Princess and the Plague: A New Beginning 4

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Princess and the Plague:
A New Beginning

by Anistasia Allread

Erika climbed into Samantha’s car.

“How are you feeling?” Samantha inquired.

“Still upset.” Erika stated. “Have you spoken to Tricia?”

Samantha nodded. “She is walking to school this morning. She is still quite upset.”

Erika groaned. Tricia had every right to be upset. Erika hoped that she would be able to talk to her and hopefully make up. “What happened at school after I left?”

Samantha was quiet for a moment. “Some of the rumors of you spread a bit more. Krystal, Victoria and I had to spend a lot of time trying to control them.”

“I’m sorry.” Erika touched Samantha’s arm. “I really am.”

Samantha nodded acknowledgment. “I’m starting to see Victoria’s side.” She glanced at Erika. “Maybe you should just make it public.”

Erika was silent, but her mind reeled and her heart pounded at the thought.

“I doubt very much that anyone or at least very few people would bother with bringing back ‘the plague’ attitudes.”

Erika bit her lip. ‘the plague’ and the fear of going back to ‘the plague was so ingrained in her psyche that she wanted to scream at the thought.

The rest of the trip to school was silent. It was strange not having Tricia in the car with them.

“Erika.” Samantha parked the car. “You and I have been through a lot together.”

Erika nodded.

“I love you as much as I loved Summer. You really are like a sister to me.”

“I love you too.” Erika bit her lip not knowing where this was going. Was Samantha breaking up with her too?

“I just want you to know, that no matter what happens, or what you decide, I will not abandon you. You are and always will be my best friend.”

Erika let out her breath. So, she wasn’t breaking up with her. That was a bit freeing.

The two best friends got out of the car and walked into school.

“The Tranny is back.” Someone snickered.

“Grow up.” She heard another voice. That, at least, was reassuring.

“Didn’t you see the pictures of her and Hunter Allyson?” a girl’s voice was heard. “Lucky bitch.”

“She does seem to have all of the luck, doesn’t she?” Another girl answered.

Erika found it hard to not roll her eyes. If they only knew just how wrong they had it.

She walked into Homeroom and for the second day in a row, the class went silent. Erika found a hard lump in her throat when she spied Tricia sitting on the opposite side of the room from normal. Her normally bright makeup and bright smile lit up a room. This morning she wore minimal make up and avoided making eye contact with her.

“So, you dumping me for Hunter Allyson, huh?” Jake ribbed.

“Not today, Jake.” Erika warned. “I’m not in the mood.”

“Whoa, sorry.” He held up his hands in mock defense.

Erika took her seat next to Samantha and looked over at Tricia. Tricia pretended not to see her. Erika’s heart felt as if it was too heavy for her chest to hold. She wouldn’t even look her direction. The shunning was even more hurtful than the yelling. She took a few deep breaths and concentrated on not crying.

“What is Hunter like?” Jake asked honestly. “Is he one of those self-absorbed Hollywood types?”

“He was actually very sweet and attentive.” Erika told him.

“I got that he was attentive from the photos.” Jake teased.

“Jake.” Samantha warned, ice in her voice. “That is enough. Can’t you see this is not the time?”

Jake glanced over to Tricia then back to Samantha and Erika. “Ouch. I take it, she didn’t know?”

“Jake.” Samantha growled. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

“Sorry.” Jake turned back around grumbling something about girls.


Erika walked between Victoria and Samantha towards the cafeteria. Her emotions were running somewhere between raw and empty. She felt empty not having Tricia around. She hadn’t realized how much of a hole her friend had filled.

“How much longer?” Erika asked, staring at the ground as they walked.

“For what?” Victoria asked.

“How much longer do I need to give Tricia her space? I don’t know if I can bear this much longer.”

“It’s not time yet.” Samantha stated. “She is still very hurt and I’m sorry, I can understand why.”

“I know. I don’t blame her, I just want to fix all of this.” She stated. “She’s one of the lavender ladies. We are supposed to be best friends for life.”

“What’s wrong, Tranny?” Taylor sniped, “Your lesbo girlfriend find out that you have a dick?”

“Leave it alone, Taylor.” Samantha warned.

Taylor approached and pushed Erika. “She dump you for being a tranny or because you’re having gay sex with Hunter?”

“Leave her out of this, Taylor.” Erika growled. Her blood was boiling. Taylor’s issue was between the two of them. Tricia had nothing to do with it. “This is between you and me.” Her heart began pounding in her ears. She just wanted to run off screaming for everyone to leave her alone.

Taylor lowered her voice. “You are nothing but a plague on this school, Eric. What’s wrong? Your Lesbo girlfriend not around to save you now, is she?”

Erika wasn’t quite sure what happened next. Her books slipped from her hands as she slapped Taylor across the face. If her blood hadn’t been boiling, her heart hadn’t been pounding in her ears, she would have heard that slap echoing down the hallway followed by shocked silence.

Taylor swung at Erika who stepped back to avoid it then dove forward knocking Taylor to the ground under her. Her knees hurt as they hit the hard floor, but she didn’t care. She had tried to be nice to Taylor, tried to ignore her insults and her rumor spreading, but she was now attacking Tricia. One of the few people who was always there, protecting and loving her.

Erika was aware of a gathering crowd, she could make out their mouths moving, calling encouragement, but she couldn’t hear anything except her heart beating fiercely in her ears.

Taylor swiped at Erika’s face, missing, her fingers clawed at Erika. Erika felt burning on her chest as she pummeled the former team mate beneath her. Vaguely she was aware that her top had been torn and that one of her breast forms had skittered across the floor. It didn’t matter, she had to take care of this once and for all. Her mouth was filled with a metallic taste. Was it blood? Who’s blood?

She blindly swung somehow landing a blow across Taylor’s face. Erika’s head was suddenly yanked hard to one side as Taylor pulled on her hair and extensions. She felt Taylor’s long finger nails bite again, this time across her face.

Erika grappled a hand full of Taylor’s braids in her left hand and pulled up as her right hand flew down contacting the girl in the face. She then found both hands tangled in her braids as she slammed her tormentor’s head against the floor again and again.

She became aware of hands grabbing at her hands, trying to withdraw them from Taylor’s braids as more hands roughly began pulling her off of her former Rally team mate. She was aware that her hands were still clawing, swinging and grabbing for Taylor even though she was pulled free from her.

Her vision was blurry, as tears poured from her eyes. The strange silence was gone replaced by a roar. A roar and shouting and screaming. Was she screaming? She hoped not. she wanted to spit, to get rid of that horrible metallic taste. She was on the floor sobbing as many hands held her too many hands to count. She realized that her muscles were straining against all of those hands. She didn’t care. All she could think of was Tricia. Keeping Tricia safe and making Taylor pay for all of the wrongs that she had done her. She took a few deep shuddering breaths and finally relaxed.

“Erika!” a voice could finally be heard. “Erika, that is enough!”

Suddenly the world came crashing down on her. The noises in the hall were too loud, the hands holding her too rough, the smell of blood and sweat too acrid. Her stomach tied in knots she wanted to vomit but knew that she couldn’t. not yet.

“Are you done?” another voice asked.

Erika nodded her head slightly. And heard her own sobbing.

“We are going to let go of you now.” The voice instructed.

Erika just shuddered and sobbed. She felt hands one by one a first then several at a time leave her body.

She just shuddered and sobbed, not wanting to move, not wanting to look at those around her, not wanting anything except her bed.

“Okay Erika, Come with me.”

She felt a hand hook under her arm and help pull her to her feet. Her knees nearly buckled as she put weight on them. Her knee caps felt like someone had taken a board and struck her with it.

“Let’s get her to the office.” She heard a gruff male’s voice.

Erika was being guided down the hall. She felt a gentle hand pull loose fabric up, covering her chest. Her lower lip quivered as she suddenly felt cold.

“You’re okay.” She heard a soothing voice next to her. It was Samantha. “You’re okay. I’m here with you. So is Victoria. You can open your eyes.”

Erika shook her head. She was frightened to see what she had done, she was afraid of seeing the looks of those who might still be around her.

Erika’s mind raced; what had just happened? What had she just done? “Taylor?” her voice was shaking and her mouth numb.

“She got what she deserved.” Victoria stated.

Erika shook her head. “No… Is she okay?” She finally opened her eyes and turned to look through tears at Victoria’s stunned face.

“She’ll be alright.” Samantha said in a soothing voice. “I don’t think she’ll be bothering you any time soon.”

“Stop by the nurse’s office with her first.” Erika looked over to see one of the History teachers walking with them, watching them closely.

“I don’t think she’ll be back to school for a couple of days.” Victoria added.

Erika noticed Samantha give Victoria a sharp look.

“She’ll be okay, Erika.” Victoria forced a smile,

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terrynaut's picture

That was intense. I know it shouldn't be encouraged but I really don't know what else Erika could've done.

Ugh. More fallout coming for poor Erika, though.

Thanks and kudos (number 10).

- Terry

<Jaw drops to the floor>

Anistasia! You wicked wicked girl. Did Erika spit in your coffee or something recently? Sheesh.

Holy Crap!

laika's picture

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but that fight scene kind of got my blood lust going, something I didn't know I had. I'm someone who always fast forwards through the fight scenes in movies. But the things Taylor was saying were so horrible, and she refused to stop... I guess I felt what Erika was feeling. Her wanting to defend Tricia was honorable, even if the way she went about it was a disaster.

I'm guessing Taylor never had something like that happen to her before. And this might be an opportunity for her to learn that you can push someone too far; create a situation where it's not safe for you to say one more insult, (like this culmination of a long abusive tirade against an old Laguna Beach neighbor of mine: )
But it's just as likely she'll put it all on Erika---what do you expect from someone who's crazy enough to think they're another gender?---and Erika might be in real trouble with the law here; the school could get sued by Taylor's parents for letting wild transgenders roam the campus, just a total shitstorm!!! I felt awful for her losing
her breast form in public, so humiliating; and if Taylor messed up her face too bad her modeling could be over, or on hold for a while.

Hopefully enough witnesses saying Taylor didn't just "start it" but caused it with her escalating vicious remarks and ignoring repeated warnings to stop might help Erika both in terms of how much trouble she gets in (I'd be real surprised if it isn't a lot) and realizing not everybody at the school is against her.

Intense, excellent chapter, getting to read a new installment made my day; But I'm wishing/wanting for something really nice to happen to Erika, if not in the next chapter then hopefully the one after.
~hugs, Veronica

pushed too far & resolutions

My5InchFMHeels's picture

Hopefully Strange Stephanie gets the picture of Erika's breaking point, and doesn't try to go there again.

As for consequences of her actions, if those that were witnesses to Taylor ignoring the "drop it" by Erika and the others can't keep Erika from a suspension, it may work out for her, modeling could pay for any tutoring/homescooling that she needs. I'm sure she'd rather be in school though.

I was always taught three things......

D. Eden's picture

1) Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

2) The person who loses their temper first in an argument loses the argument.

3) When all else fails and it descends to violence, there is no such thing as a fair fight. Knock your opponent down and keep hitting until it’s over. Use any and every advantage or weapon you have.

Having said that, the bitch got what she deserved. Erica tried to be nice, tried to be diplomatic and turn the other cheek, and Taylor just had to be a bitch.


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

breaking points and thresholds.

My5InchFMHeels's picture

We all have them, some people love to test them. Foolish ones that don't know how far is too far. Taylor knew what Eric had gone through, and knows who Erika cares about, so she should have know that Erika has a tolerance that hadn't been met yet. Going after someone that Erika cares about is foolish.

Don't condone the violence, but once you surpass thresholds that haven't been fully tested, and go after someone's loved ones, you have to expect some retribution.

Well, This is a New Start

Not necessarily a good one, but she is a lot more assertive. I'm hoping new and good do fit together for Erika as the story progresses. Thanks for sharing. You have a real talent for increasing the pressure on your protagonist.

Lesson learned the hard way

Jamie Lee's picture

There are likely many girls who wanted to plow the ground with Taylor but lacked the conviction to do so. Taylor always went for the throat with each of her victims so instead of cleaning Taylor's clock the girls ran away humiliated.

But this time the only one who got the message was Jake, Taylor learned the hard way that when someone says enough then it is enough.

After what Erika did to her it's probable Taylor won't bother Erika again. On the other hand, Taylor might just be dumb enough to have another go at Erika to get her back for what she did.

Violence is not the answer for every situation but when needed it should be swift and decisive.

Others have feelings too.

"What had she just done?"

yeah, now the principal has an excuse to kick her out.
