughter standing in the middle of the room. “You, You’re beautiful sweetheart!”

“Mom!” Angela blushed.

Mr. Wiley stopped suddenly and his jaw dropped when entered the room behind his wife. “I wonder if Gunny can spare a bazooka!”

“Daaad!” Angela’s face turned a darker shade of red.

What honey?” Angela’s father grinned, “I should have at least brought some cattle prods, gonna need something to keep the boys from mauling you!”

Mr. Wiley was pushed from behind as a boy forced his way past, “Where’s dav—” The boy’s jaw hung slack as he abruptly stopped when he saw Angela.

“Tommy?” Angela’s voice was shaken.

Behind the boy, his mother Mrs. Stone entered, “Wow Angela you look fantastic!”

“Who, who’s Angela, mom?” Tommy still staring at Angela, “I thought you said we were coming to see Davey?”

Bending so she could look her son face to face Mrs. Stone gently pulled Tommy’s face to look him in the eyes, “Tommy remember how we told you Davey had changed when he became a mutant?”

“Uh, yea.”

“That is Davey,” She looked in Angela’s direction.

“NO WAY!” Tommy looked back at Angela.

“Way,” Angela’s cheeks turned a bright red.

“You guys are trying to prank me aren’t you?” Tommy’s grin was obviously faked as he looked around and saw all the adults shaking their heads.

“It’s, it’s me Tommy,” Angela still almost whispering. Both hands fidgeting with the sides of her dress.

“But, you, you’re HOT!” Angela’s could not turn redder than she already was.

“TOMMY!” Both adult women echoed.

“Look Tommy,” Mrs. Wiley bend down to him, “They are going to give Angela an award for using her robot—”

“Battlemech!” both teens corrected her.

“Ok, Battlemech,” She continued, “to save all those policemen’s lives. You are the only kid from back home that knows that Angela used to be David,” she paused to see if this had sank in to the boys mind yet.

“So you need me to pretend she is my best friend?”

“I AM YOUR BEST FRIEND!” Angela screamed.

“No dear,” Tommy’s mother continued for her friend, “We need you to keep Angela’s secret. Can you do that for us?”

“What secret?”

“That she used to be Davey,” Both women spoke in chorus.

“You, you really are Davey?” Tommy looked over at Angela.

“Yeah,” Angela nodded, tears falling down her cheeks.

“Oh dear,” her mother pulled a tissue from her purse, stepped over to the girl and began dabbing the tissue on the girl’s face, “You’re going to ruin your makeup.”

The boy still didn’t look convinced, “Ok if you’re really Davey, then you would know what Davey did after I broke my leg?”

“I, I made the armor guards for us to wear.” Angela answered.

“No,” Tommy grinned knowing only he and Davey knew the answer to this, “There was something else Davey did that only he and I knew about.”

Angela looked pleadingly at Tommy, then up to her mother, father and Tommy’s mother, “I, err, ummm…”

Mrs. Wiley stepped in, “OK young lady what is it that you both were keeping from us?”

Angela looked up into her mother’s eyes as her lower lip jutted out slightly.

“Don’t try to use that look on me! I was the one who taught you how to do it!” her mother scolded.

“I KNEW IT!” Angela’s father seemed to be having a eureka moment.” I knew you taught her how to do that!”

“Not now dear.” Mrs. Wiley glanced at her husband then back to Angela, “I’m waiting young lady!”

“I, um, programmed some nanites.”

Tommy’s eyes grew wide hearing the girl begin explaining. “YOU ARE DAVEY!” he shouted, then ran over to hug his best friend.

“Angela now bro,” She smiled and returned the hug

“Uh, yea, Angela,” releasing the hug when Tommy realized he was hugging the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on.

“Wait,” Angela’s mother was not finished. “What did you do with these nanites?”

Angela looked solemnly down at the floor, “I injected them into Tommy’s leg so they would heal his broken leg faster.”

“You let David, err I mean Angela use you as a guinea pig?” Mrs. Stone glared at her son.

Angela didn’tt have to look up to know her mother was giving her the same stare, she had seen it too many times before. “It wasn’t like that.”

“Then what was it like young lady?” Mrs. Wiley demanded.

“I felt bad about Tommy getting hurt, and I, um, figured I could use the nanites to make him get better faster.” The girl softly spoke.

Tommy smiled heartily at his mother, “I keep telling you that he, um she is a mad scientist!”

“OK,” Mr. Wiley interrupted the scolding the two women were giving their children, “What’s past is in the past, Tommy wasn’t hurt, whatever Angela did actually did cause his leg to heal much faster.”

“But—” his wife tried to interrupt.

“No buts, what Angela did was wrong,” He looked at everyone in the room, then stopped at Angela. “You my daughter will not ever, ever experiment on a human again. Do I make myself clear!”

“Yes sir,” Angela’s father rarely ever took charge in any form of discipline, but when he did, even her mother knew better than to go against him.

“Ok then, Problem solved,” He smiled, “This is supposed to be a happy family event, so let's make sure it remain ones!”


“MAKE UP!” a girl shouted as if the house was on fire when she spotted the condition of Angela’s makeup. Several girls rushed to Angela pushing Tommy out of the way as they surrounded Angela and all began talking at once.

“HEY!” Tommy shouted at the crowd of girls.

“It’s alright,” Tommy turned to see a red headed girl had placed her hand on his shoulder, “We are used to these types of emergencies, we’ll take care of everything.”

“What emergency?” Tommy scratched his head.

“Her make up silly,” Fey smiled, “We can’t have one of our girls going out in front of an audience looking like that!”

“Looking like what?” Tommy had a blank expression on his face, “she, she’s,” Tommy turned to face Fey and saw how lovely she looked. He would not have ever believed that it was possible for a girl to look even better than Angela, but he found himself face to face with just that girl.

“Tommy!” His mother slapped him on the back of his head, “Stop staring, it isn’t polite.”

“It’s ok,” Fey smiled at the boy’s mother, “I’m used to it.”

“Mom,” Tommy stuttered, “She’s, she’s, the Christmas elf!”

“You saw my poster?” Fey looked at the boy.

“Yea, yes,” Tommy couldn’t believe she was right here in front of him, talking to him. “No, no one will believe I really,” Tommy swallowed, “really got to meet you!”

“Well once we get Angela set up to go out to her public,” Fey grinned at Tommy, “Maybe we wrangle up a little magic to make it believable when you go back home.”

“Really!” Tommy face lit up.

“You’re Tommy right?”

“You know who I am?” Tommy’s face lit up.

“Of course I would recognize you,” Fey’s smile seemed to make Tommy’s world a better place, “Angela won’t stop talking about her Bee eff eff.”

Mrs. Stone smiled at the girl as she led Tommy off to the side, “Mind if I steal your son for a little while Mrs. Stone?” Tommy’s mother nodded.

They had set up the awards to take place in arena 99. It was the perfect place, large enough to fit the crowd of both students and dignitaries, and most of all the holographics could be set so that it appeared that they were in rural Iowa. The mayors of both Pella and Knoxville Iowa were there along with the police and fire chiefs of both towns, also Marion county’s sheriff along with the president and dean of Central college all on stage.

Each one took a turn at the podium giving his or her own speech about public safety, community, family values, responsibilities, etc. When they were done Mrs. Carson came up to the podium.

“While I am sure most here has witnessed this news clip several times,” looking over to where the Robo Jox were congregated, “and some of you have watched it several thousand times, there may be one or two that are in the dark as to what actually happened that night and why we are all gathered here today. We will show that news clip once more.” Looking in the direction of Team Kimba, “And if I hear any comments from the peanut gallery about trailers for a new robocop movie…”


Up in the bleachers in the area Mrs. Carson was looking when she made the comment about the peanut gallery, “Why do I feel that she was looking directly at me?” Chaka said to no one in particular.

“Because she was looking directly at you, Chaka-san!” Jade giggled from a couple of seats over.

“Where’s Hank?” Ayla questioned, “He should be here by now.”

“Fey Kidnapped him. For something she has going on.” Tennyo stated.


The Robo Jox crowd cheered when the Battlemech fired its blast at the armored car then landed, while oohs and ahhs could be heard from most the audience. The video ended with police handcuffing and stuffing the assailants into the back of several patrol cars that were damaged but still serviceable. Firemen at the same time came in with hoses and began putting out several flames and one burning police car.

Leaning over to Harry, Gunny whispered, “She really did pull your asses out of a sling!”

“Yeah,” was all he answered.

The lights came back up with Carson still at the podium, “Sheriff Wilson, would you mind stepping up here please,” She waved toward him.

Walking up Wilson took the podium and leaned over to the microphone, “All of us,” he cleared his throat, then waved back to the other sitting behind him that had given speeches, “Wanted the honor of introducing our guest, who we are here to honor today. But only one of us could stand up here. So in effort to be fair, we drew straws.”

He looked around the audience causing a long pause. “Luckily for me, no one saw me cheat,” as he put his hand to his mouth and pulled out a tooth pick he held up for all to see.” The audience erupted in laughter.

“All joking aside,” putting the toothpick back in his mouth, “It is a great honor to be able to recognize one so young for aiding their community in a time of dire need. Who without her help, we would instead be attending the funerals of the brave men and women that responded to the nine one one call that night.” Pausing again, obviously from the expression on his face he, fighting to hold back his own emotions, “So let me introduce, our hero.” The large man’s voice cracked, “Angela Wiley!”

Everyone on stage and in the lower floor stood and started clapping as Angela was led out in the arm of Hank.

Ayla spit out the soda she had been drinking, “That’s Hank!”

“In a tux!” Tennyo lurched forward in her seat.

“He cleans up real nice,” Chaka said.

Jade just giggled.

“You knew didn’t you?” Tennyo looked over seeing Jade sitting there with a smug look on her face.

“Oneesan, I wanted to tell you,” frowning at Tennyo, “I really did. But Fey swore me to secrecy.”

Hank led Angela across the stage and handed her off to Sheriff Wilson, then walked back and stood behind the left most of the chairs the others were sitting in on stage.

Angela stood there hoping the long skirt hid the fact that her knees were trembling. Placing his large hand on her shoulder Wilson began, “Miss Wiley, all of us,” motioning toward the others sitting behind the podium, “We want to show our appreciation for what you did that night. And sometimes a simple thank you, even in front of a crowd this size, just does not seem enough. So each of us in our own way have brought with us something so you will never forget how much we thank you for what you have done.”

Waiting for the applause to die down, Wilson motioned for another man wearing a suit to come forward with a small leather case that he handed to Wilson. “This, this,” Wilson held the leather case to Angela is for the service you have rendered to all of us in Marion County.”

Opening the hinged lid, he showed her the badge it contained. “If you accept, that is.” Some nervous laughter from the audience, “Is your badge, accepting this would mean you become an auxiliary deputy Sheriff for Marion county.” He grinned widely, “We already consider you one of us and we want to make it official.”

Everyone began applauding as she took the case. There was a bit of a lull while the suited man went through the official swearing in of Angela as an auxiliary deputy.

One by one each person on stage shook Angela’s hand, gave another small congratulations speech and the memento, the mayors each gave her a large key to the city of each town. The president and dean of the college presented her with a full scholarship to Central college that she could use once she graduated high school. Then both police chiefs came up together.

“Angela,” Chief Duran stared,” You already know what our two departments are giving you as that was what began this whole shebang.”

Chief Laramy stood forward and continued, “But in honor to do this justice, there is only one person that both of us feel worthy enough to present you with this token of our appreciation. At risk to his own life and wellbeing this man, this unsung hero went above and beyond to protect this girl in the aftermath of what happened that night. Detective Langson would you please come up on stage?”

Everyone watched as a pudgy, out of shape, middle aged man dressed in a cheap gray suit got up from the first row and walked up the right side steps onto the stage. As he reached the podium a voice could be heard from backstage, “Way to go Uncle Harry!”

“That would be my nephew Tommy,” Harry said into the microphone as everyone laughed.

Angela said something but too far away from the microphone for anyone to hear her.

“Here,” Harry twisted the microphone down as he gently pushed Angela up closer, “Say that again dear so everyone can hear you.”

“He’s my best friend.” She leaned toward the microphone then quickly looked down at feet.

Harry presented Angela the plaque that the police departments had jointly made to give her and then Hank came up and led them both off stage.

“Uncle Harry! Uncle Harry!” Tommy was bouncing with excitement when they got behind the curtain. “You would not believe who is here!”

“Who’s that Tommy?” Harry asked.

“Fey, the Christmas elf!” Tommy could not hold back his excitement.

“She not an elf she is a sidhe,” Angela stated.

“You mean that poster you begged me to buy you last Christmas?”

“Yes Uncle Harry, that girl live here with Angela!” he continued to bounce around.

“We are not roommates or anything, “Angela corrected Tommy. “We’re not even in the same cottage.”

“Cottage?” Harry asked.

“Uh, that's what they call the dorms here,” Angela answered.

“Great you’re back!” One of the Venus girls caught Angela and her small entourage.

“Yes thank god that is over and I can get out of this get up!” Angela chimed.

“Oh not so fast dear!” Another of the Venus girls that Angela could not remember the name of came running up, “We still have the photo shoot!”

At the words ‘photo shoot’ at least a dozen girls began bouncing up and down excitedly. One grabbed Angela’s arm and began dragging her away, while Tommy snickered, “Sports illustrated here you go Angela!”

“Oh we’re not allowed to model for SI,” The girl said as she dragged Angela away.

“No,” Another said as she rushed by, “We would make their girls look bad!”

“Where do you think you’re going lover boy?” Yet another grabbed onto Tommy and began dragging him along behind Angela.

“She’s my friend, not my girlfriend,” Tommy’s defended.

“Whatever you say lover boy,” The girl continued to drag him away.

“My name is Tommy!” Harry could barely hear his nephew still arguing with the girl as she dragged him through a door and down a hallway.

“Where did the kids go?” Mr. Wiley asked as his group found Harry backstage.

“Some girls dragged the two of them off shouting something about a photo shoot.”

“That would be the Venus Inc girls,” Gunny explained, “They are the ones that did her costume and make up earlier.”

“Oh,” Mrs. Wiley sounded a bit intrigued. “Can we go watch or is that allowed?”

“Sure,” Gunny said, “one sec.” Gunny turned toward the crowd of students filing out of the stands, “Hey Bunker!”

“Yeah Gunny!” a short, cute Blond girl yelled back.

“Got an Op for you!” he yelled over the crowd.

The girl made her way out of the mass of students and trotted over to Gunny jumped to attention and saluted. “Bunker reporting for duty sir!”

“Need you to guide these civvies over to Dunn Hall to Venus Inc.”

“Awe Gunny, not there,” She complained.

“Yes there, I’ll be there shortly to relieve you. There is something I must do and they wish to be with their children.”

“What wrong with going to this Venus place?” Mrs. Wiley asked the young girl, after turning down a tunnel that seemed mostly quiet for a change.

“Nothing really,” She answered. “It’s just they are all glamor and stuff. And well,” the girl held out her arms, “I’m me.”

“My dear,” Mrs. Wiley explained, “There is nothing wrong with being you. In fact I bet there are things that you can do that those girls would be terrified to even try.”

“Yes ma’am, I guess you’re right,” Bunker agreed. “But I’ll never be pretty like they are.”

“Dear you are very pretty, do not let the fact that they are models get you down.”

“Yeah, I know your right,” Bunker dragged her feet, “But why couldn’t I have manifested as an Exemplar?”

“Like I said, I am sure there is something you do better than anyone else.”

“Yes ma’am,” Bunker giggled, “Kinda how I got my code name.”


“Yes My real name is Andrea, my code name is Bunker buster, or Bunker for short.”

“Bunker buster?”

“Yes ma’am,” Bunker explained, “I’m a member of a team that are training to join the military when we graduate. Well during a simulator run I kinda destroyed this bunker Gunny had set up. After that everyone started calling me Bunker.”

“Bet none of the other girls around this school ever earned their code name like you did?”

“No, most everyone chooses their own,” Bunker cocked her head to the side for a moment, “You’re right, I earned my code name. Bunker’s shoulders pulled back proud as she realized what this lady was telling her. “You must be Angela’s mother?”

“Yes I’m her mother.”

“You must be very proud of her,” Bunker beamed a smile at the lady.

“I always have been, even before all this,” Mrs. Wiley smiled back.


Before going to the Venus inc studio they stopped with Tommy and Angela at another underground area where another holographic backdrop and been set up. Bunny and Nemesis were already there, Bunny had directed Nemi into the underground area and positioned her where she was directed by the photographers for Venus inc.

When Angela and Tommy arrived there were several pictures taken of Angela with her mech, having Angela change wardrobe several times, some pictures taken while Angela wore various color coveralls resembling a pilots suit, some having her hold a helmet in various poses, some in her dress. Although they had the worst time talking her into wearing the various swimsuits they wished to take some pictures in.

While Angela hadn’t found a lot of trouble adjusting to her new femininity, she wasn’t ready to parade around in little more than underwear in front of photographers. Fey was able to step in a calm her down and talk her into the swimsuits and poses they wanted her in. The great part of using the arena they had set up in was how easy it was to change the scenery with the holographics. So they had pictures in jungle settings, Beach settings, urban settings, woodland, etc. In less time than it would take one scenery change in a normal sound stage.

Once this part of the photos were done they all proceeded to the Venus inc studio proper after Angela talked the girls out of a few pairs of the coveralls she liked. The orange pair reminded her of the pilots suits from star wars, and she really wanted the woodland camouflage and after seeing the pictures on the computer screen of the pink camouflage which she originally thought looked stupid until she saw how she looked in them.

Angela’s parents beat them to the Venus studios by a couple of minutes. Once there she was hustled into various poses with the other girls some with Tommy included then the magic began on the computer. Pictures were sorted, images cropped and enhanced and Tommy got to choose copies of all that he wanted to take home with him. Three they blew up and printed as posters for him to hang on his wall.

One with all the Venus inc models in one piece swimsuits with Tommy posed in the middle, another of him standing between Fey and Angela with the girls in their gowns, Tommy in his dress clothes and the last one of Angela posing in front of Nemesis in the pink camo holding a helmet under her arm, Angela’s long hair in a braid flowing over her shoulder opposite of the arm she held the helmet under, her dark braid ending about waist level in front of her.

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