Alex and Nicole (chapter 2)

Alex and Nicole (chapter 2)

She said it was going to be fun... fun? For who?

"Fun" I asked. I really wanted this, but I had to put up a front of
objection, then it seemed more like I was being forced to do so. Hmmm.
Even though there were not many choices it seemed, naked or a maid.
Running around in the house wearing only her underwear was a bit demeaning,
so wearing a French Maids dress would solve that completely.
There must be some logic there somewhere. Right? Uhm.

"It will be like dress-up. Besides, this outfit will fit your servant
duties much better."

I looked at her, I wasn't sure if she was still teasing. "Oh you like
being served do you?" I felt I should keep the game going, besides, it
could take off. “But I thought I was your slave?”

She smiled, I saw wheels turning. “Well a slave must do as told, so you will
wear my maids dress and be my maid. She gave me a look ” I stopped breathing.
"I do love being served," she said with a big smile. She handed me a pair of white panties.
They were super frilly and covered with lace.

“Uhm, Nicole I am wearing panties.” It was true, I had a pair of her panties on under her pantyhose,
Uhm my pantyhose, I am so confused. She said, “They go with the outfit silly, and watched
as I pulled them up over my bum and blushed seeing how frilly they were in the mirror.

She knelt down and I felt her fingers dancing over my upper thighs, my white stockings
were quickly released. She gently pushed me on to the bed so I was sitting on the edge.
"I could let you put your own stockings on, but this is more fun, it is like I am dressing my doll."

"So now I am your dress-up doll?"

"Mmhmm," she said grinning. "Of course I don't have too much available to
dress you in. Maybe we can tunnel into the shed and rescue my clothes
that Mom stored there," she slipped my white stockings off and balled up
the black ones, soon she tugged them up my legs and fastened them to the
garter straps. Her fingers kept rubbing my thighs. “Then I could change your outfits
all day long, it will be so much fun to have a living doll to dress.”

"Are you sure you don't have an older brother stored somewhere that I
don't know about? I mean some pants would be nice."

"Oh don't be silly, besides we may have fun, a month is a long time, and
we will need to find some things to amuse ourselves with." She tugged me
off the bed and picked up the dress. “It will be fun keeping you in skirts
and dresses.” It was a quality made maid's dress, not one of those
cheap costume ones the department stores unloaded during the
holidays. I guess that is why it was in the garment bag. There was a lot
of white lace adorning the dress. It seemed short too, I suppose on her
it was mid thigh, but it wasn't going to sit there on me. "Oh I forgot
the petticoat, better put that on first."

"Petticoat? What is that for?" I asked her, watching as she put the dress
back on the bed and picked up a sort of frilly white skirt. Just the word petticoat
caused a reaction in me, I don’t know why.

"It flares out the dress and makes it look cuter," she said kneeling
again. "Lift your foot." She tapped my right foot. Oh great, because cute
was what I was going for…

I lifted my foot and she slipped the skirt under it, "Ok now the other
one." Dutifully I lifted my left foot so my cousin could slip the white
petticoat up my legs, it soon adorned my waist. It was very frilly and
had many layers. It was indeed going to hold the maids dress out. A lot.

She stood up and took the dress off the bed again, "Hands up," she told
me, holding the dress ready to slip over my head. Again I followed her
directions. The dress slipped over my head. She adjusted the skirt
portion over the petticoat. "Oh it is much shorter on you than it was on
me when I wore it," she giggled. "You need boobs though."


"Oh shush, next time we will pad your bra, you will look so much cuter."

I looked in the mirror, my stocking tops were clearly showing, when I
turned a bit, you could see my white frilly panties, it was not covering my
behind at all well hardly. "This is better?" I asked her still thinking about
next time, when I would have breasts, well boobs.

She grinned. "Oh come on Alex, it is going to be fun. Besides, you look so
sweet. Now I have my very own personal maid to wait on me and do whatever
I ask, What a perfect vacation.

I gulped, I was starting to think she was getting serious about being her
servant. Slave? No now maid, or dress up doll?

"Oh and what duties do you have planned for your maid?" I asked, curious
at where this could go. My tummy was really tingling at the thoughts.

She just smiled at me coyly. "We will see." I think she was exploring
also to see how far I was willing to go in this direction.

I thought, what the heck, I curtsied. "At your service M'Lady."

She hugged me. "Oh you are the best Alex. This is going to be such fun,"
she took the apron and tied it around my waist, a nice big bow was
formed. She helped me put on the lace gloves, then fastened a black
choker around my neck. She looked at me curiously.

"What?" I asked her, seeing the look, feeling the collar around my neck that she
Had just put on, her slave.

"Well, you know, your features are quite delicate, I can see why so many
people at the Uni thought we were twins, I would love to make you up."

"So for this vacation, your plans now are that I will be your dress-up
doll, and now a make up doll as well?"

"You forgot maid," she said, turning my head back and forth, looking
carefully. It was said so casually, like it was an established fact.

She looked back into my eyes, her face was so sweet. She had applied a
light amount of make up after her shower, odd considering it was just the
two of us, so she was trying to look nice for me? "Well?"

"Well what Nicks?"

"Can I?" She bit her lip a bit, waiting for me to answer. I loved it when
she did that.

"Can you what?"

She rolled her eyes, "Make you up Alex, Can I? Please, I haven't had a
girlfriend to do this with for years." She looked at me, her eyes were
almost pleading.

"Oh you may as well, I can see I will never hear the end of this if I say
no." She nodded. "You know me too well," she said, "let's go into Moms
room, it is too cold in here."

"Uhm Nicks?"


"What is the other costume, in the other bag?"

She grinned. "Well you can't wear the French Maid dress all the time, we
will have to at some point when it becomes dirty, well you will have to,
wash it, so then youcan try on the other costume." I caught the 'you will have to' part.
Seems her maid was going to do laundry too.

"Which is?" hinting that she had not told me what the other costume was.

Her smile was huge now. "Little Bo peep."


She nodded. I just shook my head. This vacation was certainly going to be
interesting. I followed in my stockinged feet. She was carrying the white
pumps, I guess she felt they didn't match. It was important to have all
accessories match on your dress-up dolls you know.

It felt good to enter the master bedroom again, I suppose I should think
of it as our room now, as we would be sleeping and using it for the
month. Then I paused in my thinking, I would be curled up with her every
night for the month like last night. She looked at me. "Why are you

"Oh no reason, just happy not to be cramming for an exam," I told her.

"No kidding." She nodded emphatically. She went to the closet and put the
pumps back, selected a black pair and returned, she told me to
sit at the make-up table. So I did. If nothing I was obedient.

Rather than dig into her mothers make-up she took her bag out, she had
put all the stuff she brought from her dorm in this room, there was no
sense leaving things in her cold bedroom. Not when we were going to be
staying in here. She fluffed up my hair. "We will have to do something
with this mop," she told me, I was watching in the mirror. This is where
we didn't quite match, she was brunette, and I was blond. I almost had
as much hair as she did though. I wasn't paying attention and didn't see
the scissors appear in her hand, I did notice when some of my bangs
floated down in front of my face on to the make-up table.

"Uhm Nicks?"

She giggled, "Yes Alex?"

"Are you uhm, cutting my hair?"



Soon I had bangs, not bangs that a male university student had either. I
wondered how this was going to work when the month was up. She pulled out
a curling iron and started working, soon my hair looked like hers,
framing my face, soft from the brushing and curly. "Don'tblink" I heard
as she attacked my eyes, soon mascara elongated my lashes, when she finished,
I blinked, and they fluttered in the mirror at me. She grinned. "Pretty

I didn't answer, she had a tube of soft pink lipstick in her hand and was
applying this to my lips. Pink. On my lips!I could see this in the
mirror. Soon she was back at my eyes with eye shadow, some pink
highlights softened my eyes, then blush, she was having great fun, my
hands had been swatted a few times when I raised them. "Make-up dolls
don't move" she told me sternly. “be still or I will tie you up.” Huh?

"Tada" I heard as she stepped back, I looked at the pretty blonde girl
staring back at me. We did really look alike, Nick’s and I, I hadn't seen that before.
She spritzed me with perfume.


"Oh relax, I want my slave smelling as pretty as she looks," she said.

Pretty? She was right, the girl staring back at me was one I would
defiantly put on my attack list. If I had one. That 'my slave comment

"I left your new shoes by the bed, maybe after you stoke this fire and
probably the one downstairs we could have breakfast?" hint hint. Get to

I looked at her in the mirror, I still hadn't gotten up. "Oh and is there
any special breakfast requests M'Lady has?" I asked.

"Cheese omelet? Bacon, toast, juice." She ticked the items off on her
hand, maybe some fruit?”

"Mmmm that sounds good Nicks, your wish is my command," I said smiling. I
was hungry and her menu requests sounded perfect.

She tapped her toes. "Well, let's get to it then." She then folded her
arms and tried to look stern but giggled. "You are such a good sport
Alex. I am having such fun. “

I smiled at her after I got up and gave her a hug. "I am glad Nicks, I
could see how much stress you were under last term, I was worried, so
were your Mom and Dad, they were very happy I agreed to spend the month
up here with you."

"Oh it was a plot was it?" she said, we were still hugging. "I am happy
you came too," she told me as we separated, I started walking away and
felt a smack on my bum.

"Hey?" I said, rubbing it.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist, your dress is so short I could see your cute
bum," she said with her mischievous smile. I was seeing a lot of that
smile it seemed. I liked it though. I liked any smile on her face. It was
true she had been under a lot of stress. It was good to see her
unwinding. I rubbed my tush as I walked away, hamming up how much it
hurt. She started to laugh. Then quietly… “Will you be my maid for the
entire month Alex?”

I looked at her. She was biting her lip again. There was a look in her eyes too,
Sort of pleading but more. I just quietly nodded, I didn’t trust my voice.

I tossed a couple of logs in the fire, the pile was getting lower, we
would have to get more wood soon. "Nicks is there more wood in the

"I don't know, we better check soon though," she said looking at the
dwindling pile of wood. "I know Dad has lots here, but it may be

"After breakfast I will check the basement then," I said as I made my way
out of the bedroom. I saw the pretty blonde French Maid in the mirror,
she was hot. Uhm, well she was, I was? The shoes Nicole had selected
for me were black pumps as well, but with an ankle strap this time and
the heel was a bit higher, I am sure she was trying to torture me. I felt if
I had asked her that, she would have just giggled.

Passing through the living room I stoked the big fire. The logs were
getting low here as well. I hoped we didn't have to go outside to get
wood right away, I knew before the month was up we would need to, we had
planned on going shopping in town the odd time too, the village had a grocery
store, not much else though. Mostly we wanted the solitude, but fresh
veggies and fruit would be nice after a week or so. Hmmm, how was I going
to go shopping with no clothes.

Omelets were easy, I grated some Monterey Jack cheese, more of the
mushrooms were thawed out and in the pan they went followed by some of
the eggs we had bought. The bacon was already sizzling away, I had
drizzled a bit of hot sauce over the bacon to add some zesty flavor.
There was a can of fruit cocktail in the pantry, so I opened that for
Nicks. There wasn't much bread but I saw a lot of flour, I guess I would
have to bake soon.

Nicole came into the kitchen with a smiling face. She liked to watch me
cook, she never wanted to learn how, she said if I was near she never
needed to. I guess that was true, one would think she would know how to
set a table though. "I can still see your panties," she teased.

"Well actually they are your panties," I told her without looking. The
eggs were just about finished, I had plated everything else.

"I can see my panties then, but they are covering your bum."

"Barely," I pointed out helpfully.

"Yup, barely," she giggled. “It is a cute bum though.”

"Nicks!" I said turning.

She was grinning too much to be annoyed with her. I handed her the plates
but she shook her head and walked into the dining room like a royal
princess. I followed with our breakfast. I had to make more trips for the
cutlery, fruit and juice. She didn't mind, as I left the room to get the
cutlery she whispered. "Panties," I wondered if she knew what that was
doing to me, I was blushing when I returned.

"Awwww, did I make you blush?" she teased.

I grinned and stuck my tongue out at her.

Nicole picked up her fork and dug in, we were both very hungry it seemed,
"This is awesome Alex," I was told between mouthfuls. You even found some

"The pantry is stocked pretty well, so is the freezer, the only thing we
may run out of soon is bread and fresh vegetables, and fruit."

She made a face.

"I saw bread flour though, so I will make some bread."

The smile returned. "You make awesome bread." Then she looked at me. "I
chose my maid well," she added grinning again.

I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

"Ok I need to clear up and then check on wood, I put the last logs in the
fireplace down here."

"Is there coffee?" she asked with her big eyes blinking.

"Of course there is coffee, what servant would make you breakfast and not
have coffee ready," I told her.

I brought her a cup between clearing the table. She sighed and looked out
the window at the snowy scene outside.

I took the last of the plates into the kitchen and heard her giggle and
go... "Panties" as I left the room. I tried to pretend that didn't get to

I quickly rinsed the dishes off and put them in the dishwasher, I was
careful not to get the black lace gloves wet, I was wondering why I was
still wearing them, they really made doing things very difficult.

Making my way down the basement stairs I realized how cool it was down
there. I wondered if they still had the wood stove in the family room, if
they did I could get a fire going there too, then we would have another
room to use. All the movies and the game consoles were in the family

I opened the storage room where I hoped wood would be stored, woohoo
there was lots, but we would still need to get more so it would have time
to allow the snow and ice to melt off it before we tried to burn it. I
checked the family room and sure enough the stove was still there, there
was even a pile of wood and kindling set up beside it. Quickly I had a
fire going in that room. As I crouched by the stove I couldn't help
seeing my black stockinged legs poking out from the short dress that was
all puffed out from the petticoat. My lacy hands caught my eyes too, she
really kept me dressed frilly. I was going to take the gloves off when I
got back upstairs. It was too difficult doing things carefully to avoid
getting them wet or dirty.

When the fire was burning well I took my first load of logs up the
stairs. There were going to be quite a few trips I thought, all in high
heels with my dress swooshing back and forth, the petticoat even
rustled. The stockings were tugging with each step, I had so many
reminders at how she had dressed me. The perfume I was wearing wasn't
doing much to conceal my ultra girlish appearance either.

I brought the first load of logs upstairs to our bedroom, I placed one
log in the fire, it was doing well but this would save a trip later. On
the way out of the room I saw Nicole had tossed her panties, bra and
pantyhose from yesterday off in the corner by the door. I wondered if she
was going to wash them today or wait, she didn't bring a huge bag of
clothes with her, more than I did though…..

As I went through the living room to get another load Nicole looked up,
she had been reading a novel by the fire. "Did you find firewood?"

"I did, quite a bit, we will still have to get more inside soon though so
it can melt off. Maybe tomorrow or later this afternoon we could check

She nodded and then grinned.

"Oh oh, why are you smiling, I know that grin."

"I was just picturing you shoveling snow and gathering firewood outside
dressed all pretty like that," she said, still grinning.

I had forgotten, going outside was going to be challenging, I did see
some bush jackets I may be able to put on, but no pants or shoes.. Or
boots. "We will still have to do it though, the wood won't last forever,
and I would like to see what is in the shed too."

"Oh you want to check out more of my clothes to wear?" she was teasing
again, I squirmed a bit though. “awww did that make you blush again?”

She jumped up. "Let's get the wood upstairs, I can't carry much but I
will help."

"Thanks Nicks," I told her. We went down for another load, it was more
fun doing things together. She saw the fire I had started in the family
room and squealed. "Oh great idea Alex I can thump you in Halo later," I
rolled my eyes, but she was pretty good so she may be right. It would be
fun to play though.

I opened the door to the wood room and went to the pile, as I bent down
to pick up a few logs I felt a strong swat on my behind. I jumped up, it
was a hard one. "Owww Nicks, what did you do that for?"

She had a look on her face. "Sorry Alex, I just couldn't resist, your bum
looks so cute in those panties, when you bent over your dress raised up
over them completely."

"Well I owe you one now then," I told her.

"What? Can't I spank my maid whenever I wish?" she asked playfully.

"I have to see my contract," I mumbled. "I don't remember seeing that
clause." She giggled.

We took our wood upstairs, I went first and half way up the stairs she
whispered "Panties."

"Stop doing that Nicks," I told her over my shoulder blushing again.

She was laughing. "But Alex it is just too much, my big cousin is
wandering around my house wearing my panties, I can't help it and
you just look so darling."

I was very aware of my panties, well her panties, as I continued up the
stairs, but when she said wandering around wearing “my panties”, it
twitched again, you know what it is too so don't play innocent. We went
to the living room and dumped off the wood. "Four of five more trips
should do it for today," I told her.

"Race ya," she said, quickly disappearing. Sure I was going to race her
in these heels. She beat me downstairs by quite a bit. When I got in the
wood room she was bent over picking up a log, I looked at her tight ass
bent over and couldn't resist. The smack filled the air. She stood
quickly and started to blush. I just nodded, grinning evilly.

"Oh it's on now missy," she told me. oh oh. But did this mean I could
smack her bum again? Hmmmm.

She went first up the stairs, I was following closely, my face was pretty
much even with her bum, which seemed to be wiggling a bit more than
normal as she climbed the stairs. "Your turn to watch my ass," she called
over her shoulder. So I did. Well she said it was my turn.

She stopped close to the top and peeked over her shoulder. "Like it?"

"What your ass?" I asked.

"Well you seemed to be staring at it," she shot back.

I wasn't going to lie to her, we had a pretty open relationship. "It is a
work of art Nicks," I told her. “besides, you told me to watch it.”

She giggled, and wiggled it for me, she even bent over a bit. "I
wonder if it is as cute as yours," she announced watching me blush and
then with a smile she shot up the stairs. I wonder if she knew how much I liked
looking at it.

On the next trip she scooted up first again, I followed happily, I would
get to stare at her bum once more as she climbed the steps. Suddenly she
stopped and I kept doing, my face mashed into her bum.

She giggled. I was sort of stuck on the step, teetering a bit with the high heels on
backing down holding a load of logs was a good way to tumble, so I waited
for her to continue, she of course didn't. I was stuck on the step with my face pressed
against her awesome ass.

She bent over a bit again, her jeans pulled tighter defining her cute
cheeks with clarity. But she was careful to make sure my face was still
brushing against it, she wiggled her bum slowly back and forth, my nose
hit her cheek then slipped in her crack then hit her other cheek. "Still
think it is a work of art?" she called back.

"Come on Nicks, stop playing around," I tried, mumbling into her bum. She
was a vixen. “but yes” I added.

"I should make you kiss it better, that smack really hurt." She used her
pouty voice.


"Nope, not until you kiss it better," she called back. Sliding it back and forth again.

I kissed her right cheek. I kissed slowly so she would be sure to notice.
Dressed in her clothes, well as her maid, kissing her bum was sending
very powerful feelings through me. Amazingly powerful. Overwhelming

"Very nice, but that was the wrong cheek," I heard. So I kissed the other

"Woo Hoo I made my cousin kiss my ass," she said laughing as she ran up
the rest of the stairs.

When I got in to the living room she was still grinning. "Hey you smacked
my ass too, I should make you kiss it better," I started. She came over,
stood beside me and suddenly I felt another smack, I was holding the logs
so my arms were full. I twisted but she smacked me again. "Oh this
cheek?" she said playfully and then ran back downstairs. Oh it was on I
thought putting down the wood and chasing after her.

I went to the wood room, opening the door ready to attack her, but she
wasn't there, just as I was about to turn I felt another smack on my
butt. My sneaky cousin had crept up behind me, before I could turn she
got me again. "Give up?" I was asked.

"Give up? Are you kidding?" I laughed an evil laugh and held the door for
her, "After you M'Lady."

She gave me a look and went through the door, her hands were covering her
tight cheeks as she past me. They did wiggle so delightfully.

She made a show of bending over to get some logs, at least she was a good
sport I though as I swatted her left cheek. "That all ya got?" she asked
grabbing a log and wiggling her bum at me. I nailed her other cheek, the
swat was much louder, she yelped.

"Nope," I told her with a grin. She took her logs in a hug and went up
the stairs, I grabbed one log and went after her, all the way up the
stairs and into the living room I swatted her ass. She was squealing and
wiggling her bum but didn't want to drop the logs. When we arrived at the
fireplace she was flushed, she put her logs down and rubbed her bum. Then
she saw I only had one log. "No Fair!" she squealed out, still red faced.

I grinned. "All is fair in love and war."

She got quiet and looked at me, her eyes danced a bit. "Is this love, or
war Alex?"

I stared into her eyes quietly. I put down my log and stood back up,
closer to her. She just smiled. "You really got me," she whispered. "I

"I didn't hit you too hard did I Nicks?" I asked concerned.

"Oh I think my cheeks are red, but it doesn't really hurt, it sort of
feels weird. No that's not the right word. Tingly, that's it."

She was still rubbing her bum watching me. Then that grin appeared. "But
I still maintain the right to spank my maid whenever I desire."

I curtsied, "Anything to please M'Lady," I told her.

"I told you about that anything stuff," she whispered, “maybe I should make
you kiss my ass again.” Still rubbing it.

“Did that make it feel better Nick’s?” I asked quietly.

“No, but I sort of liked making you do it.” She whispered back.

“Well a slave must do as instructed.” I told her, just as quietly.

“Really?” She answered or asked, my heart was pounding a bit so blood wasn’t
Where it should be for thinking.

“Yes M’Lady.”

She pressed on my shoulders forcing me to kneel. Turning I saw that beautiful
Tight ass before my face again. “kiss it… slave” She whispered.

I started softly kissing her cheek, then looked up at her, she was peeking over her shoulder,
“Don’t stop until I tell you.” I was commanded. So that is what we did for a few minutes…
which seemed like hours.

When I was allowed to stop… I felt very different, I knew she did too, a power exchange had

Then we went to get more wood. We were quite quiet as we went down. Her leading.

We both came back up the stairs with more wood and no hijinks. When we
dropped off the logs I said, "That should be enough for today Nicks, I
will take a load upstairs later."


"Yes Nicks?"

"I want you to do something but it may seem funny."

"I am listening."

"First I have some questions."

"Ok Nicks."

"When you spanked me, did you like it?"

I thought for a moment. "I sort of did, yes, but not because I was
hurting you. I don't want to hurt you Nicks."

"I know Alex, I love you too. But what did you like about spanking me?"

Just the way she asked made my heart pound. "I think because it was an
excuse to touch your bum Nicks," I told her honestly, "And when you
squirmed and squealed it just made it more, hmmm fun but that is not the
right word."

She smiled. "I spanked you for the same reason, and I liked it when you
squirmed too."



"I liked being spanked too," she whispered.

I grinned. "Well I can spank you when ever you want this month Nicks."

"I am serious Alex, that's what I want."

"You do?" I whispered this time.

She nodded. "I want you to spank me right now," she was beet red and
looking down. "Over your knee," she added in a whisper.

"Ok Nicks, if this is what you want. Hard?"

"Pretty hard, and don't stop If I squirm and squeal."

"How many swats should I give you then?"

"One hundred," she whispered.

"But Alex, before you start."


"Did you like being spanked too?"

I nodded slowly without saying anything.

She smiled. "Good then that means I can spank my maid whenever I wish,

I nodded again.

"And you will just stand still and let me?"

I nodded one more time.


"Yes?" I whispered.

"You can feel my bum whenever you want too, or spank me." She grinned

"Do you still want to be spanked now?"

She nodded quietly and tugged me by my hand over to the couch, I sat in
the middle and she got on the couch, kneeling beside me. "One hundred

I nodded and she bent over my lap. I looked down at her perfect ass which
was raised up so deliciously. So I started to feel it, slowly sliding my lace covered
hand over the gentle curves. She wiggled a bit and I heard a soft moan.

The first swat was very loud, the only sounds in the room were the
crackles of the fire, the smacks on her ass and her squeals. I became
very hard as she wiggled and squirmed on my lap with each smack. She
cried 'enough enough' a couple of times, but she had made me promise one

So that is what she got. With each smack I left my hand to rest on her
bum for a moment, feeling her wiggling. After about thirty I noticed she
was breathing differently and there was a new smell in the room. Her feet
kept kicking back , her little pantyhose clad feet wiggling above her bum
trying to keep me from smacking her ass, but I would smack it anyway. She
moaned on the last smack I gave her, not a squeal. So I asked. "You ok Nicks?"

"Just keep going. Don't stop," she rasped, almost a gasp.

I smacked her again, and again, each time my hand rested, sometimes now I
rubbed a bit, she said I could feel her ass whenever I wanted. So I did.
The smell was becoming much stronger in the room, musky, it was
stimulating, I looked at the fire, wondering if we were burning something
we shouldn't. I suspected the smell was something else though, and I
smiled. I love my cousin, if this was going to make her happy, or get her
off, well then that is what I was going to do. I smacked again. A bit
harder, she groaned and thrashed. I slid my finger through the crack between
her cheeks slowly, she arched her back.

We were up to seventy now, I was spanking faster, crisper. She was
wiggling almost non stop, then suddenly she really squirmed on my lap,
she really thrashed and moaned loudly. I hit her again and then rubbed
her bum. We hit eighty and she spasmed again. The smell was really strong
now. Ninety. She raised her bum high in the air, arching her back, I took
both hands and started swatting both of her cheeks as fast as I could for
the last ten. She pressed into me, hard, mashing against my lap and then
arched her back once more. I heard moans continue for a while. I held her.

She got up on her knees, she was very flushed, she looked at my lap and
blushed deeply, I looked… my lap was wet where she had been laying,
well grinding, very wet, puddled, I looked between her legs, there was a very dark patch on
her jeans that was glistening. She bit her lip and looked at me. Her scent was filling the room

"Awww Nicks." I just took her in my arms and hugged her.

"Thank you Alex," she whispered, then her finger trailed through the wet
puddle on my stockings. Her finger glistened.

"And what is that?" I pretended ignorance, teasing. She grinned and took her
finger and slid it over my nose. Then across my lips. I opened my mouth
ready to speak and she popped that glistening finger in. I tasted my
cousin. She wiggled her finger in my mouth while I sucked on it, she was
watching very carefully. Quietly she took her finger out of my mouth and slid it
through the puddle on my leg again, scooping some up… she bit her lip. Then the
finger went back in my mouth. I tasted my cousin again, much more this time.
She left her finger in my mouth much longer than needed. Watching.

"I have to change," she whispered and then shot upstairs. I took my
finger and swirled it in that wet patch again, and tasted her once more.
I slowly got up, it was hard to walk I was as stiff as a tree. I went
into the kitchen and cleaned off that patch.

A little while later she was back downstairs, fresh jeans, and beige
pantyhose were covering her feet, the black pantyhose she was wearing and
I guessed her panties, must still be upstairs. I wondered if she had just
piled them with her other laundry.

I smiled at her. She smiled back. "You are the best," she whispered.

"Are your cheeks red?" I asked.

She nodded. "Want to see?" she asked playfully.

I nodded.

She turned and unfastened her tight jeans, tugged them down, exposing her
beautiful bum, through her beige pantyhose I could see her pink panties,
and her very red behind. She looked over her shoulder. "It really
tingles," she told me.

"It is very cute too," I told her.

"Is there anything else I can do for M'Lady?" I asked.

"Well I have some laundry that needs washing," she said sheepishly.

"You want me to do it?" I asked sort of surprised.

"You are my maid after all," she said nodding, she was serious too,
"Besides, it is your fault they need washing," And then she grinned.

I wished my permission to touch her bum extended to the other side right
now, I thought I could make this pair of jeans wet quite quickly.

She looked at me, knowing where I was looking. "No wet spots there now
Alex." I looked up at her, caught.

"Well if I have to do your laundry I best get at it, you are soon going
to run out of clothes," I winked at her as she blushed and started upstairs,
I was rewarded with a big smack on my behind.

"Hey!" I called out.

"Sorry, remember, I can spank my maid whenever I wish."

I went up to get her laundry. On the way I called out to her. "Nicks do
you know if your mom keeps the laundry detergent in the laundry room?" I
was concerned it could be frozen.

"You aren't going to use the washing machine are you Alex?"

"Well that was my plan," I admitted.

"Oh Alex, just do a hand wash, if we use the machine each day for one or
two items we will just wear them out."

"You want me to wash your clothes by hand?" I had stopped and looked

She nodded. "Yes please."

Sure enough she had just tossed her clothes in the pile with the other
ones. I picked everything up and headed back downstairs, the aroma was
heady. I could see her jeans were wet, they were on the top of the pile.
I went into the kitchen and placed everything on the counter. Filling the
sink and using some gentle dish soap I made the water sudsy. I took the
jeans and was about to sniff them when she came into the kitchen, She
was watching me as I held her jeans. I thought… what the heck and slowly
raised them to my nose and sniffed.

I just smiled at her and plopped them in the water. I left the two pairs of panties
and the two pairs of pantyhose on the counter while I swished the jeans around
in the sudsy water. She watched quietly.

Then she came over and stood beside me, she had her hands on my shoulder
and was leaning against me. It was embarrassing washing her laundry by
hand, but we both knew why they were so wet and the smell was very
strong. I liked it though and wished she would go back in the living room
before I washed her panties.

She picked them up, the wet ones. She was not even blushing. I squeezed out
her jeans wringing the water out of them as best I could and put them in the other
sink to drain before I rinsed them. I held out my hand, she took the pantyhose and
gave them to me, keeping the panties in her hand. The wet pair.

I rinsed her hose out, I decided to speak.

"How many times Nicks."

She knew what I was asking.

She looked up at me. "Four," she whispered. I took the other pair of
of panties. The dry pair. They were like the ones I was wearing, like the
pink ones she had on now, but they were blue though, like the ones in her

When I finished washing her panties and placing them with her other wet clothes
I looked at her, then down at the wet panties in her hand. "When I poked my finger
in your mouth, I felt you lick it," she whispered.

I nodded quietly. It was true.

"I wanted you to taste me," she said, looking at me.

"I did," I told her, we were speaking quietly.

She raised her panties. I watched as they came closer to my face. The smell was making my
Well you know.. twitch. I looked in her soft eyes as she gently pressed them to my nose, I
Inhaled my cousin. When she removed them, I knew my nose was a bit wet, my lips were too.
I licked them. She blushed. I took the panties and gently washed them, she leaned against me.

I rinsed everything out and put it on towels.

"I like having a maid," she whispered. Still leaning against me.

"We should eat lunch and then peek outside, I wonder how much snow we
received?" I asked her.

"Do I get to request lunch as well?"

"Of course, your wish is my command," I told her

"I am loving this vacation," she said. "Thank you for before Alex."


"Yes silly, for spanking me." She grinned. “And.. well you know.”

I smiled back I was about to say it was my pleasure, but it seemed to be
more her pleasure... Though I had enjoyed it immensely. "Pizza?"

"You are going to order out?"

"No, I saw a few frozen pizzas, we could heat one up."

She gave me a high five, she loved pizza.

We ate lunch in the living room, by the fire, sitting beside each other
on the couch. As usual when we got together, we were pressed tightly
against each other. She slid her fingers over my legs once, "Your legs
are pretty Alex."

"Well I guess you are going to see a lot of them this month."

"The pantyhose and stockings are warmer than just jeans though aren't

I nodded. "I am surprised Nicks, when you said they would be warmer, I
didn't believe you, but they really are."

"Wait until you go outside like that." She grinned.

"Still warm then?"

"Nope," she said with a smirk.

As we walked into the kitchen I rubbed her bum.

"Careful or I may have another accident," she whispered.

"It's ok, you can have your maid clean up," I told her joking.

"Will my maid clean up everything?" she said over her shoulder before
scooting out to get her coat.

I thought about that 'everything' part. I so wanted to do that…

I got the bush jacket I saw, it seemed to fit not too bad, it was huge
but it was going to help. I was worried about walking outside in the high
heels though. Nicole hadn't offered any other type of shoe. I wondered if
there were a pair of her mothers boots around. I think my evil cousin
liked having me stumble around in the heels.

We opened the back door, it was more sheltered there, it was not quite as
cold as yesterday though, but it was still well below freezing. I stepped
out onto the deck. The cold air felt very odd on my legs. Nicole took my
hand for balance. "Don't slip in those heels," she warned.

"Nicole, doesnt' your mom have a pair of boots here?" I asked her.

"Boots don't go with your outfit," she said pulling me out more on the
deck. So the little vixen did want to keep me in heels.

The cool air felt strange on my stocking clad legs, they became cooler
all over, instantly, but the stockings still tugged and squeezed, it also
felt odd being outside where people could see me. There was no one around
for miles, but still, the feeling was strong.

We only took a few steps before the snow was too deep to continue. Nicole
pointed to the wood pile, it wasn't too far from the house but we were
going to have to shovel a path. I noticed there were shovels standing
against the house. Before I got too cold I felt I may as well start. My
lace covered hand reached out for the handle of the shovel, Nicks was
just watching with a grin on her face. I was careful not to fall, my
heels were digging into the snow but the shoe offered zero traction and
moving was very hard. I took very tiny steps.

Of course when you shovel you bend over, just as I did, Nick's being the
playful cousin she was, shot a perfectly aimed snowball which hit my ass
dead center, right where my panties stopped covering my cheeks. I turned
and she was laughing so hard. "Gotcha" she called out.

I made a face at her and dug the shovel in a bit more, she was a sport
and brought another shovel over to help. It was just so odd shoveling
snow in high heels, stockings and a maids dress beside my cousin. She
would stop often to watch me with a sly look. I finally asked, "Ok, what
is that look for?"

"You are just so cute shoveling snow like that, but you are going to get
the dress wet. I am wondering if you should take it off."

"You want me to stand out her in your underwear shoveling snow?" I asked
“um-hum” She was grinning. "That dress is the only thing you have to wear,
until we find something else so I don’t want it wet, unless of course you want
to try Bo Peep." She said smiling.

I knew I would be wearing that costume soon too, there was little choice
until we made it to the shed. At this rate, getting to the shed was going
to take days. We decided to go in and warm up, maybe a cup of hot
chocolate, the air was warming and later in the afternoon it may almost
be nice out, but I was not dressed for shoveling as Nicole pointed out.

When we got back in the house I started to take off the lace gloves. "Hey
what are you doing missy?"

When she called me missy it made my tummy flip. "Taking off these gloves,
I don't want to ruin them, it is hard to work and be careful of these
delicate gloves Nicks."

"No way, the gloves are reminding you to be careful, If you take them
off, soon you will be slopping things on my dress. Keep them on please."

She looked stern. I left the lace gloves on my hands. It was funny I
could almost ignore the dress and stockings, even the pantyhose, if I
didn't move, but I always saw the delicate lace gloves on my hands and
they made me feel more girly than everything else. Until I moved, then
everything sent powerful feelings through me. Much more so when Nicole
was watching me without talking.

I made us hot chocolate. We drank it by the fire. There was only one
chair close to the fire, she was sitting in it, so I knelt beside her
chair and leaned against her legs. I looked down at her feet, "Nicks your
shoes are soaked."

She looked down. "I wish I had some boots, I think Mom must have packed
them away in the shed too."

I untied her sneakers and tugged them off her feet. After I put them
closer to the fire to dry out I took one of her feet into my hands.
Through the nylon I could feel her foot was freezing, and wet. I rubbed
both of them briskly to warm them up. She sighed. "That feels so nice."
She actually patted the top of my head. "Can I expect foot rubs all

I tilted my head up as my hands slid over her soft nylon covered sole and then
up her leg as far as her tight jeans allowed. "Of course M'Lady," I told her.
"Your feet are still freezing though."

She slipped the foot I wasn't rubbing between my thighs and wiggled it
in. "It is nice and warm in there," she said happily and continued
wiggling her foot slowly, caressing my thighs. "I love the feeling
rubbing my feet over your legs," she said. "They are so slippery with the

I don't know if she knew what she was doing to me. The sensations she was
creating me with as her foot slid and wiggled between my legs. was so
powerful. She was right with her foot encased in nylon and my legs the
same way, the contact was slippery and electric at the same time.

"Uhm Nicks?"

"Yes Alex?"

"Remember that accident you had a little while ago?"

She was quiet for a bit, I sensed she was blushing. "Yes," she whispered.

"Well if you keep rubbing your foot like that, I am going to have one
too," I told her.

She giggled. "Oh really?" And she started moving her foot up and down
very slowly, her sole was rubbing my thigh, she pulled her other foot
from my hands and it went on my legs as well, she started moving both
feet slowly, up and down. "You mean rubbing like this?"

I stayed rigid for a moment, then took both of her feet in my hands
gently and twisted so I was kneeling, facing her. She was grinning her
evil grin. I rested my chin on her knees and looked at her. "You are
bad," I said.

She just grinned more. I still had her feet in my hands, I loved the
feeling of her cold feet and the slippery nylon. "Are you going to let my
feet go?" she asked me. "Or do you like feeling them?"

I blushed. I couldn't help it.

"Oh, Alex has a foot fetish does he?" she teased. "I bet you will
willingly rub my feet anytime I ask, won't you?"

"I already said your wish was my command."

"I command you to answer then, do you have a foot fetish?"

I nodded. She smiled. "You may kiss my feet then."

My cock jumped.

"Right now please. Both feet, a nice French kiss too."

I looked at her, she was being playful but she was expecting me to do it.
I bent down and kissed the top of her foot.

"Oh no Alex, lift my foot and kiss the bottom. Once on the sole and then
once between my toes."

Her feet were just so darned cute, there was no way I was not going to do
this. I lifted one foot, softly kissed her sole, my tongue tasted it.
Then I kissed at the base of her toes, they curled under my nose as my
tongue danced out again. She watched, I was in no hurry to remove her

"Now the other one," she whispered.

I followed her directions, two more soft kisses. "I am going to have such
fun with my foot slave I think," she told me when I was just kneeling there holding
both of her feet.

"Do you like feet better with socks on, pantyhose or bare?"

It didn't seem odd talking to her about this, as I said, we were always
very open, it was like asking how you liked your eggs cooked.

"I love the feel of your feet when you are wearing pantyhose," I told
her. "I also love the way they look when you are wearing stockings."

"Not bare?" she asked.

"That is my second choice, if I get choices," I told her.

"Kiss them again Alex."

I did.

"You will kiss my feet whenever I ask?"

I nodded.

"Rub them whenever I ask?"

I nodded again.

"What if I ask you to lick them, or suck on my toes?"

"You are teasing me Nicks."

"Answer Alex."

"Then I would lick your feet Nicks, or suck on your toes," I whispered.

"Would you like to do that?"

I looked at her, she smiled and I nodded again.

"A while ago I told you that you could spank me whenever you wanted, or
you could feel my bum whenever you wanted and I would hold still."

I listened.

"Alex, you can't touch my feet, kiss, lick or suck them, unless I tell
you to, ok?"

"I can't touch your feet?"

"Well, ok you can rub them if you want, I love that. But you can't sniff,
kiss or lick unless I tell you to. You can't even ask."

"Why Nicks?"

"Because I like having that control over you," she said with a grin. "Oh
don't get me wrong, you are going to sniff my feet, kiss them, lick them
and suck on my toes, but only when I tell you to."

"I said your wish was my command," I told her.

"And I keep saying, be careful with that offer."

I smiled at her.
“Alex, you said you would kiss or lick or rub them whenever I asked.”

I said “Yes Nick’s”

“Even after our month is over then, even if there are other people with us.” She
Said. Before I could digest that…

"Ready to shovel more?" she asked.

"Oh the taskmaster aren't you," I answered.

"That's right missy, get to work slave," she said laughing.

She was right I had warmed up. She apparently though, was not going to

"Take my dress off first Alex so you don't ruin it please, the petticoat too."

So I was to shovel wearing just her underwear. A camisole over the
bustier which was holding up the black stockings and of course her
pantyhose and lacy panties, which were going to show completely again when I
took the dress off. I wanted to though, to be forced to shovel snow, in
the cold outside, dressed only in her lacy underwear. At least the cold
may keep things from becoming too stiff... but I strongly doubted that.

I stood up and she quickly did as well, she unzipped my, her, dress so I
could step out of it. She gave my bum a swat, "Off to work," she told me after
I tugged off the petticoat, she instructed I leave the lacy panties on for some reason.

"Yes M'Lady," I said to her. "Nicks, can I take these lace gloves off? I
don't want to ruin them."

"Nope," she said with a grin. “They stay on all the time.”

She watched me from the window in the kitchen, shoveling snow, just in
her underwear, she had even taken the bush jacket away. "You don't want
this, it is all wet, I will put it by the fire."

"I will freeze," I told her.

"Not if you keep moving," she had told me. So I was shoveling in her just
her underwear. Oh and the high heels of course. Have you shoveled snow in
high heels? It is not as easy as you may think. I fell into the snow once
or twice, each time I would be covered in fluffy snow, it was cold, when
I looked back at the house, Nicole would point to the path as if I should
get back to work.

Finally I heard her call out, "Ok come in and warm up by the fire Alex,"
I came in right away, I was cold, she told me to curl up on the big rug
in front of the fire. I felt like her pet cat curled up on the soft rug
while she sat in the chair. It was nice and warm though. Suddenly one of
her feet slid in front of my face. I could smell the nylon mixing with
her foot odor. I had closed my eyes and was resting, when she slid it in.
Her toes brushed over my lips. I reached up to take it. She pulled it
away. "No touching," she told me as she moved it closer again. Her toes
covered my nose gently, then that was it, I was being teased, I could
smell, maybe kiss as her foot was brushing against my lips too, but I
couldn't do anything, she was in control. She would move her toes slowly
across my lips and then back over my nose again. The entire time I lay
there, resting and warming up, she teased me with her pretty foot. I had
a raging hard on.

Unfortunately, wearing just her panties, that soon became obvious. "Oh
you really do like feet don't you?" she said looking at my erection.

"Not all feet Nicks, mostly just yours to be honest," I said as her toes
rubbed over my lips, my tongue touched them a few times while I spoke.

She seemed to like that answer. Her foot circled my face, over my cheek
and back to my nose. "Are you warm enough to shovel again?" she asked.

I was, I didn't want to move though, I was in heaven lying there being
teased by her. She pulled her foot away, "Best get back at it then."

I sighed and went back outside, it was a bit warmer now, and the wind had
stopped blowing. In the sun and as long as I was working hard, I wasn't
getting cold. I shoveled a good deal of the path this time, before I was
allowed back in.

Allowed back in. I think she even locked the door when I was out. It was
an interesting game she was playing. We both liked games though, this
time they were just going in a different direction it seemed.

I decided to turn it up a notch, as I passed her going in, I asked. "Uhm

"Yes Alex?"

"When you said I could spank you whenever wished.?"

"Yes, I meant that. You want to spank me now?" I saw her look change a
bit, oh she wanted to be spanked, hmmm.

"No, well maybe, I mean I was wondering if that meant I could pull your
pants down before I spanked you."

She gasped. "Alex!"

I grinned. "Well?"

She was blushing, I could see she was thinking too, she squirmed a bit as
well, then she nodded.

I grinned. "Oh good then." And I continued in to the living room, leaving
her wondering.

I settled back on the rug, she had made me a hot chocolate. I was amazed.
"You did such a good job shoveling this time, I thought you needed a
reward," she told me smiling.

I put the large mug on the floor to let it cool a bit, she quietly dipped
a stocking clad toe in my hot chocolate and looked expectantly at me.

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